mikesan 发表于 2018-10-26 20:14:34

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2018-10-29 13:55 编辑

MCM London Speed Duel DEMO

SS01-ENA01 Dark Magician(黑魔术师)
SS01-ENA02 Feral Imp(小精怪)
SS01-ENA03(×2)Rogue Doll(神圣人偶)
SS01-ENA04 Dark Magician Girl(黑魔术少女)
SS01-ENA05(×2)Legion the Fiend Jester(魔道化 利真)
SS01-ENAXX The Stern Mystic(严格的老魔术师)
SS01-ENA07 Double Coston(双价体)
SS01-ENAXX Blue Dragon Summoner(青龙召唤士)
SS01-ENA09 Thousand Knives(千把刀)
SS01-ENAXX Dark Magic Attack(黑·魔·导)
SS01-ENAXX Sage's Stone(贤者的宝石)
SS01-ENA12 Riryoku(原力)
SS01-ENA13 Tribute Doll(牲祭人偶)
SS01-ENAXX Wonder Wand(神奇魔杖)
SS01-ENAXX Lightforce Sword(光之封札剑)
SS01-ENAXX Magician's Circle(魔术师的法阵)
SS01-ENA17 Magic Jammer(魔法干扰阵)
SS01-ENAXX Seven Tools of the Bandit(盗贼的七道具)

SS01-ENB01 Gravekeeper's Curse(守墓的咒术师)
SS01-ENB02(×2)Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier(守墓的长枪兵)
SS01-ENB03 Gravekeeper's Vassal(守墓的从者)
SS01-ENB04 Gravekeeper's Chief(守墓之长)
SS01-ENB05 Gravekeeper's Cannonholder(守墓的重炮手)
SS01-ENB06(×2)Gravekeeper's Assailant(守墓的暗杀者)
SS01-ENB07(×2)Gravekeeper's Priestess(守墓的巫女)
SS01-ENB08 Gravekeeper's Recruiter(守墓的召唤师)
SS01-ENB09 Gravekeeper's Shaman(守墓的祈祷师)
SS01-ENB10 Gravekeeper's Oracle(守墓的审神者)
SS01-ENB11 A Cat of Ill Omen(告知不幸的黑猫)
SS01-ENB12 Gravekeeper's Stele(守墓的石板)
SS01-ENB13 Hidden Temples of Necrovalley(王家长眠之谷的祭殿)
SS01-ENB14 Sebek's Blessing(塞贝克的祝福)
SS01-ENB15 Blast Held by a Tribute(牲祭怀抱的爆弹)
SS01-ENB16 Rite of Spirit(降灵的仪式)
SS01-ENB17 The Eye of Truth(真实之眼)

SS01-ENC01 Rogue Doll(神圣人偶)
SS01-ENC02(×2)Toon Alligator(卡通鳄鱼)
SS01-ENC03 Parrot Dragon(鹦鹉龙)
SS01-ENC04 Dark Rabbit(暗黑兔)
SS01-ENC05(×2)Toon Masked Sorcerer(卡通假面魔道士)
SS01-ENC06 Toon Mermaid(卡通人鱼)
SS01-ENC07 Toon Summoned Skull(卡通恶魔)
SS01-ENC08 Relinquished(纳祭之魔)
SS01-ENCXX Black Illusion Ritual(幻想的仪式)
SS01-ENCXX Toon Table of Contents(卡通目录)
SS01-ENC11 Toon Rollback(卡通倒带)
SS01-ENC12(×2)Toon World(卡通世界)
SS01-ENC13 Yami(暗)
SS01-ENCXX Sword of Deep-Seated(执念之剑)
SS01-ENC15 Toon Defense(卡通防御)
SS01-ENCXX Jar of Greed(强欲之瓶)
SS01-ENCXX Wild Tornado(荒野的大龙卷)

