December 06, 2004 - We all know the PSP is going to be hot for single player games (our single player test of Ridge Racers yesterday confirmed that much), but how will the system hold up when playing against others? Today, we got in some more play time with the final PSP hardware and put Ridge Racers and Minna no Golf Portable to the WiFi test.
Here's how we set our games up. We had two people make use of adjacent PSP units running the same game. We, of course, made sure to have the WiFi switch on. The game actually warns you if the WiFi switch is off when you try to enter a multiplayer mode, although turning it on is as simple as flipping the switch (without having to restart or anything).
Our first WiFi experience was with Minna no Golf Portable. The game has a 'Minna De Golf' (Golf with everyone) mode that allows for eight players to play together simultaneously. Go into this mode and you're given two options: one option to create an multiplayer game session and one to select an existing game session and join in.
We used one PSP to create a multiplayer game session (referred to as a 'room,' as would be the case in a proper Online title). This player becomes the game leader and selects a type of game, a course, the number of holes and weather settings. After selecting 'complete,' the game leader selects his character. Once this is done, the PSP displays a screen with a bunch of player slots for up to seven additional players. The game leader must wait until at least one of these slots sees another character join in.
On the other end, we had the second PSP wait for the first PSP to finish creating the room (actually, you just have to wait for the game leader to get past the first screen where he sets up the type of game), then enter the select existing game option. The game starts searching for available games. It took about three seconds for the game we'd initially set up to appear on the other PSP, complete with the game leader's nick name. The second player, once having selected this game, then selects her character.
Only the game leader can select when to head off onto the course. We only had two players, so we immediately headed off for our first round of WiFi PSP gaming.
The setup of the multiplayer game session changes depending on the mode of golf that you set. In standard multi-holed golf, playable by up to eight players, players play through individual holes simultaneously, advancing at their own pace. Finish ahead of other players, and you have to wait for other players to finish before moving on to the next hole together. Unfortunately during this waiting period, you're stuck watching a stat screen and aren't given a chance to view other players' game sessions. The stat screen is updated in real time, though (seeing our companion hit double digit ball stroke counts was amusing).
Another one of the game's modes, the one-on-one match mode, takes a different approach. Gameplay is turn based, with each player taking turns and watching the other player take her strokes. There's a one or two second lag between when one player swings and when the action is reflected on the other PSP units, although this isn't a big deal, being as it's a golf game and all.
Overall, we were impressed with the smoothness of the Minna no Golf WiFi experience. Getting eight players together should be a blast of quick fun, with the simultaneous progression.
We next tried out Ridge Racers, expecting it to be a better test for wireless gaming. As with Minna no Golf, Ridge Racers has a wireless race mode that lets players create a game or join one waiting for racers. We once again had one PSP create a race. This player first selects his car, then selects a course and handicap and waits for up to seven other players to join in on the fun.
For the other players, searching for a race in progress takes just a few seconds, as it does with Minna no Golf Portable. Once races in the area are found, the game displays them according to course and host (the name of the user who created the race). After selecting from the available games, this player selects his car and automatic/manual options, and everyone is then ready to go.
While actually racing, the game seems to be super responsive, with movements of one racer reflected immediately on the opponent's PSP screen. During our test time, we lined things up so that we could try steering one car from the other player's PSP, and were able to do so with little response lag.
Finish a race in Ridge Racers, and the game lets you retry the race (this, unfortunately, requires that the game reload the track) or go back to the first wireless mode screen where one player creates a game and the other selects from available rooms to join in.
Our smooth first experience with WiFi gaming on the PSP should come as no surprise, considering the systems were separated by no more than two feet and we had just two players playing simultaneously. We'll be sure and put the PSP and its games to a more trying test following launch on Sunday.
-- Anoop Gantayat 山脊赛车联机是一卡多机还是多卡多机还是都可以啊? WIFI...在国内可不是哪都能享受的到啊... 才两台机器相隔才两英尺~~
无语~~~~ 原来掌机迷里的KAYIN就是兔子你啊!!!!
你很厉害呢!!!!!!!!!!!!! 兔迷啊?!
好多的惊叹号 山脊赛车联机是一卡多机还是多卡多机还是都可以啊?
PSP是没有“一卡多人”这个概念的,要联机玩的话,连几台就要几个相同的游戏! sony的东西54~~ 希望开了之后可以不要好电太快 懒的细看的,谁说说联机距离最长多少米? 懒的细看的,谁说说联机距离最长多少米?
所以能够用PSP通过WI-FI联机的,在中国估计人数是非常少的。 PSP能像NDS那样直接互联么?
宁舍二亩地,不舍一烟屁啊~ PSP能像NDS那样直接互联么?
NDS的已经有人试过了,最远的距离好像是室内40米,室外70米,老任总是把自己的数据说得很保守啊,往往测试之后都要比官方给出数据好! PSP的无线连接方式好象有3种。一个是WI-FI一个是红外还有一个名字不知道。。。不过这还有一个应该可以想NDS一样。
顺便说一下中国大陆已经取消了WI-FI802.11b这个无线通讯协议了。在大陆只有在五星级的酒店等对外的高级场所才有。 不影响玩家的热情 原来掌机迷里的KAYIN就是兔子你啊!!!!
那篇文章很差的 才两台机器相隔才两英尺~~
这并不是说PSP的联机距离只有那么点 WI-FI是和距离无关的,用802.11b接入网络后,多远都可以!
在国内有条件的可以在屋子里装一个网关.我家就有. 如果多人在不同距离内不知道会不会有延迟!!!
而且最重要的是必须每个人都有同一个游戏! 原来掌机迷里的KAYIN就是兔子你啊!!!!