砂之赌徒 发表于 2013-7-2 03:03:50


本帖最后由 砂之赌徒 于 2013-7-4 21:47 编辑

时间 2013.06.28

地点德国 法兰克福 法兰克福展厅三楼

                   参加人数 1135人

                   参与资格 2012年7月之后欧洲各地REGIONAL等级以上官方比赛上位牌手将获得邀请资格

                   参与奖品 2013WCQ卡套+水精鳞卡垫,TOP4牌手将获得K社证书,奖杯,以及2013年拉斯维加斯世界赛参赛邀请以及差旅费


周五预先报名参加MAIN EVENT牌手的卡组资料与国籍统计



来自希腊的牌手Chris Bountaloudis最终以魔导书取得冠军优胜

大家所熟悉的德国大哥Michel Grüner在8个月没打牌之后依旧凭借惊人的实力夺得亚军




                  6月整个月一直都沉迷在DOTA2中不能自拔完全没碰牌,结果还是我的阿哥德国第一赚凯爷从窝里拖出来去打欧洲赛,顺便去和远在卡尔斯鲁厄的猪叫老板搅一次基。由于在某些意义上感觉水精鳞针对了魔导征龙就很难应对入魔的压制,对入魔进行过多反压制很难不被征龙魔导打爆的两难情况临时找猪叫老板借了一副入魔(其实真正理由还是一个多月没碰牌不会改水精鳞了= =)来打打酱油。周五晚上从会场回去宾馆以后花了大概2个小时琢磨了一下构筑于是就轻松愉快地出发了



R3 蒸笼OO


G1 我先攻龙祖,手卡2强脱1魔链1安全套,盖强脱黑圣木仓过


    下一回合: 对面:炸弓单龙攻击!我:魔链。。。






G2 这次我学乖了看见对面盖怪都是先给龙祖上了套子再打,结果对面的技能突破被个套子从头卡到死发不出去然后被龙祖二号揍死

打完我就去找意大利人收了个WC炸弓单龙 ==











砂之赌徒 发表于 2013-7-2 03:08:18

本帖最后由 砂之赌徒 于 2013-7-1 21:23 编辑

决赛战报 ,翻译自K社官网

Michel Grüner (Dragon Rulers) vs. Chris Bountaloudis (Spellbooks)

Bountaloudis won the die roll and Grüner immediately asked for Spellbook of Judgment. Bountaloudis didn’t disappoint; he followed it up with Upstart Goblin, Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer, he Set a Spell or Trap, activated Spellbook of Fate to return the Set card to his hand, Spellbook of Eternity was next and he then Set 2 back row cards again. He searched for Spellbook of Secrets, Spellbook of Fate and The Grand Spellbook Tower and added Jowgen the Spiritualist before ending his turn.



Grüner drew and Bountaloudis immediately activated another Spellbook of Judgment. Gold Sarcophagus allowed the German to banish Redox, Dragon Ruler of Boulders and he added another copy to his hand. He considered his follow-up play for a brief moment and decided on Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms, discarding it with a second copy. This allowed him to add Reactan, Dragon Ruler of Pebbles to his hand, which he Normal Summoned, he entered the Battle Phase and attacked Jowgen the Spiritualist successfully, taking the Spellcaster down.

Grüner 抽卡, Bountaloudis 立刻连锁了神判。Grüner发动黄金柜除外了锈龙检索了另外一张锈龙,之后发动飙龙的效果舍弃另一只飙龙从卡组中检索并召唤出了小地龙,击破了对面的唐僧

Bountaloudis searched his Deck for Spellbook of Power and he added Effect Veiler to his side of the field. A third Spellbook of Judgment marked the start of his second turn. Bountaloudis asked “hand?” and Grüner replied “I got 2″, but the Greek Duelist wanted to know the number of cards. That was 3. Spellbook Magician of Prophecy came down, but Effect Veiler made sure Bountaloudis wouldn’t get to search. He had to try a little harder, but since he had Spellbook of Secrets, it didn’t make too much of a difference. Spellbook Star Hall, Spellbook of the Master, copying Spellbook of Secrets; the Spellbook Deck was starting to run wild.

Bountaloudis added a second copy of Spellbook Star Hall to his hand, he activated it, Spellbook of Power followed, targeting Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer and Bountaloudis also activated The Grand Spellbook Tower. All of this was fine with Grüner.

Bountaloudis在上一个结束阶段通过神判检索了水卜特招了丝袜,之后以发动第三张神判作为这个回合的开局。“多少手?”他这样问MICHEL,“我有2只~”。但是这位希腊玩家想知道的是他对手的手牌数量而不是有多少只手。得到了3张的答复后,Bountaloudis 拍下了书士,遗憾的是一张丝袜让书士完全无法检索任何书籍。或许这会让局面变得有些艰难?一张奥义之书让局面再度变得明朗;发动了星廊后,Bountaloudis 亮出了创造书并选择复制了奥义。魔导书牌组的力量开始如同脱缰的野马般狂暴四溢!

