mikesan 发表于 2019-7-25 19:48:10

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2019-7-25 19:51 编辑


SBSC-EN001 Magical Plant Mandragola(魔草 曼德拉草)
SBSC-EN002 Dark Red Enchanter(暗红之魔导师)
SBSC-EN003 Crystal Seer(水晶占卜师)
SBSC-EN004 Spell Power Grasp(魔力掌握)
SBSC-EN005 Spellbinding Circle(六芒星之咒缚)
SBSC-EN006 Troop Dragon(军队龙)
SBSC-EN007 Vampire Lord(吸血鬼领主)
SBSC-EN008 Command Knight(指挥骑士)
SBSC-EN009 Gearfried the Swordmaster(剑圣-赤膊的基亚·弗里德)
SBSC-EN010 Release Restraint(拘束解除)
SBSC-EN011 Blue-Eyed Silver Zombie(青眼银僵尸) 初次TCG化
SBSC-EN012 Fire Reaper(火焰恶魔) 初次TCG化
SBSC-EN013 Book of Life(生者之书-禁断的咒术-)
SBSC-EN014 Skreech(尖叫怪)
SBSC-EN015 Fortress Whale(要塞鲸)
SBSC-EN016 Fortress Whale's Oath(要塞鲸的誓言)
SBSC-EN017 Kabazauls(打大喷嚏的河马龙)
SBSC-EN018 Jurrac Tyrannus(朱罗纪暴龙)
SBSC-EN019 Empress Mantis(女帝螳螂)
SBSC-EN020 Danipon(壁虱宝宝)
SBSC-EN021 Insect Armor with Laser Cannon(附火器的机甲铠)
SBSC-EN022 Gatekeeper(看门人)
SBSC-EN023 Pendulum Machine(单摆刃拷问机械)
SBSC-EN024 Launcher Spider(TM-1火箭炮蜘蛛)
SBSC-EN025 Slot Machine(角子老虎机AM-7)
SBSC-EN026 Barrel Dragon(左轮手枪龙)
SBSC-EN027 Blast Sphere(球体时限炸弹)
SBSC-EN028 Machine Conversion Factory(机械改造工厂)
SBSC-EN029 7 Completed(7卡)
SBSC-EN030 Metalmorph(金属化·魔法反射装甲)
SBSC-EN031 Bokoichi the Freightening Car(魔货物车辆 博科伊奇)
SBSC-EN032 Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive(魔装机关车 迪科伊奇)
SBSC-EN033 Mask of Darkness(暗之假面)
SBSC-EN034 Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu(名匠 虎铁)
SBSC-EN035 Infernity Dwarf(永火矮人)
SBSC-EN036 Ally of Justice Core Destroyer(正义盟军 核灭虫)
SBSC-EN037 Master Craftsman Gamil(名匠 加米尔)
SBSC-EN038 Eternal Rest(成佛)
SBSC-EN039 Gravity Axe - Grarl(重力之斧-咆哮)
SBSC-EN040 The Beginning of the End(终结之始)
SBSC-EN041 Fighting Spirit(斗魂)
SBSC-EN042 Break! Draw!(破坏抽卡)
SBSC-EN043 Night Beam(夜摄)
SBSC-EN044 Security Orb(保安球)
SBSC-EN045 A Major Upset(大爆冷门)


SS03-ENA01 Serpent Night Dragon(邪恶骑士龙)
SS03-ENA02 Two-Headed King Rex(双头恐龙王)
SS03-ENA03 Uraby(荒野盗龙 )
SS03-ENA04 Crawling Dragon #2(贪尸龙)
SS03-ENA05 Tomozaurus(小恐龙)
SS03-ENA06 Anthrosaurus(恐龙人)
SS03-ENA07 Black Tyranno(暗黑恐兽)
SS03-ENA08 Super-Ancient Dinobeast(超古代恐兽)
SS03-ENA09 Mad Sword Beast(猛进的剑角兽)
SS03-ENA10 Gilasaurus(骏足之迅猛龙)
SS03-ENA11 Gale Lizard(爆风蜥蜴)
SS03-ENA12 Dark Driceratops(暗黑三角怪鸟龙)
SS03-ENA13 Hyper Hammerhead(超级槌首龙)
SS03-ENA14 Element Saurus(元素恐龙)
SS03-ENA15 Black Stego(暗黑剑龙)
SS03-ENA16 Gentlemander(美西螈绅士)
SS03-ENA17 Raise Body Heat(体温上升)
SS03-ENA18 Ultra Evolution Pill(超进化药)
SS03-ENA19 Spacetime Transcendence(时空超越)
SS03-ENA20 Cost Down(代价降低)
SS03-ENA21 Summoner's Art(召唤师的技艺)
SS03-ENA22 White Elephant's Gift(马骨的对价)
SS03-ENA23 Heat Wave(大热波)
SS03-ENA24 Card Advance(卡片上移)
SS03-ENA25 Hunting Instinct(狩猎本能)
SS03-ENA26 Reinforcements(援军)
SS03-ENA27 Pharaoh's Treasure(王家的财宝)
SS03-ENA28 Limit Impulse(对极限的冲动)

