Nintendo Announces Super Princess Peach
Princess Peach stars in her very first solo platformer!
Nintendo announced this morning that they are in development of a new scrolling platformer for the Nintendo DS starring everyone's favorite princess; Princess Peach. By using her umbrella she will fight the enemies throughout the levels to reach her as-of-now unknown goal.
Along with the announcement was a tiny picture of the game featured below 不是吧,以前想布偶一样被抓走的公主,现在居然学麻宫雅典娜打怪物去了。(最好目标就是拯救MARIO和DK) By using her umbrella she will fight the enemies throughout the levels to reach her as-of-now unknown goal.
有点女性向的游戏-_-!! 亏他们想得出来…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 用阳伞打击敌人(必要的时候可以打开伞作为盾牌防御--这是个人YY),不错不错:)
但是那个不为人知的秘密到底是什么呢? Super Princess Peach vs.Super Mario Brothers。嗯。听起来很有趣的样子。最好做成星之卡比之类的游戏。敌人就做成“哭吧”和“金刚”,去拯救Mario。呵呵。 不知会不会出超级库帕…… 要是大乱斗的碧奇......恐怖得很啊!