SwordMoney 发表于 2013-2-18 10:48:51

YCS情报贴(3.24更新YCS Austin,TX 之邓氏水精鳞包场)

本帖最后由 SwordMoney 于 2013-3-25 08:29 编辑



Top 32:

Electrum OTK (卡表请见下拉)
Karakuri x2 机巧
Heroes HB
Geargia x2 齿轮齿
Monarchs 青蛙帝
Mermails x16 水精鳞(类型不明)
Fire Fist x5 炎星
Dino Rabbit x3 兔
Wind Up x1 发条

Top 16:


Mono Mermail beat Dino Rabbit
Dino Rabbit beat karakuri OTK
Mono Mermail beat Electrum OTK
Mono Mermail beat Mono Mermail
Mono Mermail beat Mono Mermail
Monarchs beat Mono Mermail
Mono Mermail beat Geargia
Wind Ups beat Heroes

8 mono mermail 邓氏水精鳞
Karakuri otk 机巧OTK
Geargia 齿轮齿
Windups 发条
Dino rabbit 兔
Heroes HB
Electrum OTK 不得不说本次亮点非你莫属
Monarchs 青蛙帝
Fire fist 炎星 (4进1)

Top 8:

Mono Mermail vs monarchs
Wind ups vs mono Mermail
Macro Rabbit vs Fire Fist Rabbit
Mono Mermail vs Mono Mermail

4 Mono Mermail 邓氏水精鳞
1 Fire fist Rabbit炎星兔
1 Wind up发条
1x Monarch 青蛙帝
1x Macro Rabbit 次元兔

Top 4:

Fire Fist Rabbit 炎星兔V.S. Frog Monarch 青蛙帝
Water V.S. Water 水精鳞内战



上次使用mono mermail首秀的兄贵比利本次倒在32强之外



老规矩先帖卡组分布 (情报来源:官方博客&ARG)


Top 32 资料缺失中

Top 16

1        Barona Rubiano, Randy Sebastian 27        Chaos Dragon        Colombia      混沌龙
2        Torres Reyes, Andres David 24        Wind-Up       Colombia                           发条
3        Passoni Arcuri, Emiliano 24        Spellbook       Argentina                           魔导
4        Chavez Retto, Christian Andre 24        Macro-Rabbit        Peru                     次元兔
5        Sotomayor Mora, Jhossmar Jose 24        Macro-Rabbit        Peru                     次元兔
6        Nobile da Silva, Mateus 22        Wind-Up       Brazil                                           发条
7        Mora Carlamo, Sebastian Alejandro 22        Mermail Chile                        水精鳞
8        Ulloa Salinas, Claudio Patricio 22        Fire Fist       Chile                            炎星
9        Medeiros Zambrano, Joao Pedro 21        Wind-Up       Brazil                           发条
10        Herrera Ponce, Manuel Alejandro 21        Undine-Mermail        Chile                     次时代海皇水精鳞
11        Velarde Gallegos, Jose Raul 21        Macro-Rabbit        Peru                            次元兔
12        Gomez Molina, Nicolas Rodrigo 21        HERO       Chile                           英雄
13        Bravo Romero, Ricardo Andres 21        HERO       Chile                           英雄
14        Serrudo Torrico, Fremiot Alcides 21        Six Samurai        Bolivia                  六五
15        Luna Mercado, Claudio Andres 21        Macro-Rabbit        Chile                   次元兔
16        Gutierrez Ascencio, Juan Guillermo 21        Macro-Rabbit        Chile         次元兔


Top 8

1        Barona Rubiano, Randy Sebastian (Chaos Dragon, Colombia) 27    混沌龙
2        Passoni Arcuri, Emiliano (Spellbook, Argentina)       24                        魔导
3        Chavez Retto, Christian Andre (Macro-Rabbit, Peru)       24               次元兔
4        Sotomayor Mora, Jhossmar Jose (Macro-Rabbit, Peru)       24         次元兔
5        Mora Carlamo, Sebastian Alejandro (Mermail, Chile)       22               水精鳞
6        Medeiros Zambrano, Joao Pedro (Wind-Up, Brazil)       21               发条
7        Velarde Gallegos, Jose Raul (Macro-Rabbit, Peru)       21               次元兔
8        Luna Mercado, Claudio Andres (Macro-Rabbit, Chile)       21               次元兔