SS03-ENB01 Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth(究极完全态大飞蛾)
SS03-ENB02 Petit Moth(幼虫宝宝)
SS03-ENB03 Big Insect(巨大蚂蚁) 初次TCG化
SS03-ENB04 Basic Insect(昆虫人)
SS03-ENB05 Winged Cleaver(暗黑杀手) 初次TCG化
SS03-ENB06 Kumootoko(蜘蛛男)
SS03-ENB07 Alinsection(锯足锹形虫) 初次TCG化
SS03-ENB08 Insect Queen(昆虫女王)
SS03-ENB09 Cocoon of Evolution(进化之茧)
SS03-ENB10 Man-Eater Bug(食人虫)
SS03-ENB11 Pinch Hopper(代打蝗虫)
SS03-ENB12 Insect Princess(昆虫公主)
SS03-ENB13 Gokipon(蟑螂宝宝)
SS03-ENB14 Bee List Soldier(小蜜蜂)
SS03-ENB15 Beetron(电子独角仙)
SS03-ENB16 Laser Cannon Armor(镭射炮机甲铠)
SS03-ENB17 Forest(森)
SS03-ENB18 Verdant Sanctuary(大树海)
SS03-ENB19 Insect Neglect(无视加护)
SS03-ENB20 Worm Bait(虫饵)
SS03-ENB21 Enchanting Fitting Room(魔之试衣间)
SS03-ENB22 Dark Factory of Mass Production(暗之量产工厂)
SS03-ENB23 Amulet of Ambition(下克上的首饰)
SS03-ENB24 Eradicating Aerosol(尖刺神的杀虫剂)
SS03-ENB25 Spider Egg(蜘蛛卵)
SS03-ENB26 Corrosive Scales(侵蚀鳞粉)
SS03-ENB27 Adhesion Trap Hole(黏着的落穴)
SS03-ENB28 Order to Smash(玉碎指令)

SS03-ENV01 Order to Charge(突击指令)
SS03-ENV02 Jar of Avarice(贪欲之瓶)


Event Pack Speed Duel

Dark Magician Girl(黑魔术少女)
Rogue Doll(神圣人偶)
Shard of Greed(强欲的碎片)
Skull Dice(恶魔的骰子)
Windstorm of Etaqua(伊塔库亚的暴风)


mikesan 发表于 2019-7-26 10:12:09

2019年11月22日 Mystic Fighters

SCR 20种
SR   40种

Fall is the perfect time of the year to build new Decks, and Mystic Fighters introduces three cool, new strategies that'll test your Dueling mettle!

Watch the Mathmechs add, subtract, multiply, and divide to cut your opponent's Life Points to zero! A new Cyberse theme for the calculating Duelist that subtracts cards from the opponent's hand and field, adds cards to your own with Xyz Monsters, and doubles the ATK and damage output of your Synchro Monsters, or cuts the opponent's in half! With Cyberse-Type Synchro and Xyz Monsters in the Extra Deck, this strategy can easily Summon Chaos Impact's Firewall Dragon Darkfluid at 8000 ATK!

Dragonmaids, serving up destruction with a smile! Cooking, cleaning, and burning enemy monsters to cinders are a breeze for the world's premiere shapeshifted dragon maid service! Strong teamwork and dragonic powers are the secrets to their success, but having access to over a decade's worth of powerful Dragons and Dragon-related cards doesn't hurt!

Gear up to face the Generaider Bosses! You know your dungeon crawl has neared its end when the six Level 9 "Generaider Boss" monsters stand in your way. These high-Level behemoths with six different Attributes and Types create a unique new strategy full of flexible Quick Effects. These monsters can be played together in one "Generaider Boss" Deck along with cards like World Legacy Monstrosity from Dark Neostorm, or you can play each one in its own Deck full of monsters with the same Type.

Mystic Fighters is an all-foil booster set that contains 60 cards:

40 Super Rares
20 Secret Rares

mikesan 发表于 2019-7-27 04:44:16


Duel Devastator
DUDE-EN008(UR)Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier(冰结界之龙 光枪龙)

铁盒Mega Pack
MP19-EN078 Crusadia Arboria(神树之圣像骑士)

Rising Rampage Special Edition
3包 1009
2张 SR特典卡(全4种随机2种:「海晶少女 妙晶心」、「海晶少女 海天使」、「海晶少女的斗海」、「转生炎兽 郊狼」)

喵老师已经死了 发表于 2019-7-28 23:36:12


RIRA-EN082:绝灭猎鹰 赫拉斯瓦尔格尔
RIRA-EN085:镜梦乡的美梦灵 伊可萝丝
RIRA-EN086:镜梦乡的噩梦兔 伊可萝丝
RIRA-EN087:镜梦乡的善骑士 摩耳蒲丝
RIRA-EN088:镜梦乡的恶骑士 摩耳蒲丝


mikesan 发表于 2019-7-29 14:28:11

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2019-7-31 14:00 编辑

2019年8月 Shonen Jump Jump Pack Fall 2019(Scholastic Edition)

