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[新闻资讯] 【TCG】TCG新闻帖

 楼主| 发表于 2017-3-22 01:01:34 | 显示全部楼层





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 楼主| 发表于 2017-3-23 10:45:22 | 显示全部楼层
DUSA-EN055(UR)Monster Gate(怪兽之门)


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 楼主| 发表于 2017-3-24 10:28:31 | 显示全部楼层


(No.94 极冰姬 晶零)
(No.28 巨神蛾)
(No.70 大罪蛛)
(风来王 野风)
(幻影英雄 仿生人)
(堕天使 乌科巴克)
Legacy of the Duelist(炽热的决斗者们)
Diabound Kernel(迪亚邦德之核)
Elemental HERO Honest Neos(元素英雄 真诚新宇侠)
Blue-Eyes White Dragon(青眼白龙) ※初版插图
Magician of Faith(神圣魔术师)
Brain Control(洗脑)
Royal Decree(王宫的通告)
Mirror Force(神圣防护罩 -反射镜力-)
Imperial Order(王宫的敕命)
D.D. Warrior Lady(异次元的女战士)
Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning(混沌战士 -开辟的使者-)
Dark Magician of Chaos(混沌之黑魔术师)
Monster Gate(怪兽之门)
Doomcaliber Knight(死灵骑士)
Cyber Dragon(电子龙)
Treeborn Frog(黄泉青蛙)
Dimensional Fissure(次元的裂缝)
Neo-Spacian Grand Mole(新宇宙侠·大地鼹鼠)
Future Fusion(未来融合)
Advanced Ritual Art(高等仪式术)
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon(嵌合要塞龙)
Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo(化石恐龙 肿头龙)
Dark Armed Dragon(暗黑武装龙)
Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon(真红眼暗钢龙)
Judgment Dragon(裁决之龙)
Gladiator Beast Gyzarus(剑斗兽 凯撒)
Rescue Cat(救援猫)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier(冰结界之龙 光木仓龙)
Junk Synchron(废品同调士)
Goyo Guardian(御用守护者)
Plaguespreader Zombie(僵尸带菌者)
Black Rose Dragon(黑蔷薇龙)
Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind(黑羽-疾风之盖尔)
Deep Sea Diva(深海歌后)
Battle Fader(消战者)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier(冰结界之龙 三叉龙)
Infernity Launcher(永火炮)
Effect Veiler(效果遮蒙者)
Pot of Duality(强欲而谦虚之壶)
Solemn Warning(神之警告)
Formula Synchron(方程式同调士)
A Hero Lives(英雄到来)
Evolzar Laggia(进化帝·半鸟龙)
Constellar Ptolemy M7(星圣神龙 托勒密星团M7)
Evilswarm Ophion(入魔龙祖 俄菲翁)
Tour Guide From the Underworld(由魔界到现世的死亡导游)
Soul Charge(灵魂补充)
Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer(鸟铳士 卡斯泰尔)
Masked HERO Dark Law(假面英雄 暗爪)
Dark Magician(黑魔术师) ※初版插图

Uria, Lord of Searing Flames(神炎皇 乌利亚)
Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder(降雷皇 哈蒙)
Raviel, Lord of Phantasms(幻魔皇 拉比艾尔)
Armityle the Chaos Phantom(混沌幻魔 阿米泰尔)
M-X-Saber Invoker(失X-剑士 招来者)

(疾行机人 多米诺蝴蝶)

Exodia the Forbidden One(被封印的艾克佐迪亚)
Morphing Jar(变形壶)
Harpie's Feather Duster(鹰身女妖的羽毛扫)
Monster Reborn(死者苏生)
Breaker the Magical Warrior(魔导战士 破坏者)
Skill Drain(技能抽取)
Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End(混沌帝龙 -终焉的使者-)
Elemental HERO Stratos(元素英雄 天空侠)
Phantom of Chaos(混沌幻影)
Elemental HERO Prisma(元素英雄 棱镜侠)
Caius the Shadow Monarch(邪帝 盖乌斯)
Emergency Teleport(紧急瞬间移动)
Lonefire Blossom(孤火花)
Dark Strike Fighter(暗黑俯冲轰炸机)
Gateway of the Six(六武之门)
Herald of Perfection(神光之宣告者)
Vanity's Emptiness(虚无空间)
T.G. Hyper Librarian(科技属 超图书馆员)
Inzektor Dragonfly(甲虫装机 豆娘)
Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity(发条空母 发条巨舰)
Cardcar D(卡片汽车·D)
Fire Formation - Tenki(炎舞-「天玑」)
Artifact Sanctum(古遗物的神智)
Shaddoll Fusion(影依融合)
Star Seraph Sovereignty(光天使 天座)
Qliphort Scout(机壳工具 丑恶)
Shurit, Strategist of the Nekroz(影灵衣术士 施里特)
Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit(幽鬼兔)

