mikesan 发表于 2024-6-7 17:59:53

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2024-6-9 00:00 编辑

OP25-EN001 Exodia the Forbidden One(被封印的艾克佐迪亚)
OP25-EN002 Snake-Eye Ash(蛇眼梣树灵)
OP25-EN003 Diviner of the Herald(宣告者的神巫)

OP25-EN004 Wightprince(白骨王子)
OP25-EN005 PSY-Framegear Delta(PSY骨架装备·δ)
OP25-EN006 Wightprincess(白骨公主)
OP25-EN007 Fire King Avatar Arvata(炎王兽 甘尼许)
OP25-EN008 Dyna Mondo(大傩主水)
OP25-EN009 Soul Release(魂之解放)
OP25-EN010 Fire King Island(炎王的孤岛)
OP25-EN011 Fusion Tag(融合识别)
OP25-EN012 Full-Armored Xyz(重铠装XYZ)
OP25-EN027 Infernoid Token(狱火机衍生物)

OP25-EN013 Serpentine Princess(纳迦)
OP25-EN014 Genex Undine(次世代水精灵)
OP25-EN015 Genex Gaia(次世代地矿人)
OP25-EN016 Redox, Dragon Ruler of Boulders(岩征龙-锈龙)
OP25-EN017 Utopic Onomatopoeia(希望皇 拟声乌托邦)
OP25-EN018 Trias Hierarchia(三位圣统者)
OP25-EN019 Adamancipator Risen - Dragite(魔救之奇迹-巨龙晶石)
OP25-EN020 Virtual World Kyubi - Shenshen(电脑堺狐-仙仙)
OP25-EN021 Number 32: Shark Drake(No.32 海咬龙 鲨龙兽)
OP25-EN022 Raidraptor - Wise Strix(急袭猛禽-智慧林鸮)
OP25-EN023 Rank-Up-Magic Skip Force(升阶魔法-跳越之力)
OP25-EN024 Humid Winds(湿润之风)
OP25-EN025 Dried Winds(干渴之风)
OP25-EN026 Blessed Winds(恩惠之风)

mikesan 发表于 2024-6-8 00:00:03

2024年10月16日~ OTS Tournament Pack 26



(UTR)Lo, the Prayers of the Voiceless Voice(肃声的祈祷者 理)

OTS Tournament Packs are not-for-sale items provided EXCLUSIVELY to KONAMI’s Official Tournament Stores (OTS) to reward Duelists who play in their tournaments!

OTS Tournament Packs give Duelists who enter tournaments at an OTS the chance to pick up cards that are useful for newly introduced or recently revamped strategies, as well as picking up generally useful cards and foil upgrades. OTS Tournament Packs are also the home of OTS Ultimate Rares, coveted by Duelists far and wide! (OTS Ultimate Rares are the original style of Ultimate Rare, not to be confused with the “Prismatic”-style Ultimate Rares from Rarity Collection sets.)

OTS Tournament Pack 26 introduces 3 new OTS Ultimate Rares including the persevering Lo, the Prayers of the Voiceless Voice! Watch her vibrant stained-glass background come to life with the unmatched brilliance of an OTS Ultimate Rare! You can also find handy foil upgrades and important older cards for building some of the newest strategies. Bling out your current Deck or get a head start on your next Deck with OTS Tournament Pack 26!

*Set contents subject to change.

mikesan 发表于 2024-6-10 23:03:36

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2024-6-12 12:00 编辑

Quarter Century Secret Rares(25/25)
BLTR-EN001 Winged Kuriboh LV6(羽翼栗子球 LV6)
BLTR-EN002 Shining Star Dragon(辉煌的星之龙)
BLTR-EN005 Lancea, Ancestral Dragon of the Ice Mountain(冰灵山的龙祖 矛枪龙)
BLTR-EN010 Repair Genex Controller(修复次世代控制员)
BLTR-EN013 Infernoid Evil(狱火机·邪恶)
BLTR-EN017 Spiritual Beast Tamer Lara(精灵兽使 蕾拉)
BLTR-EN028 Red Lotus King, Flame Crime(红莲王 炎罪)
BLTR-EN045 Blaze, Supreme Ruler of all Dragons(征霸龙-烈龙)
BLTR-EN046 Archfiend's Advent(恶魔光来)
BLTR-EN047 Phantom of Yubel(于贝尔幻影)
BLTR-EN051 The Legendary Exodia Incarnate(召唤神 艾克佐迪亚)
BLTR-EN069 Infernoid Decatron(狱火机十进管)
BLTR-EN071 Orcust Harp Horror(自奏圣乐·嬉游曲恶魔)
BLTR-EN072 Diviner of the Herald(宣告者的神巫)
BLTR-EN089 Ib the World Chalice Justiciar(星杯的神子 夏娃)
BLTR-EN091 Gigantic Spright(巨大喷流卫星闪灵)
BLTR-EN093 Aromaseraphy Jasmine(芳香炽天使-茉莉)
BLTR-EN094 Proxy F Magician(代理F魔术师)
BLTR-EN095 Spright Sprind(卫星闪灵迅妖龙炮)
BLTR-EN096 Snatch Steal(强夺)
BLTR-EN111 Branded Fusion(烙印融合)
BLTR-EN115 Lubellion the Searing Dragon(神炎龙 赫界龙)
BLTR-EN116 Sky Striker Ace - Raye(闪刀姬-零衣) ※新版插图
BLTR-EN117 Sky Striker Ace - Roze(闪刀姬-露世) ※新版插图
BLTR-EN118 Dragon Master Magia(究极龙魔导师)