SS02-ENA01 Blue-Eyes White Dragon(青眼白龙)
SS02-ENA02(×2)Battle Ox(牛头人)
SS02-ENA03(×2)Ryu-Kishin Powered(强化石像怪)
SS02-ENA04 Luster Dragon #2(绿宝石龙)
SS02-ENA05(×2)Lord of D.(龙之支配者)
SS02-ENAXX Twin-Headed Behemoth(多尔·多拉)
SS02-ENA07 Tyrant Dragon(暴君龙)
SS02-ENAXX Spirit Ryu(灵魂龙)
SS02-ENA09 Kaibaman(正义的同伴 海马侠)
SS02-ENA10 The Flute of Summoning Dragon(呼龙笛)
SS02-ENA11 Stamping Destruction(粉碎践踏)
SS02-ENA12 Cost Down(代价降低)
SS02-ENA13 Burst Stream of Destruction(毁灭之爆裂疾风弹)
SS02-ENA14 Mountain(山)
SS02-ENAXX Interdimensional Matter Transporter(亚空间物质传送装置)
SS02-ENAXX Dragon's Rebirth(龙之转生)
SS02-ENA17 Trap Jammer(陷阱干扰阵)

SS02-ENB01 Red-Eyes B. Dragon(真红眼黑龙)
SS02-ENB02 Meteor Dragon(流星之龙)
SS02-ENB03 Flame Manipulator(火焰操纵者)
SS02-ENB04 Masaki the Legendary Swordsman(传说的剑豪 正树)
SS02-ENB05 Alligator's Sword(翼龙战士)
SS02-ENB06 Baby Dragon(宝贝龙)
SS02-ENB07 Time Wizard(时间魔术师)
SS02-ENB08 Little-Winguard(小翼守卫)
SS02-ENB09 Copycat(模仿的幻想师)
SS02-ENB10 Gearfried the Iron Knight(铁骑士 基亚·弗里德)
SS02-ENBXX Legendary Sword(传说之剑)
SS02-ENBXX Stray Lambs(迷途的羔羊)
SS02-ENB14 Sogen(草原)
SS02-ENB15 Dicephoon(骰子旋风)
SS02-ENB16 Graceful Dice(天使的骰子)
SS02-ENB17 Skull Dice(恶魔的骰子)
SS02-ENB18 Kunai with Chain(附锁链的回力镖)
SS02-ENB19 Red-Eyes Spirit(真红眼之魂)
SS02-ENB20 Flame Swordsman(炎之剑士)
SS02-ENB21 Thousand Dragon(千年龙)
SS02-ENB22 Alligator's Sword Dragon(乘龙的翼龙战士)

SS02-ENC01 Harpie Lady 1(鹰身女郎1)
SS02-ENC02 Harpie Lady 2(鹰身女郎2)
SS02-ENC03 Harpie Lady 3(鹰身女郎3)
SS02-ENC04 Harpie Lady Sisters(鹰身女郎三姐妹)
SS02-ENCXX Amazoness Chain Master(亚马逊锁链使)
SS02-ENCXX Amazoness Swords Woman(亚马逊剑士)
SS02-ENC07 Amazoness Sage(亚马逊贤者)
SS02-ENC09 Sonic Shooter(音速射手)
SS02-ENC10(×2)Elegant Egotist(万华镜-华丽的分身-)
SS02-ENC11 Triangle Ecstasy Spark(三角神迷火花)
SS02-ENC12 Cyber Shield(电子紧身衣)
SS02-ENC13 Harpies' Hunting Ground(鹰身女妖的狩猎场)
SS02-ENC14 Amazoness Heirloom(亚马逊的秘宝)
SS02-ENCXX Amazoness Archers(亚马逊弩弓队)
SS02-ENCXX Windstorm of Etaqua(伊塔库亚的暴风)
SS02-ENCXX Shadow of Eyes(诱惑之影)
SS02-ENCXX Wild Tornado(荒野的大龙卷)

SS01-ENAS2 Destiny Draw
If you lose 2000 or more LP, you can activate this Skill during your next Draw Phase.
During your Draw Phase, you may search your Deck for any card, reveal it to your opponent, and add it to your hand instead of drawing. If you do that, flip this card over.

SS02-ENBS1 Grit
At the start of your turn, call 2 numbers and roll a six-sided die. If you roll a number you called, your LP do not get lower than 1 until the end of your opponent's next turn. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.

