打算先买一盒预组在单收实用卡,求推荐容易上手的系列 (PS:if u are beginner,u must buy stander that make u easier,I just saw some hkpm group guard teached them the latest or most famous stander,like k-on... 有路由里,我妹,管家 新弓单都蛮强力的--太久以前的暂时放弃吧,也不一定有货 迷茫管家不错的,摇曳百合还可以,俺妹预组一般吧,不过容易上手,推荐4月27日出的嘉年华 PM。。。打的是爱啊。。找你喜欢的系列。。没有的话。。。。看哪个妹子好看。选那个。。PM是个卡组都能打。要强度的话混系列了。。。纯系列打的都是爱。。。。 想单靠预组来玩的话目测就只有俺妹和百合了,这两个的预组是比较好打的 小萝莉也来玩pm么,推荐百合吧,预组的话 (PS:if u are beginner,u must buy stander that make u easier,I just saw some hkpm group guard teached them the latest or most famous stander,like k-on...sacpsacp 发表于 2012-4-16 21:19 http://bbs.newwise.com/images/common/back.gifWhy are you trying to hide your message, that i don't understand, but seriously i guess a new comer need to buy a starter and stop playing with Madoka's deck(- -)it will scare people out or some deck like that.
先买个预组,跟人学学怎么玩,因为这个系列投入大,确定了自己想玩的系列再深入。 8# 琉璃色アルバム
最近唔一定跳坑,最多都系买副预组玩………学习为重 跳嘉年华吧! 支持楼上,有趣的系列 最近的几个系列有喜欢的话,就在里面挑个来玩...新作光环嘛~ PM的卡一直是收藏向的~~
sakurwars 发表于 2012-4-29 09:41 http://bbs.newwise.com/images/common/back.gif
MEH,a lots of problem to remember information... lz还是先预组吧