神之虚无 发表于 2018-7-3 11:54:16

PTDNUTR 发表于 2018-7-3 11:06 static/image/common/back.gif
本家全家暗属性,和暗黑界一起兼容暗抽; ...


少女帝国 发表于 2018-7-3 12:10:30


路那提克 发表于 2018-7-3 13:50:45

少女帝国 发表于 2018-7-3 12:10 static/image/common/back.gif



神之虚无 发表于 2018-7-3 14:03:24

少女帝国 发表于 2018-7-3 12:10 static/image/common/back.gif


少女帝国 发表于 2018-7-3 14:32:20



XYZ龙加农 发表于 2018-7-3 14:44:17

神之虚无 发表于 2018-7-3 14:03 static/image/common/back.gif

我觉得TCG又在搞个大新闻的可能性很大 日版名可能是并没有区分危险或类型啥的一个更单纯的UMA统称

星战和地中海时TCG都搞个大新闻给它们贴上达斯摩尔和宿敌派系的标签 后来出到达斯维德和妖魔时圆不上

海洋战士 发表于 2018-7-3 14:46:18


mikesan 发表于 2018-7-4 03:44:48

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2018-7-4 04:49 编辑

Whether you’re a seasoned Duelist or a newcomer just finding their footing, the future is now in the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME (TCG). This July, Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. (KONAMI) prepares to usher in a new generation of competitors, and delves into the past to weave an electrifying future. Starter Deck: Codebreaker is the gateway to glory for new Duelists, guided by the coveted Linkuriboh! Then, a new dawn approaches on the Cybernetic Horizon: fan-favorite themes return, new strategies arise, and Ritual Monsters are reborn like never before in the next big booster set.

Ready to start your Dueling journey? Starter Deck: Codebreaker is your portal into the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG, offering new Duelists a ready-to-go Deck filled with strong cards selected for ease of play. Built to teach the basics of Dueling and Link Summoning, you can combine Starter Deck: Codebreaker with “Cyberse” monsters and “Code Talker” Link Monsters from releases likeStructure Deck: Cyberse Link and Extreme Force to grow your Deck as you improve your skills. Starter Deck: Codebreaker even includes the essential Link Monster Linkuriboh to jumpstart your Dueling career – a powerful card never released before in Latin American and European territories.

Starter Deck: Codebreaker launches on July 13 with 45 cards: 2 Ultra Rares, 3 Super Rares, and 40 Commons, and includes 1 Beginner’s Guide and 1 Game Mat. MSRP: $9.99 per box.

Classic monsters and powerful themes from Dueling’s most treasured eras are unleashed in all-new forms with the Cybernetic Horizon booster pack! Ritual Monsters are back and better than ever, with two new versions of the devastating Ruin, Queen of Oblivion and the world-shattering Demise, King of Armaggedon. The Cyberse power-up with new Ritual versions of Cyberse Wizard and their very own “Paladin” monster in the tradition of Paladin of White Dragon!Plus, both strategies wield powerful Ritual Spells that make repeat Ritual Summons easier than ever before.

Then, a new tribe of monsters built on Link Summoning enter the fray! Legendary Link Monsters let you Special Summon their servants to the Monster Zones they point to, using them to bolster their own attacks. New cards for the Gouki, Dragunity, “Borrel” Dragon, and “Cyber Dragon” themes make Cybernetic Horizon one of the most anticipated releases of the year, while powerful highlights – like an incredible new Field Spell that turns your high-Level monsters into a powerful draw engine, and the long-awaited arrival of the DARK Attribute Elemental Lord – bring untold power to established strategies.

Finally, the Noble Knights take up their Arms and return to battle once more!Noble Knight Custennin is an explosive Special Summon granting extra Normal Summons to help you assemble your party. Overlay your Noble Knights to unleash Sacred Noble Knight of King Custennin, a Rank 4 field-sweeper that bounces opposing cards! When it’s destroyed, King Custennin replaces itself with another “Noble Knight” Xyz Monster from your Extra Deck, holding the line against your opponent’s forces.

The Cybernetic Horizon breaks on July 27, a 100-card set with 8 Secret Rares, 10 Ultra Rares, 14 Super Rares, 20 Rares, and 48 Commons. MSRP: $3.99 per 9-card pack.

Noble Knight Custennin
- 从手卡特殊召唤?
- 可以进行通常召唤最多2次?

Sacred Noble Knight of King Custennin
- 4阶
- 把对方场上的卡回到手卡?
- 被破坏时从额外卡组把1只圣骑士XYZ怪兽特殊召唤?