SS02-ENBS2 Last Gamble
At the start of the 5th turn, activate this Skill (count both players' turns).
During your Main Phase, you can reduce your LP to 100 and discard 2 cards from your hand. Roll a six-sided die and draw cards equal to the result. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.

mikesan 发表于 2018-10-30 00:10:30


SR07-EN001(UR)(死灵王 恶眼)
SR07-EN004 Kasha(火车)
SR07-EN005 Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon(真红眼不死龙)
SR07-EN006 Malevolent Mech - Goku En(邪神机-狱炎)
SR07-EN007 Endless Decay(茫漠的死者)
SR07-EN008 Paladin of the Cursed Dragon(暗龙之黑骑士)
SR07-EN009 Immortal Ruler(不死支配者)
SR07-EN010 Zombie Master(僵尸之主)
SR07-EN011 Tristan, Knight of the Underworld(冥界骑士 崔斯坦)
SR07-EN012 Mezuki(马头鬼)
SR07-EN013 Gozuki(牛头鬼)
SR07-EN014 Shutendoji(酒吞童子)
SR07-EN015 Pyramid Turtle(金字塔龟)
SR07-EN016 Goblin Zombie(哥布林僵尸)
SR07-EN017 Isolde, Belle of the Underworld(冥界的丽人 伊索德)
SR07-EN018 Shiranui Solitaire(不知火的隐者)
SR07-EN019 Uni-Zombie(齐唱僵尸)
SR07-EN020 Marionette Mite(傀儡虫)
SR07-EN021 Beast of the Pharaoh(法老的化身)
SR07-EN022 Scapeghost(替罪鬼羊)
SR07-EN023 (不死尸同调化)
SR07-EN024 (不死斗争)
SR07-EN025 Zombie World(不死世界)
SR07-EN026 Overpowering Eye(威压之魔眼)
SR07-EN027 Book of Life(生者之书-禁断的咒术-)
SR07-EN028 Call of the Mummy(木乃伊的呼声)
SR07-EN029 Foolish Burial(愚蠢的埋葬)
SR07-EN030 Monster Gate(怪兽之门)
SR07-EN031 Dragged Down into the Grave(墓穴的同路人)
SR07-EN032 Burial from a Different Dimension(来自异次元的埋葬)
SR07-EN033 Shared Ride(合乘)
SR07-EN034 (不死族的骸旋)
SR07-EN035 (妖怪筑巢的祠堂)
SR07-EN036 Trap of the Imperial Tomb(王墓的陷阱)
SR07-EN037 Needlebug Nest(针虫的巢窟)
SR07-EN038 Metaverse(虚拟世界)
SR07-EN039 Anti-Spell Fragrance(魔封的芳香)
SR07-EN040 Mask of Restrict(牲祭封印之假面)

mikesan 发表于 2018-10-30 10:33:18


去年K社送Duel Links木箱给youtubers,今天看到K社送了新的盒子,这次是龙珠。。。


祥瑞御免 发表于 2018-10-30 15:12:59

擦 泡了福尔马林的星尘龙。。。

mikesan 发表于 2018-10-31 05:58:46

Everything old is new, and everything departed lives again in the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME (TCG) this Winter!Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. (KONAMI) is bringing back some of the biggest cards of the year, some popular themes from past eras, and some classic card effects with four new releases. And what else is coming back? Monsters from beyond the grave! Whether you’re a casual competitor or a veteran tournament Duelist, KONAMI’s got you covered this holiday season.

…Covered in Zombies, that is! Structure Deck: Zombie Horde brings powerful new support for Zombies, including the Vampire theme from Dark Saviors and a new Zombie tribe in the upcoming Hidden Summoners booster set. Classic corpses like Mezuki and Zombie Master are back alongside spooky staples like Shiranui Solitaire and Uni-Zombie, all united under the banner of the mighty Doomking Balerdroch: a stunning new Zombie that claws its way out of your Graveyard every turn, so long as you or your opponent control a Field Spell. Armed with powerful negation and banishing abilities, the undead behemoth works to punish opposing Zombies. Necrotize your opponents’ legions with Zombie World, then shut down their effects and banish them from the Duel!

Search your Zombie World straight from your Deck with the new Necroworld Banshee, then revive it to protect your Field Spell from destruction and targeting. Unleash powerful Zombie Synchro Monsters with Glow-Up Bloom and if you control Zombie World use Bloom’s effect to Special Summon a massive Zombie straight from your Deck. Tatsunecro offers even more ways to Synchro Summon, helping you unleash the power of Red-Eyes Zombie Necro Dragon! And if that wasn’t enough, new Spell and Trap cards return from the Graveyard just as easily as your zombie hordes, mimicking incredible cards like Change of Heart*.

