6.20 TN-E_Fix修正版 / Homebrew Enabler (HEN) 发布
本帖最后由 月神侠 于 2011-4-19 12:28 编辑6.20TN-E_Fix修正版更新内容:
- 修正游戏/PS游戏(game/pops)的插件载入的固定的错误问题。
- 修正了一个缓冲区溢出,设置选项应该不再崩溃。
- 修正了一个错误,只允许设置18个项目。
Total_Noob's 6.20 TN-E — the PSP homebrew enabler (or HEN). Activate homebrew, ISOs, plugins, PSX emulation (POPs)... everything!
1:Added 'TN Settings' option to the XMB where you can adjust your configurations and plugins (based on Bubbletune's Game Categories).
在XMB加入TN Settings选项,可以调整一些设置和插件:
2:Added OSK Character Limit Increase (the Internet Browser OSK only supports 512 characters. This patch allows you to use 1518 characters).
3:Added password control at startup (change password in 'Security Settings').
增加启动密码选项(可以在Security Settings中修改)
4:Added sceUmdMan_driver patch (umd4hombrew is not necessary anymore).
5:Added ability to access flash0, flash1, flash2, flash3 and UMD Disc via USB.
添加usbdevice,可以通过usb连接lash0, flash1, flash2, flash3和UMD
6:Added PSX multi-disc support.
7:Added possibility to hide hen eboot in the game menu.
在游戏菜单中可以隐藏hen boot(应该是隐藏tn的eboot)
8:Added version.txt display.
9:Added more functions to kubridge library.
在kubridge library中添加更多函数/功能?(不懂)
10:Cloned more NIDs that Sony removed in 6.20.
11:Fixed bug that didn't show 'Memory Card Utility' in pops.
修复Memory Card Utility不显示的bug
12:Fixed syscall execution in kernel mode (thanks to neur0n).
13:Redesigned NID Resolver.
重新设计NID Resolver。(应该也是增强自制兼容性吧)
14:Updated NID Table.
更新NID Table(不懂)
15:Improved plugins compatiblity: PSPConsole, Macro Fire, Custom Firmware Extender, Brightpad, Battery Warning Plugin and many more!
增强插件兼容性。等等一些插件可用了。。 MHP3能直接运行么 你在说笑吗? 那就继续无视掉
说起来我MPH3的正版还没开封呢 和当初的hen一样,用来玩gba和运行自制程序的
不过么,既然这样了iso就不远了 http://bbs.a9vg.com/thread-1652830-1-1.html
5.03用的hen...没测试过...机子在公司 该来的终于来了...静心的等待吧~~~ 不过还是一样不能关机 之前不是说6.31一起放出吗??怎么 怎么现在6.31没消息了啊???不会真的得等6.35吧 那又要等到何年何月何日啊!!!!!!!!!!!!只恨绵绵无绝期啊!!!!!!!!!! PSPgo是可以关机的哦
That was faster than expected! pspgen.com released the new version of Total_Noob’s Hen forOFW 6.20. The main new feature is a bug fix for PSP3000 owners, this version should now work on all PSPs with a firmware 6.20 (no, this doesn’t work on 6.35 yet).
Another new feature is the possibility to downgrade your PSP. I want to insist on the fact that downgrading is a dangerous procedure. There is a huge risk of brick on newer PSP models, and I personally don’t see the point in downgrading a 6.20 PSP. You have been warned.
Total_Noob also added some major bug fixes, which should greatly improve homebrews and plugin compatibility. One of the fixes is courtesy of Hackman.
Total Noob 也修复了其他的一些bug,这将会大大提升自制软件与插件的兼容性。其中之一便是Hackman. (END)
(Changelog 6.20 TN-B)
- Fixed homebrew execution crash on some PSPs (thanks to HacKmaN for debugging)
- Added 4g model support
- Resolved some important NIDs
- Added FAKE INDEX.DAT to TN VSH Menu.
- Dump whatever FW with psardumper.
- Copy /F0/vsh/etc/version.txt to /seplugins/version.txt.
- Enable the option and restart VSH, now your PSP version is faked.
-> To downgrade just dump a lower FW. 拔卡党还悲剧吗?一会刷个试试 为什么我破解不了? 有问题想请教一下, 我的系统是5.50 Prometheus. 想升级, 但是我的patapon2试玩进入不了. 尝试进入的时候会显示 游戏无法运行 80010013. 到底是什么回事呢? 有人能帮忙解答么? 如果为了玩游戏,那就别升级了
此外看清楚是620tab 6.20 TN-C 已签名!
测试完毕~快,狠,准! 签名够给力,直接把占空间的东西都淘汰走了 D了~~D了~~ 终于来了吗???终于可以PS1 游戏了???!!!