另外将有个好消息,Mario新作“Super Mario Bros DS”可能会在2005年2月25日发行。
Cubed-3网站的原文:After major success in both Japan and North America with the launch of the Nintendo DS, many are worried that with the PSP now on the streets, the momentum Nintendo currently has may start to wane quickly as 2005 approaches. However, if reports across the Internet are to be believed, it might not be too long before we get hold of two highly anticipated Mario titles.
First up, the bad news: apparently Mario Kart DS is due to be knocked back to May 2005, which is perfectly acceptable if you consider the lack of touch- or dual-screen capabilities shown in the current build. Also, this will give Nintendo plenty of time to perfect its wireless options for the game - a feature many will no doubt be crying out for.
Next up some good news: Super Mario Bros DS could well reach us on 25th February, 2005! Wonderful news for what looks like a new spin on the classic 2D series...
No further details are known, but be sure that we will update you as soon as anything breaks! |