Structure Deck: Zombie Horde arrives November 2 with a Double-sided Deluxe Game Mat/Dueling Guide, a Beginner’s Guide, and a total of 42 cards: 37 Commons, 3 Super Rares, and 2 Ultra Rares.

To properly kick off the holiday season, the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME Advent Calendar puts a new spin on an age-old winter tradition, counting down the days with a bevy of holiday-themed cards! Power up your Decks with Super Rare and Ultra Rare variants of popular cards, and find festive favorites like Toy Magician and Box of Friends. Each calendar features 24 doors, each hiding a different card to help you Duel your way into the holiday spirit!

The Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME Advent Calendar launches November 2 with 24 cards: 14 Super Rares and 10 Ultra Rares.

Looking for another round of undead action? A new breed of Zombies creeps from the shadows of Japanese lore in Hidden Summoners, a 60-card all-foil booster pack! The Mayakashi take Synchro Summoning to a new level with five new Zombie-type Synchro Monsters: reuse their Tuners with their special abilities, and you can climb all the way from a Level 5 Synchro Monster to a stunning Level 11 Synchro! Even better, each Synchro Monster reinforces the next: if your higher-Level Synchro is destroyed, you can revive the next one down the chain to keep control of the Duel.

Hidden Summoners introduces two more themes as well. First up, the Prank-Kids, a squad of science-styled pranksters combine and cooperate to assemble into new forms, flood the field and build their forces on the way to replicating the effects of Raigeki* and Harpie’s Feather Duster*! Hidden Summoners also fans a long-cooled ember in the hearts of veteran Duelists: Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys rises from the flames, reborn as a powerful new Ritual Monster! The reinvented Nephthys theme revolves around flurries of fiery Ritual Summons fueled by a pair of new Link Monsters: one that powers your Ritual Summons, and another that powers up for every Ritual Monster you use for it.

Hidden Summoners is available November 16 with 60 cards: 40 Super Rares and 20 Ultra Rares.

And finally, some of the most awesome and competitive cards of the year return in Soul Fusion Special Edition. Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights was one of 2018’s biggest Link Monsters, becoming an anchor for Warrior strategies like Goukis and dominating tournaments. Now she makes her return, just in time to lead a second charge of Soul Fusion Noble Knights!Isolde is matched by another Duel-defining Link Monster, one that up until now was only available as a scarce North American promo card: Summon Sorceress. Unleashing monsters from your Deck according to what her Link Markers point to, Summon Sorceress devastated tournament competition this year. Each Soul Fusion Special Edition includes 1 of these 2 mighty Link Monsters as a Super Rare Variant.

Each Soul Fusion Special Edition also includes 1 of 2 Super Rare Preview Cards from next year’s Savage Strike booster, plus three packs of Soul Fusion for an unbelievably low price. It’s your second shot at all the “Noble Knight,” “Thunder Dragon,” and “Danger!” monsters you need to heat up your tournaments this winter. Chaos Dragon Levianeer returns for another go-round, plus powerful Spells and Traps like Extra-Foolish Burial, Trap Trick, and Frightfur Patchwork.

Soul Fusion Special Edition debuts December 7 with 3 Soul Fusion Booster Packs, plus 1 of 2 Super Rare preview cards and 1 of 2 Super Rare variant cards.

*Card not included in the set

mikesan 发表于 2018-11-2 02:57:57

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2018-11-2 05:40 编辑

Welcome back for another article for the upcoming Speed Duel Starter Decks: Destiny Masters and Duelists of Tomorrow. If you missed our first article we recommend that you check it out here. This will explain a bit about Skill cards and how Speed Dueling works.

A master of luck and one of Yugi’s greatest rivals, Joey Wheeler is remembered for many clutch moments where his Duel hinged on a single random outcome. For today’s preview, we are not looking at a card that will depend on luck but instead a Skill that is full of Joey’s own brand of flavor.
SS02-ENBS3 Pal-O'Mine-Zation! 城之内/技能
During your turn, you may reveal 1 Normal Monster in your hand. This turn, that Monster can substitute for any 1 Fusion Material. If you do, the other Fusion Material(s) must be the correct one(s). This Skill can only be used once per Duel.