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2017-3-26 10:09:05 | 显示全部楼层


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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2017-3-28 09:41:48 | 显示全部楼层
MACR-ENSP1(UR)Pendulum Switch(灵摆切换) 永续陷阱
You can target 1 card in your Pendulum Zone; Special Summon it. You can target 1 Pendulum Monster in your Monster Zone; place it in your Pendulum Zone. You can only use 1 "Pendulum Switch" effect per turn, and only once that turn.
可以选择自己的灵摆区域1张卡;那张卡特殊召唤。可以选择自己的怪兽区域1只灵摆怪兽;那只怪兽在自己的灵摆区域放置。“Pendulum Switch”的效果1回合只能有1次使用其中任意1个。


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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2017-3-29 13:12:18 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2017-3-29 13:19 编辑
EmptyCan 发表于 2017-3-29 10:18



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2017-3-29 15:19:17 | 显示全部楼层


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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2017-3-30 02:51:46 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2017-3-30 05:47 编辑

Ultimate Rares
Number S39: Utopia the Lightning(闪光No.39 希望皇 霍普·电光皇)
Instant Fusion(简易融合)
Solemn Strike(神之通告)

Super Rares
Metalfoes Volflame(炼装勇士·钨火)
Photon Thrasher(光子斩击者)
Retaliating "C"(应战的G)
Kumongous, the Sticky String Kaiju(黏丝坏兽 库莫古斯)
D/D Swirl Slime(DD 螺涡史莱姆)
D/D/D Oblivion King Abyss Ragnarok(DDD 坏薙王 深渊末日神)
Blackwing - Gofu the Vague Shadow(黑羽-胧影之业风)
One Day of Peace(一时休战)
Union Hangar(同盟格纳库)

Water Magician(水之魔导师)
B.E.S. Big Core(巨大战舰 巨核)
Barrier Statue of the Torrent(豪雨之结界像)
Barrier Statue of the Inferno(业火之结界像)
Coach Captain Bearman(热血兽王 熊人)
Artifact Lancea(古遗物-圣木仓)
Super Anti-Kaiju War Machine Mecha-Dogoran(对坏兽用决战兵器 超级机械多哥兰)
Marine Beast(海兽鱼)
Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max(超重型炮塔列车 古斯塔夫最大炮)
Coach King Giantrainer(热血指导王 巨人教练)
Seismic Shockwave(大地震)
Inverse Universe(反转世界)
Horn of the Phantom Beast(幻兽之角)


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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2017-4-1 01:17:07 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2017-4-7 06:34 编辑
2017年8月4日 Code of the Duelist(1001)

SCR 8种
UR 10种
SR 14种
R   20种
N   48种

You’ve learned how to Link Summon with this year’s new 2017 Starter Deck, now put your newfound skills to the test with Code of the Duelist! This 100-card booster set combines Fusion, Ritual, Synchro, Xyz, Pendulum, and the newest member of the family, Link Monsters, to kick off a brand-new era of Yu-Gi-Oh!

Link Monsters and the newest changes to the official rules ask you to think about where you play your cards on the field. Code of the Duelist introduces the first new Deck strategies where the position of your cards matters just as much as which cards you play! There are endless possibilities for new strategies thanks to Link Monsters, and Code of the Duelist starts with 3 new ones, along with more cards to enhance the strategy from the new 2017 Starter Deck.

• The new 2017 Starter Deck converted today’s digital technology into Dueling technology! In Code of the Duelist, more new techno-monsters are headlined by a Link Monster that lets you replace your destroyed monsters with fresh ones from your hand. Build the right formation, and you can Special Summon a monster from your hand by destroying your opponent’s monster in battle!
• Steal the spotlight with a chart-topping Link Monster! These monsters aren’t just the same old song and dance. With careful choreography, each Summon you make can reduce your opponent’s Life Points and increase your own Link Monster’s Attack Points!
• Step into the ring with a heavyweight Link Monster so intimidating, it takes the fight out of any monster with a DEF stat! Only monsters with no fear, or no DEF, can take on the champ, but it won’t be easy to Summon them because this Link Monster has 3 arrows that all point towards you!