- 在美国/加拿大的Scholastic书展发售。

1个 Speed Duel Demo Deck
1张 游戏垫/决斗指南(两面印刷)
1张 特典卡:YDPR-ENS01(UR)Destiny Draw


mikesan 发表于 2019-7-30 16:41:33

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2019-7-31 14:00 编辑

(SCR)Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Peacock 炎 兽战士/连接 1000 2 [←][↓]
2 "Fire Fist" monster
While this card points to a "Fire Fist" monster, your opponent's monsters cannot target this card for attacks. When this card declares an attack: You can send 1 face-up "Fire Formation" Spell/Trap you control to the GY, then target 1 monster your opponent controls; place that opponent's monster in a zone this card points to and take control of it until the End Phase, but it cannot declare an attack this turn. You can only use this effect of "Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Peacock" once per turn.
“Fire Fist”怪兽2只
只要这张卡所连接区有“Fire Fist”怪兽存在,对方不能选择这张卡作为攻击对象。这张卡攻击宣言时:可以把自己场上1张表侧表示的“Fire Formation”魔法/陷阱卡送去墓地,之后以对方场上1只怪兽为对象;直到结束阶段那只对方怪兽在这张卡所连接区放置得到控制权,这个效果得到控制权的怪兽在这个回合不能攻击宣言。“Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Peacock”的这个效果1回合只能使用1次。

(SCR)Archfiend's Ascent(恶魔超越)
(SCR)Ignis Heat, the True Dracowarrior(真龙战士 点火烈·炽热)
(SR)Mythical Beast Master Cerberus(魔导兽 刻耳柏洛斯尊主)
(SR)The Hidden City(地中界 香巴拉)

mikesan 发表于 2019-7-30 19:39:51

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2019-8-1 06:57 编辑


Ultra Rares(8/8)
SBSC-EN007 Vampire Lord(吸血鬼领主)
SBSC-EN009 Gearfried the Swordmaster(剑圣-赤膊的基亚·弗里德)
SBSC-EN013 Book of Life(生者之书-禁断的咒术-)
SBSC-EN030 Metalmorph(金属化·魔法反射装甲)
SBSC-EN033 Mask of Darkness(暗之假面)
SBSC-EN043 Night Beam(夜摄)
SBSC-ENS01 Heavy Metal Raiders 盗贼基斯技能卡
SBSC-ENS05 Double Evolution Pill 恐龙龙崎技能卡

Super Rares(8/8)
SBSC-EN002 Dark Red Enchanter(暗红之魔导师)
SBSC-EN003 Crystal Seer(水晶占卜师)
SBSC-EN006 Troop Dragon(军队龙)
SBSC-EN026 Barrel Dragon(左轮手枪龙)
SBSC-EN032 Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive(魔装机关车 迪科伊奇)
SBSC-ENS02 Spell Proof Armor 盗贼基斯技能卡
SBSC-ENS03 Bandit 盗贼基斯技能卡
SBSC-ENS04 Servants of the Fallen King 鬼骨冢技能卡

SBSC-ENS01(UR)Heavy Metal Raiders(钢铁袭击者) 基斯/技能/场地魔法
The first time each DARK Machine monster you control would be destroyed by battle each turn, it is not destroyed, and if you took battle damage from the battle, it gains that much ATK after damage calculation, and keeps that ATK gain as long as this card is on the field. Once per turn, if a monster you control that was originally a DARK Machine destroys a card(s) on the field by battle or card effect: You can Special Summon 1 DARK Machine monster from your hand.
Back: At the start of the Duel, place this in your Field Zone and flip it over. You draw 1 less card at the beginning of the Duel.

SBSC-ENS02(SR)Spell Proof Armor(耐魔法装甲) 基斯/技能
Activate this Skill during your Main Phase. All Machine monsters you control are unaffected by your opponent's Spell effects. You can Normal Summon Machine Normal Monsters with 1 less Tribute. If a non-Machine monster is in your GY, flip this Skill over. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.

SBSC-ENS03(SR)Bandit(盗贼) 基斯/技能
If your LP are 1500 or less, activate this Skill. Take control of 1 Set card in your opponent's Spell & Trap Zone. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.

SBSC-ENS04(SR)Servants of the Fallen King(不死王的从者) 骨冢/技能
Once per turn, you can send 1 Level 3 or lower Zombie Normal Monster from your Deck to the GY.

SBSC-ENS05(UR)Double Evolution Pill(究极进化药) 龙崎/技能
At the start of your Draw Phase, instead of drawing a card, you can pay 1500 LP to activate this Skill. Banish 1 Dinosaur monster and 1 non-Dinosaur monster from your hand and/or GY; Special Summon 1 Level 7 or higher Dinosaur monster from your hand or Deck, ignoring its Summoning conditions. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.