Here is the new Skill:
Introducing Pal-O’Mine-Zation!

*During your turn, you may reveal 1 Normal Monster in your hand. This turn, that Monster can substitute for any 1 Fusion Material. If you do, the other Fusion Material(s) must be the correct one(s). This Skill can only be used once per Duel.

Joey’s Speed Duel Deck is the only one to contain Extra Deck Monsters with 3 Fusion Monsters at his disposal. When playing Fusion Monsters, you have an option to Special Summon a powerful monster without using your Normal Summon. The trade-off is that you generally must commit a lot of resources to the Fusion Summon and you are also forced to play the listed materials which are not always strong enough on their own. This Skill helps by allowing you to turn any Normal Monster into the correct material for a Fusion Summon. This means that you can use monsters with a higher ATK in your Deck that can stand on their own in place of weaker materials.

A good example of this is the Fusion Monster Thousand Dragon. One of its materials for the Fusion Summon is Baby Dragon. In most cases Baby Dragon will not be able to stand up to much in battle, making it a difficult card to gain value out of it if you cannot Fusion Summon. With this Skill, you can use a different Normal Monster as a material in place of Baby Dragon allowing you to for example use Red-Eyes B. Dragon as 1 of the materials with Time Wizard. This would then let you use Red-Eyes Spirit to get back your Red-Eyes B. Dragon leaving you with two powerful monsters on the field.

As more cards are introduced into Speed Dueling, it may become difficult to easily support Summoning multiple Fusion Monsters in the same Deck because of the limited Deck size. This Skill can let you overlap your Fusion materials to give you more options in the game, or even let you reduce the number of cards that are only strong when used for a Fusion Summon.

Thanks for reading!

Astral 发表于 2018-11-3 17:59:16

mikesan 发表于 2018-10-26 20:14 static/image/common/back.gif
MCM London Speed Duel DEMO

SS01-ENA01 Dark Magician(黑魔术师)

注定一抽(Destiny Draw)的最后一句If you do that, flip this card over.不翻吗?如果背面是常规的Flip this card over when you active this Skill.的话这句很重要吧。

stardust龙 发表于 2018-11-3 18:23:18

Astral 发表于 2018-11-3 17:59 static/image/common/back.gif
注定一抽(Destiny Draw)的最后一句If you do that, flip this card over.不翻吗?如果背面是常规的Flip ...



mikesan 发表于 2018-11-3 21:36:26

Astral 发表于 2018-11-3 17:59 static/image/common/back.gif
注定一抽(Destiny Draw)的最后一句If you do that, flip this card over.不翻吗?如果背面是常规的Flip ...

因为不确定是flip this card over,而且不知道背面是什么,等官网或者新图流出后我再更新

mikesan 发表于 2018-11-8 21:57:23

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2018-11-9 00:09 编辑

Welcome back to another article for the upcoming Speed Duel Starter Decks: Destiny Masters and Duelists of Tomorrow.

Today we will be looking at the brand-new skill for one of the game’s most iconic characters. A self-made champion who never met an equal until his fateful Duel with Yugi. Obsessed with reclaiming his title, Kaiba upped his game and pushed himself to the limit to defeat his rival.
SS02-ENAS3 Dragon Caller 海马/技能
Once per Duel, you can use 1 of the following Skills.
●If you successfully Normal Summon “Lord of D.”, add 1 “The Flute of Summoning Dragon” from your Deck or GY to your hand.
●Reveal “The Flute of Summoning Dragon” from your hand, then add 1 “Lord of D.” from your Deck or GY to your hand.
●自己场上有“Lord of D.(龙之支配者)”召唤成功的场合,从自己的卡组或者墓地把1张“The Flute of Summoning Dragon(呼龙笛)”加入手卡。
●把手卡的“The Flute of Summoning Dragon(呼龙笛)”给对方观看,之后从自己的卡组或者墓地把1只“Lord of D.(龙之支配者)”加入手卡。

Here is the preview of Kaiba’s unique Skill:

Once per Duel, you can use 1 of the following Skills.
If you successfully Normal Summon “Lord of D.”, add 1 “The Flute of Summoning Dragon” from your Deck or GY to your hand.
Reveal “The Flute of Summoning Dragon” from your hand, then add 1 “Lord of D.” from your Deck or GY to your hand.

