mikesan 发表于 2023-3-8 18:30:38


STP5-EN001(UR)Elemental HERO Wildheart(元素英雄 荒野侠)
STP5-EN002(UR)Cyber Angel Benten(电子化天使-弁天-)
STP5-EN003(UR)Elemental HERO Plasma Vice(元素英雄 电离钳侠)
STP5-EN004(UR)Destiny End Dragoon(龙骑士 D-终)
STP5-EN005(UR)Wall of Disruption(分断之壁)
STP5-EN006(SR)Goddess with the Third Eye(心眼之女神)
STP5-EN007(SR)Ancient Gear Beast(古代的机械兽)
STP5-EN008(SR)Destiny HERO - Diamond Dude(命运英雄 钻石人)
STP5-EN009(SR)Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat(宝玉兽 紫晶猫)
STP5-EN010(SR)Volcanic Shell(火山弹)
STP5-EN011(SR)Exploder Dragon(轰炸龙)
STP5-EN012(SR)Ojama Blue(扰乱·蓝)
STP5-EN013(SR)Hammer Shot(槌击)
STP5-EN014(SR)Machine Angel Ritual(机械天使的仪式)
STP5-EN015(SR)Jar of Greed(强欲之瓶)
STP5-EN016 Sinister Serpent(杀人蛇)
STP5-EN017 Jinzo(人造人-念力震慑者)
STP5-EN018 Twin-Headed Behemoth(多尔·多拉)
STP5-EN019 Yomi Ship(通向黄泉的渡船)
STP5-EN020 Drillago(钢钻龙)
STP5-EN021 Dark Red Enchanter(暗红之魔导师)
STP5-EN022 Desert Twister(荒漠龙卷怪)
STP5-EN023 Sphere Kuriboh(球形栗子球)
STP5-EN024 Sword of Dragon's Soul(杀龙剑)
STP5-EN025 Book of Moon(月之书)
STP5-EN026 Dark Factory of Mass Production(暗之量产工厂)
STP5-EN027 Faustian Bargain(给恶魔的贡物)
STP5-EN028 Heat Wave(大热波)
STP5-EN029 Iron Draw(钢铁抽卡)
STP5-EN030 Lightforce Sword(光之封札剑)
STP5-EN031 Seven Tools of the Bandit(盗贼的七道具)
STP5-EN032 A Major Upset(大爆冷门)
STP5-EN033 Wild Tornado(荒野的大龙卷)
STP5-EN034 Dragon's Rebirth(龙之转生)
STP5-EN035 Floodgate Trap Hole(无底的落穴)

mikesan 发表于 2023-3-9 01:20:06

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2023-3-14 10:01 编辑

The 2023 Latin America Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship Qualifier - National Events will start in May!
Duel to win exclusive prizes! Top finishers will earn invites to the Central or South America Yu-Gi-Oh! WCQ based on their country of residence.
The European National Championships, State Championships for South Africa and Oceanic State Championships are all happening between 6th May – 18th June!
Check out the exclusive Game Mat you could win, and the participation FCC!
More info: https://tinyurl.com/2e7jtshe
2023/5~ Latin American and European National Championships & South Africa and Oceanic State Championships 欧洲/大洋洲/拉丁美洲国家赛奖品

mikesan 发表于 2023-3-17 07:00:14

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2023-3-17 08:15 编辑

2023年8月25日 Speed Duel: Streets of Battle City(SBC1)
2023年8月24日 (欧版发售日)

200张 N卡
20张 技能卡
2张 SCR卡(「奥西里斯之天空龙」、「黑魔术师(潘多拉版插图)」)
6张 SCR卡(全22种随机6种)
4张 双人游戏垫
- 收录了武藤游戏、城之内克也、梶木渔太、昆虫羽蛾、天才吕场、稀有卡猎人、潘多拉、马利克人偶等在「决斗都市篇」使用的卡片。
- 收录8个预组。

(SCR)Slifer the Sky Dragon(奥西里斯之天空龙)
(SCR)Dark Magician(黑魔术师) ※潘多拉版插图
(SCR)Dark Magician Girl(黑魔术少女)
(SCR)Flame Swordsman(炎之剑士)

Attention Duelists! The Battle City Tournament is underway!

In the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME (TCG) Speed Duel: Streets of Battle City box, you and your friends can take on the roles of Yugi Muto and Joey Wheeler as they Duel their way to the Battle City quarterfinals. But don’t expect it to be easy – many other Duelists have the same goal! Mako Tsunami, Weevil Underwood, and Espa Roba are all vying for a spot as well, and the mysterious Marik has sent Seeker the Rare Hunter, Arkana the Magician, and Strings the Quiet One to stop you!