虵的神选 发表于 2018-7-4 05:04:21

本帖最后由 虵的神选 于 2018-7-4 05:08 编辑



火山之子 发表于 2018-7-4 09:00:08


银龙幽影 发表于 2018-7-4 13:12:41


嘉咔 发表于 2018-7-5 15:26:31


mikesan 发表于 2018-7-7 13:24:28

YS18-EN001 Leotron(骑狮机兽)
YS18-EN002 Texchanger(纹理转换蛙)
YS18-EN003(SR)Widget Kid(控件小子)
YS18-EN004(UR)Cyberse White Hat(电子界白帽客)
YS18-EN005 Bitron(比特机灵)
YS18-EN006 RAM Clouder(RAM云雄羊)
YS18-EN007 Linkslayer(猞猁连接杀手)
YS18-EN008 Backup Secretary(备份秘书)
YS18-EN009 Launcher Commander(启动炮司令官)
YS18-EN010 Cliant(克莱因客户端蚁)
YS18-EN011 Bitrooper(比特骑兵)
YS18-EN012 Flamvell Guard(炎狱护卫龙)
YS18-EN013 Beast King Barbaros(神兽王 巴巴罗斯)
YS18-EN014 Cyber Dragon(电子龙)
YS18-EN015 Exarion Universe(宇宙人马兽)
YS18-EN016 Evilswarm Mandragora(入魔曼德拉草)
YS18-EN017 Marshmallon(棉花糖)
YS18-EN018 Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter(光道猎犬 雷光)
YS18-EN019 Battle Fader(消战者)
YS18-EN020 Swift Scarecrow(速攻稻草人)
YS18-EN021 Cynet Recovery(电脑网恢复)
YS18-EN022 Cynet Universe(电脑网宇宙)
YS18-EN023 Scapegoat(替罪羊)
YS18-EN024 Monster Reborn(死者苏生)
YS18-EN025 Dark Hole(黑洞)
YS18-EN026 Mystical Space Typhoon(旋风)
YS18-EN027 Book of Moon(月之书)
YS18-EN028 United We Stand(团结之力)
YS18-EN029 Card Trader(卡片商人)
YS18-EN030 Burden of the Mighty(强者的苦痛)
YS18-EN031 Ego Boost(虚荣巨影)
YS18-EN032 Supply Squad(补给部队)
YS18-EN033 Cynet Regression(电脑网回归)
YS18-EN034 Shadow Spell(暗之咒缚)
YS18-EN035 Call of the Haunted(活死人的呼声)
YS18-EN036 Mirror Force(神圣防护罩 -反射镜力-)
YS18-EN037 Torrential Tribute(激流葬)
YS18-EN038 Bottomless Trap Hole(奈落的落穴)
YS18-EN039 Zero Gravity(重力解除)
YS18-EN040 Compulsory Evacuation Device(强制脱出装置)
YS18-EN041(UR)Transcode Talker(转码语者)
YS18-EN043 Decode Talker(解码语者)
YS18-EN044 Link Spider(连接蜘蛛)
YS18-EN045 Linkuriboh(连接栗子球)

ST18-JP006 ドラコネット(网络小龙)
ST18-JP014 黒き森のウィッチ(黑森林的魔女)
ST18-JP015 クリッター(三眼怪)
ST18-JP020 エフェクト・ヴェーラー(效果遮蒙者)
ST18-JP027 禁じられた聖槍(禁忌的圣枪)
ST18-JP029 貪欲な壺(贪欲之壶)
ST18-JP030 強欲で謙虚な壺(强欲而谦虚之壶)
ST18-JP039 デモンズ・チェーン(魔族之链)
ST18-JP040 魔宮の賄賂(魔宫的贿赂
ST18-JP043 ハニーボット(蜜罐机器人)

YS18-EN008 Backup Secretary(备份秘书)
YS18-EN009 Launcher Commander(启动炮司令官)
YS18-EN010 Cliant(克莱因客户端蚁)
YS18-EN011 Bitrooper(比特骑兵)
YS18-EN023 Scapegoat(替罪羊)
YS18-EN029 Card Trader(卡片商人)
YS18-EN031 Ego Boost(虚荣巨影)
YS18-EN034 Shadow Spell(暗之咒缚)
YS18-EN039 Zero Gravity(重力解除)
YS18-EN043 Decode Talker(解码语者)

mikesan 发表于 2018-7-7 23:44:07

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2018-7-8 02:03 编辑




7月19日~7月22日 San Diego Comic-Con 2018 美国圣地亚哥动漫展限定发售垫子,价格$30美元

岛国左近 发表于 2018-7-8 09:51:50


神之虚无 发表于 2018-7-8 10:42:08


他乡故知 发表于 2018-7-8 18:54:15

这位圣骑士有什么背景故事吗 很好奇他的来历

mikesan 发表于 2018-7-8 23:03:04



银龙幽影 发表于 2018-7-8 23:22:35

他乡故知 发表于 2018-7-8 18:54 static/image/common/back.gif
这位圣骑士有什么背景故事吗 很好奇他的来历


他乡故知 发表于 2018-7-8 23:31:36

银龙幽影 发表于 2018-7-8 23:22 static/image/common/back.gif

谢啦 这一下捋顺溜了
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