A91) I don't see what that has to do with advancedpsp
2) No offense to Magixien who is a nice guy, but I think it's too late for 6.20 Gen. GenYUs could be working on something huge and I might be wrong, but to me 6.20 Gen is going to be basically nothing more that 5.00 M33 + Prometheus. People read "6.20" and they think they will be getting a full 6.20 hack, while all it means is that a 6.20 CFW will be available for the owners of hackable PSPs.
Which is cool, don't get me wrong. But probably not what people are expecting now.
红字醒目,简而言之就是,任何超过503系统的PSP可以洗洗睡了,不会有任何620的自制系统 意思就是5.xx+普罗米修斯模块可以搞定一切所以没人会蛋疼去搞6.20cfw吗? (笑) + Prometheus成了最强附加属性. 5.50GEND3中 蛋定观望~~ 5.03+Pro.