Speed Duel: Streets of Battle City comes with 8 Pre-Constructed Decks ready-to-play right out of the box! You can relive classic moments from the show with brand-new Skill Cards that will make you feel as if you are right in the action Dueling on the streets of Battle City!

Speed Duel: Streets of Battle City is full of cards that are brand new to Speed Duel, and if you missed out on the original Speed Duel: Battle City Box, you’ll have another chance to get your hands on some of the powerful cards that were introduced there!

Each Speed Duel: Streets of Battle City box also comes with 8 Secret Rares that could include iconic cards like Yugi’s Dark Magician Girl and Joey’s Flame Swordsman!

Do you and your friends have what it takes to rise to the top and survive the streets of Battle City?!

Each Speed Duel: Streets of Battle City box contains a grand total of 228 cards, all usable in Speed Duel:

200 Commons
20 Skill Cards
8 (of 24) Secret Rares
2 of the 8 Secret Rares in every box will be Slifer the Sky Dragon and Arkana’s Dark Magician.
4 Deluxe 2-Player Game Mats featuring Yami Yugi and Arkana

*Name and contents subject to change

mikesan 发表于 2023-3-18 00:05:55

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2023-3-18 11:00 编辑

Duelists: Participate in a Win-A-Mat event at the 250th YCS in Bogota, London, or Los Angeles to get this exclusive Game Mat! Visit our website for more info.

Bogota http://bit.ly/3jELj8F
London http://bit.ly/3kaEXy0
Los Angeles http://bit.ly/3ViCCxw

#YuGiOh #YuGiOhTCG
2023年4月1日~4月2日 第250届YCS (美国洛杉矶、英国伦敦、哥伦比亚波哥大)
Win-A-Mat赛奖品:「暗游戏(传说的剑斗士 混沌战士) & Playmaker(防火龙·暗流体-新电磁泄密风)」卡垫

mikesan 发表于 2023-3-21 00:30:55

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2023-3-21 12:00 编辑

Secret Rares(24/24)
SGX3-ENA13 Dark Fusion(暗黑融合)
SGX3-ENA17 Super Polymerization(超融合)
SGX3-ENA21 Evil HERO Malicious Fiend(邪心英雄 恶刃魔王)
SGX3-ENB01 Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon(真红眼暗龙)
SGX3-ENC01 Vampire Genesis(吸血鬼创世主)
SGX3-END01 Amazoness Queen(亚马逊女王)
SGX3-END02 Amazoness Swords Woman(亚马逊剑士)
SGX3-ENE01 Skull Archfiend of Lightning(迅雷之魔王-骸骨恶魔)
SGX3-ENF01 Helios - The Primordial Sun(原始太阳 赫利俄斯)
SGX3-ENF02 Golden Homunculus(黄金人工生命体)
SGX3-ENF10 D.D. Crow(D.D.乌鸦)
SGX3-ENF19 Macro Cosmos(大宇宙)
SGX3-ENG01 Uria, Lord of Searing Flames(神炎皇 乌利亚)
SGX3-ENG02 Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder(降雷皇 哈蒙)
SGX3-ENG03 Raviel, Lord of Phantasms(幻魔皇 拉比艾尔)
SGX3-ENH01 Fog King(雾之王)
SGX3-ENI15 Legendary Jujitsu Master(传说的柔术家)
SGX3-ENI17 Il Blud(地狱的门番 伊尔·布拉德)
SGX3-ENI19 Vampire Hunter(吸血鬼杀手)
SGX3-ENI25 Elemental HERO Shining Flare Wingman(元素英雄 闪光火焰翼侠)
SGX3-ENI27 Armed Dragon LV10(武装龙 LV10)
SGX3-ENI28 Cyber Dragon(电子龙) ※黑影版插图
SGX3-ENI30 Allure of Darkness(暗之诱惑)
SGX3-ENI34 Aqua Chorus(水之合唱)