Top 4

1        Barona Rubiano, Randy Sebastian 27         混沌龙
2        Sotomayor Mora, Jhossmar Jose 24             次元兔
3        Mora Carlamo, Sebastian Alejandro        22      水精鳞
4        Velarde Gallegos, Jose Raul 21                      次元兔



Top 32:

1x Prophecy   魔导
1x Six Samurai六五
2x HERO          英雄
4x Dino Rabbit 兔
4x Mermail      水精鳞
8x Fire Fist      炎星
12x Wind-Up    发条

Top 16

Table 1 Prophecy魔导 V.S. Samurai 六五
Table 2 Fire Fist 炎星V.S. Wind-Up发条
Table 3 Mermail水精鳞 V.S. Wind-Up发条
Table 4 Fire Fist 炎星V.S. HERO英雄
Table 5 Fire Fist 炎星V.S. Wind-Up发条
Table 6 Dino Rabbit兔 V.S. Fire Fist炎星
Table 7 HERO英雄 V.S. Fire Fist炎星 
Table 8 Wind-UP发条 V.S. Dino Rabbit兔

1x Prophecy       魔导
1x Samurai         六五
1x Mermail          水精鳞
2x HERO            英雄
2x Dino Rabbit    兔
4x Wind Up      发条
5x Fire Fist          炎星

Top 8

Six sam 六五vs Wind-up发条
Mermail 水精鳞vs Hero英雄
Fire Fist 炎星vs Dino Rabbit兔
Hero 英雄vs Dino Rabbit兔

1 Samurai         六五
1 Wind-Up       发条
1 Mermail         水精鳞
1 Fire Fist         炎星 (5进1)
2 HERO         英雄
2 Dino Rabbit   兔

Top 4

Wind-Up 发条V.S. Mermail水精鳞
Fire Fist 炎星V.S. Dino Rabbit兔










Top 32
1        Hoban, Patrick Jefferson(发条)        vs.        Saldivar, Francisco Adrian(发条)
2        Klasel, Michael D.(海皇水精鳞)        vs.        Toussaint, Edward W.(暗黑界)
3        Johnson, Desmond D.(机巧)                vs.        Mohaideen, Hassan H.(甲虫装机)
4        Nolen, Victor Craig(海皇水精鳞)        vs.        Zaman, Tahmid A.(海皇水精鳞)
5        Shakir, Adrian Sean(发条)                vs.        Velez, Mark Anthony(发条)
6        Das, Anuraag(发条)                      vs.        Smith, Travis A.(发条)
7        Le, Timothy J.(兔)                                vs.        Cooper, Paul L.(圣刻)
8        Yassine, Ali A.(发条)                                vs.        Ralambomiadana, Vincent(兔)
9        Chavez, Miguel Alfonso(发条)                vs.        Eskridge, Dominique D.(兔)
10        Bell, Connor Vincent(海皇水精鳞)        vs.        Brake, Billy P.(海皇水精鳞)
11        Stabile, Philip A.(兔)                                vs.        Riker, Aaron Christopher(发条)
12        Reardon, Nicolas Scott(炎星)                vs.        Ebanks, Josiah I.(海皇水精鳞)
13        Battee, Brandon George(兔)                vs.        Finn, Zachary George(海皇水精鳞)
14        Barber, Jonathan R.(海皇水精鳞)        vs.        Goon, Gary(暗黑界)
15        Gersten, Elijah S.(发条)                      vs.        Tabora Jr., Ricardo A.(Hero)
16        Fitzgerald II, Daniel Marvin(发条)        vs.        Guerrero, James Michael(海皇水精鳞)