Secret Rares(46/46)
BLTR-EN001 Winged Kuriboh LV6(羽翼栗子球 LV6)
BLTR-EN002 Shining Star Dragon(辉煌的星之龙)
BLTR-EN003 Full Armored Utopic Ray Lancer(重铠装-希望鳍条枪兵)
BLTR-EN004 Brionac, the Magical Ice Dragon(冰魔龙 光枪龙)
BLTR-EN005 Lancea, Ancestral Dragon of the Ice Mountain(冰灵山的龙祖 矛枪龙)
BLTR-EN006 Georgius, Swordman of the Ice Barrier(冰结界的剑士 乔治)
BLTR-EN007 Mirror Mage of the Ice Barrier(冰结界的镜魔师)
BLTR-EN009 Arms of Genex Return Zero(次世代兵器 还零)
BLTR-EN010 Repair Genex Controller(修复次世代控制员)
BLTR-EN013 Infernoid Evil(狱火机·邪恶)
BLTR-EN014 Infernoid Flood(狱火机·洪水)
BLTR-EN017 Spiritual Beast Tamer Lara(精灵兽使 蕾拉)
BLTR-EN018 Ritual Beast Ulti-Nochiudrago(圣灵兽骑 星龙)
BLTR-EN019 Ritual Beast Ulti-Reirautari(圣灵兽骑 风族)
BLTR-EN020 Ritual Beast Inheritance(灵兽的继圣)
BLTR-EN026 Oil(石油采掘)
BLTR-EN027 Ebon Sun(漆黑的太阳)
BLTR-EN028 Red Lotus King, Flame Crime(红莲王 炎罪)
BLTR-EN029 Synchro Creed(同调贪欲)
BLTR-EN039 Ace★Spades Speculation(A★黑桃之猜大小剑士)
BLTR-EN044 Sky Striker Ace - Azalea Temperance(闪刀姬-阿泽莉娅·节制)
BLTR-EN045 Blaze, Supreme Ruler of all Dragons(征霸龙-烈龙)
BLTR-EN046 Archfiend's Advent(恶魔光来)
BLTR-EN047 Phantom of Yubel(于贝尔幻影)
BLTR-EN048 Ancient Gear Dragon(古代的机械龙)
BLTR-EN051 The Legendary Exodia Incarnate(召唤神 艾克佐迪亚)
BLTR-EN052 The End of Anubis(终结之阿努比斯)
BLTR-EN054 Substitoad(交换蛙)
BLTR-EN060 Infernoid Harmadik(狱火机·路西弗格)
BLTR-EN067 Infernoid Pirmais(狱火机·撒旦)
BLTR-EN069 Infernoid Decatron(狱火机十进管)
BLTR-EN079 Kurikara Divincarnate(俱利伽罗天童)
BLTR-EN081 Icejade Ran Aegirine(冰水帝 霓石精·海女神)
BLTR-EN086 Ritual Beast Ulti-Gaiapelio(圣灵兽骑 地火狮)
BLTR-EN087 Granguignol the Dusk Dragon(赫焉龙 大木偶剧场龙)
BLTR-EN090 Icejade Gymir Aegirine(冰水啼 霓石精·海神)
BLTR-EN091 Gigantic Spright(巨大喷流卫星闪灵)
BLTR-EN093 Aromaseraphy Jasmine(芳香炽天使-茉莉)
BLTR-EN094 Proxy F Magician(代理F魔术师)
BLTR-EN096 Snatch Steal(强夺)
BLTR-EN100 Void Vanishment(炼狱的消华)
BLTR-EN101 Void Imagination(炼狱的虚梦)
BLTR-EN102 Void Imagination(炼狱的虚梦) ※新版插图
BLTR-EN104 Spright Starter(卫星闪灵启辉器)
BLTR-EN107 Tri-Brigade Mercourier(铁兽鸟 墨丘利信使)
BLTR-EN111 Branded Fusion(烙印融合)

