Major Ynos神秘Blog……
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PC magazine专栏文章,1895,1891782,00.asp
呵呵,各位看官,这次主机大战煞是好看。微软囤货狙击PS3有够好看(呵呵,索饭和伟大的分析师们,time will tell),还有各种五花八门的信息充斥我们的网络神经……
话说从2005年5月开始,网络上就出现了一个名唤http://www.majorynos.com的古怪网站。这网站的最高任务华丽异常:攻击Xbox 360.
网站起名Major Ynos,就是在讽刺微软的Major Nelson,而YNOS,显然就是把SONY的拼写倒过来。熟悉微软新闻的朋友们应该知道,Major Nelson哥哥负责Xbox Live这块,他的个人blog一直是一些内部消息的来源,最近他还开出了自己的podcast.
Major Ynos攻击360的报道一篇接着一篇,简直就像是菜市上指着对门破口大骂,一天到晚泼脏水的悍妇。
更牛的是,此网站除了blog,还有个论坛……而论坛只有一个板块……就是“Console Wars”……主机大战……如此执著战,如此纯净水,真是fanboy最好的归宿啊!
关于Major Ynos的真实身份,据网站上声称是个记者,“真名”叫Mark Creig,是个关注主机和电子娱乐业的“获奖”新闻记者。——明显又是个幌子,用google搜之,符合“主机专家”“记者”“获奖”关键词的人物虚无缥缈……而whois查域名归属,也是代理注册,无法得知现在到底是谁在写这个blog。
很多人都认为这是Sony雇佣的木仓手,以抨击xbox 360为己任,顺理成章。不过最近PC Magazine杂志专栏作者 John C. Dvorak撰文指出,这也有可能是微软的一场心理战:看看,对手使出了多么肮脏下流的招数,而我们是多么清白无辜……
There are so many negative comments about Ynos and his posts that you come away with at least six thoughts: 1) Ynos is unfair and perhaps a stooge/shill for Sony; 2) Sony must be behind all this bashing; 3) What did Microsoft do to deserve this?; 4) Commentators are seeing through this scam; 5) Commentators seem to like the Xbox; 6) Commentators are smarter than Ynos.
1)Ynos是Sony的木仓手 2)Sony在幕后操纵此事 3)微软做了什么要遭此报应 4)评论者看穿了这场作秀 5)评论者更喜欢Xbox 6)评论者比Ynos更明智。
But even knowing more about Creig might not reveal what's really going on with this site (and I assume there are others too).
If Sony is financing all this, then this ploy is backfiring. If Microsoft is behind it, then Sony needs to do something.
I see all this as part of a unique marketing scheme using grassroots tricks and techniques. Microsoft is better known than Sony for doing or attempting to do this. The company even hired Ralph Reed to help them with this sort of thing. Can Karl Rove be far behind?
我将此事件视为披着草根媒体的外衣,行另类营销之实。微软应该比Sony更精通此道。微软甚至雇佣了Ralph Reed帮他们专门打点这档子事。看来离Karl Rove粉墨登场也不远了。fDnY68 |