Rumour: Red Alert 3 DS
(Written by: Dennis)
A Dutch gaming-website claims that Red Alert 3 is heading for the Nintendo DS...
After the recent rumours of Age of Empires heading for the Nintendo DS, Dutch gaming-website Sen Gamer claims that Red Alert 3 is heading to the Nintendo DS as well.
According to the site, the Real Time Strategy game is currently in development by a small, yet independant, studio under supervision of EA Pacific. EA Pacific happens to be the new name of Westwood, the original developers of the Command & Conquer series.
For now, we point Red Alert 3 to the rumours section...
src: Sen Gamer
继帝国时代将要在NDS上推出的传闻之后,这家荷兰的游戏网站Sen Gamer声称红色警戒3也要在NDS上推出了。
根据网站上写的,这个即使战略游戏将由一家小的独立的(应该是independent,外国人也会写错别字啊independant)属于EA Pacific的工作室推出。EA Pacific正好拥有Westwood(原C&C开发公司)的开发成员。
[ Last edited by 月神侠 on 2005-2-8 at 17:05 ] |