That’s just a small taste of what’s waiting for you on the Link Summoning side of things! Code of the Duelist also features the first brand new “Lightsworn” monsters since 2016’s Minerva, the Exalted Lightsworn. A mysterious shadow has fallen across the Realm of Light, infusing the Lightsworn with new powers - at a price. You can also revamp your Pendulum Domination Structure Deck with upgraded versions of cards like D/D/D Gust King Alexander or D/D/D Wave King Caesar, learn the terrifying origins of monsters like Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, and add an adorable new monster to the Rescue Squad!

The 2017-2018 Dueling season is now here. Don’t get left behind!

The Code of the Duelist booster set contains 100 cards: 48 Commons, 20 Rares, 14 Super Rares, 10 Ultra Rares, 8 Secret Rares.


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2017-4-1 16:06:07 | 显示全部楼层
scc 发表于 2017-4-1 15:08

Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must first be Special Summoned (from your hand) while your opponent controls a "Kaiju" monster...


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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2017-4-4 06:48:52 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2017-4-4 06:53 编辑


MACR-EN000 = Pendulum Switch
MACR-EN081 = XYZ怪兽
MACR-EN082 = 效果怪兽(Subterror)
MACR-EN083 = 效果怪兽(Subterror)
MACR-EN084 = 效果怪兽(Subterror)
MACR-EN085 = 陷阱卡(Subterror)
MACR-EN086 = 效果怪兽(SPYRAL)
MACR-EN087 = 效果怪兽(SPYRAL)
MACR-EN088 = 魔法卡(SPYRAL)
MACR-EN089 = 陷阱卡(SPYRAL)

MACR-EN090 = 魔法卡
MACR-EN091 = 效果怪兽
MACR-EN092 = 凡骨灵摆怪兽
MACR-EN093 = XYZ怪兽
MACR-EN094 = 效果怪兽
MACR-EN095 = 凡骨灵摆怪兽
MACR-EN096 = 凡骨灵摆怪兽
MACR-EN097 = 仪式怪兽
MACR-EN098 = 魔法卡
MACR-EN099 = 陷阱卡


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2017-4-4 07:07:04 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2017-4-6 06:31:42 | 显示全部楼层


世界大会预选赛参赛奖品,国家赛上位奖品:2017年World Championship Qualifier卡套


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2017-4-6 08:44:19 | 显示全部楼层
sxyz217 发表于 2017-4-6 08:14
2017年3月14日 Yu-Gi-Oh! The Art of the Cards






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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2017-4-6 23:25:51 | 显示全部楼层
cwswindy 发表于 2017-4-6 21:12


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2017-4-7 04:35:04 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2017-4-7 05:10 编辑
2017年7月7日 Battles of Legend -Light’s Revenge-

SCR ?种
UR ?种

Minerva, the Exalted Lightsworn(光道圣女 密涅瓦)

The greatest Duels in history don’t just happen on TV – they also happen everywhere you go to Duel. The Battles of Legend –Light’s Revenge– special booster set brings cards from climactic Duels seen in multiple Yu-Gi-Oh! animated TV series to print for the very first time and combines them with championship-winning cards from real life!

•  Previously only available to those who finished at the top of the leaderboards in high-level competitions, Minerva, the Exalted Lightsworn makes her first public appearance since 2016, just in time for the return of Lightsworn in Code of the Duelist!
•  The Lancers’ incursion into the Fusion Dimension was nearly stopped short by...Gladiator Beasts! The GX-era tournament powerhouse became a powerhouse as well in the Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V animated TV series. New “Gladiator Beast” cards give this well-loved Deck a spark of modern day energy.
•  Synchro and Xyz Monsters that have carried tons of Duelists to the top of the bracket rise again!
•  Yusei’s Duel to save the future nearly went wrong due to Z-one’s imposing and indestructible Timelords!

Master these monsters from an alternative future and you can rewind pieces of your opponent’s Deck while draining away their Life Points. In addition, you’ll find new cards from Yu-Gi-Oh! GX that can enhance the Dinosmasher’s Fury Structure Deck, new “D/D/D” monsters to revamp the Pendulum Domination Structure Deck, and even new Destiny HEROes and Abyss Actors that are compatible with the cards from Destiny Soldiers.

