XYZ龙加农 发表于 2015-10-14 20:44:08

本帖最后由 XYZ龙加农 于 2015-10-14 20:46 编辑

星辉 发表于 2015-10-14 09:40 static/image/common/back.gif

“就说TCG没观察都是瞎掰”这话只有你说了 你为何说这是TCG瞎掰?

ネオ=Neo スペース=Space 这哪里是瞎掰出来的?这是正常人都会这么想的
说ネオスペース不该翻译成Neo Space 这是说TCG瞎掰了?这分明是OCG脑洞更大TCG跟不上


首先 我说是TCG很多时候基本上没沟通

为什么是很多时候没呢 因为有些时候有 如エクシーズ和神数等“未卜先知”

OCG能知道TCG卖什么 TCG也能知道OCG卖什么 所以TCG能剧透OCG 在机壳上直写神数系列的名字
(繁中官网也是剧透TCG各种英文名的情况 这只是因为内部更早知道TCG用什么英文名 和沟通解释方面无关)

然后黑怪是什么 是个新系统一种新色卡 是一件大事
就算不和OCG方沟通 OCG方也会去和TCG沟通 实际在2010年公开ZEXAL前 TCG就可能先被OCG通知许多未来商品发展

OCG每年有多少新卡?OCG会全部自己翻译名字再交给TCG改?啊不 正确来说不是翻译出个名字 而是对文字进行仔细解释

因为OCG翻译了也只是把エクシーズ写成XYZ 再给TCG看个XYZ怪兽 这样TCG不会懂 莫名其妙跑出的XYZ 这文字什么意思
实际TCG官网当时也是出来解释过XYZ怎么读 文字本身什么意思 意思是随意的、任何的素材(这应该是OCG向TCG解释时说的)
和Synchro这种常见字不同 XYZ就算在海外人看来也是个相当莫名其妙不知道怎么读的名字 OCG不得不向TCG好好解释

而NEOS之类又是什么 不过是普普通通几张卡、普普通通几个系列 OCG会对文字进行解释再交给TCG改?
这些会日文英文的人都能译个名字来(认不认识到原名玩什么梗 这是另一回事) OCG开发人员会好到每个名字先解释文字和梗?

OCG开发人员会真的这么做的话 TCG翻译员是干什么的 只配合海外习惯改改几个字 大部分坐享其成?
但实际更多OT互相打脸说明事实是:基本上TCG翻译员是拿到原文后自己翻 他们确实更早知道出什么卡和卡名 但基本上没拿到解释

说回这边 我为什么说这句TCG很多时候没沟通?我是在回答别人需不需要改译

很多人主要这么理解:TCG(官方)的选择等于OCG(官方)的本意 = 某某中文那个选择违反本意 所以要改译
(实际在繁中实卡用超量、2011年繁中官网写了超量时 同样都有人拿来说明 繁中的选择超量是等于OCG日版的本意)

然后我作为那个做出某某中文的选择的人指出 TCG其实基本上并没有这个光环

不知道OCG的本意时 我会按自己的理解去选择根据哪种解释 再按那种解释译出个名字来
知道OCG的本意后 我会按OCG本意去选择根据那解释 按那种解释译出个名字来 这就是人家说的改译
那么我在回答别人这次需不需要改译的问题上 回答的重点当然就是能不能认为“TCG的选择等于OCG的本意”的事

星辉 发表于 2015-10-14 22:42:19

XYZ龙加农 发表于 2015-10-14 20:44 static/image/common/back.gif
“就说TCG没观察都是瞎掰”这话只有你说了 你为何说这是TCG瞎掰?

