http://au.pc.ign.com/articles/760/760900p1.htmlUS, February 2, 2007 - In the upcoming expansion pack for Titan Quest, Titan Quest: Immortal Throne, players are sent into the depths of Hades to combat a powerful daemon army. In this series of Designer's Guides we will be walking through some of the key geographic areas of Hades and giving insight into our artistic and creative process.
美国,2007年2月2日 - 在即将到来的《泰坛传说(TITANQUEST)》扩展包:不朽王座游戏里,玩家将被传送到地狱深层,与恶魔的大军们奋战。在这个制作者访谈系列中,我们将带领大家浏览一些地狱里的关键景点,并让你们了解到我们在制作此游戏中的艺术与创造性。
The Immortal Throne expansion pack has a much darker, mysterious, more sinister tone than the original Titan Quest, and we wanted to make sure that fell came across clearly in game world. A major design issue we faced was that we needed to create a mythological world that was technically "underground" but also gave the feeling that it existed in a completely different dimension. On a high level, it was important that we created a new experience for players that would contrast the "fire and brimstone" stereotype that often gets associated with Hades. To the Greeks, Hades was much more alive than the volcanic landscape so often used to depict the Underworld. To help reinforce this distinction, we chose to work with a color palate of blues, greens, purple and grays, rather than the usual. orange, reds and blacks. For us, Hades is a world that was very much alive despite being inhabited by those that were already dead.
In ancient Greece the people believed that when they died they would become shades, or spirits, and then make the journey to Hades. They would seek passage across the great river Styx before moving into Hades, where they would eventually be judged. Those deemed worthy were sent on to Elysium, where they lived out their afterlife amongst some of Greece's greatest warriors and heroes. Those deemed unworthy were condemned to Tartarus to suffer for eternity. Some shades were never judged at all, and instead left to wander through the different regions of Hades reflecting on all they did or didn't do in their previous lives. Immortal Throne features shades from all walks of life, from farmers and merchants, to famous warriors.
Upon entering Hades, players will immediately sense a huge change in the mood of the game. Unlike the lush green plains and rolling hills found in previous levels, Hades is dark and unsettling. Trees are sapped of their pigment and take on an albino look. Plants and mushrooms sway in a silent breeze, glowing with an eerie iridescent purple light. Even the slate grey stone ground is dry and cracked despite being in close proximity to the river Styx.
Our sound design also embodies the cool, eerie feel of the Greek underworld. Quiet whispers drift in from the shadows, leading the player on through a maze of rock croppings and cliff walls towards the River. These environmental details all help to reinforce the Greek conception of the underworld as a dead yet living land.
The river Styx divides the level into two main regions. A drier, rocky highland which I already described, and a rising flood plain which breaks this region into a series of small islands set amongst a shallow watery swamp area. These islands help form a dual elevation gameplay space where players will fight through the swamp below and over a series of islands connected with bridges. The islands themselves hold the small military camps set up Hades advancing army. These are mostly small supply depots used by front line scouts from the daemon army, some of whom have already moved out of Hades to wage their war on Greece.
This treacherous region of swamp features overgrown briar trees and also deadly geysers that froth and overflow with a putrid, glowing substance. Smarter players will keep their distance, if the stench does not leave a strong enough impression I can assure you that the toxic spray will.
This trip through Styx is not just a scenic walk through the park. There are plenty of new myth-inspired monsters in Immortal Throne, and the Styx level will be the player's first introduction to many of the underworld daemons. The Empousa are winged assassins capable of magic. Their hair burns with fire and they are as deadly as they look. In the darker rock crags of the level lurk the Keres - ancient, and with a ravenous appetite for heroes. Packs of Troglodytes also lumber along the banks of the River Styx. These are hulking troll-like creatures with immense strength. Unarmed they provide formidable opposition, and they are even more dangerous when wielding a hammer or club.
In future installments of these designer guide,s we will be talking more about the other regions of Hades found within Titan Quest: Immortal Throne. Stay tuned!
(译者按:最后一句STAY TUNED真是深得我心阿,看这么多年鸟语了第一次发现和谐社会的表述这么简单准确,完美……)
[ 本帖最后由 Ginar 于 2007-2-27 13:12 编辑 ] 后面还有,今天先休息。如果火星了版主别给扔了,我这是为了过三级翻译做练习呢……哪位翻译技能熟练的帮忙看看毛病,信达雅不敢说全面做到,但自认赶出来的效果还算过的去的。
US, February 13, 2007 - Let us make every shade's journey across the Plains…The vast, desolate stretches of the Plains of Judgment, set among rocky peaks and gaping chasms, are nearly enough to sap even the bravest of will or hope. This is the forbidding waste that, from time immemorial, every soul has crossed to reach the Tower of Judgment, and there be judged. It is also the home of most shades - all whose lives were neither exceptionally good nor terrible. Pale shades linger here and there across the Plains, over the centuries and millennia slowly losing the last trace of memory and identity, fading into empty, pale forms.
