Battle - the classic Deathmatch known from various first-person shooters. Everyone's your enemy in this mode.
战斗模式 - 各种第一人称射击者的经典死亡竞赛模式,此模式下每个人都是你的敌人
Survival - Just like the Battle-mode, but this time you'll get a limited amount of lives. Get killed to often and it's game over for you and off to the spectating mode.
生存模式 - 基本类似战斗模式,但是此模式下生命数是有限的。死亡几次以后就结束,并转到观看模式
Bounty - Bring the Octolith-artifact to your base and score points. Of course you're also allowed to blast everything that's moving on your way finding the Octolith.
赏金模式 - 将Octolith人工制品带回自己的基地并且获得奖分。当然在寻找Octolith的途中你可以摧毁挡住你去路的一切东西。
Defender - Like King of the Hill from other first-person shooters, you're assigned part of the map and it'll be your task to defend that part.
防守模式 - 类似《山丘之王King of the Hill》,你将被分配地图上的某个部分,你的任务就是保卫这个部分
Prime Hunter - Play hide-and-seek, as one player is assigned to be the Prime Hunter. Kill the Prime Hunter to become the Prime Hunter yourself. He who manages to stay the Prime Hunter for the longest time wins.
头等猎人 - 捉迷藏。首先其中一个玩家自动成为头等猎人,只要干掉他就可以让自己成为头等猎人,谁能保持头等猎人头衔最长时间就将赢得胜利。
Capture - Capture the Flag on the Nintendo DS. Team up with another players, try to steal your opponents' Octolith and bring it to their base.
夺旗模式 - 夺取旗帜。跟其他玩家组队,尝试从你的对手那里偷到Octolith并且带回自己的基地。
Nodes - Several nodes are scattered throughout the map. Get close to one to get it activated on your account and score points. He who claims the most nodes wins.
节点模式 - 地图上分散了一些节点。靠近这些节点,就可以激活你的帐户并且赢得奖励点,获得最多节点的赢得胜利
[ 本帖最后由 myhyli 于 2006-1-25 15:45 编辑 ] |