BBB Newsroom | BBB Cautions Sports Fans: Play Smart When Buying Tickets Online
Con artists take to the field for football season and baseball playoffs
Withthe college football season underway, the National Football League(NFL) kicking off this week and Major League Baseball (MLB) pennantraces and playoffs filling fall calendars, Better Business Bureau (BBB)is warning sports fans to be on the lookout for fraudulent sellers whenshopping for hard-to-get tickets online. The secondary-ticket marketfor sporting and entertainment events, which includes tickets boughtand sold by professional brokers, speculators and season-ticketholders, is a $10-billion-a-year industry, with online sales accountingfor one-third of transactions and growing 15 to 20 percent a year,according to (more)
| BBB Announces Burger King Corp. Joins Children’s Food and Beverage Advertising Initiative
BBB Approves Pledge For 100 Percent Of Future Advertising To Children To Be Based On New Nutrition Criteria
TheCouncil of Better Business Bureaus today announced that Burger KingCorp. has joined its Children's Food and Beverage AdvertisingInitiative, becoming the 12th major food marketer and second quickservice restaurant chain to join the program. BBB also approved BurgerKing Corp.'s pledge, in which the company committed that, effectiveDecember 31, 2008, 100 percent of its advertising directed primarily tochildren under 12 will be for Kids Meals that meet Burger King Corp.'snewly adopted Nutrition Criteria. (more)
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