育碧今天正式宣布「刺客信条 2(Assassin’s Creed 2)」09年末假期推出,新作将会登陆PS3, X360, PC 与PSP四大平台.
Assassin's Creed 2 Coming to PSP
It's coming sooner than later, and to a new platform as well.
by Chris Roper
April 16, 2009 - Though we've already seen the teaser, which is as good an announcement as any, Ubisoft today made the officially official announcement of Assassin's Creed II. While we already knew it was coming, one interesting bit of info is included within the text - a holiday 2009 release window on all current-generation systems, which reads to us like it's hitting the PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii (and probably the PC as well). Note that the first title never hit Nintendo's latest console.
We recently posted some details on what the game will entail, so be sure to check that out if you haven't already. And don't forget to hit up our media gallery for a couple teaser trailers.
Update: Ubisoft has confirmed that the game is also coming to the PSP.
Game Informer情报
- 大量新武器可供使用,如斧头, 槌子, 鎚予, 茅, 两种剑,和两种小刀等
- 游戏中可以游泳
- 达芬奇工作室会在游戏裡出现
- 场景包括圣马克大教堂,大运河,小运河与利雅托桥.
- 新作的故事舞台发生在1476年,而前作时间背景是1191年
- “Auditore” 家族会被提及
- 主角的名字是 Ezio Auditore de Firenze
- 主角是佛罗伦萨的贵族
- 不少义大利历史知名人物会出现,包括Machiavelli, Caterina Sofrza与Lorenzo de Medici
- 游戏里有可飞行的滑翔机(达芬奇发明的飞行工具)
- 新的名声(悪名)系统会影响群众与 士兵等对玩家的反应
- 可以使敌人弃械并使用他们的武器
- 每种武器都会有特殊招式
- 16种不同类型的任务
- 没有偷窃偷听任务.
- 如果玩家被打伤的话,就需要去找街角的医生治疗.
- 搜集隐藏物品 (如一代的旗子) ,玩家在游戏里会有特殊物品奖励
- 物品包括旗子,凋像,和金币等.
- 游戏中的新敌人都会有独特作战方式与弱点,其中包括弓箭手,重铠兵等.
- 玩家仍然可以骑马,爬塔
- 新作开发团队有240人