Many players will remember one of the first iconic combos in the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG: Summon Lord of D., activate Flute of Summoning Dragon, Summon 2 giant Dragons. Smash.

You can activate this Skill in one of two ways, if you have the Lord of D. all you have to do is Summon it successfully, then you can use this Skill to add the Flute of Summoning Dragon from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand. The other way is if you draw the Flute of Summoning Dragon instead, reveal it from your hand and go get Lord of D. from your Deck or Graveyard and add it to your hand.

From a Deck building perspective, depending on how you want to get the other card of the combo, you can choose if you want to increase the number of Lord of D. or Flute of Summoning Dragon. You could even consider just adding 1 of each to your Dragon Deck since you can get the other as soon as you draw either.

While the full combo will use up most of your cards and your Normal Summon, being able to Special Summon 2 huge Dragons that also cannot be targeted is very strong. When building this type of Deck, you should expect to be winning the turn you pull off your combo. With the amount of resources you need to commit, you will need to wrap up the game quickly.

mikesan 发表于 2018-11-9 01:08:13

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2018-11-9 09:42 编辑

HISU-EN006(SCR)Cerulean Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys(奈芙提斯之苍凰神)
HISU-EN009(SR)Rebirth of Nephthys(奈芙提斯的轮回)
HISU-EN045(SR)Phoenix Wing Wind Blast(凤翼的爆风)

mikesan 发表于 2018-11-10 02:57:02

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2018-11-10 07:32 编辑


Secret Rares(20/20)
HISU-EN002 (奈芙提斯之祈祷者)
HISU-EN005 Devotee of Nephthys(奈芙提斯之祭祀者)
HISU-EN006 Cerulean Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys(奈芙提斯之苍凰神)
HISU-EN007 (守护神-奈芙提斯)
HISU-EN008 (焰凰神-奈芙提斯)
HISU-EN019 (调皮宝贝屋子管家)
HISU-EN020 (调皮宝贝喔喔鸡)
HISU-EN022 (调皮宝贝吼吼龙)
HISU-EN023 (调皮宝贝屋)
HISU-EN027 (丽之魔妖-妲姬)
HISU-EN029 (翼之魔妖-波旬)
HISU-EN030 (辙之魔妖-车夫)
HISU-EN032 (辙之魔妖-胧车)
HISU-EN033 (毒之魔妖-土蜘蛛)
HISU-EN034 (翼之魔妖-天狗)
HISU-EN035 (丽之魔妖-妖狐)
HISU-EN036 (骸之魔妖-饿者髑髅)
HISU-EN037 (冰之魔妖-雪女)
HISU-EN038 (魔妖回天)
HISU-EN051 Gold Sarcophagus(封印之黄金柜)

Super Rares(40/40)
HISU-EN001 (奈芙提斯之悟道者)
HISU-EN003 (奈芙提斯之叙述者)
HISU-EN004 (奈芙提斯之护卫者)
HISU-EN009 Rebirth of Nephthys(奈芙提斯的轮回)
HISU-EN010 (奈芙提斯的希望)
HISU-EN011 (奈芙提斯的觉醒)
HISU-EN012 Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys(奈芙提斯之凤凰神)
HISU-EN013 Hand of Nephthys(奈芙提斯之引导者)
HISU-EN014 (调皮宝贝·脉冲娃)
HISU-EN015 (调皮宝贝·火灯娃)
HISU-EN016 (调皮宝贝·水滴娃)
HISU-EN017 (调皮宝贝火箭)
HISU-EN018 (调皮宝贝气象机)
HISU-EN021 (调皮宝贝汪汪狗)
HISU-EN024 (调皮宝贝捣蛋记)
HISU-EN025 (调皮宝贝的大暴走)
HISU-EN026 (调皮宝贝的大作战)
HISU-EN028 (毒之魔妖-束胫)
HISU-EN031 (骸之魔妖-夜叉)
HISU-EN039 (魔妖变生)
HISU-EN040 Night's End Sorcerer(夜尽巫师)
HISU-EN041 Shiranui Spectralsword(妖刀-不知火)
HISU-EN042 Preparation of Rites(仪式的准备)
HISU-EN043 Ultra Polymerization(超越融合)
HISU-EN044 De-Synchro(同调解除)
HISU-EN045 Phoenix Wing Wind Blast(凤翼的爆风)
HISU-EN046 Thunder Dragon(雷龙)
HISU-EN047 Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands(万手神)
HISU-EN048 Shiranui Spiritmaster(不知火的宫司)
HISU-EN049 Shiranui Samurai(不知火的武士)
HISU-EN050 Tatsunoko(龙子)
HISU-EN052 Fulfillment of the Contract(契约履行)
HISU-EN053 Re-Fusion(再融合)
HISU-EN054 Ritual Foregone(限定解除)
HISU-EN055 Onslaught of the Fire Kings(炎王的急袭)
HISU-EN056 Circle of the Fire Kings(炎王炎环)
HISU-EN057 Flash Fusion(瞬间融合)
HISU-EN058 Fusion Recycling Plant(融合再生机构)
HISU-EN059 Rivalry of Warlords(群雄割据)
HISU-EN060 Gozen Match(御前试合)

