[魔兽]2008 World of Warcraft North American Continental Championship
Ninety-six players, eight slots, one champion—the sun rises for everyone this morning, but it sets on the dreams of all but eight competitors this evening.
Six rounds and two Draft pods will separate the Top 8 from the rest of the field. Each pick counts as players attempt to outmaneuver and out-draft their opponents at the table. A quick 3-0 at the first table will put players in contention for the Sunday Draft, but they’ll have to keep that momentum going and out-draft their next table, too.
The Darkmoon Faire has also come to Indianapolis, allowing weekend warriors and those who didn’t fare so well in yesterday’s Continental Championship to resurrect their chances for prizes. The format is the brand new Burning Crusade Block Constructed, so every single deck will be a surprise to opponents. Who has broken the format? Will Kil’zin of the Bloodscalp shock the competition, or will Myriam Starcaller shoot those dreams down? The Top 8 will be decided today.
For those who rushed the UDE booth in the main room for World of Warcraft Minis demos, there are two more Sneak Preview tournaments today for the lucky winners who got their golden ticket.
There are two full days left at Gen Con, and two Top 8s will be decided today. For live updates of all the fun, keep hitting that F5 key and watching for news here at www.WoWTCG.com.
本周周末,在参加2008 North American Continental Championships 的所有选手中,绝大多数选手选择操控部落套牌,联盟套牌的数量则不到部落套牌的一半。这与去年的平分天下的状况相比发生了很大的变化。同时,只有非常少数的选手选择了恶魔套牌,仅占到全部选手中的1%。
建立在 Form of the Serpent 这张卡的战术,成为本周末比赛中最受玩家欢迎的战术。
另外一个在本周周末展现出非凡实力的是引入了了6版新卡的法师英雄。依靠元素生物Water Elemental (ILLIDAN 54/252 R) 的操控进攻能力和英雄Phosphus the Everburning (ILLIDAN 13/252 U) 的翻转效果,法师玩家们可以有效地抓住时机利用元素清场。长期以来法师由于其低于25生命的贫血而始终未能排名一线卡组,但是在这个周末,法师依靠其新的力量最终冲进了顶级卡组的行列。
http://www.wowtcg.cn/wow/cardImages/HFI/Water_Elemental.jpg http://www.wowtcg.cn/wow/cardImages/HFI/Phosphus_the_Everburning.jpg
http://www.wowtcg.cn/wow/cardImages/HOA/Elendril.jpg 相比这些在本次周末比赛中大放异彩的卡组,Elendril 猎人套配合利诺杰克因斯和怒虎等狂暴系盟军,曾经是最受玩家欢迎的狂暴卡组。但在这个周末,令人极其惊讶的是,居然只有1位猎人英雄参加了此次活动! 这不禁让我们对今后猎人套的走向产生一个又一个的疑问。
http://www.wowtcg.cn/wow/cardImages/HOA/Leeroy_Jenkins.jpg http://www.wowtcg.cn/wow/cardImages/HOA/Fury.jpg
Archetypes(战术风格)Form of the Serpent13%Boomkin11%Mage Control11%Paladin Control11%Shaman Burn10%Priest Control8%Warrior Control6%Mage Rush4%Warrior Solo4%Rogue Solo3%Warlock Control3%Priest Discard3%Paladin Rush2%Ripped through the Portal Combo2%Shaman Solo2%Mage Burn1%Warrior Rush1%Demon Control1%Druid Control1%Priest Rush1%Demon Rush1%Mother Misery Solo<1%Hunter Rush<1%Mid-range Control<1%Rogue control<1%Warlock Burn<1%Warlock Rush<1%Class Breakdown(职业)Druid(德鲁伊)25%Mage(法师)16%Paladin(圣骑士)13%Shaman(萨满)12%Priest(牧师)12%Warrior(战士)11%Warlock(术士)6%Rogue(刺客)3%Demon(恶魔)2%Hunter(猎人)<1%Faction Breakdown(阵营)Horde(部落)67%Alliance(联盟)32%Demon(恶魔)1%Loyalty(信仰)Loyal Heroes(忠诚)65%Traitors(背叛)35%
Phil Cape (9-0)