ネオ=Neo スペース=Space 这哪里是 ...


mikesan 发表于 2015-10-15 02:17:49

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2015-10-15 04:31 编辑
DOCS-EN084( ? )Kozmo DOG Fighter(星兹多格战斗机) 暗 6星 机械 2000 2400
Once per turn, during the Standby Phase: You can Special Summon 1 "DOG Fighter Token" (Machine-Type/DARK/Level 6/ATK 2000/DEF 2400). If this card is destroyed by battle or card effect and sent to the Graveyard: You can banish this card from your Graveyard; Special Summon 1 Level 5 or lower "Kozmo" monster from your Deck.
1回合1次,在准备阶段时:可以把1只“DOG Fighter Token”(机械族·暗·6星·攻2000/守2400)特殊召唤。这张卡被战斗或者卡的效果破坏送去墓地的场合:可以把墓地的这张卡除外;从卡组把1只5星以下的“Kozmo”怪兽特殊召唤。

TSC225 发表于 2015-10-15 06:25:41

mikesan 发表于 2015-10-14 14:17 static/image/common/back.gif


TSC225 发表于 2015-10-15 06:27:02

mikesan 发表于 2015-10-14 14:17 static/image/common/back.gif

毕竟dog fight有飞机格斗的意思。。。

supergilaboy 发表于 2015-10-15 07:02:39

本帖最后由 supergilaboy 于 2015-10-15 07:04 编辑


mikesan 发表于 2015-10-15 07:39:25

TSC225 发表于 2015-10-15 06:27 static/image/common/back.gif
毕竟dog fight有飞机格斗的意思。。。

其实我想用多战机或多格战机,因为原形应该是星战的TIE fighter 钛战机


银龙幽影 发表于 2015-10-15 08:08:49

Discretion is the Better Part of Valor
Manned by the nefarious Soartroopers, these smaller craft are mostly harmless… on their own.
The problem you face when dealing with DOG Fighters is that you’re almost never dealing with just one. As soon as one spots you, its pilot will call for backup and before you know it you’ll be up to your neck in DOG Fighters.
They’re small and maneuverable, making them difficult to hit, but the trade-off is that their offensive capabilities aren’t as high as standard sized fighter craft. They can’t carry heavy lasers, they don’t have enough heat shielding to withstand atmospheric entry, and they don’t have enough thrust to achieve escape velocity, meaning they must be deployed in the area of operations and attack in groups to cause significant damage.

黑神目泷 发表于 2015-10-15 08:11:35

本帖最后由 黑神目泷 于 2015-10-15 08:18 编辑



EXODIA THE FOBI 发表于 2015-10-15 08:26:34


神之虚无 发表于 2015-10-15 08:50:16


铁血背嵬 发表于 2015-10-15 09:20:39


xxxwww555 发表于 2015-10-15 09:27:19


jusky 发表于 2015-10-15 09:29:18

supergilaboy 发表于 2015-10-15 07:02


TSC225 发表于 2015-10-15 14:01:16

黑神目泷 发表于 2015-10-14 20:11 static/image/common/back.gif


TSC225 发表于 2015-10-15 14:01:59

EXODIA THE FOBI 发表于 2015-10-14 20:26 static/image/common/back.gif


sevarchfiend 发表于 2015-10-15 16:23:28


TSC225 发表于 2015-10-15 16:26:22

本帖最后由 TSC225 于 2015-10-15 12:48 编辑


A New Journey Begins…

(Kozmotown):In the year 1900 of the Imperial Galactic Calendar, an unlikely band of friends will join together for a wonderful and often terrifying space adventure…

On the Run

(Kozmo Goodwitch):In orbit, high above the desert planet, a proud warrior eludes the forces of wickedness…

You’ve Never Heard of the Forerunner?

(Kozmo Forerunner):The Forerunner is well known throughout the galaxy for its remarkable combination of heavy weaponry, faster-than-light travel capability, and its ability to act as a launch point for smaller craft. Whether playing host to trade talks or transporting VIPs safely, comfortably, and under the radar, no ship does it better than the Forerunner.

Destiny Among the Stars

(Kozmo Farmgirl):Born beneath the twin suns, Topeka and Wichita, a humble farmgirl makes her living in the field of hydroponics, though she secretly longs for adventure…
(Kozmo Sliprider):Her mechanical skills are unmatched. Not only did she build her own robotic companion, she also repaired and refitted a downed fighter from the southern country, creating her own custom craft, the Sliprider.
The Sliprider is capable of operating both in space and in planetary atmospheres. It’s targeting precision is topnotch, though it lacks the faster-than-light travel capability needed to travel between solar systems.