mikesan 发表于 2019-7-30 23:41:50

SS03-ENA01 Serpent Night Dragon(邪恶骑士龙)
SS03-ENA02 Two-Headed King Rex(双头恐龙王)
SS03-ENA04 Crawling Dragon #2(贪尸龙)
SS03-ENA05 Tomozaurus(小恐龙)
SS03-ENA06 Anthrosaurus(恐龙人)
SS03-ENA07 Black Tyranno(暗黑恐兽)
SS03-ENA08 Super-Ancient Dinobeast(超古代恐兽)
SS03-ENA09 Mad Sword Beast(猛进的剑角兽)
SS03-ENA10 Gilasaurus(骏足之迅猛龙)
SS03-ENA11 Gale Lizard(爆风蜥蜴)
SS03-ENA12 Dark Driceratops(暗黑三角怪鸟龙)
SS03-ENA13 Hyper Hammerhead(超级槌首龙)
SS03-ENA14 Element Saurus(元素恐龙)
SS03-ENA15 Black Stego(暗黑剑龙)
SS03-ENA16 Gentlemander(美西螈绅士)
SS03-ENA17 Raise Body Heat(体温上升)
SS03-ENA18 Ultra Evolution Pill(超进化药)
SS03-ENA19 Spacetime Transcendence(时空超越)
SS03-ENA20 Cost Down(代价降低)
SS03-ENA21 Summoner's Art(召唤师的技艺)
SS03-ENA22 White Elephant's Gift(马骨的对价)
SS03-ENA23 Heat Wave(大热波)
SS03-ENA24(×2)Card Advance(卡片上移)
SS03-ENA25 Hunting Instinct(狩猎本能)
SS03-ENA26 Reinforcements(援军)
SS03-ENA27 Pharaoh's Treasure(王家的财宝)
SS03-ENA28 Limit Impulse(对极限的冲动)

SS03-ENB01 Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth(究极完全态大飞蛾)
SS03-ENB02 Petit Moth(幼虫宝宝)
SS03-ENB03 Big Insect(巨大蚂蚁)
SS03-ENB04 Basic Insect(昆虫人)
SS03-ENB05 Winged Cleaver(暗黑杀手)
SS03-ENB06 Kumootoko(蜘蛛男)
SS03-ENB07 Alinsection(锯足锹形虫)
SS03-ENB08 Insect Queen(昆虫女王)
SS03-ENB09 Cocoon of Evolution(进化之茧)
SS03-ENB10 Man-Eater Bug(食人虫)
SS03-ENB11 Pinch Hopper(代打蝗虫)
SS03-ENB12 Insect Princess(昆虫公主)
SS03-ENB14 Bee List Soldier(小蜜蜂)
SS03-ENB15 Beetron(电子独角仙)
SS03-ENB16 Laser Cannon Armor(镭射炮机甲铠)
SS03-ENB17 Forest(森)
SS03-ENB18 Verdant Sanctuary(大树海)
SS03-ENB19 Insect Neglect(无视加护)
SS03-ENB20 Worm Bait(虫饵)
SS03-ENB21 Enchanting Fitting Room(魔之试衣间)
SS03-ENB22 Dark Factory of Mass Production(暗之量产工厂)
SS03-ENB23 Amulet of Ambition(下克上的首饰)
SS03-ENB24 White Elephant's Gift(马骨的对价)
SS03-ENB25 Eradicating Aerosol(尖刺神的杀虫剂)
SS03-ENB26 Spider Egg(蜘蛛卵)
SS03-ENB27 Corrosive Scales(侵蚀鳞粉)
SS03-ENB28 Adhesion Trap Hole(黏着的落穴)
SS03-ENB29 Order to Smash(玉碎指令)

SS03-ENV01(UR)Order to Charge(突击指令)
SS03-ENV02(UR)Jar of Avarice(贪欲之瓶)

SS03-ENAS1 Dinosaur Kingdom 龙崎/技能/场地魔法
All Dinosaur monsters gain 300 ATK and DEF.

SS03-ENAS2 Nightmare Sonic Blast! 龙崎/技能
You can activate this Skill while you control "Serpent Night Dragon".
Once per turn, you can reveal the top 4 cards of your Deck, use 1 of the following Skills, depending on the number of monsters revealed.
1: Add one of the revealed cards to your hand.
2: Destroy 1 card your opponent controls.
3 or more: Apply both effects.
Then place the rest of the revealed cards on top of your Deck in any order.
只要自己场上有“Serpent Night Dragon(邪恶骑士龙)”存在,可以发动这个技能。1回合1次,可以从自己卡组上面把4张卡确认,确认的卡之中的怪兽数量的以下技能适用。

SS03-ENBS1 Hyper Metamorphosis 羽蛾/技能
You can activate this Skill while you control a Level 3 or lower Insect Normal Monster. Discard 2 cards and Tribute 1 Level 3 or lower Insect Normal Monster you control to Special Summon 1 "Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth" from your hand or Deck, ignoring its Summoning conditions. Any damage your opponent takes for the rest of this turn is halved.
只要自己场上有3星以下的昆虫族通常怪兽存在,可以发动这个技能。丢弃2张手卡并把自己场上1只3星以下的昆虫族通常怪兽解放,从自己的手卡·卡组把1只“Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth(究极完全态大飞蛾)”无视召唤条件特殊召唤。这个效果的发动后,直到回合结束时对方受到的全部伤害变成一半。