Ultra Rares(69/69)
BLTR-EN008 Frozen Domain of the Ice Barrier(抵达冰结界的晶域)
BLTR-EN011 R-Genex Undine(真次世代水精灵)
BLTR-EN012 R-Genex Turing(真次世代图灵机)
BLTR-EN015 Void Reignition(炽动的炼狱)
BLTR-EN016 Void Breach(炼狱的决界)
BLTR-EN021 Toy Soldier(玩具士兵)
BLTR-EN022 Toy Tank(玩具坦克)
BLTR-EN023 Toy Box(玩具箱子)
BLTR-EN024 Electro Blaster(电力炮手)
BLTR-EN025 Division(分裂机器人)
BLTR-EN030 Gathering Light(聚集之光)
BLTR-EN031 Earthbound Resonance(地缚共振)
BLTR-EN032 Electrode Beast Cation(电极兽 阳离子)
BLTR-EN033 Electrode Beast Anion(电极兽 阴离子)
BLTR-EN034 Sacrifice Level-Up(牲祭升阶)
BLTR-EN035 White Circle Reef(白之循环礁)
BLTR-EN036 Arbitration of White(白之仲裁)
BLTR-EN037 Synchro Panic(同调恐慌)
BLTR-EN038 Mira Match(米乐与磷寸之仔)
BLTR-EN040 Wonky Quartet(四兽层 摇晃乐师)
BLTR-EN041 Life Hack(生命入侵)
BLTR-EN042 Bunch of Beast Bodies(兽累累)
BLTR-EN043 Pillar of the Future - Cyanos(未来之柱-奇亚诺丝)
BLTR-EN049 Sengenjin(千年原人)
BLTR-EN050 Genex Controller(次世代控制员)
BLTR-EN053 Guard Dog(看门狗)
BLTR-EN055 Genex Power Planner(次世代节能员)
BLTR-EN056 Genex Ally Duradark(盟军·次世代同暗兵)
BLTR-EN057 Genex Ally Birdman(盟军·次世代鸟人兵)
BLTR-EN058 Genex Ally Birdman(盟军·次世代鸟人兵) ※新版插图
BLTR-EN059 Scrap Goblin(废铁哥布林)
BLTR-EN061 Infernoid Patrulea(狱火机·阿斯塔罗特)
BLTR-EN062 Infernoid Piaty(狱火机·阿斯蒙蒂斯)
BLTR-EN063 Infernoid Seitsemas(狱火机·巴力)
BLTR-EN064 Infernoid Attondel(狱火机·亚得米勒)
BLTR-EN065 Infernoid Onuncu(狱火机·拿玛)
BLTR-EN066 Spiritual Beast Rampengu(精灵兽 心企太)
BLTR-EN068 Infernoid Sjette(狱火机·贝尔芬格)
BLTR-EN070 Spiritual Beast Tamer Winda(精灵兽使 薇茵妲)
BLTR-EN071 Orcust Harp Horror(自奏圣乐·嬉游曲恶魔)
BLTR-EN072 Diviner of the Herald(宣告者的神巫)
BLTR-EN073 General Wayne of the Ice Barrier(冰结界的虎将 韦恩)
BLTR-EN074 Hexa Spirit of the Ice Barrier(冰结界的霜精)
BLTR-EN075 Spright Blue(卫星闪灵·蓝色喷流灵)
BLTR-EN076 Spright Jet(卫星闪灵·喷流灵)
BLTR-EN077 Spright Pixies(卫星闪灵·皮克精队)
BLTR-EN078 Spright Red(卫星闪灵·红色精灵)
BLTR-EN080 Blazing Cartesia, the Virtuous(赫之圣女 卡尔特西娅)
BLTR-EN082 Barox(巴洛克斯)
BLTR-EN083 Skelgon(骸骨龙)
BLTR-EN084 Ritual Beast Ulti-Cannahawk(圣灵兽骑 雷鹰)
BLTR-EN085 Ritual Beast Ulti-Cannahawk(圣灵兽骑 雷鹰) ※新版插图
BLTR-EN088 Genex Ally Axel(盟军·次世代加速人)
BLTR-EN089 Ib the World Chalice Justiciar(星杯的神子 夏娃)
BLTR-EN092 Ritual Beast Ulti-Kimunfalcos(圣灵兽骑 山飞隼)
BLTR-EN095 Spright Sprind(卫星闪灵迅妖龙炮)
BLTR-EN097 Medallion of the Ice Barrier(冰结界的纹章)
BLTR-EN098 Medallion of the Ice Barrier(冰结界的纹章) ※新版插图
BLTR-EN099 Spirit Converter(灵魂变换装置)
BLTR-EN103 Freezing Chains of the Ice Barrier(冰结界的晶壁)
BLTR-EN105 Spright Gamma Burst(卫星闪灵伽马暴)
BLTR-EN106 Ritual Beast Ambush(灵兽的骑袭)
BLTR-EN108 Springans Kitt(护宝炮妖·姬特)
BLTR-EN109 The Golden Swordsoul(轩辕之相剑师)
BLTR-EN110 Branded Lost(失烙印)
BLTR-EN112 Branded Sword(烙印之剑)
BLTR-EN113 Branded Retribution(烙印断罪)
BLTR-EN114 Mirrorjade the Iceblade Dragon(冰剑龙 幻冰龙)
BLTR-EN115 Lubellion the Searing Dragon(神炎龙 赫界龙)