数据统计: 11发条 9海皇水精鳞 5兔子 2暗黑界 1炎星(13岁) 1甲虫 1圣刻 1Hero 1机巧

Top 16
1        Hoban, Patrick Jefferson(发条)        vs.        Toussaint, Edward W.(暗黑界)
2        Johnson, Desmond D.(机巧)        vs.        Zaman, Tahmid A.(海皇水精鳞)
3        Shakir, Adrian Sean(发条)        vs.        Smith, Travis A.(发条)
4        Le, Timothy J.(兔)                      vs.        Ralambomiadana, Vincent(兔)
5        Brake, Billy P.(海皇水精鳞)        vs.        Eskridge, Dominique D.(兔)
6        Reardon, Nicolas Scott(炎星)        vs.        Riker, Aaron Christopher(发条)
7        Battee, Brandon George(兔)        vs.        Barber, Jonathan R.(海皇水精鳞)
8        Gersten, Elijah S.(发条)                vs.        Guerrero, James Michael(海皇水精鳞)

数据统计: 5发条 4海皇水精鳞 4兔 1炎星(13岁) 1机巧 1暗黑界

Top 8
1        Johnson, Desmond D.(机巧)        vs.        Toussaint, Edward W.(暗黑界)
2        Smith, Travis A.(发条)        vs.        Ralambomiadana, Vincent(兔)
3        Brake, Billy P.(海皇水精鳞)        vs.        Reardon, Nicolas Scott(炎星)
4        Gersten, Elijah S.(发条)        vs.        Barber, Jonathan R.(海皇水精鳞)

数据统计: 2发条 2海皇水精鳞 1兔 1暗黑界 1机巧 1炎星

Top 4 (以下数据来自ARG,官网博客更新速度是在吐槽不能,下午两三点就打完了现在才更新到top8 )
Billy的水精鳞 V.S. 发条
机巧             V.S. 发条


Elijah Gersten (发条) vs. Travis Smith (发条)



地狱KsDark 发表于 2013-2-18 10:56:14

13岁的炎星亮了~~~不过卡组分布没什么可意外的 无亮点~

暗的圣骑士 发表于 2013-2-18 10:57:49


微风之布利茨 发表于 2013-2-18 11:09:25

悲剧的发条 一路走好!