SS03-ENBS2 Hidden Parasite 羽蛾/技能
Once per turn, you can change all monsters on the field to Insect until the end of this turn, also, any battle damage your opponent takes is halved for the rest of this turn. You may use this Skill up to twice per Duel.
1回合1次,可以把场上的全部怪兽的种族直到回合结束时变成昆虫族,这个效果的发动后,直到回合结束时对方受到的战斗伤害变成一半。 这个技能在决斗中可以使用最多2次。

mikesan 发表于 2019-8-6 03:14:11

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2019-8-6 05:50 编辑

铁盒Mega Pack
MP19-EN021 Trickstar Bella Madonna(淘气仙星·贝拉麦当娜) SR
MP19-EN172 Impcantation Bookstone(魔神仪-能量石书本) SR
MP19-EN261 Sky Striker Maneuver - Afterburners!(闪刀术式-烈火再燃) SR

找女神中~ 发表于 2019-8-6 14:35:47

Dream Mirror of Joy/Terror

mikesan 发表于 2019-8-6 19:03:30


Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Eagle(炎星仙-鹫真人)
Archfiend's Awakening(恶魔降临)
Archfiend's Manifestation(恶魔显现)
Archfiend's Call(恶魔招来)
Archfiend's Ascent(恶魔超越)
Swap Cleric(交换祭司)
Defcon Bird(戒备转换鸟)
Prohibit Snake(禁止档案蛇)
Code Radiator(代码散热员)
Spool Code(假脱机代码)
Cynet Optimization(电脑网优化)
Cynet Conflict(电脑网冲突)
Shootingcode Talker(排错代码语者)
Talkback Lancer(对讲枪兵)
Code Talker(码语者)

TN19 T化卡名
Blue-Eyes Alternative Ultimate Dragon(青眼究极亚龙)
Magician of Black Chaos MAX(黑混沌之魔术师·黑混沌极魔导)
Exodia, the Legendary Defender(守护神 艾克佐迪亚)
Palladium Oracle Mana(守护神官 玛娜)
Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon(真红眼亚黑龙)
Neo Kaiser Glider(新帝王翔风龙)

mikesan 发表于 2019-8-7 09:24:05

2019年12月6日 Speed Duel: Trials of the Kingdom

UR 8种
SR 8种
- Speed Duel(高速决斗)商品补充包第4弹。
- 收录45张新卡和5张新技能卡。

Don Zaloog(首领 扎鲁格)
Time Machine(时间机械)

Speed Duel: Trials of the Kingdom Sneak Peek先行体验会

Launching on Friday, December 6th, the Speed Duel: Trials of the Kingdom booster set pays homage to the Duelist Kingdom tournament that brought together the best Duelists, including some of Yugi’s strongest rivals, to compete for fame and glory.

Dedicated to all the challengers that you must overcome to become the champion, the full set is complete with 50 cards, including 45 new-to-Speed Duel cards and 5 new Skill Cards! Each 4-card pack will retail for $1.49.

Introducing the Speed Duel: Trials of the Kingdom booster set! Upgrade your Speed Duel Decks with 45 new-to-Speed Duel cards and 5 brand-new Skill Cards!

The Duelist Kingdom tournament brought together the best Duelists to compete for fame and glory. Some of Yugi’s strongest rivals made their first appearance, and this booster set is dedicated to all the challengers that you must overcome to become the champion!

Zombie Master
Bonz is back once more with a new Skill. He can graft the ability of the Zombie Master right onto a Zombie you control, allowing it to become a master of necromancy and resurrect any Level 4 or lower Zombie from the Graveyard!

Terror from the Deep!
Mako Tsunami has another monster waiting in the depths. His brand-new Skill unlocks the hidden powers of Kairyu-Shin, a card making its first debut in the TCG exclusively in this set! Granting your WATER monsters protection from Traps and drawing more cards if your Kairyu-Shin leaves the field, even the most seasoned captain will be crying abandon ship in the face of such a monster!

Cocoon of Ultra Evolution!
Based on the powerful Spell Card from Legendary Duelists: Ancient Millennium, this Skill turns any equipped Insect from either side of the field into the biggest bugs imaginable. Evolution is inevitable, but will you try to stand in its way or wield the power for your own?

Speed Duel: Trials of the Kingdom also includes excellent options to power up your Decks! You can rip cards out of your opponent’s hand with the leader of the Dark Scorpion: Don Zaloog; turn back the clock with Time Machine to rewrite history; and reel in a Fish, Sea Serpent, or Aqua monster from your Graveyard with Surface as fodder for bigger plays!

Special Skill Cards will also be available for the first time at the Speed Duel: Trials of the Kingdom Sneak Peek Event! Duelists will build their Decks on the day then choose 1 of 4 different new Skill Cards to fit their strategy. These Skill Cards are brand-new and only available at the Sneak Peek Event, so contact your local Official Tournament Store (OTS) and make sure you’re ready for the big day!