mikesan 发表于 2024-6-12 16:02:02


mikesan 发表于 2024-6-18 00:05:29

Receive a FREE Lost Art Promotion card this Wednesday when you spend at least $30 USD/$40 CAD on sealed Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG product (while supplies last)! #YuGiOhLostArt   
Check here for more information: https://bit.ly/3Mua689
LART-EN073(UR)Treeborn Frog(黄泉青蛙) ※OCG版插图

mikesan 发表于 2024-6-19 00:08:32

Find your way with the 2024 WCQ Judge Reward mat featuring Guiding Quem, the Virtuous!
Registered KONAMI Judges in North America and Latin America will have the opportunity to earn this Game Mat by judging at a Central, South, or North America World Championship Qualifier 2024.
For more information on the KONAMI Judge Program visit:https://bit.ly/3FEAcET
「引导的圣女 奎姆」WCQ裁判卡垫

mikesan 发表于 2024-6-22 08:01:38

WCQ Pre-Registration Coins 事前报名硬币

mikesan 发表于 2024-6-26 02:20:23


INFO-EN017(SCR)Fiendsmith Engraver(刻印群魔的刻魔锻冶师)
INFO-EN027(SCR)Mulcharmy Purulia(欢聚友伴·多月水母)
INFO-EN033(UR)The Unstoppable Exodia Incarnate(幻之召唤神 艾克佐迪亚)

mikesan 发表于 2024-6-28 07:30:53


2024年7月25日~7月28日 San Diego Comic-Con 2024 美国圣地亚哥动漫展限定卡垫



mikesan 发表于 2024-7-1 20:01:18

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2024-7-2 08:00 编辑


INFO-EN000(QCSER)Dragon of Pride and Soul(骄傲与灵魂之龙)
INFO-EN001(UR)Sengenjin Wakes from a Millennium(从千年长眠中觉醒的原人)
INFO-EN006(UR)Dark Magician the Magician of Black Magic(黑色魔术师-黑魔术师)
INFO-EN017(SCR)Fiendsmith Engraver(刻印群魔的刻魔锻冶师)
INFO-EN019(UR)Tenpai Dragon Genroku(幻禄之天杯龙)
INFO-EN027(SCR)Mulcharmy Purulia(欢聚友伴·多月水母)
INFO-EN033(UR)The Unstoppable Exodia Incarnate(幻之召唤神 艾克佐迪亚)
INFO-EN042( ? )Gimmick Puppet Fantasix Machinix(机关傀儡-机械降临的粉丝幻想)
INFO-EN098( ? )Moon of the Closed Heaven(闭锁天之月)
INFO-EN099( ? )Spell Card "Monster Reborn"(魔法卡「死者苏生」)

mikesan 发表于 2024-7-2 23:30:48

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2024-7-5 00:03 编辑


SDCC 圣地亚哥动漫展 UCC Distributing 限定周边

Yu-G-Oh 8″ Deluxe Plush Rescue Cat 「救援猫」毛绒玩偶(8寸)

Yu-G-Oh 8″ Deluxe Plush Rescue Rabbit 「救援兔」毛绒玩偶(8寸)

Yu-G-Oh 8″ Deluxe Plush Rescue Hamster 「救援鼠」毛绒玩偶(8寸)

Yu-Gi-Oh Platinum Dual Disk 决斗盘

mikesan 发表于 2024-7-8 23:11:12

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2024-7-9 07:00 编辑



Everyone knows that dungeons exist to be explored!
When faced with a sufficiently dangerous dungeon, adventurers can't help but put down roots nearby and challenge it day in and day out.
Dungeons are prime source of treasure and riches after all.
But all that glitters is not gold, and not every chest contains a treasure.
And the master of this dungeon takes great pleasure in reminding would-be treasure seekers of that fact!

mikesan 发表于 2024-7-9 03:00:06

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2024-7-9 06:00 编辑

2024年11月8日 Quarter Century Bonanza
2024年11月7日 (欧版发售日)

PSCR 78+?种
UTR 78种
CR 78种
SCR 78种
UR 78种
SR 78种
- 收录以海外(亚洲)技术印刷的Ultimate Rare和Collector's Rare卡片。
- 每1包必有1张SR卡、2张UR卡(各1/6几率为Collector's Rare版本或Ultimate Rare版本)、1张SCR卡(1/4几率为Platinum Secret Rare版本或Quarter Century Secret Rare版本)以及1张PSCR或QCSER卡(只有Platinum Secret Rare版本或Quarter Century Secret Rare版本的200种怀旧卡的其中1种)封入。

(SR/UR/SCR/CR/UTR/PSCR)Diabellstar the Black Witch(黑魔女 迪亚贝尔斯塔尔)
(SR/UR/SCR/CR/UTR/PSCR)Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames(赐炎之咎姬)
(SR/UR/SCR/CR/UTR/PSCR)Super Polymerization(超融合)

Time for everyone to hit the jackpot! Quarter Century Bonanza picks up where the Rarity Collection sets left off, with a bunch of new twists! Get ready for a wild ride, because we’ve got a lot to unpack.