Each 5-card pack contains 4 Ultra Rares and 1 Secret Rare.

2017年7月21日 Starter Deck: Link Strike

1 初学者指南
1 纸制游戏垫

Effect Veiler(效果遮蒙者)
Dark Hole(黑洞)
Mystical Space Typhoon(旋风)
Book of Moon(月之书)
Pot of Duality(强欲而谦虚之壶)
Mirror Force(神圣防护罩 -反射镜力-)

Catch the next wave of Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME monsters with Starter Deck: Link Strike! Link Monsters let you bring a brand-new level of domination to your Duels by mastering not just how you play your cards, but where you play them too!

Link Monsters start the Duel in your Extra Deck, and you Link Summon them to your field by sending face-up monsters you control to the Graveyard; each Link Monster will tell you exactly what kind of monsters you need and how many to use. Link Monsters don't have a Level or Rank, or even a DEF stat. They can never be face-down or in Defense Position; they're always face-up and in Attack Position, so you always know where their arrows point! Arrows on the Link Monster are the most important feature because they point out the Monster Zones on the field they are linked to. Depending on their effects, a Link Monster could gain ATK for every monster in a zone it points to, or protect any monster in a zone it points to from being destroyed. The possibilities for Link Monster effects are endless, but effects aren't the only great thing about Link Monsters!

Link Monsters also make it possible to control many different monsters Summoned from your Extra Deck, at the same time! Any adjacent Monster Zones a Link Monster's arrows point to become available to Summon new monsters from your Extra Deck. Getting as many arrows pointing at your own zones as you can, while avoiding arrows pointing to your opponent's zones, is a new and important element of strategy you'll want to master with Starter Deck: Link Strike.

Starter Deck: Link Strike comes with 3 new, all-foil Link Monsters to add to your Extra Deck, plus a full Main Deck and a new Game Mat showing the new Extra Monster Zones. This set also introduces a brand-new Type of monster to join Dragons, Warriors, Spellcasters, and all the rest. Inspired by networking machinery, this new Type of monster takes today's digital technology and turns it into Dueling technology!

In addition, Starter Deck: Link Strike is packed with powerful cards that any Duelist will want to add to their collection as soon as possible. Cards like Effect Veiler, Dark Hole, Mystical Space Typhoon, Book of Moon, Pot of Duality, Mirror Force, and more have seen play for the entirety of their existence, and both new and returning Duelists can find them all here, all in one place!

Starter Deck: Link Strike contains 43 cards: 38 Common Cards, 2 Ultra Rare Cards, 3 Super Rare Cards, 1 Beginner's Guide, and 1 updated Game Mat with new Extra Monster Zones.

2017年8月25日 2017 Mega-Tins

3包 Mega Pack
? 复刻卡

The 2017 Mega-Tins serve up our annual holiday season treat of some of the year’s most popular cards! Each Tin includes 3 x 16-card Mega-Packs containing the top cards from 2016 and 2017’s booster sets Shining Victories, The Dark Illusion, Invasion: Vengeance, and Raging Tempest. As always, each Mega-Pack will contain 1 card of each foil rarity (so 1 Secret Rare, 1 Ultra Rare, and 1 Super Rare in each pack) and all cards included will be in their original booster set rarity.

Each 2017 Mega-Tin will also include additional variant cards (non-randomized), all encased in an awesome metal storage case with brand-new art. Duelists can choose one of two tins, showcasing either the dual nature of Yami Yugi and Yugi Muto, or the singular awesomeness that is Seto Kaiba!

Each 2017 Mega-Tin is sold separately.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2017-4-10 01:15:16 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2017-4-10 11:02 编辑


Super Rares(14/14)
MACR-EN017 Supreme King Gate Zero(霸王门 零)
MACR-EN018 Supreme King Gate Infinity(霸王门 无限)
MACR-EN025 Metaltron XII, the True Dracombatant(真龙机兵 十二炼机圣)
MACR-EN030 Zefraath(智天之神星龙)
MACR-EN033 Pendulumucho(灵摆多福鸟)
MACR-EN038 Fairy Tail - Luna(妖精传姬-辉夜)
MACR-EN041 Lyrilusc - Independent Nightingale(抒情歌鸲-独立夜莺)
MACR-EN042 The Phantom Knights of Cursed Javelin(幻影骑士团 诅咒标木仓)
MACR-EN043 Lyrilusc - Assembled Nightingale(抒情歌鸲-聚集夜莺)
MACR-EN046 True King of All Calamities(真龙皇 法·王·兽)
MACR-EN078 Waterfall of Dragon Souls(幽丽的幻泷)
MACR-EN082 Subterror Fiendess
MACR-EN093 Sylvan Princessprite(森罗的姬芽宫)