孤火花 发表于 2013-2-18 11:31:57


kg21121 发表于 2013-2-18 11:39:01

求Top 4机巧卡表。。。。。。。。。。。

一一得一123 发表于 2013-2-18 11:41:15


SwordMoney 发表于 2013-2-18 11:42:21

kg21121 发表于 2013-2-18 11:39 static/image/common/back.gif
求Top 4机巧卡表。。。。。。。。。。。


SwordMoney 发表于 2013-2-18 11:45:41

本帖最后由 SwordMoney 于 2013-2-18 11:47 编辑


Hello Yugioh Community! By the time you are reading this article the first YCS of the year, YCS Miami, has probably taken place and a winner has been determined. Hopefully I was able to do well, but either way I wanted to give all of you duelist out there an inside look on what I took to the tournament. I wrote an article of similar style about my inzektor deck I took to YCS Indianapolis and ended up doing fairly well so let’s hope I can repeat this success! One of my best friends, Jeff Jones, and I have been working long and hard on trying to build the best version of the Water deck possible to try and start 2013 in a big way. After weeks of testing, grinding it out, and comparing our results we came up with a list, while there a couple of difference due to player preference, but we have built a version of the Water deck that to my knowledge hasn’t really been seen before. I hope you guys enjoy this article, especially since the Konami coverage site doesn’t really share the top deck lists anymore you will at least get a chance to see what I have been messing around with for the past month.
Question of the Article: Are you surprised about what deck won YCS Miami?
Don’t forget to answer the question of the article in the comments down below!
-Why Water? -
I have been using the “Water Deck” since the day of the Abyss Rising sneak preview and I have never stopped loving it. This is easily one of my favorite decks of all time. Not only is it quick and powerful, in our(Jeff and I) version we even add a control aspect to it if we aren’t able to finish you off quickly. The amount of versatility this deck offers is incredible, you have basic plays that happen often, but you can get all sorts of combinations of hands that you will need to use all of your brain power to determine the most beneficial route to take. It is important to really enjoy the deck you play because I honestly feel you will try harder to win if you are having fun with it. Lucky for me, I love my deck and it just so happens to be powerful enough to win most of the time. Depending on what happens with the forbidden and limited list, I think Water is here to stay for quite some time.
***Due to the fact I am writing this article a few days before Miami, there is a chance it may change!***
-The Deck-
Total :40
Monsters: 25
3 Mermail Abyssmegalo
3 Mermail Abyssteus
3 Mermail Abysspike
3 Mermail Abysslinde
3 Deep Sea Diva
3 Atlantean Dragoons
3 Atlantean Marksman
2 Mermail Abyssgunde
1 Atlantean Heavy Infantry
1 Mermail Abyssleed
Spells: 7
3 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Pot of Avarice
1 Dark Hole
1 Monster Reborn
1 Heavy Storm
Traps: 8
3 Abyss-Sphere
2 Abyss-Squall
1 Safe Zone
1 Compulsory Evacuation Device
1 Solemn Judgment
Extra Deck: 15
2 Mermail Abyssgaios
2 Number 11:Big Eye
1 Abyss Dweller
1 Gachi Gachi Gantetsu
1 Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1 Wind-Up Zenmaines
1 Armory Arm
1 Ally of Justice Catastor
1 Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier
1 Stardust Dragon
1 Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 Scrap Dragon
1 T.G. Hyper Librarian
-Not the Norm-
As you can probably tell our version of the Water deck is pretty different from what has become the standard version. I am going to go over a few of the basic questions that I feel many players will ask after looking at my list.
-What are an Abyss-Squall and a Mermail Abyssgaios? Mermail Abyssteus changed the game!-
When these two cards were both released in Abyss Rising they were both overlooked due to the fact there was no easy way to make two Rank 7, outside of two copies of Abyssmegalo, and there really weren’t too many solid Mermail monsters, but after Cosmo Blazer everything changed. Being in love with the deck the way I am, I had hoped for a good TCG exclusive and Konami did not disappoint! They released Mermail Abyssteus, a level 7 water monster that triggers all of my other monsters while searching out my deck for any level 4 or lower Mermail to fit the situation I am in. This one card made both Abyss-Squall and Mermail Abyssgaios absolutely amazing. Abyss-Squall, or as Jeff nicknamed “Return from the Abyss” , is like a Return from the different dimension for Mermails from the grave, it special summons 3 Mermail monsters in defense mode, there effects are negated, and they die during the end phase. One at first might question its usefulness, but with a closer look you will be able to see what Jeff and I discovered as a way to insure victory. All I need in the grave is two level 7 (Any combination of Abyssteus/Abyssmegalo/Abyssleed) and a copy of Mermail Abysslinde preferably. Abyss-Squall will then net you a Rank 7 (Big Eye or Abyssgaios) and when Linde is destroyed during the end phase you will trigger here grave effect to summon any Mermail from your deck. The best part is that all of the cards in this deck search for each other and can set this particular situation up turn one rather easily.
Before I move on I will go ahead and share one of my favorite turn one plays with our deck.