Here’s what’s new:

1. Quarter Century Bonanza packs are 5 cards per pack, like the first Rarity Collection, but we’ve replaced 1 Super Rare in every pack with a GUARANTEED luxury Secret Rare (Platinum or Quarter Century).

2. That guaranteed luxury Secret Rare in each pack is from a special and separate 200-card nostalgia pool that is available ONLY in this luxury Secret Rare slot, and is independent from the standard 78-card set that’s also in this pack. Quarter Century Bonanza is two sets in one!

3. We’re printing this 200-card nostalgia pool because Quarter Century Secret Rares are only here during the 25th Anniversary, and we know that you have a LOT of cards that you want to see as Quarter Century Secret Rares before that chance goes away forever. The last call for Quarter Century Secret Rares is coming, so let’s kick everything into overdrive, starting right now!

4. We’ve never reprinted a card that has a Quarter Century Secret Rare version, in that same rarity, ever. And we’re not going to start. This has kept some cards (which have Quarter Century Secret Rare versions) out of products like Rarity Collection in the past. We’re going to get around this by including cards in this pack that already have Quarter Century Secret Rare versions, like Super Polymerization, Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames, and Diabellstar the Black Witch – we’ll just leave them out of the Quarter Century Secret Rare pool. Cards like these will still be available in Quarter Century Bonanza as Platinum Secret Rares, “prismatic” Collector’s and Ultimate Rares, and Secret/Ultra/Super Rares!

Here’s a showing what each Quarter Century Bonanza pack looks like:

Slot A - Luxury Secret Rare (always Platinum or Quarter Century): From the separate 200 card "nostalgia" pool, and always a "luxury" Secret Rare (Platinum or Quarter Century)
Slot B - Super Rare (always Super): From the main card pool (see below)
Slot C - Ultra Rare (1 in 6 chance to be Ultimate or Collector's): From the main card pool (see below)
Slot D - Ultra Rare (1 in 6 chance to be Ultimate or Collector's): From the main card pool (see below)
Slot E - Secret Rare (1 in 4 chance to be Platinum or Quarter Century): From the main card pool (see below)
Main Pool:
Available as all rarities, except cards previous released as Quarter Century Secret Rares, will not appear with that art in that rarity again (but will appear in other rarities).
Insert rates on these slots are the same as the original Rarity Collection.
Drop rates are independent of each other, so you can (and will) get multiple "luxury" rare drops in slots B through E, sometimes.
The Slot A luxury secret rare is independent of all these slots. You always get that, on top of any luxury rares from these slots.

Is there a favorite card you want to see as a Quarter Century Secret Rare, before the anniversary period is over? Speak up, let everyone know! There’s only a few more wagon train spots left….

Reminders on terminology: “prismatic” Ultimate and Collector’s Rares are new technologies that premiered in Rarity Collection, then re-appeared in Rarity Collection II and now Quarter Century Bonanza. They are separate from standard Collector’s Rares, which still appear in certain booster sets like Maze of Millennia, Valiant Smashers, and Wild Survivors, and the older, etched, Ultimate Rares, which remain exclusive to Official Tournament Store Tournament Packs.

*Set name and contents are subject to change

mikesan 发表于 2024-7-9 20:20:54

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2024-7-16 12:00 编辑

Quarter Century Secret Rare
INFO-EN000 Dragon of Pride and Soul(骄傲与灵魂之龙)

Secret Rares(10/10)
INFO-EN013 Astellar of the White Forest(白森林的阿斯忒瑞亚)
INFO-EN014 Elzette of the White Forest(白森林的莉泽特)
INFO-EN017 Fiendsmith Engraver(刻印群魔的刻魔锻冶师)
INFO-EN027 Mulcharmy Purulia(欢聚友伴·多月水母)
INFO-EN040 Diabell, Queen of the White Forest(白森林的妖魔 迪亚贝尔)
INFO-EN046 Fiendsmith's Requiem(刻魔的镇魂棺)
INFO-EN052 Silhouhatte Rabbit(影法师 大礼帽野兔)
INFO-EN053 Millennium Ankh(千年十字)
INFO-EN061 Fiendsmith's Tract(刻魔的咏圣)
INFO-EN078 Dominus Purge(圣王的粉碎)

