Perfect-Happy 发表于 2013-5-22 14:46:24

求问 国外裁判需要经过什么考核吗?

janruce 发表于 2013-5-22 15:52:07


夜の亡灵使 发表于 2013-5-22 16:09:45

An open letter from Konami

Dear Duelists,

Recently we held the National Championships in Birmingham and 524 duelists faced off against each other over 10 exciting rounds of dueling before single elimination saw Tom Paine emerge triumphant as National Champion!

Some of you, however, were disappointed that fewer players received gamemats and card sleeves than in previous years. This has been the subject of much discussion and we have listened to the feedback that you have given us.

Therefore, we have decided that for those players who finished in 33rd to 128th in the final standings, we will give you a WCQ: National 2013 gamemat and WCQ card sleeves. You can either collect these from us at the WCQ Continental Championship in Frankfurt, Germany on 28-30 June, or if you are unable to attend the European Championships we will send these to you by mail after the event.

If you are going to be unable to attend the European Continental Championship, please email us at giving us your full name, mailing address and title the email "National Championship Gamemat".

Kind regards and hope to see many of you in Frankfurt!


jay_conan 发表于 2013-5-22 18:29:53

卡片过弯求解 然后平常都是看选手发战报 第一次看裁判发 很有爱

1169357116 发表于 2013-5-22 21:17:21


sl9wwb 发表于 2013-5-22 22:32:18

本帖最后由 sl9wwb 于 2013-5-22 22:43 编辑

ROUND 10之后有一个叫Pearson Joel的选手drop了,真相难道也是被DQ了?而且还是排20+来着

529794150 发表于 2013-5-23 07:13:46

我们德国结束后也是等到大家都回家了 才收到消息 前128名都有垫子和卡套实在是很高兴 如果10月份有假期 定当 飞去london YCS面基楼主啊 _(:з」∠)_~

暗黑创世神 发表于 2013-5-23 07:22:53


Perfect-Happy 发表于 2013-5-23 10:52:08


未来のinfinity 发表于 2013-5-23 12:01:47



529794150 发表于 2013-5-23 23:54:17

哈哈 去看看裁判什么的也赞啊 _(:з」∠)_~

AOJ 发表于 2013-5-24 11:10:50

852048 发表于 2013-5-22 09:44
所以到底是3分钟还是10分得第二个game lost?


X剑士Jack铿 发表于 2013-5-26 02:07:30


赤豆 发表于 2013-5-27 00:48:17

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