mikesan 发表于 2018-11-15 22:28:54

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2018-11-18 13:20 编辑

Welcome back for another article for the upcoming Speed Duel Starter Decks: Destiny Masters and Duelists of Tomorrow.

Thousands of years ago, the spirit of an ancient Pharaoh sealed away ancient magic and his own soul into the Millennium Puzzle. As an extra precaution, the Pharaoh also erased his memory to prevent the evil from returning. 5000 years later, the Millennium Puzzle was solved by Yugi and the spirit of the Pharaoh once again returned to the world with no memories of what had happened. Both the Pharaoh and Yugi share a single body, but when a Duel begins, the Pharaoh comes to the surface and Yugi takes on the form of Yami Yugi.
SS01-ENAS3 Final Draw 暗游戏/技能
Activate this Skill during your Main Phase.
Once per turn, during your turn, you may place a counter on this Skill. If it has 3 or more counters when you would draw a card, you may search your Deck for any card and add it to your hand instead. At the end of the turn you use this Skill, you lose the Duel.

Today we are looking at a new Skill that can bend destiny to the will of the Pharaoh:

Take a look at Final Draw:

Activate this Skill during your Main Phase. Once per turn, during your turn, you may place a counter on this Skill. If it has 3 or more counters when you would draw a card, you may search your Deck for any card and add it to your hand instead. At the end of the turn you use this Skill, you lose the Duel.

So, you probably thought we were going to show you the Skill “Destiny Draw” from Duel Links. If you did, you can probably see the similarities of the Skill. “Destiny Draw” lets you search your Deck for a card instead of drawing during your Draw Phase every time your LP (Life Points) decreases by 2000. “Final Draw” doesn’t require you to lose any LP, however it does take a few turns to charge up. Once you get to 3 counters, when you would draw a card you can search your Deck for any card instead, but at the end of that turn if you did not win, you lose the Duel. That’s a pretty steep drawback, however the huge difference with “Final Draw” is that it doesn’t just replace your normal draw for the turn. If you pair this with say Shard of Greed (which is included as one of the variant cards in Speed Duel Starter Deck: Destiny Masters), on that final turn you will be able to search your Deck for 3 cards instead of drawing blindly from the Deck. With a bit of set-up this allows you to craft the perfect combination of cards to win the Duel.

“Final Draw” is an amazing Skill for combo Decks, providing you have enough time to charge it up. You can put your opponent into a position where if they do not play very aggressively, they risk losing to the powerful combo you were able to assemble thanks to multiple searches from “Final Draw”.

The double edge of this is if your opponent has a card to disrupt your combo and you can’t end the Duel, your own Skill will cause you to lose.

To get used to this Skill, you can brush up on your Duel Quizzes in Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links to make sure you can find the winning move regardless of the situation!
2019年1月25日 Speed Duel Starter Decks: Destiny Masters

SS01-ENXXX(UR)Shard of Greed(强欲的碎片)

mikesan 发表于 2018-11-15 23:15:45

2018年12月7日 OTS Tournament Pack 9

mikesan 发表于 2018-11-18 11:05:59


Speed Duel Starter Decks: Destiny Masters收录卡:
SS01-ENV01(UR)Shard of Greed(强欲的碎片)
SS01-ENV02(UR)The Golden Apples(芙莉嘉的苹果)

