Top astronomers warn the world could end within 90 yearsTwo leading astronomers will put forward their stark predictions for mankind at the finale of the Edinburgh International Science Festival.
19 April 2011 10:28 GMT
Translation by Autumnson Blog
The end of the world is nigh. That's what top astronomers will claim during a debate to end the 2011 Edinburgh International Science Festival.
Lord Martin Rees, the Astronomer Royal, believes civilisation has only a 50 per cent chance of surviving to 2100 without suffering a man-made catastrophe.
And the Astronomer Royal for Scotland, Professor John Brown, has an equally bleak outlook, fearing a random event from outer space is the most likely cause of our demise.
They will take to the stage to put forward their stark predictions in the discussion "Fire in the Sky: Cosmic Threats to Earth".
Despite having widely differing views, these two titans of astronomy between them offer global warming, over-population, terrorism, an asteroid falling to earth and a solar blast as potential reasons to panic.
Prof Brown told the Scotsman: "The threats Lord Rees and myself will be talking about are dangerous in different ways.
"Asteroids fall to earth on average 10-100 million years apart. It's been 65 million years since the last one, so one could happen next week to 60 million years from now.
"The probability in our lifetime is very small, making it low risk, high consequence.
"There's more risk of a solar blast than an giant asteroid falling, but it would not have such high consequences."
Lord Rees said: "We can't rule out by mid-century a global political realignment heading to a stand-off between new superpowers, that could be handled less well or less luckily than the Cuban missile crisis was.
"Moreover, al-Qaeda-style terrorists might some day acquire a nuclear weapon.
"If they did, they would willingly detonate it in a city, killing tens of thousands of along with themselves, and millions would acclaim them as heroes."
http://autumnson-nwo.blogspot.com/#bn-forum-1-1-3202415878/7773/815950/show 这就是我所期的变革之力的真面目了么...殘念啊... 没事,90年我早挂了 喂...你要看清楚...90年和90年內是兩个概念... 没事,贝贝你有钦定版某书还害怕这个。
宇宙的真理不都在你手上么 老实说,在手上就是在手上,可是还沒完全參透呢。 那你还不快去参透一下,在这里打酱油怎么行 少管....exe 这是在告诉我们。。要在未来的90年内多多找妹子么? 他们想得太多了 不想死。。。。 不就是个小行星么 推回去就可以了 楼上难道就是那个著名的超能力者么?
请快发功吧“啊哒~” まどか教
لا إله إلا مادوكا، هومورأ رسول مادوكا.
Madoka died for our sins. Our messenger is Homura. I accept Homura as our leader and our Saviour.
清浄光明 大力智慧 無上至真 摩度光仏(まどか教マニ派)
以上。。。 没事,天人会战出来拯救世界.事实上他们现在正在计划他们的首次登场---武力介入利比亚内战. 虽然我是个魔术师,但其实… Madoka died for our sins. Our messenger is Homura. I accept Homura as our leader and our Saviour.
萌主捏完6DS就開始捏馬猴燒酒啊-_- 不是明年就结束了么? 如果可以我还真相亲眼见见世界末日..... 想亲眼见见+1