Hero: Desecrator Stormclaw
Allies: 27
4 Bloodsoul
4 Waz'luk
4 Offender Gora
4 Rak Skyfury
4 Marksman Glous
4 Vexmaster Nar'jo
3 Brok Bloodcaller
Abilities: 15
4 Cyclone
4 The Natural Order
4 Form of the Serpent
3 Stormfire
Equipment: 4
4 Twig of the World Tree
Quests: 14
4 One Draenei's Junk...
4 Dr. Boom!
3 Orders from Lady Vashj
3 Finkle Einhorn, At Your Service!
Side Deck: 10
3 Moonfire
2 Band of the Inevitable
2 Doshura Risestrider
2 Sun-Gilded Shouldercaps
1 Wastewalker Helm
Michael Acharya (8-1)
Hero: Taheo Skyspeaker
Allies: 9
4 Blood Knight Kyria
3 Vexmaster Nar'jo
2 Vorden the Shadowbringer
Abilities: 29
3 Stormfire
4 The Natural Order
3 Dreamstate
4 Insect Swarm
4 Cyclone
4 Moonkin Form
3 Wrath
4 Moonfire
Equipment: 8
4 Stormrage Cover
4 Twig of the World Tree
Quests: 14
4 Forces of Jaedanar
3 Counterattack!
3 One Draenei's Junk...
2 Deep Sea Salvage
2 Warm Welcome
Side Deck: 10
3 Quagmirran's Eye
3 Barkskin
3 Shadala
1 Dreamstate
Matt Spreadbury (8-1)
Hero: Zaritha
Allies: 9
4 Steelsmith Joseph Carroll
2 Weeble
1 Field Repair Bot 74A
1 Narthadus
1 “Scrapper” Ironbane
Abilities: 9
4 Lightning Arc
3 Earth Shock
2 Gifts from the Past
Equipment: 28
4 Ring of Flowing Light
4 Aegis of the Vindicator
4 Mass of McGowan
4 Retainer's Blade
3 Faith Healer's Boots
2 Alchemist's Stone
2 Major Healing Potion
2 Seer's Signet
2 Onyxia Hide Backpack
1 Eskhandar's Collar
Quests: 14
4 A Final Blow
3 The Missing Diplomat
3 The Cipher of Damnation
2 Sunken Treasure
1 Big Game Hunter
1 Corki's Ransom
Side Deck: 10
4 Crackling Purge
3 Talian Bladebender
2 Gifts from the Past
1 Earth Shock
Kevin M. Lambert (8-1)
Hero: Warmaster Bo'jo
Allies: 21
4 Bloodsoul
4 Offender Gora
4 Rak Skyfury
4 Marksman Glous
3 Vexmaster Nar'jo
2 Broan Charges-the-Fight
Abilities: 16
3 Bloodrage
2 Puncture
3 Intensify Rage
4 Mortal Strike
4 Heroic Strike
Equipment: 11
4 Twig of the World Tree
4 Vindicator's Brand
3 Perdition's Blade
Quests: 13
3 Dr. Boom
4 One Draenei's Junk...
3 Finkle Einhorn, At Your Service
3 Tabard of the Illidari
3 Lucky Strike Axe
3 Pummel
1 Bloodrage
3 Vindicator Kentho
Side Deck: 10
3 Barkskin
3 Jin'do's Evil Eye
2 Typhoon
2 Niyore of the Watch
Chris Reilkoff (8-1)
Hero: Taheo Skyspeaker
Allies: 24
4 Vexmaster Nar'jo
3 Bhenn Checks-the-Sky
4 Doshura Risestrider
3 Brok Bloodcaller
3 Stone Guard Rashun
1 Flame Bender Ta'jin
1 Vorden the Shadowbringer
2 Ras'fari Bloodfrenzy
1 Ishanah, High Priestess of the Aldor
1 Maiev Shadowsong
1 The Abominable Greench
Abilities: 22
4 Cyclone
4 Insect Swarm
4 The Natural Order
4 Moonfire
3 Stormfire
3 Innervate
Equipment: 1
1 Hammer of the Naaru
Quests: 13
4 Battle of the Crimson Watch
3 Counterattack!
3 Swift Discipline
3 Chasing A-Me 01
Side Deck: 10
4 Healing Touch
3 Rebirth
2 Vorden the Shadowbringer
1 Flame Bender Ta'jin
James McCoy (8-1)
Hero: "Black Ice" Fizzlefreeze
Allies: 32
3 Korthas Greybeard
3 Antikron the Unyielding
4 Marksman Glous
2 Angelista
4 Instructor Giralo
4 Xanata the Lightsworn
2 Vindicator Kentho
3 Water Elemental
3 Archbishop Benedictus
4 Myriam Starcaller
Abilities: 10
4 Nether Fracture
3 Counterspell
3 Fizzle
Quests: 18
2 Corki's Ransom
3 Lost!
4 Finkle Einhorn, At Your Service!
3 Marks of Kil'Jaeden
4 One Draenei's Junk...
2 The Missing Diplomat
Side Deck: 10
2 Razak Ironsides
1 Fizzle
3 Spellsteal
2 Angelista
2 "Scrapper" Ironsides
Morgan Adams (8-1)