Ultra Rares(14/14)
INFO-EN001 Sengenjin Wakes from a Millennium(从千年长眠中觉醒的原人)
INFO-EN003 Shield of the Millennium Dynasty(千年王朝之盾)
INFO-EN006 Dark Magician the Magician of Black Magic(黑色魔术师-黑魔术师)
INFO-EN019 Tenpai Dragon Genroku(幻禄之天杯龙)
INFO-EN026 Disablaster the Negation Fortress(无孔炮塔-无效爆破炮手)
INFO-EN033 The Unstoppable Exodia Incarnate(幻之召唤神 艾克佐迪亚)
INFO-EN034 Light and Darkness Dragonlord(光与暗之龙王)
INFO-EN038 Silvera, Wolf Tamer of the White Forest(白森林的魔狼 森狼)
INFO-EN039 Rciela, Sinister Soul of the White Forest(白森林的魔性 血蝠)
INFO-EN054 Wedju Temple(石板神殿)
INFO-EN058 Tales of the White Forest(白森林的传说)
INFO-EN079 Silhouhatte Trick(影帽子)
INFO-EN090 Mimighoul Master
INFO-EN094 Mimighoul Dungeon

Super Rares(26/26)
INFO-EN018 Ragnaraika Wicked Butterfly(蕾祸之姬邪眼)
INFO-EN021 Centur-Ion Atrii(龙骑士 阿特莉)
INFO-EN023 Lord of the Missing Barrows(至天之魔王 缺失重子伯勒斯)
INFO-EN032 Drytron Meteonis DA Draconids(龙仪巧-天龙流星DAD)
INFO-EN036 Fiendsmith's Desirae(刻魔 震怒之日)
INFO-EN037 Mementomictlan Tecuhtlica - Creation King(冥骸王-莫忘冥府王灵)
INFO-EN042 Gimmick Puppet Fantasix Machinix(机关傀儡-机械降临的粉丝幻想)
INFO-EN043 CXyz Gimmick Puppet Fanatix Machinix(混沌XYZ 机关傀儡-机械降临的粉丝狂热)
INFO-EN044 Madolche Queen Tiarafraise(魔偶甜点后·后冠草莓提拉米苏)
INFO-EN045 Heretical Phobos Covos(异端之福波斯科波斯)
INFO-EN049 Varar, Vaalmonican Concord(异响鸣之神奏-星光天魔)
INFO-EN055 Obliterate!!! Blaze(魔神火焰炮)
INFO-EN059 Beware the White Forest(白森林禁止入内)
INFO-EN060 Susurrus of the Sinful Spoils(罪宝的低语)
INFO-EN068 Exxod Fires of Rage(愤怒之业火 魔神火炎炮)
INFO-EN069 Dark Magic Mirror Force(黑魔术防护罩 -反射镜力-)
INFO-EN072 Fiendsmith in Paradise(刻魔的乐园)
INFO-EN081 Magicolloidal Sol
INFO-EN083 Kuebiko
INFO-EN091 Mimighoul Dragon
INFO-EN092 Mimighoul Cerberus
INFO-EN093 Mimighoul Archfiend
INFO-EN095 Mimighoul Maker
INFO-EN096 Mimighoul Room
INFO-EN099 Spell Card "Monster Reborn"(魔法卡「死者苏生」)
INFO-EN100 Spell Card "Soul Exchange"(魔法卡「灵魂交错」)

INFO-EN002 Golem that Guards the Millennium Treasures(守护千年珍宝的石人)
INFO-EN004 Maiden of the Millennium Moon(千年月少女)
INFO-EN005 Fiend Reflection of the Millennium(千年绝对鸟)
INFO-EN007 Gimmick Puppet Little Soldiers(机关傀儡-小士兵队)
INFO-EN008 Gimmick Puppet Rouge Doll(机关傀儡-血腥人偶)
INFO-EN009 Gimmick Puppet Cattle Scream(机关傀儡-悲鸣四方牛)
INFO-EN010 Light End Sublimation Dragon(光与升华之龙)
INFO-EN011 Dark End Evaporation Dragon(暗与消灭之龙)
INFO-EN012 Knight Armed Dragon, the Armored Knight Dragon(铠骑士龙-骑士武装龙-)
INFO-EN015 Silvy of the White Forest(白森林的森儿)
INFO-EN016 Rucia of the White Forest(白森林的蝠儿)
INFO-EN020 Mementotlan Shleepy(莫忘催眠羊)
INFO-EN022 Drytron Nu II(龙辉巧-ν2)
INFO-EN024 Cosmo Queen the Queen of Prayers(祈祷的女王-宇宙女王)
INFO-EN025 Paralyzing Mushroom(电麻毒裸盖菇)
INFO-EN028 Dora Dora(龙宝龙)
INFO-EN029 Broomy(扫帚精)
INFO-EN030 Bettan Bat(面子蝙蝠)
INFO-EN031 Depresspard(五月豹)
INFO-EN035 Fiendsmith's Lacrima(刻魔 落泪之日)
INFO-EN041 DPH Gendamoore(DPA铠装骑兵)
INFO-EN047 Fiendsmith's Sequence(刻魔的大圣棺)
INFO-EN048 Ragnaraika Selene Snapper(蕾祸之玄神凭月)
INFO-EN050 Madolche Mini Meowcaroons(魔偶甜点小点猫·马卡龙猫咪)
INFO-EN051 Cosmic Tree Irmistil(星界树 伊尔明耀星树)
INFO-EN056 Mansion of the Dreadful Dolls(地狱人偶之馆)
INFO-EN057 Dragon's Light and Darkness(龙之影光)
INFO-EN062 Fiendsmith's Sanct(刻魔的赞圣)
INFO-EN063 Emblema Salvation(赎罪之徽记)
INFO-EN064 Vesper Girsu(宵星之闪光)
INFO-EN065 Trap Gatherer(陷阱收集)
INFO-EN066 Interdimensional Matter Forwarder(亚空间物质回送装置)
INFO-EN067 That's 10!(快回揭示板)
INFO-EN070 Service Puppet Play(傀儡游仪-服务傀儡)
INFO-EN071 Woes of the White Forest(白森林的灾祸)
INFO-EN073 Sangen Kaiho(灿幻开花)
INFO-EN074 Guardian of the Voiceless Voice(肃声的守护者)
INFO-EN075 Vaalmonica Creation(创神之异响鸣)
INFO-EN076 Meteoroa Drytron(流星极辉巧群)
INFO-EN077 Madolche Dessert(魔偶甜点餐后点心)
INFO-EN080 Three in One(三位一体)
INFO-EN082 Vulmina, Statue of the Sacred Dragon
INFO-EN084 Dipsea Fiend
INFO-EN085 Necroquip Princess
INFO-EN086 The League of Uniform Nomenclature Strikes
INFO-EN087 Kochobo's Hinamatsuri
INFO-EN088 Zapper Shrimp
INFO-EN089 Aerial Eater
INFO-EN097 Blazing Bombardment Beast(爆击兽 炎弹兽)
INFO-EN098 Moon of the Closed Heaven(闭锁天之月)

