It's semi-official -- at the Tokyo Game Show, Sony confirmed to various members of the press that the PSP would indeed retail for 38,624 Yen in Japan and $349.99 here in North America. As well, PSP games (as they are disc-based) require a memory stick that itself retails for $29.99.
This news is sure to please Nintendo fanboys who were previously worried about Sony edging in on Nintendo's monopoly -- they (Sony) are clearly targeting a different audience. (wj)
Source: GameSpot 似乎还不是最终定价……sony还要再进行调研…… 3000 RMB
不用想了,不打算买了 350美圆
肯定不考虑买啦- - $380美圆
还有记忆棒,SONY 价格都说了
也就是不送的 这么贵~~呵呵!
如果我一月工资是一万的我就买~~ 还是哪句话,有3000宁可买2个NDS~~ 这个还真是贵得可以了……
Rumor: The PSP will cost 33,000 yen--approximately $300.
Source: UK game site SPOnG. (原新闻连接在这里:点我)
The official story: 'Official pricing for the PSP has not been announced, and any information in this regard is only speculation,' a Sony spokesperson said.
What we heard: The SPOnG article attributed the price to a statement by SCEE Germany Managing Director Manfred Gerdes, but did not say where he said it or in what context. Regardless, Sony officials have been aggressively denying the comments attributed to Gerdes, contacting numerous online media outlets to say 'we appreciate you not reporting on and perpetuating this incorrect information on your Web site.' However, a $300 price point for the PSP is in tune with numerous analyst predictions, which could mean that Sony's PR effort is more damage control than debunking. Then again, maybe not. 这个还真是贵得可以了……
Rumor: The PSP will cost 33,000 yen--approximately $300.
Source: UK game site SPOnG. (原新闻连接在这里:点我)
The official story: 'Official pricing for the PSP has not been announced, and any information in this regard is only speculation,' a Sony spokesperson said.
What we heard: The SPOnG article attributed the price to a statement by SCEE Germany Managing Director Manfred Gerdes, but did not say where he said it or in what context. Regardless, Sony officials have been aggressively denying the comments attributed to Gerdes, contacting numerous online media outlets to say 'we appreciate you not reporting on and perpetuating this incorrect information on your Web site.' However, a $300 price point for the PSP is in tune with numerous analyst predictions, which could mean that Sony's PR effort is more damage control than debunking. Then again, maybe not.
盈儿在GAMESPOT翻了半天也没找到这条新闻的来源。 太贵了,
足够买NDS + PS two,
偶就不奢侈了。 建议楼主给个链接
好让大家不要继续猜疑下去! 不知道如果真是350刀楼上的铁忠打算购入否? 等我中了500W再考虑了。1500以外是不考虑得。 楼主音讯全无中……
楼主应该不是可以来发假消息捣乱的啦,大家看看7楼我给的那个连接,是某国外游戏网站的谣传(在gamespot上看到的,标明了是“rumor”),楼主应该是在某外国网站上看到的,好心转过来而已。 等我中了500W再考虑了。1500以外是不考虑得。
PSP不可能1500吧……我预计刚出时3000+,一路滑到2500左右,然后进入缓慢下降期……以上是无责任推测…… 还是等sony官方的消息罢!