Cards in Hand – any combination of Mermail Abyssteus, Atlantean Dragoons, and Mermail Abyssmegalo/Leed. Activate Abyssteus effect paying the cost by discarding Atlantean Dragoons, search your deck for Mermail Abyssgunde with Teus and Megalo/Leed (Whichever one you don’t have) with Dragoons effect. Activate Megalo’s effect to discard Gunde and Leed. Search your deck for Abyss-Sphere or Squall depending on the rest of your hand, then special summon back Mermail Abyssleed with Gunde’s effect. Tribute your face-up attack position Mermail to send a card from your opponent’s hand to the grave and then overlay with the remaining two for Mermail Abyssgaios and in most cases proceed to win the game!
-Why no Genex Undine , Moulinglacia, or Salvage? –
We completely cut the Undine engine, while it is still good, it just takes up a lot of space and we have completely eliminated opening up with multiple Genex Controllers and just losing. Genex Undine is probably one of the best cards you can search of a Mermail Abysspike, but with Mermail Abyssgunde, Mermail Abysslinde, and Atlantean Marksman all being targets there is usually another play without Undine that, in most cases, is just as optimal. The main reason why I feel we ended up cutting Undine is just because of the amount of deck space that he takes up, Undine is the reason I feel most Water duelist end up with more than 40 cards because it is hard to fit everything in when you have at least 2-3 spots being occupied by Genex Controller to allow undine to function. The point of not using Undine is another reason why you won’t find Moulinglacia in my build. While he is another good card, in most cases he ends up being a win-moar card if you will. With no way to search him instantly, outside of drawing Dragoons and a discard outlet, he just isn’t as reliable in our deck. We tried to make the deck as consistent as possible and Glaica had to go. Consistency is the main issue I had with Salvage. The more I began to play with this Undine-less version, the less I began to like Salvage. It is still a great card and I can see myself playing it again one day, but from my testing over the past month it just seemed not needed and would always be in my hand when I took a loss. The only real cards I want to get back are Abyssgunde/ Diva/ Marksman and with multiple ways to get all of these cards and the fact that I am maxed out on Diva and Marksman, Salvage would just sit in my hand most of the time doing nothing. It is still a great card and can get any Water duelist back into the game, but opening with it early in our version can just be too slow.
-Let’s talk about tech – Solemn Judgment, Compulsory, and Safe Zone –
These are come tech cards that might stick out on my list and two of which Jeff and I seem to disagree upon. First up we have Solemn Judgment. I have been using this card in my water deck ever since I started including any form of traps into my deck. It can stop any out my opponent has, in most scenarios there outs are very limited, and is easily one of the best trap cards this game has ever seen. Compulsory and Safe Zone are where Jeff and my play style seem to differ just enough to alter our versions of this deck. I have concluded after extensive amounts of play testing that Safe Zone is one of those cards that can win me games that I probably shouldn’t. The main reason I decided to test it out is because I liked the idea of having a Mermail Abyssgaios attached with a Safe Zone and watching my opponent try and deal with it. Outside of the initial card they have to use to kill my Gaios they also need to have the MST for my Safe Zone which will free up my Abyss Squall just to make another Gaios once they finally defeated the first one. Safe Zone is a card that takes a lot of duelist by surprise and I hope to use this to my advantage. The last card I want to cover is the one copy of Compulsory Evacuation Device that I seemed to have “splashed” into my deck if you will. It is a chainable trap card that has multi-purposes in my deck. I can deal with almost any problem monster my opponent drops or I can use it offensively when my Deep Sea Diva gets Effect Veiler’d, I can chain compulsory returning Diva to my hand, get out Atlantean Heavy Infantry and just normal summon the Diva again. It is just an out to a lot of cards in the game right now and I think it will be a solid pick for YCS Miami.
Conclusion: Jeff Jones and I have set out in a mission for 2013 to each get our 3rd title and hopefully make it out to the World Championship Qualifier in Vegas this summer! We wanted to start the year working hard on making what we feel could be the best deck going into an event while keeping it under wraps for the most part. I shared our grand creation with you guys to help show everyone that innovation does still exist in this game, but just in different forms. Hopefully Jeff and I have done well at YCS Miami and will have the results to back up my hype for our Water deck! Either way I wanted to give you guys the inside scoop at to what we have been working on, and with the lack of deck list being posted after events now, I hope this helps show a brand new way to go about using Mermails!
Thanks for reading! If you have any questions, concerns, suggestions, or just simply want to answer the question of the article, feel free to do so in the comments down below!
-Billy Brake
-YCS Toronto and YCS Columbus Champion