SGX3-ENA01 Evil HERO Malicious Edge(邪心英雄 恶刃魔)
SGX3-ENA02 Elemental HERO Avian(元素英雄 羽翼侠)
SGX3-ENA03 Elemental HERO Burstinatrix(元素英雄 爆热女郎)
SGX3-ENA04 Elemental HERO Clayman(元素英雄 黏土侠)
SGX3-ENA05 Elemental HERO Sparkman(元素英雄 电光侠)
SGX3-ENA06 Elemental HERO Wildheart(元素英雄 荒野侠)
SGX3-ENA07 Evil HERO Infernal Gainer(邪心英雄 地狱连魔)
SGX3-ENA08 Evil HERO Infernal Prodigy(邪心英雄 地狱小魔)
SGX3-ENA09 Sand Moth(沙沼怪)
SGX3-ENA10 Versago the Destroyer(破坏神 瓦沙克)
SGX3-ENA11 Dark Ruler Ha Des(冥界的魔王 哈·迪斯)
SGX3-ENA12 Absorbing Jar(吸收壶)
SGX3-ENA13 Dark Fusion(暗黑融合)
SGX3-ENA14 Dark Calling(暗黑神召)
SGX3-ENA15 Evil Mind(邪心)
SGX3-ENA16 Dark World Lightning(暗黑界之雷)
SGX3-ENA17 Super Polymerization(超融合)
SGX3-ENA18 Hero Signal(英雄标记)
SGX3-ENA19 Dark Deal(暗之取引)
SGX3-ENA20 Windstorm of Etaqua(伊塔库亚的暴风)
SGX3-ENA21 Evil HERO Malicious Fiend(邪心英雄 恶刃魔王)
SGX3-ENA22 Evil HERO Inferno Wing(邪心英雄 业火翼魔)
SGX3-ENA23 Evil HERO Wild Cyclone(邪心英雄 荒野风魔)
SGX3-ENA24 Evil HERO Dark Gaia(邪心英雄 暗黑地魔)
SGX3-ENA25 Evil HERO Lightning Golem(邪心英雄 闪电巨魔)

SGX3-ENB01 Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon(真红眼暗龙)
SGX3-ENB02 Red-Eyes Black Dragon(真红眼黑龙)
SGX3-ENB03 Luster Dragon(蓝宝石龙)
SGX3-ENB04 Luster Dragon #2(绿宝石龙)
SGX3-ENB05 Black Dragon's Chick(黑龙之雏)
SGX3-ENB06 Red-Eyes Wyvern(真红眼飞龙)
SGX3-ENB07 Black Metal Dragon(黑钢龙)
SGX3-ENB08 Troop Dragon(军队龙)(×2)
SGX3-ENB09 Mirage Dragon(幻影之龙)
SGX3-ENB10 Spear Dragon(长枪龙)
SGX3-ENB11 Vanguard of the Dragon(龙之尖兵)
SGX3-ENB12 Totem Dragon(民艺龙)
SGX3-ENB13 Stamping Destruction(粉碎践踏)
SGX3-ENB14 Dragon's Gunfire(火龙的火炎弹)
SGX3-ENB15 Cosmic Cyclone(宇宙旋风)
SGX3-ENB16 Swing of Memories(回忆的秋千)
SGX3-ENB17 Dragon's Rage(龙之逆鳞)
SGX3-ENB18 Negate Attack(攻击无力化)
SGX3-ENB19 Red-Eyes Spirit(真红眼之魂)

SGX3-ENC01 Vampire Genesis(吸血鬼创世主)
SGX3-ENC02 Vampire Baby(吸血鬼婴儿)
SGX3-ENC03 Vampire Familiar(吸血鬼的使魔)
SGX3-ENC04 Vampire Lady(吸血鬼女郎)
SGX3-ENC05 Vampire Lord(吸血鬼领主)
SGX3-ENC06 Vampire Retainer(吸血鬼的眷属)
SGX3-ENC07 Vampire Sorcerer(吸血鬼巫师)
SGX3-ENC08 Vampire's Curse(诅咒之吸血鬼)
SGX3-ENC09 Zombina(僵尸女孩)
SGX3-ENC10 Goblin Zombie(哥布林僵尸)
SGX3-ENC11 Plague Wolf(疫病狼)
SGX3-ENC12 Heavy Knight of the Flame(业火之重骑士)
SGX3-ENC13 Ryu Kokki(龙骨鬼)
SGX3-ENC14 Call of the Mummy(木乃伊的呼声)
SGX3-ENC15 Book of Life(生者之书-禁断的咒术-)
SGX3-ENC16 Foolish Burial(愚蠢的埋葬)
SGX3-ENC17 Soul Exchange(灵魂交错)
SGX3-ENC18 Vampire's Desire(吸血鬼欲望)
SGX3-ENC19 The Forceful Checkpoint(检问)
SGX3-ENC20 Vampire Awakening(吸血鬼觉醒)