Bountaloudis 把第二张星廊从卡组加入了手牌,之后接连发动了星廊2号,水卜与书院,这些都足够michel喝一壶的了

海空引领着Bountaloudis 的胜利!

Grüner dropped to 7400 Life Points when his Reactan, Dragon Ruler of Pebbles got destroyed in Battle. 6300 after the attack of Spellbook Magician of Prophecy. Bountaloudis advanced to the End Phase after Setting 2, searching his Deck for a brand new hand! He also added a second Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer for good measure.

michel 在接连的攻击后还剩下6300LP。在盖下2后之后Bountaloudis 结束了回合,从他的卡组中检索了4本魔导书并叫出了海空2号进一步奠定了胜利


So far, the Spellbook Deck seemed far, far ahead in this match. Grüner discarded Blaster, Dragon Ruler of Infernos and another Dragon to destroy the Normal Summoned Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer. Monster Reborn followed, trying to return Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer to Grüner’s side of the field. This was fine with the Greek finalist. An attack on Spellbook Magician of Prophecy followed, destroying it in Battle and banishing Jowgen the Spiritualist from Bountaloudis’ Graveyard.

Grüner then considered his follow-up, but he just announced: “Nah, it’s OK” and he went for his Side Deck.

优势,魔导书以巨大的优势引领着这比赛的节奏。Michel舍弃了爆龙和另外一只龙破坏了Bountaloudis 通常召唤的那只海空。死者苏生复活了他之后向魔导书士发起了进攻,并除外了对方墓地的唐僧。

他接下来开始思考进一步的操作。“哦,这好像还可以”,之后便拿起了他的SIDE DECK。


“Game 1 is always like this…”, Grüner admitted while shuffling his opponent’s Deck. “I know. Game 2 tends to be a lot harder for me”, Bountaloudis replied. It almost didn’t seem like he was overly confident that he could wrap things up in this game already.
Grüner kicked things off this time, using Lightning, Dragon Ruler of Drafts, discarding Tidal, Dragon Ruler of Waterfalls to Special Summon Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms. Gold Sarcophagus followed, banishing Blaster, Dragon Ruler of Infernos to find Burner, Dragon Ruler of Sparks. Burner, Dragon Ruler of Sparks was then used to Special Summon Blaster, Dragon Ruler of Infernos to Grüner’s side of the field. Just as expected, he used both his Dragon Rulers to Xyz Summon Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack to the field. He detached 1 material to add 2 Tokens before using the effects of Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms and Tidal, Dragon Ruler of Waterfalls to Special Summon the latter and add Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms to his hand. The Tokens left and Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms hit the field.

“第一场总是这样。。。”Michel边洗牌边嘀咕道。“我知道,但第二场开始对我就会非常不利”Bountaloudis 回应道,他好像已经知道在接下来的比赛中他将面对多么凶残的SIDE物。
Michel 重振旗鼓,发动了小风龙的效果舍弃潮龙从卡组召唤了飙龙,发动了黄金柜除外了爆龙检索了小火龙,紧接着小火龙从卡组叫出爆龙后使用2条征龙超量召唤了飞机,然后从墓地苏生了飙龙和潮龙

Grüner 现在正坐在驾驶舱内!

So far, so good. “What can I do now?”, Grüner asked out loud. Bountaloudis ushered him to make a decision, waiting for another Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack. Grüner followed suit; adding a second copy of the powerful Rank 7 Xyz Monster and he also added 2 fresh Tokens to his side of the field. That finally concluded the turn.

如此领先,如此优秀。“我现在还能做什么?”michel大声问道。 Bountaloudis迎来了这个答案:第二只飞机。Michel保持着轻快的姿态为自己添了一张R7的超量怪兽,然后产下了2个新鲜的TOKEN结束了回合

Bountaloudis had Upstart Goblin, but his facial expression gave away that he didn’t draw into what he needed. Grüner, a veteran of the game who knows how to watch for these signals, certainly took notice. “You are leading 1 – 0, so you can relax…”, Grüner told his opponent, trying to put him in a very dangerous “comfort zone”. When Bountaloudis thought for a longer time what to do, Grüner asked whether he wanted to advance to game 3.

Jowgen the Spiritualist hit the field. Bountaloudis Set 3 and he activated the effect of Jowgen the Spiritualist!

Bountaloudis发动了成金哥布林,不过事与愿违他好像没有抽到他所需要的牌。如MICHEL这类的沙场老将捕捉到了这一信息并引起了注意。“你现在1:0领先,放轻松点儿~”他提醒着他的对手,试图将其诱导进一个危险的舒适环境中。而在 Bountaloudis思考了很久之后,michel询问他的对手是不是想要直接开始第三局。

升灵术师 奘玄!他的出场震撼了所有人。 Bountaloudis盖下3后场后连续2次发动了奘玄的效果,清场!


