渣古 发表于 2011-3-15 06:57:39



Meet the spider with a human face
A rare spider with a human face – known as a lichen crab spider – has been spotted at a nature reserve in Wareham, Dorset.
一種罕見的蜘蛛帶著人類面孔 - 被稱為地衣蟹蜘蛛 -已被發現在賽特韋勒姆的一個自然保護區。
Ted Thornhill -
23rd February, 2011
Translation by Autumnson Blog

Face it, this lichen crab spider is pretty scary looking (Picture: bnps.co.uk)

Since 1890 only 41 one of them have ever been seen in Britain – and it’s not surprising, because they’re only the size of a 20p piece and blend into lichen on tree trunks, hence their name.
自1890年,牠們只有41隻曾在英國看到 - 和並不奇怪,因為牠們只有一塊20便士大小,和融入樹幹上的地衣,由此得到牠們的名字。
Wareham RSPB nature reserve worker Mark Singleton said: ‘This is the first one that has been found in Dorset in 35 years.
'It is something of a rarity. If this were a bird, the queues would be stretching round the car park. But it's not, it's a spider with a slightly amusing abdomen.
‘We found it in the electricity box a few feet from our work centre and got quite excited when we realised what it was.'

With its scary-looking face the spider – Latin name Philodromus margaritatus - looks like something from a B-movie, but it is in fact harmless to humans.

The spider can move at quite high speeds and uses its running power to chase its main food source - ants.

Needless to say, the little critter has caused a huge stir on the web.


030718 发表于 2011-3-15 07:25:15


刺穿的死棘之枪 发表于 2011-3-15 17:25:59

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