SGX3-END01 Amazoness Queen(亚马逊女王)
SGX3-END02 Amazoness Swords Woman(亚马逊剑士)
SGX3-END03 Amazoness Tiger(亚马逊宠物虎)
SGX3-END04 Amazoness Paladin(亚马逊圣战士)
SGX3-END05 Amazoness Chain Master(亚马逊锁链使)
SGX3-END06 Amazoness Fighter(亚马逊格斗战士)
SGX3-END07 Amazoness Trainee(亚马逊训练生)
SGX3-END08 Amazoness Sage(亚马逊贤者)
SGX3-END09 Amazoness Scouts(亚马逊童军)
SGX3-END10 Battle Survivor(战斗幸存者)
SGX3-END11 Reinforcement of the Army(增援)
SGX3-END12 Amazoness Heirloom(亚马逊的秘宝)
SGX3-END13 Amazoness Village(亚马逊之里)
SGX3-END14 Amazoness Fighting Spirit(亚马逊的斗志)
SGX3-END15 Amazoness Spellcaster(亚马逊诅咒师)
SGX3-END16 Amazoness Archers(亚马逊弩弓队)
SGX3-END17 Amazoness Willpower(亚马逊的意志)
SGX3-END18 Dramatic Rescue(救出剧)
SGX3-END19 Queen's Pawn(女王的选择)
SGX3-END20 Half Counter(半反击)

SGX3-ENE01 Skull Archfiend of Lightning(迅雷之魔王-骸骨恶魔)
SGX3-ENE02 Archfiend Soldier(恶魔士兵)
SGX3-ENE03 Terrorking Archfiend(灭绝国王恶魔)
SGX3-ENE04 Infernalqueen Archfiend(业火王后恶魔)
SGX3-ENE05 Vilepawn Archfiend(地狱兵卒恶魔)
SGX3-ENE06 Shadowknight Archfiend(暗影骑士恶魔)
SGX3-ENE07 Darkbishop Archfiend(暗黑主教恶魔)
SGX3-ENE08 Desrook Archfiend(死亡城堡恶魔)
SGX3-ENE09 Giant Orc(巨大兽人)
SGX3-ENE10 Mist Archfiend(迷雾恶魔)
SGX3-ENE11 Annihilator Archfiend(灾害恶魔)
SGX3-ENE12 Archfiend General(将军恶魔)
SGX3-ENE13 Foolish Burial(愚蠢的埋葬)
SGX3-ENE14 Pandemonium(万魔殿-恶魔的巢窟-)
SGX3-ENE15 Checkmate(闪击)
SGX3-ENE16 Axe of Despair(恶魔之斧)
SGX3-ENE17 Double Spell(二重魔法)
SGX3-ENE18 Archfiend's Roar(恶魔的雄叫)
SGX3-ENE19 Battle-Scarred(血之刻印)
SGX3-ENE20 Bark of Dark Ruler(冥王的咆哮)

SGX3-ENF01 Helios - The Primordial Sun(原始太阳 赫利俄斯)
SGX3-ENF02 Golden Homunculus(黄金人工生命体)
SGX3-ENF03 Bazoo the Soul-Eater(食魂者 巴祖)
SGX3-ENF04 Chaosrider Gustaph(混沌骑手 古斯塔夫)
SGX3-ENF05 Diskblade Rider(圆盘骑手)
SGX3-ENF06 D.D. Survivor(异次元的生还者)
SGX3-ENF07 D.D. Scout Plane(异次元的侦察机)
SGX3-ENF08 D.D.M. - Different Dimension Master(异次元之主)
SGX3-ENF09 Banisher of the Radiance(闪光之追放者)
SGX3-ENF10 D.D. Crow(D.D.乌鸦)
SGX3-ENF11 D.D. Destroyer(D.D.破坏王)
SGX3-ENF12 Gren Maju Da Eiza(红莲魔兽 塔·伊沙)
SGX3-ENF13 Tribe-Shocking Virus(同族感电病毒)
SGX3-ENF14 Soul Release(魂之解放)
SGX3-ENF15 Galaxy Cyclone(银河旋风)
SGX3-ENF16 Grand Convergence(大十字)
SGX3-ENF17 Different Dimension Gate(异次元隔离机)
SGX3-ENF18 Different Dimension Encounter(异次元的邂逅)
SGX3-ENF19 Macro Cosmos(大宇宙)
SGX3-ENF20 Curse of Aging(老化的诅咒)