Hero: Aleyah Dawnborn
Allies: 24
2 Lor'themar Theron
1 Varimathras
2 Maiev Shadowsong
2 Ishanah, High Priestess of the Aldor
3 Niyore of the Watch
3 Tatulla the Reclaimer
4 Doshura Risestrider
4 Brok Bloodcaller
3 Bhenn Checks-the-Sky
Abilities: 15
4 Redemption
4 Holy Shock
4 Hammer of Justice
3 Sacred Purification
Equipment: 5
1 Felsteel Reaper
2 Great Sword of Horrid Dreams
2 Band of the Inevitable
Quests: 16
4 Counterattack!
4 Solanian's Belongings
4 Information Gathering
3 The Root of All Evil
1 The Lexicon Demonica
Side Deck: 10
2 The Abominable Greench
1 Exarch Onaala
3 Arcane Torrent
2 Blessing of Freedom
2 Lay on Hands
Kyle McGinty (8-1)
Hero: "Black Ice" Fizzlefreeze
Allies: 34
4 Korthas Greybeard
4 Antikron the Unyielding
4 Xanata the Lightsworn
3 Waldo the Decoy
4 Water Elemental
4 Xavar the Resourceful
4 Marksman Glous
2 Instructor Giralo
4 Myriam Starcaller
1 "Scrapper" Ironside
Abilities: 12
4 Fizzle
4 Nether Fracture
2 Portal
2 Spellsteal
Quests: 14
4 Marks of Kil'Jaeden
4 One Draenei's Junk...
3 Corki's Ransom
3 Tabards of the Illidari
Side Deck: 10
2 Counterspell
1 Spellsteal
2 "Scrapper" Ironbane
3 Nalkas
2 Belt of Blasting
[ 本帖最后由 伊猪-贝贝 于 2008-8-17 12:20 编辑 ]
各位SS(官方词汇:warlock)玩家,乃们有福了!2008 WORLD OF NORTH AMERICAN CONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP 的冠军是 部落术士玩家 ——Matt Markoff!
It’s time: Matt Markoff has arrived. Since his Worlds Top 8 he has been rolling in high finishes, and a win here would likely cement 2008 as the “Year of the Markoff.” His opponent, James McCoy, is looking for his first big win, in one of his few major events.
“I don’t play very often,” James admitted. “My deck’s better than I am.”
“Eighteen quests is a lot for a rush deck,” Markoff said.
James laughed, “I do run 32 allies . . . it’s pretty consistent.”
James McCoy of North Carolina and Team TBG’s Matt Markoff are now ready to do battle to see who will be crowned the World of Warcraft TCG Continental Champion!
Game 1
James won the die roll and would be playing first for game 1 in this best-of-five series. James shipped his first hand back, but Markoff did not; he kept a gutsy hand with no quests. “No guts, no glory,” Markoff said as he drew The Fel and the Furious on his turn. James played Instructor Giralo on turn 2, but Markoff’s Vexmaster Nar’jo cleared it out in a trade we’ve seen all weekend. James decided to pass after playing a Lost! to go with his One Draenei’s Junk . . . and Corki’s Ransom.
“I’m winning the race against the rush deck!” Markoff announced when James passed turn.
“Rush deck?” James asked. “I’m a control deck with 3 / 2 allies.”
Junk found James a Xanata the Lightsworn that he played on turn 4, leaving two resources open. Markoff slammed Vexmaster at the hero, but Xanata protected. Markoff’s ruse let him play Doshura Risestrider through what appeared to be a represented Counterspell. He was truly being careful!
James played a Water Elemental and no resource on turn 4, leaving Markoff open to combo on the 3 / 4 with Doshura and a fresh Vexmaster; James, however, flipped to stop Vexmaster. Now that all his opponent’s resources were exhausted, Markoff was free to play Steal Essence and finish the job. James passed with five resources open and Corki’s Ransom available, and he went to 4 damage as Markoff swung in. A Niyore of the Watch merited a Nether Fracture from James. “One down, three to go,” Markoff smiled.
James played Vindicator Kentho after replaying Corki’s, leaving open three resources once more. Kentho traded with Vexmaster, and Doshura hit in for more damage. When Markoff attempted Belt of Blasting, James had a second Nether Fracture. James then played a Marksman Glous, but promptly lost it to Markoff’s Doshura. Once Markoff passed, a second Glous came down as James continued to manage his resources carefully. He was representing every interrupt in the book, but Markoff had no fear. He rowed a resource and played his last guy: The Abominable Greench.
Corki’s Ransom didn’t find a third Nether Fracture, and James had to scoop ’em up.
Markoff: 1, James: 0
Game 2
James was on the play again, hoping to come back with three consecutive wins. His mulligan made that a little less likely, but when he began with Antikron the Unyielding, things were looking up. Markoff made The Fel and the Furious and attacked Antikron himself to guarantee he could complete it. James extended further with Vindicator Kentho. That was no Glous, which meant Markoff could Eye of Kilrogg without fear of Fizzle. He saw a bad hand for James: Xanata, “Scrapper” Ironbane, and two Counterspell. Markoff decided to remove one of the Counters from the game, no doubt hoping to strengthen Shadowfury or maybe even Drain Mana later on.
