WORLD 发表于 2010-11-24 12:39:35


11月23日wololo博客更新——Hen兼容98%自制程序,iso加载不远3 相信经过两周的等待,大家一定很焦急了,刚好wololo博客这时更新了关于Hen的消息,这里给大家分享下。

TN Hen: almost thereTotal_Noob told me a few days ago that the Hen was very close to completion, and he confirmed that in a post on the german site He announced that his Hen now has 98% homebrew compatibility, a VSH menu (probably similar to what we have on the m33 and Gen CFW), and a “NanGuard” feature, which will prevent people from stupidly writing stuff to the flash. source (thanks to Ah-Chai and Mark for the tip!)TN Hen:几乎完成了Total_Noob几天前告诉我Hen离完成已经很近了,他也在德国网站pspking.de的一篇贴子里证实了这一点。他宣布他的Hen目前兼容98%的自制程序、一个VSH菜单(很可能与我们在m33和Gen CFW上的Hen差不多)和一项“NanGuard”功能,可以防止大家愚蠢地将数据写入flash。来自PSPKing.de网站(谢谢Ah-Chai和Mark提供内幕!)

Last time I spoke to Total_Noob, there were still a few thing to finalize and a few bugs to fix, such as unlocking the 32MB of extended memory on models that support it.Note that although Total_Noob announced that his Hen will not have ISO support, several teams are already actively working on game Loaders (such as Open Idea Iso Loader by dridri, which supposedly loads ISO/CSO and PSX games). Such loaders will probably be made compatible with firmwares 6.xx with little effort, and I am more and more confident that it will be a matter of days after the release of the Hen before things such as iso loading or plugin support are made available.

上次我跟Total_Noob聊过,仍有一些东西要完成,需要修复一些bug,比如在支持的模块上解开32MB的扩展记忆容量。大家注意,尽管Total_Noob宣布他的Hen不会支持ISO,可是一些团队已经在积极开发游戏加载器了(例如dridri的Open Idea Iso Loader,据推测将支持ISO/CSO和PSX游戏)。这些加载器将会很容易的与6.xx版本固件同步,而且我越来越肯定,在Hen公布后要不了多少天iso加载和插件支持就会实现。

A Hen (Homebrew ENabler) is a tool that allows to run unsigned software (homebrews) on a PSP directly from the XMB. By default a HEn only allows homebrew loading (even though Total_Noob pushed the limits a bit further by adding features such as a VSH menu) and is not very different in its goals from a tool such as HBL. But unlike HBL, it relies on a Kernel exploit, which basically gives access to all the features of the PSP. It allows users to get full control of their psp, for better or for worse.

[ 本帖最后由 星夜探索者 于 2010-11-24 08:34 编辑 ]

白虎星降 发表于 2010-11-24 14:14:02


pokect 发表于 2010-11-24 14:53:03


liangwj 发表于 2010-11-25 16:19:50


绿の彗星 发表于 2010-11-25 16:40:24


雪米 发表于 2010-11-25 23:03:53


koala_22 发表于 2010-11-26 16:59:09

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查看完整版本: 转多玩:11月23日wololo博客更新——Hen兼容98%自制程序,iso加载不远