SGX3-ENG04 Dark Summoning Beast(暗黑之召唤神)
SGX3-ENG05 Mad Reloader(装填狂魔)
SGX3-ENG06 D-Boyz(D少年组)(×2)
SGX3-ENG07 Gravitic Orb(重力球)
SGX3-ENG08 Goblin King(哥布林王)
SGX3-ENG09 Grave Protector(墓场看守者)
SGX3-ENG10 Fallen Paradise(失乐园)
SGX3-ENG11 Cerulean Skyfire(失乐之霹雳)
SGX3-ENG12 Veil of Darkness(漆黑之帐)
SGX3-ENG13 Backup Squad(补充部队)
SGX3-ENG14 Different Dimension Gate(异次元隔离机)
SGX3-ENG15 Awakening of the Sacred Beasts(觉醒的三幻魔)
SGX3-ENG16 Unending Nightmare(长眠不醒的噩梦)
SGX3-ENG17 Aegis of Gaia(女神的加护)
SGX3-ENG18 Swamp Mirrorer(镜像沼泽人)
SGX3-ENG19 Final Attack Orders(最终突击命令)

SGX3-ENH01 Fog King(雾之王)
SGX3-ENH02 Cloudian - Eye of the Typhoon(云魔物-台风眼)
SGX3-ENH03 Cloudian - Acid Cloud(云魔物-酸云)
SGX3-ENH04 Cloudian - Altus(云魔物-高层云)
SGX3-ENH05 Cloudian - Cirrostratus(云魔物-卷层云)
SGX3-ENH06 Cloudian - Ghost Fog(云魔物-鬼雾)
SGX3-ENH07 Cloudian - Turbulence(云魔物-乱气流)
SGX3-ENH08 Cloudian - Smoke Ball(云魔物-小烟球)
SGX3-ENH09 Cloudian - Nimbusman(云魔物-雨云人)
SGX3-ENH10 Cloudian - Storm Dragon(云魔物-风暴龙)
SGX3-ENH11 Vortex Trooper(空气循环机)
SGX3-ENH12 Mother Grizzly(母灰熊)
SGX3-ENH13 Cloudian Aerosol(云魔物的云核)
SGX3-ENH14 Cloudian Squall(云魔物的阵雨)
SGX3-ENH15 Summon Cloud(召唤云)
SGX3-ENH16 Diamond-Dust Cyclone(钻尘旋风)
SGX3-ENH17 Fog Control(雾气操控)
SGX3-ENH18 Raging Cloudian(攻击性云魔物)
SGX3-ENH19 Rain Storm(暴风雨)
SGX3-ENH20 Wall of Disruption(分断之壁)

SGX3-ENI01 Dark Scorpion - Chick the Yellow(黑蝎-飞速逃跑的齐克)
SGX3-ENI02 Dark Scorpion - Cliff the Trap Remover(黑蝎-拆除陷阱的克里夫)
SGX3-ENI03 Pharaoh's Servant(法老的仆人)
SGX3-ENI04 Pharaonic Protector(王家的守护者)
SGX3-ENI05 Spirit of the Pharaoh(法老之灵)
SGX3-ENI06 The First Sarcophagus(第一之棺)
SGX3-ENI07 The Second Sarcophagus(第二之棺)
SGX3-ENI08 The Third Sarcophagus(第三之棺)
SGX3-ENI09 Gagagigo(魔蜥义豪)
SGX3-ENI10 Bitelon(咬噬龙)
SGX3-ENI11 Obsidian Dragon(黑曜岩龙)
SGX3-ENI12 Zure, Knight of Dark World(暗黑界的骑士 祖尔)
SGX3-ENI13 Brron, Mad King of Dark World(暗黑界的狂王 布隆)
SGX3-ENI14 Reign-Beaux, Overlord of Dark World(暗黑界的魔神 雷恩)
SGX3-ENI15 Legendary Jujitsu Master(传说的柔术家)
SGX3-ENI16 Imprisoned Queen Archfiend(幽狱王后恶魔)
SGX3-ENI17 Il Blud(地狱的门番 伊尔·布拉德)
SGX3-ENI18 Pitch-Black Warwolf(漆黑的战士 狼人)
SGX3-ENI19 Vampire Hunter(吸血鬼杀手)
SGX3-ENI20 Aqua Spirit(水之精灵 阿库艾丽娅)
SGX3-ENI21 Garuda the Wind Spirit(风之精灵 迦楼罗)
SGX3-ENI22 Helios Duo Megistus(双子太阳 赫利俄斯)
SGX3-ENI23 Helios Trice Megistus(三子太阳 赫利俄斯)
SGX3-ENI24 Cloudian - Sheep Cloud(云魔物-羊云)
SGX3-ENI25 Elemental HERO Shining Flare Wingman(元素英雄 闪光火焰翼侠)
SGX3-ENI26 Terrorking Salmon(灭绝国王鲑)
SGX3-ENI27 Armed Dragon LV10(武装龙 LV10)
SGX3-ENI28 Cyber Dragon(电子龙) ※黑影版插图
SGX3-ENI29 Vampiric Koala(吸血树熊)
SGX3-ENI30 Allure of Darkness(暗之诱惑)
SGX3-ENI31 Book of Moon(月之书)
SGX3-ENI32 Counter Cleaner(指示物吸除器)
SGX3-ENI33 Flash of the Forbidden Spell(封魔一闪)
SGX3-ENI34 Aqua Chorus(水之合唱)
SGX3-ENI35 Chaos Trap Hole(混沌落穴)
SGX3-ENI36 Human-Wave Tactics(人海战术)
SGX3-ENI37 Nightmare Wheel(拷问车轮)
SGX3-ENI38 Zoma the Spirit(死灵佐玛)