James found his Glous on the next turn, but with Finkle Einhorn, At Your Service! and The Missing Diplomat, she was less than amazing. Markoff rowed to enable Vexmaster Nar’jo, but Antikron took the hit and put damage at 4-2 in James’s favor. James drew “another good card,” One Draenei’s Junk . . ., and attacked Matt’s Pagatha Soulbinder to 11. The Junk was inspired after James played Xanata.
Markoff found a Deep Sea Salvage on top, but he needed something a little heavier. He tried to combo Vexmaster and a fresh Brok Bloodcaller into Xanata the Lightsworn, but James flipped “Black Ice” Fizzlefreeze on Brok to stop him. The Junk found James another Glous, and his draw step yielded a second Junk. Xanata finished Vexmaster, and James’s attacks put Markoff to 17 damage. When Matt attempted Dread Infernal, James managed the incredibly rare miss with Junk, bottoming three quests. Xanata and Antikron died, and Glous and Kentho were not long for this world; Kentho died especially fast, trading with Brok on Markoff’s turn.
Both copies of Glous attacked Markoff to 23, and James tried to force in the damage with a Finkle on Vindicator Kentho and an Angelista from his hand. Did Markoff have the Shadowfury while James was exhausted? Nope; just a lowly Doshura Risestrider to kill one Glous, and the Infernal to kill Kentho. Angelista hit Markoff for 2, and then James completed The Missing Diplomat for Antikron to try to preserve his allies by stopping but not killing the damaged Dread Infernal. Markoff had a Brok Bloodcaller though, wiping the board and leaving damage at 25 to 8. James’s draw yielded nothing, and he had to scoop game 2.
Markoff: 2, James: 0
Game 3
“They could get worse,” James sighed as he mulliganed again. “I had the 4-drop hand.” Markoff had to mulligan as well, and then it was do-or-die time for James; a loss this game would mean the end of his quest for the title. So far Markoff’s deck had proved itself an able match for the Mage, but James had not had much luck.
James once again had Antikron the Unyielding beat in this game, while Markoff led with Counterattack! to promise some draw later on. James again lacked Marksman Glous, so he continued his protector theme with Xanata the Lightsworn. He completed Lost! on his own turn, making a gamble for card draw.
Markoff’s hand would heavily depend on the presence or absence of James’s interrupts, as it was filled to the brim with Shadowfury and not much else. An Eye of Kilrogg off the top showed Markoff an Archbishop Benedictus, Angelista, Lost!, and a Fizzle (which left the game). James just had Myriam Starcaller and a poke that put Markoff to 9 damage. When James exhausted low for a second Myriam Starcaller, it left him open to Shadowfury from Markoff. If James failed to draw an interrupt, it would let Markoff play a second and likely win the game on the spot. Markoff went for it, but James had hit Nether Fracture!
Both Myriams readied, and Markoff stared at them coolly. If they both did that again, he would almost certainly be dead. Instructor Giralo hit for James, and his inspire enabled him to put Markoff to 20. Markoff had another Eye—this time for Vindicator Kentho—and with the coast clear, he played the third Shadowfury. James completed One Draenei’s Junk . . . and hit Junk, Finkle Einhorn, At Your Service! . . . and Nether Fracture! After the Fracture, we were off to game 4.
Markoff; 2, James: 1
Game 4
“I didn’t get swept, yay!” James said. “It’s a moral victory.”
For the first time in the match, Markoff would be on the play. Markoff chuckled at his opening hand before sending it back. James had to think long and hard, but he eventually elected to keep. He had a turn 1 Antikron the Unyielding again, but Markoff had a turn 2 Eye of Kilrogg that took Nether Fracture from a hand featuring Marksman Glous, “Scrapper” Ironbane, Counterspell, and Water Elemental. Another Eye on turn 3 took the Counterspell and showed Markoff the newly drawn Vindicator Kentho.
James played the Elemental, and Markoff went to 4 damage on attacks, but a Doshura Risestrider would go a long way in helping Matt stabilize.
When James emptied his hand to play Instructor Giralo and Kentho, he said, “Shadowfury and you win.” Markoff flashed the Warlock sweeper card, and James picked up his cards.
Markoff: 3, James: 1
Matt Markoff of Team TBG is the first Continental Champion of North America!
(= =! 客官,请稍等,正在火上烧着呢……您稍等片刻~)
[ 本帖最后由 伊猪-贝贝 于 2008-9-8 11:29 编辑 ] 不错!~支持带翻译的好贴!~ 我可以喊平衡性不好吗……
迟到的更新~~~冠军出炉了~~~热烘烘的大胖小子~~ 第一张真的很酷啊....第2张全汗了....