supergilaboy 发表于 2016-7-2 06:57:51


艾勒理奎因 发表于 2016-7-2 11:23:42

supergilaboy 发表于 2016-7-2 06:57


原生阿米巴吃 发表于 2016-7-2 13:03:38


abc貼 发表于 2016-7-2 13:19:02


Blue eyes一家團聚

银河の霸王 发表于 2016-7-2 13:43:23


mikesan 发表于 2016-7-3 03:24:21

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2016-7-3 07:10 编辑

SR02-EN000(UR)Arkbrave Dragon(弧光勇烈龙)
SR02-EN001(UR)Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand(巨神龙 闪耀)
SR02-EN002(SR)Dragon Knight of Creation(创世之龙骑士)
SR02-EN003 Paladin of Felgrand(巨龙之圣骑士)
SR02-EN004 Guardian of Felgrand(巨龙之守护骑士)
SR02-EN005 Felgrand Dragon(闪耀巨龙)
SR02-EN006 Darkblaze Dragon(暗黑烈焰龙)
SR02-EN007 Herald of Creation(创世之预言者)
SR02-EN008 Decoy Dragon(诱饵龙)
SR02-EN009 Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon(真红眼暗钢龙)
SR02-EN010 Red-Eyes Wyvern(真红眼飞龙)
SR02-EN011 White Night Dragon(青冰白夜龙)
SR02-EN012 Darkstorm Dragon(暗黑暴风龙)
SR02-EN013 Armed Protector Dragon(武装神龙 护甲龙)
SR02-EN014 Evilswarm Zahak(入魔妖龙 扎哈克)
SR02-EN015 Eclipse Wyvern(日食翼龙)
SR02-EN016 White Dragon Wyverburster(辉白龙 暴源翼龙)
SR02-EN017 Black Dragon Collapserpent(暗黑龙 坍缩星蛇)
SR02-EN018 Keeper of the Shrine(灵庙守护者)
SR02-EN019 Kidmodo Dragon(科多莫小龙)
SR02-EN020 Jain, Lightsworn Paladin(光道圣骑士 简)
SR02-EN021 Ehren, Lightsworn Monk(光道武僧 艾琳)
SR02-EN022 Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn(光道暗杀者 莱登)
SR02-EN023 Card Trooper(卡片炮击士)
SR02-EN024(SR)Ruins of the Divine Dragon Lords(巨神龙的遗迹)
SR02-EN025(SR)Return of the Dragon Lords(复活之福音)
SR02-EN026 Dragon Ravine(龙之溪谷)
SR02-EN027 A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon(巨龙振翅)
SR02-EN028 Trade-In(抵价购物)
SR02-EN029 Foolish Burial(愚蠢的埋葬)
SR02-EN030 Hand Destruction(手札断杀)
SR02-EN031 Reinforcement of the Army(增援)
SR02-EN032 The Warrior Returning Alive(战士生还)
SR02-EN033 Charge of the Light Brigade(光之援军)
SR02-EN034 Terraforming(星球改造)
SR02-EN035 Dragon's Rebirth(龙之转生)
SR02-EN036 Burst Breath(爆裂龙息)
SR02-EN037 Needlebug Nest(针虫的巢窟)
SR02-EN038 Breakthrough Skill(突破技能)
SR02-EN039 Call of the Haunted(活死人的呼声)
SR02-EN040 Oasis of Dragon Souls(龙魂之幻泉)

巨竜の聖騎士(巨龙之圣骑士) 罕贵度 SR
巨竜の守護騎士(巨龙之守护骑士) 罕贵度 SR
復活の福音(复活之福音) 罕贵度 NPR

Dragon Knight of Creation(创世之龙骑士)
Keeper of the Shrine(灵庙守护者)
Card Trooper(卡片炮击士)
Oasis of Dragon Souls(龙魂之幻泉)
Paladin of Felgrand(巨龙之圣骑士) 罕贵度 N
Guardian of Felgrand(巨龙之守护骑士) 罕贵度 N
Return of the Dragon Lords(复活之福音) 罕贵度 SR