mikesan 发表于 2023-3-21 01:15:06

The 250th YCS Participation Game Mat and Field Center Card will be available at the 250th YCS in Bogota, London, and Los Angeles (while supplies last). Register now!

Bogota http://bit.ly/3jELj8F
London http://bit.ly/3kaEXy0
Los Angeles http://bit.ly/3ViCCxw

2023年4月1日~4月2日 第250届YCS (美国洛杉矶、英国伦敦、哥伦比亚波哥大)
参加奖:SJC&YCS奖品卡 卡垫、「异宇宙龙」场地中心卡

mikesan 发表于 2023-3-22 11:01:17

Dark Magician(黑魔术师) ※初版插图
Gearfried the Iron Knight(铁骑士 基亚·弗里德)

Dark Magician the Knight of Dragon Magic(龙魔导骑士 黑魔术师)
Armed Neos(武装新宇侠)
Odd-Eyes Rebellion Xyz Dragon(霸王黑龙 异色眼叛逆XYZ龙)
Ghost Lancer, the Underworld Spearman(劫火之枪术士 幽鬼枪兵)

mikesan 发表于 2023-3-23 00:10:43

Here's a sneak peek of the 250th YCS Top Cut Game Mat! Don't miss out and register for the 250th YCS in Bogota, London, and Los Angeles now!

Bogota http://bit.ly/3jELj8F
London http://bit.ly/3kaEXy0
Los Angeles http://bit.ly/3ViCCxw

#YuGiOh #YuGiOhTCG #YCS250th
2023年4月1日~4月2日 第250届YCS (美国洛杉矶、英国伦敦、哥伦比亚波哥大)

mikesan 发表于 2023-3-25 00:10:56

2023年7月28日 Duelist Nexus(1201)
2023年7月27日 (欧版发售日)

SCR 10种
UR 14种
SR 26种
N 50种
其中25种有Quarter Century Secret Rare版本
- 收录新TCG先行系列。

Rev it up again, and enter the Duelist Nexus with this Summer’s core booster set!

Take your Synchro Summoning strategies to a whole new universe of speed with new cards inspired by Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s, including the mighty Crimson Dragon from the anime series, now brought to life as an actual Synchro Monster! Make sure to pick up Assault Synchron from Battles of Legend: Monstrous Revenge so you can get a rolling start on this high-speed strategy!

Hot summer knights return! Three years after they first appeared in Rise of the Duelist, the epic saga of the fiery Infernoble Knights continues in Duelist Nexus! Dust off your Infernoble Knight Emperor Charles and your Equip Spells as you’ll need them to Summon a brand-new 3000 ATK Link-1 Link Monster that can reduce your opponent’s Spell/Trap effects to cinders!

It’s not just medieval history that’s coming to life in Duelist Nexus either! Natural history hits back with new Dinosaur cards including a new type of Grenosaurus, plus Evolsaurs that can evolve into a mighty Rank 6 Evolzar! You’ll also find new cards for Decks introduced in Cyberstorm Access like “Nemleria” as well as several awesome surprises you’ll just have to wait to see!

Duelist Nexus also includes a brand-new World Premiere theme and introduces Quarter Century Secret Rares to core boosters for the first time! 25 cards will be available as Quarter Century Secret Rares to represent 25 years of the Yu-Gi-Oh! card game!

