Nintendo's Game Boy Advance SP celebrates its one-year anniversary by becoming the fastest-selling video game system in history.
As the Game Boy Advance SP celebrates its one-year anniversary, Nintendo has announced that the handheld is the fastest-selling video game system ever. In North America alone, the GBA SP has sold more than 6.5 million units in its first year and has made the Game Boy Advance line the most successful in the Game Boy series' 14-year and 160 million-unit history.
'By moving from the base Game Boy Advance model to the SP, Nintendo took portable gaming from the realm of a common Volkswagen to a baby Benz,' said Michael Pachter, director of research for Wedbush Morgan Securities in Los Angeles. 'It elevated the nature of portable gaming and gave a tremendous boost to the video game industry overall.'
By Justin Calvert, GameSpot
总体来讲就是说GBASP一年卖了6,500,000台(寒= =世上一年内最快。。。)本人不是很相信。。。比XBOX/GC/PS2都快。。 理所当然的.掌机的特质使然.
任天堂的掌机都是卖得很快的 是单单美国就卖了六百五十万台。其他地区如欧洲和亚洲还没算在内。 厉害... 呵呵~~
一场大战~就要来临啦~ 掌机便宜就使得更多的人能接触它。销量自然不能比。
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