cwswindy 发表于 2016-7-3 08:33:17


maiyl 发表于 2016-7-3 11:51:20


mikesan 发表于 2016-7-4 09:57:31

铁盒 特典

909 O独
古生物 5张
列车 3张

雷击 UTR
蓝光层 SR
牲祭假面 SR
龙觉醒旋律 N

good_vincent 发表于 2016-7-4 10:38:10

mikesan 发表于 2016-7-4 09:57 static/image/common/back.gif


Mr.D 发表于 2016-7-4 11:17:35


Mr.D 发表于 2016-7-4 11:23:01


mikesan 发表于 2016-7-4 12:49:44

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2016-7-4 12:51 编辑

Mr.D 发表于 2016-7-4 11:17 static/image/common/back.gif

赚杯 发表于 2016-7-4 15:41:38


夜の亡灵使 发表于 2016-7-4 17:26:13


tyrantx 发表于 2016-7-4 17:28:55


mikesan 发表于 2016-7-7 23:55:03

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2016-7-27 01:32 编辑

2016年11月4日 Invasion: Vengeance(910)

SCR 8种(1:12)
UR 10种(1:6)
SR 14种
R   20种
N   48种

Starve Venom Fusion Dragon()
Dark Requiem Xyz Dragon()

This holiday season, Invasion: Vengeance is storming the Dueling world! November’s 100-card booster set features menacing monsters that attack from every angle, creating brand new strategies and enhancing existing Decks at the same time.

Invasion: Vengeance introduces Starve Venom Fusion Dragon, a nefarious Fusion Monster that can steal the identity of enemy monsters, taking their effects and even their name! Starve Venom Fusion Dragon isn’t tied to any one theme - any Duelist who has DARK monsters in their Deck can use it. Joining it is Dark Requiem Xyz Dragon, an upgraded form of the popular Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon that spells the end of your opponent’s monster effects and a new beginning for your fallen Xyz Monsters!

Duelists can look forward to two new themes as well as cards that greatly enhance themes from Clash of Rebellions, Dimension of Chaos, High-Speed Riders, Breakers of Shadow, Wing Raiders, The Dark Illusion, Dragons of Legend - Unleashed -, and more. Here’s a taste of what’s in store when Invasion: Vengeance launches in the fall!

Crystalline robots with the power to unwind time! Rewrite the hand you’ve been dealt to create new Summoning opportunities or erase every Spell/Trap Card your opponent has played this Duel. You can even mess with the Phases of the game by giving yourself the power to draw extra cards during each End Phase!
Cause enemy monsters to spontaneously combust with the power of science! Play with Gemini monsters comprised of the fundamental elements of life that bind together through their team-oriented effects. Summoning their ultimate Xyz Monster is the perfect formula for victory, forcing your opponent to eliminate one of their own cards every time you Normal Summon!
More Metalfoes! The high-speed heavy metal heroes are back to show off their brand-new Fusion techniques. With the newfound ability to merge during either player’s turn - and with either player’s monsters - these new Metalfoes cards will put you in the fast lane towards victory!
Subterror Behemoths continue to awaken, leaving the denizens of the deep trembling in fear. Tame these new behemoths and you’ll be able to pacify and annihilate entire armies of monsters with their devastating one-two punch!
SPYRAL Super Agent has received new orders! There are strange dealings afoot at a popular international resort, and you’ll need to make contact with SPYRAL’s embedded agents to unravel the mystery and power up your Deck.
New cards for a huge variety of popular past themes, from Aliens all the way to Yang Zing!

The Invasion: Vengeance booster set contains 100 cards: 48 Commons, 20 Rares, 14 Super Rares, 10 Ultra Rares, and 8 Secret Rares.

tt_robin 发表于 2016-7-8 09:16:58


银龙幽影 发表于 2016-7-8 14:10:39


mikesan 发表于 2016-7-9 02:18:26

TDIL-EN081 = 魔法卡
TDIL-EN082 = 效果怪兽
TDIL-EN083 = 效果怪兽
TDIL-EN084 = 效果怪兽
TDIL-EN085 = 魔法卡
TDIL-EN086 = 效果怪兽
TDIL-EN087 = 效果怪兽
TDIL-EN088 = 效果怪兽
TDIL-EN089 = 魔法卡
TDIL-EN090 = 效果怪兽
TDIL-EN091 = XYZ怪兽
TDIL-EN092 = 魔法卡
TDIL-EN093 = 灵摆怪兽
TDIL-EN094 = 魔法卡
TDIL-EN095 = 陷阱卡
TDIL-EN096 = 陷阱卡
TDIL-EN097 = 陷阱卡
TDIL-EN098 = 陷阱卡
TDIL-EN099 = XYZ怪兽
页: 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 [328] 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337
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