Speed Duel: Trials of the Kingdom set contains 50* cards:

34 Commons
8 Super Rares
8 Ultra Rares                     

少女帝国 发表于 2019-8-7 20:14:29


mikesan 发表于 2019-8-7 21:58:24

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2019-8-8 08:59 编辑


2019/9/28~9/29 OTS Championship 公认店锦标赛(北美洲)
2019/9/21~9/22 拉丁美洲


SR Ascension Sky Dragon(天穹霸龙 龙腾)

Attention Duelists! Attending the UDS Summer Invitational next weekend? Register with 200 UDS Points and you will get one of these brand new Field Center Cards!
UDS 天空侠场中卡

mikesan 发表于 2019-8-8 19:34:18

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2019-8-9 13:26 编辑



FIGA-EN001(SR)Boot-Up Corporal - Command Dynamo 地 4星 机械 0 2000
You can target up to 2 Machine "Gadget" monsters you control or in your GY with different names; Special Summon this card from your hand, then equip those targets to this card (regardless of its Type). You can only use this effect of "Boot-Up Corporal - Command Dynamo" once per turn. Gains 1000 ATK for each monster equipped to this card by this effect.

FIGA-EN002(SCR)Boot-Up Admiral - Destroyer Dynamo 地 8星 机械 2500 2500
Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand) by sending 2 "Gadget" Monster Cards from your hand and/or face-up field to the GY. Cannot be destroyed by battle or card effects while you control a "Gadget" monster or a "Gadget" Monster Card equipped to a monster. Once per turn: You can target 1 other card on the field; destroy it.

FIGA-EN003(SR)Boot-Up Order - Gear Charge 永续魔法
When this card is activated: You can target any number of "Gadget" Monster Cards you control that are equipped to a monster; Special Summon them. You can discard 1 card; add 1 "Boot-Up Admiral - Destroyer Dynamo" from your Deck to your hand. You can only use this effect of "Boot-Up Order - Gear Charge" once per turn. You can only activate 1 "Boot-Up Order - Gear Charge" per turn.

FIGA-EN004(SCR)Boot-Up Order - Gear Force 通常陷阱
When any player's monster declares an attack and all monsters you control are face-up Machine monsters (min.1 ): Destroy Attack Position monsters your opponent controls, up to the number of Machine monsters you control.

FIGA-EN005(SR)Powerhold the Moving Battery 永续陷阱
Special Summon this card as an Effect Monster (Machine/EARTH/Level 4/ATK 0/DEF 2000), then you can equip 1 Level 4 Machine "Gadget" monster from your hand or Deck to this card. (This card is also still a Trap.) If Summoned this way, this card gains ATK equal to double the ATK of the monster equipped to it by this effect.

FIGA-EN006 Green Gadget(绿色零件)
FIGA-EN007 Red Gadget(红色零件)
FIGA-EN008 Yellow Gadget(黄色零件)
FIGA-EN009 Gold Gadget(金色零件)
FIGA-EN010 Silver Gadget(银色零件)

FIGA-EN011(SCR)Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Ram 炎 3星 兽战士 800 200
If this card is Normal Summoned: You can discard 1 card, then target 1 "Fire Formation" Spell/Trap you control; Set 1 "Fire Formation" Spell/Trap with a different name directly from your Deck. If this card is Special Summoned by the effect of a "Fire Fist" monster: You can Set 1 "Fire Formation" Spell/Trap directly from your Deck, with a different name from the cards in your GY. You can only use each effect of "Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Ram" once per turn.
这张卡召唤成功的场合:可以丢弃1张手卡,之后以自己场上1张“Fire Formation”魔法/陷阱卡为对象;从卡组把和那张卡卡名不同的1张“Fire Formation”魔法/陷阱卡在自己场上盖放。这张卡用“Fire Fist”怪兽的效果特殊召唤成功的场合:可以从卡组把同名卡不在自己墓地存在的1张“Fire Formation”魔法/陷阱卡在自己场上盖放。“Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Ram”的每个效果1回合各能使用1次。

FIGA-EN012(SCR)Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Elephant 炎 4星 兽战士 1000 1800
If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can send 1 face-up "Fire Formation" Spell/Trap you control to the GY; Special Summon 1 "Fire Fist" monster from your hand, except "Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Elephant". You can target 1 "Fire Formation" Spell/Trap in your GY; shuffle it into the Deck, then you can add 1 Level 5 or higher "Fire Fist" monster from your Deck to your hand. You can only use each effect of "Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Elephant" once per turn.
这张卡召唤·特殊召唤成功的场合:可以把自己场上1张表侧表示的“Fire Formation”魔法/陷阱卡送去墓地;从手卡把“Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Elephant”以外的1只“Fire Fist”怪兽特殊召唤。可以以自己墓地1张“Fire Formation”魔法/陷阱卡为对象;那张卡回到卡组,之后可以从卡组把1只5星以上的“Fire Fist”怪兽加入手卡。“Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Elephant”的每个效果1回合各能使用1次。

FIGA-EN013(SCR)Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Panda 炎 5星 兽战士 2100 400
If you activate a "Fire Formation" Spell/Trap Card (except during the Damage Step): You can Special Summon this card from your hand, then you can Special Summon 1 "Fire Fist" monster from your GY, except "Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Panda", also, you cannot Special Summon monsters for the rest of this turn, except "Fire Fist" monsters. If a "Fire Fist" monsters(s) you control would be destroyed by an opponent's card effect, you can send 1 face-up "Fire Formation" Spell/Trap you control to the GY instead. You can only use each effect of "Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Panda" once per turn.
自己把“Fire Formation”魔法/陷阱卡发动的场合(伤害步骤以外):可以从手卡把这张卡特殊召唤,之后可以从自己墓地选“Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Panda”以外的1只“Fire Fist”怪兽特殊召唤,这个效果的发动后,直到回合结束时自己不是“Fire Fist”怪兽不能特殊召唤。自己场上的“Fire Fist”怪兽被对方的卡的效果破坏的场合,可以作为代替把自己场上1张表侧表示的“Fire Formation”魔法/陷阱卡送去墓地。“Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Panda”的每个效果1回合各能使用1次。

