另外将有个好消息,Mario新作“Super Mario Bros DS”可能会在2005年2月25日发行。
After major success in both Japan and North America with the launch of the Nintendo DS, many are worried that with the PSP now on the streets, the momentum Nintendo currently has may start to wane quickly as 2005 approaches. However, if reports across the Internet are to be believed, it might not be too long before we get hold of two highly anticipated Mario titles.
First up, the bad news: apparently Mario Kart DS is due to be knocked back to May 2005, which is perfectly acceptable if you consider the lack of touch- or dual-screen capabilities shown in the current build. Also, this will give Nintendo plenty of time to perfect its wireless options for the game - a feature many will no doubt be crying out for.
Next up some good news: Super Mario Bros DS could well reach us on 25th February, 2005! Wonderful news for what looks like a new spin on the classic 2D series...
No further details are known, but be sure that we will update you as soon as anything breaks! GC上难道以后不出MARIO了吗?
不过算了,BIO4,萨尔达,火纹,05的答卷我个人还是满意的~ 也快了~~2月 爸爸妈妈答应我过年前买NDS+Mario64DS 恭喜楼上啊 我不知道这游戏和gba上的有啥区别。 传统赛车游戏的确很难利用DS的特质有所作为,不过想MARIO赛车这种类型.就难说了,记得刚开始有相关图片,下屏只显示地图,这显然是不行的.看看任天堂到时能玩出虾米花来 只能改,按以前那个一个屏做地图,这样肯定是不行的。 无责任推测:单机双人对战,象WARIO那个乒乓球游戏一样,各看一个屏幕,各控制一半键。我测试了一下。反拿NDS,左手姆指按ABXY的手感比十字键略差,但影响不大,L、R楗用来供两个人用道具,这样虽然没有利用触摸屏,不过一定好玩…… 延期不代表大换血吧!越说越邪乎了 我不知道这游戏和gba上的有啥区别。
GBA是移植SFC的,这个是移植N64的~~ 爸爸妈妈答应我过年前买NDS+Mario64DS
几岁 马力奥赛车~越来越远了~等不及了~啊! 楼上的很喜欢牧场物语??文字 难道写上自己喜欢的游戏和将买游戏的签名方式最近好象满流行的嘛? 我14岁
哎!时间上的折磨啊! 先爽着GC的......
老任在自己主机上的自己招牌作品绝对不会让我们失望的 可以对着mic大喊:“让一让,让一让,嘀嘀~~~” 希望看到创新的赛车 这个应该是nds上最值得买的赛车了 Super Mario Bros DS不知道是什么样的游戏,期待