mikesan 发表于 2024-7-10 02:00:04

ANNOUNCEMENT: With the release of Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Speed Duel: Battle City Finals, the initial Speed Duel saga we started a few years ago will be concluding.
While we are including new content (like Noah, Duke, and Tristan), the Speed Duel releases are starting to re-tread a lot of familiar ground, so the product line will be pausing for a rest.
As always, Speed Duel cards are legal for TCG play and there will be continued OP support for Speed Duel so that Duelists can continue to play the format.

2024年11月22日 Speed Duel: Battle City Finals(SBC2)

200张 N卡
20张 技能卡
3张 SER卡(「奥西里斯之天空龙」、「欧贝利斯克之巨神兵」、「太阳神之翼神龙」)
9张 SER卡(全30种随机9种)
1张 双人游戏垫
- 收录「暗游戏」、「海马濑人」、「城之内克也」、「孔雀舞」、「暗貘良」、「利西德」、「伊西丝·伊什塔尔」、「暗马利克」的8个预组。

(SER)Joker's Knight(小丑骑士)
(SER)Lava Golem(熔岩魔神)
(SER)Mudora the Sword Oracle(剑神官 姆多拉)
(SER)Doomcaliber Knight(死灵骑士)
(SER)Injection Fairy Lily(注射天使 莉莉)
(SER)Breakthrough Skill(突破技能)
(SER)Swords of Revealing Light(光之护封剑)
(SER)Maxx "C"(增殖的G)

Familiar faces and new dangers await Yugi and Joey as they make their way to the Quarter-Finals of the Battle City tournament, where they will have to contend against old rivals such as Seto Kaiba and Mai Valentine. But be warned! A dark shadow looms over the tournament, with Yami Bakura and the mysterious Yami Marik in the running! When any match could turn into a Shadow Game, be prepared to harness the power of your Egyptian God Cards! It’s a showdown in the sky over Battle City and you’d better keep your wits about you! It’s time to Duel!

Speed Duel: Battle City Finals lets you recreate memorable Duels from the classic Yu-Gi-Oh! animated series, using 8 complete Speed Duel Decks which put fresh new spins on classic strategies. With over 110 cards new to Speed Duel, you can get your friends together for a legit out-of-the-box tournament experience. This sequel to last year’s Speed Duel: Streets of Battle City is a must-have for any Duelist!

Speed Duel: Battle City Finals features:

• Pre-built Decks for Yami Yugi, Seto Kaiba, Joey Wheeler, Mai Valentine, Yami Bakura, Odion, Ishizu Ishtar, and Yami Marik.
• Brand-new Skill Cards for new and returning characters. Use your Egyptian God Cards in whole new ways!
• Additional cards to expand your Speed Duel collection. Build new Decks and power up ones you already own with some of the strongest Speed Duel cards ever released!
• A set of Prismatic Secret Rare Slifer the Sky Dragon, Obelisk the Tormentor, and The Winged Dragon of Ra to use for Yami Yugi’s, Seto Kaiba’s, and Yami Marik’s Decks.
• 30 Prismatic Secret Rare cards to add to your collection! Find cards such as Joker’s Knight, Lava Golem, Mudora the Sword Oracle, Doomcaliber Knight, Injection Fairy Lily, Breakthrough Skill, Swords of Revealing Light, and Maxx “C”!
• 9 random Prismatic Secret Rares included in each box.
Play with it out of the box on its own, along with the Speed Duel: Streets of Battle City Decks, or any other Speed Duel set you already own!