Special Report: Witch-Related Incidents on the Rise, Again

(Kozmoll Wickedwitch):On the subject of the recent witch attacks, this is what a patron of a local eating establishment had to say.
“Witches? Yeah, we got ‘em. Good witches, bad witches… havin’ trouble telling them apart these days. There’s this one, real piece of work, flyin’ ‘round to every planet in the system terrorizin’ folks. They’ve got a saying over in Quadling Country: ‘Silver Boots Always Shoots’. I reckon that’s not 100% accurate, no blaster can cause those kinds of wounds…”
Unfortunately, our interviewee began to choke at this point and needed to be rushed to a hospital. We did, however, find another local willing to talk, and he had this to say.
(Kozmo Dark Destroyer):“Back in my day, they had to fly around on broomsticks! None of this intergalactic terror stuff, you knew which planets had witches, and you just didn’t go there. What do you mean ‘how long ago was that?’ Don’t you sass me! You’ll be lucky to get off this planet alive! She’s up there, watching, waiting. She knows you’ve been asking around and she’ll see you before you see her.”
This has been the latest on the recent surge of witch-related incidents. We’ll report again should more information become available.

The #1 Name in Home Security

(Kozmo Strawman):It’s no secret that witch attacks are becoming far too frequent in this day and age. Protect yourself, your farm, your family, and your loved ones with a brand-new state of the art security system!
The Model 33-160 “Strawman” Security Robot is the very latest innovation in home security. Unlike traditional methods of security – barbed wire, electric fences, landmines, etc. – the Strawman operates in a completely non-violent manner.
Instead of physically obstructing or injuring intruders, it uses its propriety psychic interference module to obstruct them mentally, causing intruders to believe that they are being faced down by an adversary with similar, but slightly superior skills.
While most rational intruders will flee when faced by an opponent that outclasses them, some may need a little extra persuasion. For cases like this, the Strawman is capable of increasing its illusory output to provide the extra impetus needed to deter your intruder. Choose from any number of pre-programmed illusions, or create your own with the Strawman’s easy-to-use Fear Generator.*
The Strawman has not been cleared for use on board spacecraft. The Strawman does not sing or dance. If you believe the Strawman is singing or dancing, discontinue use immediately. L.F.B. Security Inc. is not responsible for damage caused by witches with no sense of self-preservation.
*Requires brain. Excessive use may cause side effects including paranoia and/or hallucinations.

Discretion is the Better Part of Valor

(Kozmo DOG Fighter):Manned by the nefarious Soartroopers, these smaller craft are mostly harmless… on their own.
The problem you face when dealing with DOG Fighters is that you’re almost never dealing with just one. As soon as one spots you, its pilot will call for backup and before you know it you’ll be up to your neck in DOG Fighters.
They’re small and maneuverable, making them difficult to hit, but the trade-off is that their offensive capabilities aren’t as high as standard sized fighter craft. They can’t carry heavy lasers, they don’t have enough heat shielding to withstand atmospheric entry, and they don’t have enough thrust to achieve escape velocity, meaning they must be deployed in the area of operations and attack in groups to cause significant damage.
If you can catch one unaware, it’s easy to eliminate and move on. But the emphasis here is really on move on, because the next one is never too far away and neither is its base of operations.

@黑神目泷 @银龙幽影

supergilaboy 发表于 2015-10-15 18:46:29


mikesan 发表于 2015-10-16 03:52:53

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2015-10-16 13:15 编辑
DOCS-EN086( ? )Kozmo Lightsword(星兹光剑) 装备魔法
Equip only to a Psychic-Type "Kozmo" monster. It gains 500 ATK and DEF, it can make up to 2 attacks on monsters during each Battle Phase, also if it attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict piercing battle damage to your opponent. If this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard: You can pay ?00 LP; add this card to your hand. You can only use this effect of "Kozmo Lightsword" once per turn.
★念动力族“Kozmo”怪兽才能装备。装备怪兽的攻击力·守备力上升500,装备怪兽在同1次的战斗阶段中最多2次可以向怪兽攻击,装备怪兽向守备表示怪兽攻击的场合,给与对方为攻击力超过那个守备力的数值的战斗伤害。这张卡从场上送去墓地的场合:可以支付800基本分;把这张卡加入手卡。“Kozmo Lightsword”的这个效果1回合只能使用1次。
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