The fresh shade, on the path to judgment, steps out of the marshes of the Styx into the City of Lost Souls. This city is carved out of the very stone foundation of the Underworld. It is home to many of the shades who are inhabitants of the Plains, and to many passing through, or lingering, hoping not to be judged quite so soon. Unlike the living, shades have little weight or substance. They think nothing of the steep wall faces into which their stone houses are carved. Nor does the winding maze-like path through the city bother them. The new shades feel the constant pull of the Tower, and do not lose their way. The old shades have no ambitions or goals. They meander the byways, cross the stone bridges, and linger in their halls and homes as they will.
The call of the Tower of Judgment is somewhere between a great hunger and a deep longing. Some shades fight it, but rarely for very long. They know where the Tower is, across the Plains. They know how to get there. They know they must go. From the City of Lost Souls, a new shade will set out onto the Salt Flats. These are great stretches composed of only two things: the dusty, colorless flats, and the noxious salt pools. The reddish crusts that border the pools are the only color to be found in this lifeless land. The strange heat from the pools, which often belch steam, is no consolation, and never seems to warm the numbing chill of the flats. Nor do they give life to the dead trees and brush found here.
Since the earliest times of mortals, the Plains have been largely desolate. A wandering shade, or daemons erecting a statue to their lord, the god Hades, would be surrounded by miles of emptiness, save the consistent stream of new shades in their pilgrimage. Recently, things have changed. Old daemons, such as the Keres and Troglodytes, have appeared in great numbers, girded for war. They have been joined by other daemons, never before seen in these parts. They wander the City of Lost Souls and patrol the Salt Flats. They beat shades cruelly when they get in the way. In fact, in the part of the Plains once known as they Asphodel Fields, the daemons have erected a vast, mobile war-camp. But no one seems to know where they are bound, or against whom they wage their war. Shades hear horrible tales, and dread to go near.
[ 本帖最后由 Ginar 于 2007-2-28 12:42 编辑 ] 这游戏不错 画面和操作都算中上
我一直叫它《泰坦之旅》的 前作没激情,玩到10+级扔那里了,罪过阿……在MHP2中抽空体验下资料片吧。诶,不比当年战菠萝2时候的激情了……
至于国内咋翻译的,我还真没注意。 是啊
好像是网游……暗黑啊== 靠,菠萝3果是网游就麻烦了,有一个山口山还不够么……
Diablo 3
Developer: Blizzard
Publisher: Blizzard What Was Promised
The quintessential dungeon-crawler has devoured hundreds of hours from the lives of gamers. Considering the success of Diablo, it was a no-brainer that the title would see a third installment at some point in the future. It has been more than six years since the release of Diablo II and Blizzard remains relatively quiet about the future of the franchise. Rumors over the past year hint that Diablo 3 could be another MMO. Blizzard has announced that it is working on a new MMO, and said it would be quite different from WOW. It's not clear, however, if the upcoming MMO is a new IP or based on either the Diablo or StarCraft universe. Where It Stands
Don't fret, another Diablo game is in the hopper. This according to numerous high-ranking executives at Blizzard who have, over the past six months, assured in various interviews that the Diablo series would live on. It began at the German Games Convention in 2006, when Blizzard COO Paul Sims assured fans that the company's popular franchise had not been forgotten. "As you probably already know, there is no doubt that we will continue the StarCraft and Diablo franchise," Sims told IGN. However, don't get too excited. As Blizzard VP Itzik Ben Bassat recently told the crowd at a London WOW: The Burning Crusade launch event, " We cannot wait to be here in a few years, or however long it will be" to announce Diablo 3. "It's won't be a decade," he promised. Meaning either that Diablo 3 would be out by 2010 (ten years after the release of Diablo 2) or that it would be out by 2017, within ten years of the WOW expansion launch. But hey, at least it's coming!
[ 本帖最后由 Ginar 于 2007-2-27 14:18 编辑 ] 原帖由 Ginar 于 2007-2-27 14:07 发表
今天(02.26.2007)上Blizzard的BBS上的人估计都会兴奋得不得了,在Diablo区的一条新闻爆出:暗黑破坏神3 基本完成!发布这条消息的人OMile就是Blizzard的艺术总监Odel Milaish,标题是“the game behind Diablo I and II - an unannounced PC project !”
It looks like the Diablo III rumor mill has started up once again with a seemingly innocent post on the jobs section of the Blizzard web site. A few days ago they posted a job for an art director and various leads to join "the team behind Diablo I and II" for "an unannounced PC project." I have been getting some inquires since then if Blizzard is indeed working on Diablo III and when is it going to come out?