Grüner lost his field and suddenly, the momentum shifted dramatically. Jowgen the Spiritualist attacked directly and Bountaloudis passed play.


Grüner activated Heavy Storm and Bountaloudis lost his entire back row! Tsukuyomi got Normal Summoned and Bountaloudis shuffled up. Wow!




Bountaloudis Normal Summoned Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer and he Set 4. Mind Drain got activated in Grüner’s Draw Phase. “Storm, Storm, Storm!”, the German members among the bystanders were shouting. Grüner had to disappoint them or he played a very interesting mind game, not performing an action for a minute and considering his options.


He Normal Summoned Reactan, Dragon Ruler of Pebbles and declared an attack. Mirror Force destroyed it.



Bountaloudis found Upstart Goblin, but still no Spellbook. He attacked with Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer, banishing Reactan, Dragon Ruler of Pebbles and he then found Spellbook of Judgment. He followed it up with The Grand Spellbook Tower, he added Spellbook of Secrets during the End Phase and that was it already.

“Storm, Storm, Storm!”, the crowd was cheering for the second time. “Where is my Heavy Storm?”, Grüner asked out loud. He passed without performing any actions.

Bountaloudis used The Grand Spellbook Tower and he had another Spellbook of Judgment. He then activated Spellbook of Secrets, finding Spellbook Magician of Prophecy, he followed with Spellbook of the Master, flashing Spellbook of Power and he searched for yet another Spellbook. Attacks followed, leaving Grüner with 3900 Life Points. Bountaloudis added 2 more back row cards and he added Spellbook of Secrets, Spellbook of Power, Spellbook of Eternity and Jowgen the Spiritualist.



Bountaloudis发动书院效果回收并发动了第二张神判。奥义检索书士,创造展示水卜再次检索。海空直击!盖下2 后场,Bountaloudis将奥义,蜡板,水卜加入手牌并再次叫出了唐僧

Déjà vu, much?!

Suddenly, things looked a lot more grim für Grüner. Dark Hole wiped the field, giving him some more hope. “Storm, Storm, Storm!” could be heard again. Gründer Normal Summoned Burner, Dragon Ruler of Sparks and he attacked with it. He Set a Spell or Trap and passed play and a somewhat shaky Bountaloudis used Phoenix Wing Wind Blast to return the face-down Spell or Trap to Grüner’s Deck.
The Greek Duelist then drew, he used The Grand Spellbook Tower, Spellbook of Secrets was next and this got him Spellbook Magician of Prophecy. He Normal Summoned it, added Spellbook of Power to his hand and he then activated Spellbook of the Master to also add Spellbook of Judgment.



Spellbook of Judgment got activated, Spellbook of Power followed, the Spellbook Magician of Prophecy then took down Grüner’s lonely monster and this allowed Bountaloudis to search his Deck for Spellbook Star Hall. He activated it, Spellbook of Fate followed suit, banishing Spellbook of Judgment and Spellbook of Secrets and a chained Book of Moon on Spellbook Magician of Prophecy flip-flopped the Spellcaster. Bountaloudis added 2 back row cards and he went on and searched 4 Spell Cards, Special Summoning Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer.
Grüner Set 2 Spells or Traps and Bountaloudis used Spellbook of Fate to banish Book of Moon.



In his following turn, he used The Grand Spellbook Tower, he then returned Spellbook of Judgment to his hand with Spellbook of Eternity and when he started to activate his Spell Cards, Grüner simply asked: “Do you have game?”

Bountaloudis Normal Summoned Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer to answer the question.




砂之赌徒 发表于 2013-7-2 03:09:01

本帖最后由 砂之赌徒 于 2013-7-1 23:12 编辑


冠军 Chirs Bountaloudis

亚军 Michel Grüner

TOP8 潮龙水精鳞

TOP8 入魔

gopkl007 发表于 2013-7-2 03:18:06


gopkl007 发表于 2013-7-2 03:22:02


freedom86 发表于 2013-7-2 03:49:48


TY663399 发表于 2013-7-2 03:59:23


砂之赌徒 发表于 2013-7-2 04:52:13


三叶的奇妙 发表于 2013-7-2 07:07:55

御姐真的挺好看的= =

Brioche 发表于 2013-7-2 07:25:35


jay_conan 发表于 2013-7-2 08:49:16


七零八落侍 发表于 2013-7-2 08:55:42


小昕 发表于 2013-7-2 08:55:47


servee 发表于 2013-7-2 08:56:44


蛋蛋和奶牛 发表于 2013-7-2 08:58:30


很简单 发表于 2013-7-2 09:35:53


FIMO菲莫 发表于 2013-7-2 09:37:20


战役之殇 发表于 2013-7-2 09:44:53


恋狱Hell 发表于 2013-7-2 10:21:52


暗的圣骑士 发表于 2013-7-2 10:44:23

俩和尚无敌了这是= =!
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查看完整版本: 群雄割据,战火纷飞——2013欧洲赛区世界冠军资格赛实况报导,