The complete Duelist Nexus booster set contains 100 new cards:

50 Commons
26 Super Rares
14 Ultra Rares
10 Secret Rares

*Set name and contents subject to change

mikesan 发表于 2023-4-2 02:00:16

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2023-4-2 08:00 编辑

2023年 "KC" Style Briefcase Set

1个 海马手提箱(附14张分隔片)
3张 「Blue-Eyes White Dragon(青眼白龙)」SER卡
61张 海马使用卡(复刻卡58种、新卡3种)
- 本商品为接单生产商品。
- 4月开始接受预订。

mikesan 发表于 2023-4-2 07:04:20


mikesan 发表于 2023-4-4 07:00:12

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2023-4-7 09:00 编辑

2023年9月8日 25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Heroes
2023年9月7日 (欧版发售日)

3包 Mega-Pack卡包(1包18张,2SER、2UR、1SR、1R、12N)
1张 Quarter Century Secret Rare特典卡(全16种随机1种)
- Mega-Pack收录了「Battle of Chaos」、「Dimension Force」、「Darkwing Blast」、「Tactical Masters」、「The Grand Creators」等卡包中约300张的复刻卡。

Celebrate our 25th anniversary together with our 25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Heroes featuring doubled Prismatic Secret Rares and a bonus Quarter Century Secret Rare in every Tin!

Prismatic Secret Rares are one of the things Duelists love most about each year’s Mega-Packs, since Tins are the ONLY place to find this exclusive and beautiful rarity type. And this year, we’re giving you twice as many in each Tin!

Each 25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Heroes includes 3 x 18-card Mega-Packs, each with TWO Prismatic Secret Rares, two Ultra Rares, a Super Rare, a Rare, and twelve Commons.

Total per Tin:
6 Prismatic Secret Rares
6 Ultra Rares
3 Super Rares
3 Rares
36 Commons
(and 1 Quarter Century Secret Rare – see below!)

The massive Mega-Pack set contains almost 300 cards from recent sets, including Battle of Chaos, Dimension Force, Darkwing Blast, Tactical Masters, The Grand Creators, and more!

In addition, each Tin will include a Quarter Century Secret Rare version of one of the sixteen monsters decorating the sides of the Tin – some of the most famous and iconic monsters used by the series’ Dueling Heroes!

mikesan 发表于 2023-4-7 03:30:20

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2023-4-7 09:00 编辑

2023年7月19日~ OTS Tournament Pack 22


(UTR)Branded Fusion(烙印融合)

OTS Tournament Packs are not-for-sale items provided EXCLUSIVELY to KONAMI’s Official Tournament Stores (OTS) to reward Duelists who play in their tournaments!

OTS Tournament Packs give Duelists who enter tournaments at an OTS the chance to pick up cards that are useful for newly introduced or recently revamped strategies, as well as picking up generally useful cards and foil upgrades. OTS Tournament Packs are also the home of Ultimate Rare cards, coveted by Duelists far and wide!

Thrust into action with OTS Tournament Pack 22! Introducing 3 new Ultimate Rare cards, including Branded Fusion! Summon your Fusion Monsters with flair and keep an eye out for more cards that work with Fallen of Albaz in Cyberstorm Access! The Despia/Branded strategy has many cards available in a high rarity and now you can upgrade this integral part of the Deck as well! Get ready to bling out your Deck and collect all the new Ultimate Rares in OTS Tournament Pack 22!

*set contents subject to change

mikesan 发表于 2023-4-11 08:00:40

LART-EN057(UR)Senju of the Thousand Hands(千手神) ※OCG版插图

YCS 250th 裁判卡垫

mikesan 发表于 2023-4-12 00:59:14

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2023-4-12 12:00 编辑

25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Heroes

Quarter Century Secret Rare特典卡(8/16)
Dark Magician(黑魔术师)
Exodia the Forbidden One(被封印的艾克佐迪亚)
Red-Eyes Black Dragon(真红眼黑龙)
Rainbow Dragon(究极宝玉神 虹龙)
Cyber Dragon(电子龙)
Elemental HERO Neos(元素英雄 新宇侠)
Salamangreat Blaze Dragon(转生炎兽 烈焰龙)
Firewall Dragon(防火龙)

mikesan 发表于 2023-4-13 01:30:47

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2023-4-13 12:00 编辑

Attention Speed Duelists! On April 22nd, we will implement an updated events-only Limited List for all Speed Duel Public Events being held at the April North American Remote Duel Main Event.

The Limited List is legal on the weekend of April 22nd and at future Tier 3 events.
Duelists must comply with the list if they wish to participate in Speed Duel Public Events or the Speed Duel Main Event.

Official Tournament Stores may also use the list for their local Speed Duel tournaments.

The Speed Duel Limited List works like the Yu-Gi-Oh! DUEL LINKS Forbidden and Limited List.

Limited 1: Only 1 of the following cards out of all the cards that are “Limited 1” can be used in your Deck & Side Deck.

