In the dark and violent world of feudal Japan, two brothers are bound by blood, yet locked in battle for the title of Shogun king. Shogun Warrior: The Lost Army is a dynamic, real-time tactical strategy game that takes full advantage of the Nintendo DS touch screen and puts you in charge of the battlefield. Choose your warrior prince and prepare for battle. Your goal is to conquer all neighboring armies and become the ultimate ruler of Japan. Once Japan is yours, you will unlock the secret to the legend of the lost army of rebel monks. Prepare for battle!
在封建时代的日本,黑暗和暴力笼罩大地。两兄弟被血缘所束缚,也正应着本作的标题被战斗束缚着。幕府将军:迷失的军队是一款动态的、实时的战术策略游戏,活用DS触摸屏机能让你能在战场上运筹帷幄。选好你的战士为战斗作准备吧。你的目标是征服所有的邻近势力成为日本最终的统治者。一旦日本为你所主宰,你将解开叛乱僧众的迷失的军队的秘密。准备好战斗!——无责任乱翻 |