Fitzgerald is a large lunar crater on the far side of the Moon. It lies to the west-southwest of Cockcroft crater, and about two crater diameters to the northeast of Morse crater.
This is an impact crater with features that have become softened and eroded by subsequent impacts in the vicinity. The younger satellite crater 'Fitzgerald W' is attached to the exterior along the northwest. Faint ray material extends from the southeastern rim of this satellite across the western floor of Fitzgerald, although it is unclear if this impact is the source or if it came from the rayed-crater 'Moore F' to the north.
Several spammer craters also lie along the rim of Fitzgerald, with a joined pair along the eastern rim and two more along the western edge. The inner walls display some indications of past slumping and terracing, although these features have become smoothed out with time. The interior floor is a nearly level, featureless plain, with some slight irregularities to the northeast.
Length contraction, according to Hendrik Lorentz, is the physical phenomenon of a decrease in length detected by an observer in objects that travel at any non-zero velocity relative to that observer. This contraction (more formally called Lorentz contraction or Lorentz–Fitzgerald contraction) only becomes noticeable, however, at a substantial fraction of the speed of light; and the contraction is only in the direction parallel to the direction in which the observed body is travelling.
目前肯定和那个美国作家没关系。诗人菲茨杰拉德不知道……只知道他名字FitzGerald来源是诺曼语 fils de Gérald ,意思是法治之矛。可能可以扯上关系…… http://bbs.newwise.com/viewthread.php?tid=364440&page=176&fromuid=416475#pid6155961
24话剧透 http://dat.2chan.net/18/src/1221037773202b908.jpg
比達,原來你讀童實野高校的啊。 http://dat.2chan.net/18/src/12210382550461363.jpg
萬丈目連續穿越。 越来越那啥了……老K江郎才尽画不出东西来了么 这一话剧情从剧透上看很不错,星尘挡黑蔷薇自爆,游星的龙纹在对十六夜时显现。化作保护明显的不只是星尘,也是游星,他也在保护着秋 尤其是星尘拥抱黑蔷薇啊
那镜头简直绝美 24话在线不清晰RAW:
下:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9V9WvuDeGY 我也大爱那个镜头,星尘与蔷薇,游星和十六,未来是美好的 原帖由 飞矢不动 于 2008-9-10 19:37 发表 http://bbs.newwise.com/images/common/back.gif
而且还说“无论多少次,我都会接住你”……太、太让人激动了! 我要收藏这一话啊,收藏啊,游戏天中难得的。虽然以前城舞也有一点 遊戲王以來甚少的決鬥中調情啊,另外這一集的周邊看點滿多的,又比達又光暗終龍穿越。 24话RAW;图书馆480p
http://tokyotosho.com/details.php?id=158196 游戏王也终于有爱情戏了么
回复 1197# 的帖子
这是不争的事实啊 其实这一话也还是不那么明显嘛,是我们这些渴望看到一些不同一些改变的群众y的多一些哪有那么一见钟情的?游星和十六才刚见面,总不能说是前世的羁绊吧 24话最大的感慨还是16夜终于没有崩坏了==16夜大萌~~
星星和16夜是官配啊== 配合raw的24话外挂字幕
http://bbs.newwise.com/viewthread.php?tid=365179&page=49&fromuid=416475#pid6162978 24话yuugi压制、内嵌sartiend版字幕版:
http://www.jsharer.com/file/826964.htm 23 24真激情