Well, before I answer let me mention a few things. First, I don't want to get any of my friends at Blizzard in trouble, so from instead of mentioning "Diablo III" let's call this theoretical game "Beelzebub 3" and instead of "Blizzard" let's call them "Snowstorm". Second, my information is quality stuff, but it is a little old, so take that with a gain of salt. Third, err, well, there is no third, so let's get into what I know! re
Let's the obvious out of way, "Snowstorm" is indeed working on "Beelzebub 3". Not only are they working on it, but they have been working on this game for no less than the past four years. In fact, "Snowstorm North" nearly completed the game several years ago, but what they developed just "wasn't fun" and been quietly reworked. This was actually one of the key reasons why Snowstorm North was closed and everyone was relocated to Irvine-based Snowstorm, so that the bigwigs in Irvine could better track and follow the development of Beelzebub 3.
As for what to expect in to see in Beelzebub 3, believe it or not but those rumors that were floating around a few months ago about the game were fairly accurate (by the way, I have no idea who started these rumors or where they came from). According to the rumors:
"Diablo 3 takes place in heaven. Hell is trying to take it over and it is AWESOME looking … Imagine the brightness of heaven being taken over by the darkness of hell … Imagine WoW but in a Diablo world in amount of size and playability … Also, guild housing is available in this game for those of you who know about it."
This information was pretty dead-on. It is true that Beelzebub 3 will be done in true 3D and it did indeed look freaking awesome. It is also true that Beelzebub 3 features a story between the conflicts of Heaven and Hell and contains a very cool feature where every single item in the game can change between a "light" version and a "dark" version. However this was also one of the problems with the original version of the game. Other than the ability for any item to visually change from light to dark it didn't affect the actual stats of the item or change the gameplay in any way. So the game has gone through a total rework to inject some "fun" into the gameplay and to make it feel like the Beelzebubs of old.
The core gameplay Beelzebub 3 will play pretty much like Beelzebub 1 and 2, but the game world will be much larger and provide a much deeper experience -- many more items, more levels when you go through the game for first time, more skills, more of everything. In addition, the multiplayer aspect will be greatly enhanced from the past installments and don't be surprised to see more than a couple of WoW-based concepts to leak over into the Beelzebub 3 universe ... such as two opposing factions (Alliance and Horde = Heaven and Hell), enhanced guild functionality, and maybe even mounts?
As for when Beelzebub 3 will released, that one is easy to answer ... when it's done. Snowstorm is in no rush to finish this game and will release it only after they feel it's perfect. And after the fiasco of StarCraft: Ghost -- which has been announced for years and is currently going through its second round of redesign and reprogramming -- Snowstorm is in no rush to announce Beelzebub 3. Don't except an announcement until the game is near completion.
But there is some good news; that "leak" on the Snowstorm jobs page was no accident. If they are starting to leak information about Beelzebub 3 then they are starting to get closer to a final release. Of course for Snowstorm something "getting close" can mean two years from now
Hopefully that will hold everyone over for the short term. Hopefully Beelzebub 3 will be announced at the next E3, I'll try to find out more before then and give everyone the dirt as I get it.
1. 暴雪确实正在开发《暗黑破坏神3》,他们至少在四年前就已经开始了《暗黑3》的开发工作。事实上,暴雪在几年前已经基本完成了这个游戏,但是暴雪的高管发现这个游戏“缺乏乐趣”,以至于《暗黑3》遭到了重写的命运,这也是暴雪北方工作室被迫关闭的原因之一。
2. 人员现在重新聚集到暴雪Irvine总部的,这样,Irvine的暴雪头头们就能够随时跟进《暗黑破坏神3》的开发,一直至到最近的开发完成。
3. 《暗黑破坏神3》的主要场景非常华丽明亮。
没想到我们最渴望的War4 和 SC2都没有看到,倒是出来个Diablo 3,这真的符合了Blizzard的风格:永远都有你意想不到的!但是注意,只是“基本完成”,以Blizzard的跳票风格来说,离正式发售估计还有一大段时间!不过相信现在开始D3的各种消息就会全部浮出水面
注意那个红字 有multi的话就应该对应single 那个MULTIPLAYER是个ASPECT,言下之意就是说不是全部。肯定是让你有SOLO的时候的,但是要是最好的装备都出现在多人模式下呢= =?
PS 对于RTS白痴的我双手双脚赞成不先做SC2或WC4。
[ 本帖最后由 Ginar 于 2007-2-27 14:27 编辑 ] 哦~对菠萝3更感兴趣呀~
估计再跳个两、三年应该出来了 汗,Ginar你想过三级翻译,翻译这种文章来干嘛?!
不是应该找些金融和政治类的新闻或者科技文章来做练习的吗? 画面不错的游戏 菠萝啊 最喜欢的了 快来吧
[ 本帖最后由 光与暗之龙 于 2007-2-27 20:41 编辑 ] 有菠萝味 从英文到中文,翻译地相当不错。如果再对中文进行下润色可能效果更好,更流畅。