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转载美国论坛上的Untold Legend中炼金术士攻略

发表于 2005-3-30 04:32:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Now, I'm playing as pure magic alchemist....
And she rocks!!! (I like het better than my lv.36 knight..)
But I just found out one thing...

So, let me introduce how to make good "PURE" magic alchemist. Pure magic alchemist seems to me stronger than magic-fighter alchemist.

1) Skills - Magics

<Poison Shot>
Most likely, people will be discouraged to put points in her basic skill "Poison Shot". But, I seriously think it is one of her best skills. Poison shot's damage goes up to 50~60 at Lv. 8 (skill) with certain dex. And deals 52~62 damage every 1.1 seconds. Basically, this skill can do 300 or more damage. And I suppose at high level, with good enough dex, it will be able to do 100 ~ 120 ish damage every seconds, which sum up to 600 ish damage. So, I think it is the best skill. Also it's splash damage, that forms poison cloud for a while (which poisons enemies). This spell seriously rocks.
(Quick casting with long range)

<Chain Lightning>
At your level of 18, you will learn this skill. This is great!
spell. Like one from Diablo II, it can hit more than one enemy. Also as Dex goes up, damage goes up fast.
(My dex is pretty high... and damage of this spell at lv.1 is more than 120 ~ ) May use up lots of Power, but you can get a lot of power vial in this game. (Plenty enough that I've never ran out of power.)
Raise this spell will really help.

There we go! at lv.10, you can finally get your "CUTE" Golem. This guy can act as tank, get all the damage from enemies. You can poison shot enemies, or chain lighning them... (Poison shot suggested).
You just have to stand back, and wait until enemies die.

<Golem explosion>
Don't use it until your Golem is almost dead. (you can tell it by looking at the size of Golem) If he is almost dead, explode him to deal damage, then summon new one. This spell is "Strongest" damage dealing spell....
but not super useful. Just good way to kill lots of enemies at once.

<Mind Wrack>
Pretty good spell. You can convert enemies to fight for you. It is not attack spell though, so be aware. I didn't really put lots of points in this spell. But still useful.

<Fire Bomb>
I really like this spell. Good combination with poison shot. and also this spell deals high damage. Just set the bombs, and running around, you will see enemies dead. But it gets really annoying when you face long range enemies.

<Make Potion>
Pretty good... you make potion... But I don't really see the use of this spell... since you don't fight in front.
you will have enough potion to heal you when you are in danger... but you won't really need it if you are going for magic alchemist. So don't put lots of points in this spell.

<Acid Spray>
Only suggested for magic-fighter alchemists. Don't put more than a point, if you are going for magic.
(You have to get close to enemies to hit them with this spell)

<Stone Gaze>
This spell rocks. You petrify enemies... which will give you time to run away or use spells. Also give you chance to instant kill. Put some points here!

- Most suggested skills:
Attack: Poison shot
Sub Attack: Chain Lightning
Summon: Golem /Golem Explosion
Helping: Stone Gaze/Fire Bomb
Special: Mind Wrack

You get 150 skill points through out the game. So, seven skills with lv.20 will be enough...

2) Stat Distribution
Yeah... this gets kind of annoying I guess?
But it's simple. You get certain amount of power as your level increases. And don't forget your main attack is poison shot, which does not use that much of power (30 ish). So I usually go for +3 dex / +2 dex + 1 int alternate. This worked well, I got both high damage and good enough power. (Your magic damage does not increase with + int. only amount of power increases...)

So, Dex is the main point!

3) Level Ups?
It is pretty hard to raise level, if you are magic pure alchemist. But, you can always restart the story, so don't worry. Once your poison shot's damage is around 50, you can go for forbidden catacomb. After that won't be really hard. When you are fighting enemies, make sure to make them follow you, (Form a group) then, poison shot to deal "Effective" damage.

4) What kind of equipments should I get!!?
As I said, dex is the main thing. For the rings, I suggest "Jade band" and for amulet, I suggest Charm.
(+24 Dex, + 14 Int... which are things you need.)
For any other equipments, I suggest +dex... but also +int. Make sure you have some balance between them.
+ int stone is "Wind Totem", +dex stone is "Lambert Crystal".