FIGA-EN014(SCR)Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Eland 炎 6星 兽战士/仪式 2400 2000
You can Ritual Summon this card with "Fire Formation - Domei". You can discard 1 monster; Set 1 "Fire Formation" Spell/Trap directly from your Deck or GY. When your opponent activates a monster effect (Quick Effect): You can send 1 face-up "Fire Fist" or "Fire Formation" card you control to the GY, except "Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Eland"; negate that effect. You can only use each effect of "Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Eland" once per turn.
“Fire Formation - Domei”降临。可以从手卡丢弃1只怪兽;从自己的卡组·墓地选1张“Fire Formation”魔法/陷阱卡在自己场上盖放。对方把怪兽的效果发动时(在自己或者对方回合):可以把“Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Eland”以外的自己场上1张表侧表示的“Fire Fist”卡或者“Fire Formation”卡送去墓地;那个效果无效。“Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Eland”的每个效果1回合各能使用1次。

FIGA-EN015(SCR)Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Swan 炎 8星 兽战士/融合 2600 2200
2 Beast-Warrior monsters
If this card is Special Summoned: You can inflict 200 damage to your opponent for each "Fire Formation" Spell/Trap you control. During the Battle Phase (Quick Effect): You can send 1 face-up "Fire Formation" Spell/Trap you control to the GY, then target 1 card your opponent controls; destroy it. You can only use each effect of "Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Swan" once per turn.
这张卡特殊召唤成功的场合:可以给与对方为自己场上的“Fire Formation”魔法/陷阱卡数量×200伤害。战斗阶段时(在自己或者对方回合):可以把自己场上1张表侧表示的“Fire Formation”魔法/陷阱卡送去墓地,之后以对方场上1张卡为对象;破坏那张卡。“Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Swan”的每个效果1回合各能使用1次。

FIGA-EN017(SCR)Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Peacock 炎 兽战士/连接 1000 2 [←][↓]
2 "Fire Fist" monster
While this card points to a "Fire Fist" monster, your opponent's monsters cannot target this card for attacks. When this card declares an attack: You can send 1 face-up "Fire Formation" Spell/Trap you control to the GY, then target 1 monster your opponent controls; place that opponent's monster in a zone this card points to and take control of it until the End Phase, but it cannot declare an attack this turn. You can only use this effect of "Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Peacock" once per turn.
“Fire Fist”怪兽2只
只要这张卡所连接区有“Fire Fist”怪兽存在,对方不能选择这张卡作为攻击对象。这张卡攻击宣言时:可以把自己场上1张表侧表示的“Fire Formation”魔法/陷阱卡送去墓地,之后以对方场上1只怪兽为对象;直到结束阶段那只对方怪兽在这张卡所连接区放置得到控制权,这个效果得到控制权的怪兽在这个回合不能攻击宣言。“Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Peacock”的这个效果1回合只能使用1次。

FIGA-EN018(SCR)Fire Fortress atop Liang Peak 场地魔法
(This card is always treated as a "Fire Formation" card.)
Each time a "Fire Fist" monster(s) is Normal or Special Summoned, place 1 Fire Fist Counter on this card. Once per turn: You can remove Fire Fist Counters from your field to activate 1 of these effects;
● 2: If your Beast-Warrior monster attacks this turn, your opponent cannot activate cards or effects until the end of the Damage Step.
● 6: Add 1 Beast-Warrior monster from your Deck to your hand.
● 10: Special Summon 1 Beast-Warrior monster from your Deck or Extra Deck, ignoring its Summoning conditions.
(这张卡在规则上也当作“Fire Formation”卡使用。)
每次“Fire Fist”怪兽召唤·特殊召唤,给这张卡放置1个Fire Fist指示物。1回合1次:可以把自己场上的Fire Fist指示物的以下数量取除,那个效果发动;

FIGA-EN019(SCR)Fire Formation - Domei 永续魔法
When this card is activated: You can Ritual Summon 1 Beast-Warrior Ritual Monster from your hand, by Tributing monsters from your hand or field whose total Levels equal or exceed its Level. If this face-up card is sent from the Spell & Trap Zone to the GY: You can target 1 "Fire Fist" monster in your GY; Special Summon it. You can only use this effect of "Fire Formation - Domei" once per turn. You can only activate 1 "Fire Formation - Domei" per turn.
作为这张卡的发动时的效果处理:等级合计直到变成仪式召唤的怪兽的等级以上为止,可以把自己的手卡·场上的怪兽解放,从手卡把1只兽战士族仪式怪兽仪式召唤。表侧表示的这张卡从魔法与陷阱区域送去墓地的场合:可以以自己墓地1只“Fire Fist”怪兽为对象;那只怪兽特殊召唤。“Fire Formation - Domei”的这个效果1回合只能使用1次。“Fire Formation - Domei”在1回合只能发动1张。