MACR-EN082(SR)Subterror Fiendess(地底恐魔 小魔女) 地 1星 魔法师 800 500
During either player's turn, when your opponent activates a card or effect: You can send this card from your hand or field to the Graveyard, then target 1 "Subterror" monster you control; negate the activation, then change the targeted monster to face-down Defense Position. You can target 1 face-up monster you control; change it to face-down Defense Position, and if you do, Special Summon 1 "Subterror" monster from your hand or Graveyard, in face-up or face-down Defense Position. You can only use each effect of "Subterror Fiendess" once per turn.
在自己或者对方回合,对方把魔法·陷阱·怪兽的效果发动时:可以把自己的手卡或者场上的这张卡送去墓地,之后选择自己场上1只“Subterror”怪兽;那个发动无效,选择的怪兽变成里侧守备表示。可以选择自己场上1只表侧表示怪兽;那只怪兽变成里侧守备表示,从自己的手卡或者墓地选1只“Subterror”怪兽表侧守备表示或者里侧守备表示特殊召唤。“Subterror Fiendess”的每个效果1回合各能使用1次。

MACR-EN086(SR)SPYRAL Sleeper(秘旋谍的潜伏者) 光 8星 恶魔 2800 1200
Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand) by banishing 3 "SPYRAL" cards from your Graveyard, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. Once per turn, during either player's turn: You can target 1 "SPYRAL" card you control and up to 2 cards your opponent controls; destroy them. If this card on the field is destroyed by battle or card effect and sent to the Graveyard: Destroy as many cards you control as possible, and if you do, Special Summon 1 "SPYRAL Super Agent" from your hand, Deck, or Graveyard.
这张卡不能通常召唤。从自己墓地把3张“SPYRAL”卡除外才能从手卡特殊召唤。1回合1次,在自己或者对方回合:可以选择自己场上1张“SPYRAL”卡和对方场上最多2张卡;破坏那些卡。场上的这张卡被战斗或者卡的效果破坏送去墓地的场合:自己场上的卡全部破坏,从自己的手卡·卡组·墓地选1只“SPYRAL Super Agent”特殊召唤。


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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2017-4-10 03:06:36 | 显示全部楼层
赚杯 发表于 2017-4-10 02:43


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2017-4-11 05:24:18 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2017-4-11 05:32 编辑


SR03-EN000 Ancient Gear Gadget(古代的齿车机械)
SR03-EN001 Ancient Gear Reactor Dragon(古代的机械热核龙)
SR03-EN002 Ancient Gear Hydra(古代的机械合成龙)
SR03-EN003 Ancient Gear Wyvern(古代的机械飞龙)
SR03-EN004 Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon(古代的机械巨龙)
SR03-EN005 Ancient Gear Golem(古代的机械巨人)
SR03-EN006 Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Chimera(古代的机械合成兽)
SR03-EN007 Ancient Gear Beast(古代的机械兽)
SR03-EN008 Ancient Gear Engineer(古代的机械工兵)
SR03-EN009 Ancient Gear Knight(古代的机械骑士)
SR03-EN010 Ancient Gear Soldier(古代的机械士兵)
SR03-EN011(×2)Ancient Gear Box(古代的机械箱)
SR03-EN012 Geargiauger(齿轮齿轮钻地人)
SR03-EN013 Planet Pathfinder(惑星探查车)
SR03-EN014 Minefieldriller(矿场钻机)
SR03-EN015(×2)Card Trooper(卡片炮击士)
SR03-EN016 Gigantes(基冈提斯)
SR03-EN017 BOXer(纸箱拳击手)
SR03-EN018 Hardened Armed Dragon(硬甲龙)
SR03-EN019 Spell Striker(魔法攻击士)
SR03-EN020 Maxx "C"(增殖的G)
SR03-EN021 Ancient Gear Catapult(古代的机械射出机)
SR03-EN022 Ancient Gear Fortress(古代的机械要塞)
SR03-EN023 Ancient Gear Castle(古代的机械城)
SR03-EN024 Ancient Gear Workshop(古代的整备场)
SR03-EN025 Geartown(齿车街)
SR03-EN026 Mausoleum of the Emperor(死皇帝之陵墓)
SR03-EN027 Pseudo Space(拟似空间)
SR03-EN028 Limiter Removal(限制解除)
SR03-EN029 Machine Duplication(机械复制术)
SR03-EN030 Inferno Reckless Summon(地狱的暴走召唤)
SR03-EN031 Galaxy Cyclone(银河旋风)
SR03-EN032 Terraforming(星球改造)
SR03-EN033 Jar of Avarice(贪欲之瓶)
SR03-EN034 Mischief of the Gnomes(小人的恶作剧)
SR03-EN035 Machine King - 3000 B.C.(机械王-B.C.3000)
SR03-EN036 Fiendish Chain(魔族之链)
SR03-EN037 Call of the Haunted(活死人的呼声)
SR03-EN038 The Huge Revolution is Over(反大革命)
SR03-ENTKN Ancient Gear Token(古代的齿车衍生物)