Each Speed Duel: Battle City Finals box contains:

200 Common Cards
20 Skill Cards
3 Prismatic Secret Rare God Cards (Slifer the Sky Dragon, Obelisk the Tormentor, and The Winged Dragon of Ra)
9 (of 30) Prismatic Secret Rare Cards
1 Two-Player Deluxe Game Mat featuring Yami Yugi, Joey Wheeler, Seto Kaiba, and Yami Marik

Note: This product will be released in North and Latin America

mikesan 发表于 2024-7-10 02:30:52

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2024-7-10 07:00 编辑

Attention Speed Duelists! On July 9th, we will implement an updated events-only Forbidden & Limited List, which will be used for the following:

All Speed Duel Public Events being held at the 2024 North American World Championship Qualifier (July 19th – 21st)
All Speed Duel Public Events on or after July 19th   
All Speed Duel Main Events on or after July 19th
Official Tournament Stores may use the list for their local Speed Duel tournaments starting July 9th

The Speed Duel Limited List works like the Yu-Gi-Oh! DUEL LINKS Forbidden and Limited List.

Forbidden: None of the following cards can be used.
● My Precious Queen! (Weevil Underwood Skill Card)

Limited 1: Only 1 of the following cards out of all the cards that are “Limited 1” can be used in your Deck & Side Deck.
● Twisted Personality (Yami Marik Skill Card)
● Fossil Warrior Skull Knight
● Golden Ladybug
● Submarineroid
● Mystical Space Typhoon
● Offerings to the Doomed
● Floodgate Trap Hole
● Nightmare Wheel
● Zoma the Spirit

Newly Added to Limited 1:
Fossil Warrior Skull Knight
Mystical Space Typhoon

Removed from Limited 1:
I’m Just Gonna Attack (Joey Wheeler Skill Card)

Limited 2: Only 2 of the following cards out of all the cards that are “Limited 2” can be used in your Deck & Side Deck.
● Cocoon of Ultra Evolution (Weevil Underwood Skill Card)
● Red-Eyes Baby Dragon
● Vortex Trooper
● Parasite Paranoid
● Allure of Darkness
● Cup of Ace
● Foolish Burial
● Machine Angel Ritual
● Reinforcement of the Army
● Supply Squad
● Time Stream

Newly Added to Limited 2:
Red-Eyes Baby Dragon
Vortex Trooper
Cup of Ace
Supply Squad
Time Stream

Removed from Limited 2:

Limited 3: Only 3 of the following cards out of all the cards that are “Limited 3” can be used in your Deck & Side Deck.
● Cyber Angel Benten
● D.D. Warrior Lady
● Gearfried the Iron Knight
● Neo-Spacian Grand Mole
● Book of Moon
● Cosmic Cyclone
● Paleozoic Canadia
● Sakuretsu Armor
● Survival’s End
● Wall of Disruption
● Widespread Ruin

Newly Added to Limited 3:
Gearfried the Iron Knight
Neo-Spacian Grand Mole
Paleozoic Canadia
Sakuretsu Armor
Survival’s End
Widespread Ruin

Removed from Limited 3:
Breaker the Magical Warrior
Cyber Dragon
Speed Duel 禁止·限制卡表(2024年7月9日适用)

My Precious Queen!(我的女王大人!)(昆虫羽蛾技能卡)

Twisted Personality(暗人格)(暗马利克技能卡)
中生代化石骑士 骷髅骑士

Cocoon of Ultra Evolution(超进化之茧)(昆虫羽蛾技能卡)
寄生虫 帕拉诺伊德

铁骑士 基亚·弗里德
万能地雷 阔剑式

mikesan 发表于 2024-7-10 03:00:07

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2024-7-11 10:59 编辑


mikesan 发表于 2024-7-11 00:04:06

The next Forbidden & Limited List update will be coming in late August, so we can see the impact of The Infinite Forbidden on the game, before making any changes.
We're excited to see everyone's Deck-building creativity on display once INFO is released! #YuGiOhTCG

mikesan 发表于 2024-7-12 08:01:54

Duelists who pre-register online for the North America WCQ Main Event AND submit their Deck List by Friday, July 19, will receive one of the NEW pre-registration coins (given out randomly, while supplies last).
More info: https://bit.ly/3xbBghO

Duelists! Visit us at our booth at Japan Expo Paris 2024 on 11-14 July 2024!
We’ll have epic live Duels, and will be giving you an opportunity to win an exclusive Game Mat.
Come meet us at stand K037 - We can’t wait to see you there! #YuGiOhTCG
2024年7月11日~7月14日 Japan Expo Paris 2024 法国巴黎日本博览会

活动奖品:城之内克也&孔雀舞 双人卡垫

mikesan 发表于 2024-7-12 21:59:43


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