FIGA-EN020(SCR)Fire Formation - Ingen 永续魔法
When this card is activated: You can Fusion Summon 1 Beast-Warrior Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters from your hand or field as Fusion Material. If this face-up card is sent from the Spell & Trap Zone to the GY: You can target 1 "Fire Fist" monster in your GY; add it to your hand. You can only use this effect of "Fire Formation - Ingen" once per turn. You can only activate 1 "Fire Formation - Ingen" per turn.
作为这张卡的发动时的效果处理:可以从自己的手卡·场上把兽战士族融合怪兽卡决定的融合素材怪兽送去墓地,把那1只融合怪兽从额外卡组融合召唤。表侧表示的这张卡从魔法与陷阱区域送去墓地的场合:可以以自己墓地1只“Fire Fist”怪兽为对象;那只怪兽加入手卡。“Fire Formation - Ingen”的这个效果1回合只能使用1次。“Fire Formation - Ingen”在1回合只能发动1张。

FIGA-EN021(SCR)Ultimate Fire Formation - Sinto 反击陷阱
When a Spell/Trap Card is activated, while you control a "Fire Fist" monster and a "Fire Formation" Spell/Trap: Negate the activation, and if you do, destroy that card. You can only activate 1 "Ultimate Fire Formation - Sinto" per turn.
自己场上有“Fire Fist”怪兽以及“Fire Formation”魔法/陷阱卡存在,魔法/陷阱卡发动时:那个发动无效并破坏。“Ultimate Fire Formation - Sinto”在1回合只能发动1张。

FIGA-EN016(SCR)Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Eagle(炎星仙-鹫真人)

FIGA-EN022 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Gorilla(勇炎星-猿胜)
FIGA-EN023 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear(暗炎星-熊志)
FIGA-EN024 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Spirit(炎星师-张天)
FIGA-EN025 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Rooster(立炎星-董鸡)
FIGA-EN026 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Cardinal(闲炎星-红冠胜)
FIGA-EN027 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Tiger King(魁炎星王-宋虎)
FIGA-EN028 Fire Formation - Tenki(炎舞-「天玑」)
FIGA-EN029 Fire Formation - Tensu(炎舞-「天枢」)
FIGA-EN030 Fire Formation - Yoko(炎舞-「瑶光」)
FIGA-EN031(SCR)Archfiend's Awakening(恶魔降临)
FIGA-EN032(SCR)Archfiend's Call(恶魔招来)
FIGA-EN033(SCR)Archfiend's Ascent(恶魔超越)
FIGA-EN034(SCR)Archfiend's Manifestation(恶魔显现)
FIGA-EN036(SR)Swap Cleric(交换祭司)
FIGA-EN037(SR)Defcon Bird(戒备转换鸟)
FIGA-EN038(SR)Prohibit Snake(禁止档案蛇)
FIGA-EN039(SCR)Code Radiator(代码散热员)
FIGA-EN040(SR)Spool Code(假脱机代码)
FIGA-EN041(SR)Cynet Optimization(电脑网优化)
FIGA-EN042(SR)Cynet Conflict(电脑网冲突)
FIGA-EN043(SR)Code Talker(码语者)
FIGA-EN044(SR)Shootingcode Talker(排错代码语者)
FIGA-EN046(SR)Talkback Lancer(对讲枪兵)
FIGA-EN048 Subterror Fiendess(地中族妖魔)
FIGA-EN049(SR)The Hidden City(地中界 香巴拉)
FIGA-EN050 Subterror Final Battle(地中族的决战)
FIGA-EN051 Scrap Recycler(废铁回收员)
FIGA-EN052 Majesty Maiden, the True Dracocaster(真龙导士 威风凛·少女)
FIGA-EN053(SCR)Ignis Heat, the True Dracowarrior(真龙战士 点火烈·炽热)
FIGA-EN054 Dinomight Knight, the True Dracofighter(真龙拳士 雾动轰·铁拳)
FIGA-EN055 Amorphage Lechery(无形噬体·色欲)
FIGA-EN056 Amorphage Sloth(无形噬体·怠惰)
FIGA-EN057 Amorphage Goliath(无形噬体·虚饰)
FIGA-EN058 Chronograph Sorcerer(刻读之魔术士)
FIGA-EN059(SR)Mythical Beast Master Cerberus(魔导兽 刻耳柏洛斯尊主)
FIGA-EN060 Starving Venom Fusion Dragon(凶饿毒融合龙)

找女神中~ 发表于 2019-8-8 20:14:21


客串王子 发表于 2019-8-8 20:32:54


Wind2010 发表于 2019-8-8 21:13:02

本帖最后由 Wind2010 于 2019-8-8 21:16 编辑


月影天狼 发表于 2019-8-8 21:40:45

Wind2010 发表于 2019-8-8 21:13


哥斯仙人 发表于 2019-8-8 22:28:06

月影天狼 发表于 2019-8-8 21:40
极炎舞不知道是啥,seido是星斗,sindo ...


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