SR03-JP032 貪欲な壺(贪欲之壶)
SR03-JP035 御前試合(御前试合)

SR03-EN033 Jar of Avarice(贪欲之瓶)
SR03-EN035 Machine King - 3000 B.C.(机械王-B.C.3000)

SR04-EN000 Petiteranodon(小翼龙)
SR04-EN001 Ultimate Conductor Tyranno(究极传导恐兽)
SR04-EN002 Souleating Oviraptor(食魂窃蛋龙)
SR04-EN003(×2)Megalosmasher X(巨噬者X)
SR04-EN005 Super Conductor Tyranno(超传导恐兽)
SR04-EN006 Ultimate Tyranno(究极恐兽)
SR04-EN007 Super-Ancient Dinobeast(超古代恐兽)
SR04-EN008 Sauropod Brachion(龙脚兽 腕龙)
SR04-EN009 Tyranno Infinity(无限恐龙)
SR04-EN010 Black Brachios(暗黑腕龙)
SR04-EN011 Miracle Jurassic Egg(奇迹之侏罗纪蛋)
SR04-EN012 Gilasaurus(骏足之迅猛龙)
SR04-EN013 Babycerasaurus(小角龙)
SR04-EN014 Miscellaneousaurus(幻创之混种恐龙)
SR04-EN015 Evilswarm Salamandra(入魔炎精兽)
SR04-EN016 Stegocyber(盾航战车 电子剑龙)
SR04-EN017 Trifortressops(机动要犀 铁犀三角龙)
SR04-EN018 Skelesaurus(天生的白骨恐龙)
SR04-EN019 Chewbone(鼠骨)
SR04-EN020 Rescue Rabbit(救援兔)
SR04-EN021 Lost World(失落世界)
SR04-EN022 Fossil Dig(化石调查)
SR04-EN023 Big Evolution Pill(大进化Yao)
SR04-EN024 Twin Twisters(双龙卷)
SR04-EN025 Burial from a Different Dimension(来自异次元的埋葬)
SR04-EN026 Swords of Concealing Light(暗之护封剑)
SR04-EN027 Painful Decision(苦涩的决断)
SR04-EN028 Unexpected Dai(粗人预料)
SR04-EN029 Terraforming(星球改造)
SR04-EN030 Survival's End(生存境界)
SR04-EN031 Survival of the Fittest(生存竞争)
SR04-EN032 Fossil Excavation(化石发掘)
SR04-EN033 Extinction on Schedule(灭绝的定数)
SR04-EN034 Ojama Trio(扰乱三人组)
SR04-EN035 Nightmare Archfiends(梦魇恶魔群)
SR04-EN036 Quaking Mirror Force(沙尘防护罩 -尘埃之力-)
SR04-EN037 Grand Horn of Heaven(升天之刚角笛)
SR04-EN038 Secret Blast(内置式爆弓单)
SR04-ENTKN Jurraegg Token(侏罗蛋衍生物)


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 楼主| 发表于 2017-4-11 15:05:11 手机用户 | 显示全部楼层
kabucai 发表于 2017-4-11 14:07
关于TCG有个罕贵的问题想问一下。TCG的R是不是和N差别不大?我之前收了些BP/SP的黑卡,说是R罕贵但怎么看都 ...


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