泉こなた 发表于 2012-2-19 10:22:23


本帖最后由 泉こなた 于 2012-2-20 05:30 编辑


作者是Alistar Albans 2011年YCS多次上位 其中有亚军





In the midst of searching for a sleeper, an absolutely broken deck to trounce all the other top deck picks, the community has caused a frenzy of misconceptions and bad theory surrounding the very core of the format.Everywhere from DuelistGroundz to Facebook, I see both good and bad players alike saying things like “open Maxx “C” or Effect Veiler or lose” when it’s simply not that black and white.That does not correctly sum up our current format, I promise.   Though I agree that too many degenerate turn one strategies are currently thriving, I don’t believe that this results in a “coin flip format” like many have heralded in previous formats not long ago.

First and foremost, I’d like to point out that everyone, even us here at ARG, is uncertain about what to run and side deck to at least some extent.No one here has the be all end all answer to the format’s problems.What we hope to do, and what our readers should hope to do is this: play a solid, consistent, known deck to the best of your ability, with as much practice against the meta as you can possibly have backing you and your choice.I’ve preached this idea time and time again, but it holds more weight now than ever before.If we look at the top picks (Wind-Ups, Inzektors, Rabbit, and Plants), I think it’s fair to say that they’re all capable of “unfair” plays and setups.You could, perhaps, even make the argument that going first with any sort of solid hand with those decks will grant you a swift path to victory.But, as I’ve said, it’s not all so cut and dry.

In my recent testing, many of the mirrors and non-mirrors I’ve played result in lots of counters back and forth in the form of common cards such as Solemn Warning, Fiendish Chain, Effect Veiler, Maxx “C”, and all of the other usual suspects.Getting value out of simple plays is more important now than ever.A Wind-Up player facing off against against a lesser opponent running a deck of equal power can take advantage of his opponent’s early Maxx “C” drops by going into setups where Maxx “C” nets no advantage, and leaves the Wind-Up player ready to go off on the next turn or, in the very least, command the current board with Wind-Up Arsenal Zenmaity and Wind-Up Rabbit (and possibly even Wind-Up Factory).This might not the best example, but it’s at least one that happens often enough with a solid player in the captain’s seat.

Make sure to keep in mind that in every historically “bad” format of Yu-Gi-Oh! (which doesn’t necessarily define this one), luck never plays nearly as big a factor in winning or topping a tournament as it does in getting knocked out of one.Simply put, luck can play a big roll in having you knocked out of a tournament, while on the other hand, luck is almost never the sole reason you succeed in a tournament.Historically, the better player wins regardless of the format.Period.This isn’t on a match-to-match basis; rather, an entire tournament basis.It’s no secret that there will be several times in your tournament, be it in Atlanta or at your local regional qualifier, where your opponent discards most of your hand on their first turn because you didn’t open with a hand trap, but I and many other players believe that this will inevitably come full circle with scenarios seeing a combination of you discarding your opponent’s hand (should you choose to run Wind-Ups yourself), your opponent simply not opening a discard combo, your opponent opening a discard combo but not going first, thus leaving themselves to disruption in the form of not only hand traps, but (whaddyaknow) conventional traps as well!I cannot emphasize how big of a roll standard traps play in Wind-Up and Dino Rabbit match ups.All of both of those deck’s biggest plays revolve around not being disrupted in the slightest.I’ve found that many hands I’ve tested with Rabbit or Wind-Ups simply lose to a timely Solemn Warning or Torrential – I think this fact is heavily underappreciated amongst many of this game’s players, and instead we resort to complaining about how the new set is “ruining” the game.

gcakiller 发表于 2012-2-19 10:26:27


AzraelKing 发表于 2012-2-19 10:26:34


死者之腕 发表于 2012-2-19 10:30:51


小敬子 发表于 2012-2-19 10:40:14


元素英雄闪电人 发表于 2012-2-19 10:41:05

表示喜欢楼主头像。 从文章中受教了

a19910613 发表于 2012-2-19 10:41:39

本帖最后由 a19910613 于 2012-2-19 10:57 编辑

感觉都是废话 说来说去结果还不是猜拳游戏 就算起手神警激流 只要没手坑 被对手先攻还不是一样被削掉 连盖下去的机会都没...

jinwenkan2 发表于 2012-2-19 10:45:50

本帖最后由 jinwenkan2 于 2012-2-19 10:55 编辑


孤火花 发表于 2012-2-19 10:46:03


wowayeah 发表于 2012-2-19 10:53:20


D-hero999 发表于 2012-2-19 10:58:48


Tample 发表于 2012-2-19 11:01:18


lemon203654 发表于 2012-2-19 11:21:00


kira52000 发表于 2012-2-19 11:25:22


zking808 发表于 2012-2-19 11:32:56



gbagbcgame3 发表于 2012-2-19 11:35:21


A.Conner 发表于 2012-2-19 11:39:50


lst9988 发表于 2012-2-19 11:44:38


1chocolate 发表于 2012-2-19 11:46:00


八月的落叶 发表于 2012-2-19 11:46:07

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