Speed Duel Starter Decks: Duelists of Tomorrow收录卡:
SS02-ENV01(UR)Champion's Vigilance(王者的看破)
SS02-ENV02(UR)Fusion Gate(融合之门)
SS02-ENV03(UR)Amazoness Village(亚马逊之里)

Destiny Draw
Power of Dark
Final Draw

Gravekeeper's Lot
Millennium Necklace

It's a Toon World!
Mind Scan
Millennium Eye

Peak Performance
Dragon Caller

Last Gamble

Aroma Strategy
Flight of the Harpies
Tribal Synergy


mikesan 发表于 2018-11-20 09:03:09

We are pleased to announce the first ever "3 vs 3 Team Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series" will take place in Atlanta, GA on March 16-17, 2019!

Team Tournament Format for YCS Atlanta
● 3 players = 1 team. The team must register at the same time.
● This will be a two-day tournament using Advanced Constructed Decks in the Swiss format.
● Best 2 out of 3 Matches as a team. Two team members winning their Matches will equal a Team Match win. Once two members of a team win their respective Matches, the Duel is over.
● Each individual team member will play their matches independently, best 2 out of 3 Matches.
● There will be no sharing of cards or fields between teammates, each Duelist plays their own opponent. Duelists on the same team can communicate with each other, if it does not significantly slow down the pace of an ongoing Match.
● Swiss Rounds followed by a Single-Elimination Playoff Top Cut. Rounds are dependent on the total number of teams at the time registration closes.
● Time Limit: 45 Minutes per Swiss Round.

For Single Players or Teams short of a Player
● We will have a meeting area on Saturday March 16 at 8:00AM so that teams that have less than 3 members can fill out their team, or single players can find a team to join.
● Starting at 9:30AM we will start taking the people who have not found a team yet and randomly assign them to a team.
● We cannot guarantee that Duelists that do not have a full Team will be assigned Duelists to make a full Team.
3月16日~3月17日 YCS亚特兰大 三人组队赛

mikesan 发表于 2018-11-22 07:54:48


新Extravaganza垫子,12月1日~12月9日 可以在拉丁美洲的Children's Day Extravaganza活动拿到

cass 发表于 2018-11-30 19:27:51

(Ptolemaeus) TCG OTS Pack 9 (OP09): Some Spoilers (UPDATE)

Sky Striker Ace - Shizuku

●SUPER RARE (5/10):
Morphing Jar
Thunder Dragonmatrix (por confirmar)
Mecha Phantom Beast Token
Sekka's Light
Personal Spoofing (por confirmar)

●COMMON (5/13):
T.G. Rush Rhino (por confirmar)
T.G. Warwolf (por confirmar)
Imperial Order
Inperial Tombs of Necrovalley (por confirmar)
Tachyon Transmigration (por confirmar)

mikesan 发表于 2018-11-30 21:05:16


Ultimate Rares
Elemental HERO Stratos(元素英雄 天空侠)
Trickstar Lycoris(淘气仙星·曼珠诗华)
Sky Striker Ace - Shizuku(闪刀姬-雫空)

Super Rares
Morphing Jar(变形壶)
Galaxy Wizard(银河魔导师).
Thunder Dragonmatrix(雷源龙-雷龙)
Card Destruction(手札抹杀)
Super Polymerization(超融合)
Galaxy Expedition(银河远征)
Sekka's Light(雪花之光)
Personal Spoofing(个人欺骗攻击)
Mecha Phantom Beast Token(幻兽机衍生物) (「幻兽机 哥萨克龙」版插图)

Elemental HERO Neos Alius(元素英雄 次新宇侠)
T.G. Cyber Magician(科技属 电子化魔术师)
T.G. Striker(科技属 突击兵)
T.G. Warwolf(科技属 狼人)
T.G. Rush Rhino(科技属 突冲犀牛)
Jet Synchron(喷气同调士)
Number 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon(No.107 银河眼时空龙)
Instant Neo Space(简易新宇宙)
Forbidden Graveyard(墓地封印) <改名
Fusion Substitute(置换融合)
Imperial Order(王宫的敕命)
Imperial Tombs of Necrovalley(王家长眠之谷的王墓)
Tachyon Transmigration(时空转生)

mikesan 发表于 2018-12-1 01:02:37





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