任天堂赢了 !!!!!任天堂德国:欧版Wii主机官价150英镑
没的说,肯定赢了根据欧洲永远最高 150英镑 =300USD 那美国应该为249USD 日本有可能是19800元
任天堂德国分公司的主管Bernd Fakesch日前在德国莱比锡Game Convention大会上透露了欧版Wii主机的官方价格。
任天堂德国分公司的主管Bernd Fakesch表示:我们得知Wii游戏机在上市之时的价格标签上的数字是150英镑,这个价格远比微软Xbox 360来得便宜,也比降价之后的索尼PS2更有诱惑力。
Wii to cost £150?
Nintendo confirms a low, low price for its new console.
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The Wii - yours for about a third the price of a PS3. Here's some good news: you don't need to spend £280 or £425 to get your hands on a next-gen games machine. Nintendo has confirmed that its Wii console, due for launch before the end of the year, will be priced at $250 in the US, and at a "similar, affordable price in Europe".
Putting our expert pricing hat on for a minute, we reckon this translates to a £150 price tag in the UK. At the current exchange rate, $250 converts to about £135, but knowing that games companies usually add a little extra on for the UK, £150 seems about right. That makes it £130 cheaper than the Xbox 360 Premium Pack and an incredible £275 cheaper than a 60GB PlayStation 3.
We still don't know the exact release date for the Wii, but Nintendo has said that it will confirm that, along with details of the software launch line-up, before long. Stay tuned.
http://www.nintendolife.com/articles/2006/05/26/wii_under_gbp150 赢了。。老任终于要再次戴上王冠了!! 吼吼.....那具体什么时候发售鸭? 150美元再考虑入手,先凑合玩ndsl吧 价格赢了
还莱比锡Game Convention大会呢~
翻译这则新闻的人真的懂英文么? 价格还是很有优势,不过现在还不能说赢了 在官方正式公布前所有的价格都有可能,wii便宜已经是众所皆知的事情。 价格赢≠赢 原帖由 Jimmy141087 于 2006-8-28 03:27 发表
价格输=输 销售量说话
现在不予置评 贵贵贵
199美元才是王道 老任赢定了. 这价格 - -
一年以后购入.那时候应该更便宜了吧 反正价格大家也看得差不多了,就这点钱吧。我啥也不说,明年必入 現在歐洲誰還在用英鎊~~~作者是不是弱智 主机再便宜也没什么,几张游戏事情 wii能贵到哪里去嘛~! 原帖由 飞狐 于 2006-8-29 09:10 发表
今天终于看到弱智了。 我没记错的话英国是不属于欧盟的吧