5) How do I fight with this character!?
You cannot really fight front. you are weak!!
But, you can run around and cast some spells.
As soon as you get golem, you can rest a little. stand back, let golem take all damage, then poison shot enemies.

6) Is magic alchemist good though??
Yeah... definitely! I think it is a lot stonger than any other jobs. (I've played all jobs, lv. up to 25, get the final skill.) So, I really suggest Magic alchemist. Magic-fighter alchemist is not that good. (I tried.)
I don't personally like magic druid, because sting's main damage may be higher, but cannot deal "Poisoned" damage as high as poison shot.

------------------------Done -----------------------------------
That will be it for me! hope that it helped. I just wanted to help some people, who like alchemists but do not really know what to do with them! See ya!

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-30 04:35:03 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-3-30 19:32:23 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-31 06:15:25 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by 秀花 at 2005-3-30 19:32

大哥哥- -b



使用道具 举报

混世魔头 该用户已被删除
发表于 2005-3-31 08:30:16 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-3-31 11:53:30 | 显示全部楼层
哎 上学时没好好学英文 现在努力学英文!

使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-3-31 12:36:33 | 显示全部楼层

现在,我正在使用纯魔法的炼金术士(alchemist),顺便,她很强!!!(我喜欢她多过我36级的骑士),但是我只发现一件事情(原文But I just found out one thing…,我不明白这里写这句话什么意思)


1、        技巧——魔法
Poison Shot(毒箭)

Chain Lightning(连锁闪电)
当你等级到了18的时候,你就可以学这个技巧了,也是很强的技能。就像DiabloII(暗黑啊,经典中的经典)中的一样,可以伤害多个敌人,同时也是当敏捷(dex)升高,伤害提升的很快。(我的敏捷很高,这个技能一级的时候就有超过120点的伤害)可能需要很多的能量(Power,这个游戏可能叫这个名字吧,应该就是Diablo中的蓝色的Mana),但是你能在这游戏中获得很多的Power vial(小魔法瓶),(多到我从来就没有用完过我的能量)。增加这个技能真的很有帮助。


Golem explosion(傀儡爆炸)

Mind Wrack(摧毁精神,类似暗黑的游侠的倒戈)

Fire Bomb(炸弓单)

Make Potion(制Yao)

Acid Spray(酸雾)

攻击:Poison Shot(毒箭)
副攻击:Chain Lightning(连锁闪电)
召唤:Golem(傀儡)/Golem Explosion(傀儡爆炸)
帮助:Stone Gaze(石化)/Fire Bomb(炸弓单)
特殊:Mind Wrack(精神摧毁)

2、        属性点数的分配
但是,这也很简单。当你升级的时候你会获得定量的能量,然后不要忘记你的主要攻击是不需要很多能量的毒箭(仅30 ish),所以,我通常加3点Dex或者2点Dex和1点Int(智力),这很有效,我同时获得了高伤害和足够的能量。(你的魔法攻击并不会因为加智力而增加,智力只影响能量的总量)

3、        升级?
如果你是纯魔法炼金术士,升级是一件很困难的事情。但是,你可以随时重新开始故事,所以不用担心。当你的毒箭伤害达到差不多50的时候,你就可以去禁止的地下墓穴(Forbidden Catacomb)。这里不会很难。当你和敌人战斗时,确保它们一队一队跟着你,这样,毒箭就可以很有效的造成伤害了。
4、        我需要什么类型的装备
正如我所说的,敏捷是最主要的。戒指方面,我推荐翡翠杖(Jade Band)项链方面,我推荐护身符(Charm)(加24敏捷,加14智力,这样的东西是需要的)
其他的装备,我推荐加敏捷同时也加智力。保证你在这两方面有足够的平衡。加智力的石头是风图腾(Wind Totem),加敏捷的是兰伯特的水晶(Lambert Crystal)
5、        我怎么能够通过第一关?
6、        魔法炼金术士足够好吗?


[ Last edited by KaneZMY on 2005-3-31 at 13:56 ]

使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-3-31 13:57:50 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-3-31 14:02:09 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

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