● Jinzo
● Offerings to the Doomed – New to Limited 1
● Reinforcement of the Army
● Nightmare Wheel
● Zoma the Spirit

Limited 2: Only 2 of the following cards out of all the cards that are “Limited 2” can be used in your Deck & Side Deck.

● Cocoon of Ultra Evolution (Weevil Underwood Skill Card)
● Golden Ladybug – New to Limited 2
● Parasite Paranoid
● Volcanic Shell – New to Limited 2
● Allure of Darkness
● Foolish Burial
● Union Hangar

Limited 3: Only 3 of the following cards out of all the cards that are “Limited 3” can be used in your Deck & Side Deck.

● I’m Just Gonna Attack (Joey Wheeler Skill Card) – New to Limited 3
● Twisted Personality (Yami Marik Skill Card) – New to Limited 3
● Cyber Angel Benten – New to Limited 3
● Breaker the Magical Warrior
● Cyber Dragon
● D.D. Warrior Lady
● Machine Angel Ritual – New to Limited 3
● Book of Moon
● Cosmic Cyclone
● Crystal Raigeki
● Floodgate Trap Hole
● Wall of Disruption – New to Limited 3
Speed Duel Tier 2以上比赛 限制卡表(2023年4月22日适用)


Cocoon of Ultra Evolution(超进化之茧)(昆虫羽蛾技能卡)
寄生虫 帕拉诺伊德

I'm Just Gonna Attack!(城之内攻击!)(城之内克也技能卡)
Twisted Personality(暗人格)(暗马利克技能卡)
魔导战士 破坏者

mikesan 发表于 2023-4-13 23:20:34

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2023-8-16 09:00 编辑

The North America Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Cyberstorm Access WCQ Regional Qualifiers are happening in May.

More info coming soon! #YuGiOhTCG
Duelists, prepare: the Cyberstorm Access season for 2023 WCQ: Regional Qualifiers starts this May, and OTS Championships kick off in July!
Check out the exclusive Game Mats you can win this upcoming season!
#CyberstormAccess #YuGiOhTCG
1112赛季 Regional 地区赛奖品 & OTS Championship 公认店锦标赛冠军奖品
「恐乐园的死配人 <A丑角>」Regional卡垫
「恐乐园的死配人 <A丑角>」Champion卡垫

mikesan 发表于 2023-4-20 23:00:20

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2023-5-2 12:00 编辑

2023年8月11日 Legendary Duelists: Soulburning Volcano(LD10)
2023年8月10日 (欧版发售日)

GHR 1种
UR 9种
SR 8种
R 10种
N 34种

Turn up the heat until your opponent can’t stand it anymore with three strategies inspired by fiery Duelists from the pantheon of the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime series!

Salamangreat is back with new cards inspired by Soulburner from Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS! Salamangreat is one of the most popular tournament-level strategies of the last decade, able to dish out 8000 damage in a flash. Its unique “reincarnation” gameplay makes your monsters gain a new power if you use them to Summon a second copy of themselves. So load up on extra copies of your favorite “Salamangreat” Extra Deck monsters!

Axel Brodie was a featured character in the Speed Duel GX: Duel Academy Box, and now his Volcanic strategy is getting another turn in the spotlight. Pick up brand-new “Volcanic” cards that’ll help you burn out your opponent’s Life Points without even having to battle! You can still go with the classic Volcanic Doomfire, or you can inflict damage to your opponent every time they Special Summon with the new Emperor of all “Volcanic” monsters!

The bell hasn’t rung yet, so get back in the ring with new Battlin’ Boxers! The Barian Emperor Alito’s strategy from Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL focused on enduring blows while dishing out heavy counterpunches to his opponents, and these new “Battlin’ Boxer” cards pick up where he left off. You’ll even be able to add “Counter” Counter Traps straight from your Deck to your hand! Any Deck that uses FIRE Warriors and can assemble 2 Level 4 monsters can unleash a powerful new “Battlin’ Boxer” Xyz Monster that can add any FIRE Warrior from your Deck to your hand! Something worth considering for any fans of the “Infernoble Knight” cards from Duelist Nexus!

The complete Legendary Duelists: Soulburning Volcano booster set contains 62 cards:
9 Ultra Rares
8 Super Rares
10 Rares
34 Commons
1 Ghost Rare

*Set content subject to change.

mikesan 发表于 2023-4-20 23:31:19

CYAC-EN100(STAR)Visas Starfrost(维萨斯-斯塔弗罗斯特)

mikesan 发表于 2023-4-20 23:45:39


TYL-EN001 Tyler the Great Warrior
页: 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 [500] 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509
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