皇家骑士 发表于 2013-2-18 11:47:03


飞光 发表于 2013-2-18 11:47:39


战役之殇 发表于 2013-2-18 11:55:19


安在仁 发表于 2013-2-18 11:56:02


我才是客人 发表于 2013-2-18 11:58:09

SwordMoney 发表于 2013-2-18 11:45 static/image/common/back.gif


kyriors 发表于 2013-2-18 12:14:32


一一得一123 发表于 2013-2-18 12:18:09


Juventus 发表于 2013-2-18 12:21:19

总觉得他那2张深渊唤雨是代替龙虾MF丝袜拖住战局自己死不了下回擦翻对面而非想R7 - -··

一一得一123 发表于 2013-2-18 12:26:39

本帖最后由 一一得一123 于 2013-2-18 13:03 编辑


鲨鱼 3
邓世昌 3
狗鱼 3
琳德 3
歌姬 3
龙骑 3
狙击 3
重装 1
利兹 1
昆德 2

魔法 7
旋风 3
贪欲 1
黑洞 1
死苏 1
大风 1

陷阱 8
死球 3
唤雨 2
强脱 1
神宣 1
安全地带 1
伸冤旱地 2
巨眼 2
深渊栖息 1
硬邦邦 1
海恶龙 1
机雷 1
手套 1
灾亡 1
雪虎 1
天木仓 1
星尘 1
废铁龙 1

此外附上8强的焦点赛 billy的水精 vs 13岁正太炎星 的战报

Nicolas Reardon(13岁正太,来自华盛顿特区,炎星,下简称R) vs. Billy Brake (水精,下简称B)

R 起手杨志星路神警圣木仓旋风,通招杨志,覆盖4后,过
B 通招歌姬,拉重装,重装效果,通招歌姬,拉狙击,跳灾亡,被神警。歌姬重装叠硬邦邦,覆盖3后
R 抽圣防,覆盖,过
B 抽卡,过
R 抽天枢,过
B 丢狗鱼和龙骑特招深渊鲨,抓死球,龙骑效果抓歌姬,通招歌姬跳狙击,鲨鱼解放狙击,炸掉了星路,覆盖死球,被旋风,鲨鱼打过去,中圣防
R 抽奈落,覆盖
B 通招琳德,发动死球,特招利兹鱼,中奈落,琳德打过去,中圣木仓,琳德特招鲨鱼,杨志检索天玑,鲨鱼打死杨志。然后B发动深渊唤雨!特招鲨鱼狗鱼琳德,两张鲨鱼叠旱地伸冤亡,结束阶段将琳德和狗鱼送入墓地
R 通招史进,发动天玑,B连锁旱地伸冤效果,R检索杨志。开天枢,通招杨志,杨志发效果炸掉旱地亡,叠宋江,发动效果,无效硬邦邦,打过去破坏硬邦邦
B 开唤雨!特招2鲨鱼1琳德,第二次叠旱地伸冤亡,打死宋江,用琳德的效果特招最后一个鲨鱼。
R 抽黑洞!清场。翻开天玑,被旋风。通招杨志,打过去,B lp降至5900 ,杨志检索天玑.B空场空手。
B 抽卡,过
R 抽旋风,开天玑,抓关胜,通招关胜,和杨志一起打过去,B lp降至 2200 。杨志效果,检索天枢,叠宋江,抓天璇,覆盖天璇和旋风过。
B 丢昆德,特招邓氏鱼,检索琳德,昆德特招鲨鱼,叠巨眼,抢宋江,琳德宋江打过去,R lp降至 1600
R 抓抢钱壶,翻开旋风破坏自己的天玑给开壶留下场子,开壶,翻开旋风和2关胜,抓关胜并通招之,随即投降

R 起手 救援兔,某反骨魔人,壶,史进,雷王,杨志。通招兔子拉2魔人叠宋江,宋江效果检索天玑,天玑抓关胜。
B 起手 死苏、死球、2龙骑、邓氏鱼。丢龙骑特招邓氏鱼,抓琳德,龙骑效果抓鲨鱼,丢琳德和龙骑特招鲨鱼,抓唤雨,龙骑效果抓歌姬,通招歌姬,攻表特招重装(应该还有一个重装效果通招龙骑的环节,大概是工作人员智力爆炸忘记了)。鲨鱼效果解放重装,重装炸掉宋江,歌姬龙骑鲨鱼邓氏鱼OTK掉R

B 2比0 胜 R

非謔之 发表于 2013-2-18 12:48:39


田村奈叶 发表于 2013-2-18 12:55:42

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