leorox 发表于 2020-3-28 08:19:09


mikesan 发表于 2020-3-28 10:49:04

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2020-3-28 14:00 编辑


Secret Rares(20/20)
SESL-EN001 Adamancipator Seeker(魔救之追求者)
SESL-EN002 Adamancipator Researcher(魔救之探索者)
SESL-EN003 Adamancipator Analyzer(魔救之分析者)
SESL-EN007 Adamancipator Risen - Leonite(魔救之奇迹-狮子晶石)
SESL-EN009 Adamancipator Risen - Dragite(魔救之奇迹-巨龙晶石)
SESL-EN012 Adamancipator Relief(魔救之救碎)
SESL-EN015 Primula the Rikka Fairy(六花精 樱草)
SESL-EN017 Mudan the Rikka Fairy(六花精 牡丹)
SESL-EN022 Teardrop the Rikka Queen(六花圣 泪滴花束雪花莲)
SESL-EN023 Rikka Glamour(六花绚烂)
SESL-EN024 Rikka Flurries(六花的风花)
SESL-EN026 Rikka Sheet(六花的薄冰)
SESL-EN027 Eldlich the Golden Lord(黄金卿 黄金国巫妖)
SESL-EN029 Eldlixir of Black Awakening(黑化觉醒之黄金国永生药)
SESL-EN030 Eldlixir of White Destiny(白化宿命之黄金国永生药)
SESL-EN031 Eldlixir of Scarlet Sanguine(红化血染之黄金国永生药)
SESL-EN032 Guardian of the Golden Land(黄金乡的守护者)
SESL-EN033 Huaquero of the Golden Land(黄金乡的盗墓者)
SESL-EN034 Conquistador of the Golden Land(黄金乡的征服者)
SESL-EN036 El Dorado Adelantado(黄金之征服王)

Super Rares(40/40)
SESL-EN004 Adamancipator Crystal - Leonite(魔救之奇石-狮子晶石)
SESL-EN005 Adamancipator Crystal - Raptite(魔救之奇石-猛禽晶石)
SESL-EN006 Adamancipator Crystal - Dragite(魔救之奇石-巨龙晶石)
SESL-EN008 Adamancipator Risen - Raptite(魔救之奇迹-猛禽晶石)
SESL-EN010 Adamancipator Laputite(魔救之勒皮他晶石)
SESL-EN011 Adamancipator Signs(魔救之息吹)
SESL-EN013 Adamancipator Resonance(魔救共振击)
SESL-EN014 Rikka Petal(六花的一瓣)
SESL-EN016 Cyclamen the Rikka Fairy(六花精 仙客来)
SESL-EN018 Erica the Rikka Fairy(六花精 欧石楠)
SESL-EN019 Snowdrop the Rikka Fairy(六花精 雪花莲)
SESL-EN020 Hellebore the Rikka Fairy(六花精 铁筷子)
SESL-EN021 Kanzashi the Rikka Queen(六花圣 花簪剑菊)
SESL-EN025 Rikka Tranquility(六花深深)
SESL-EN028 Cursed Eldland(被诅咒的黄金国度)
SESL-EN035 Golden Land Forever!(永久辉煌的黄金乡)
SESL-EN037 Doki Doki(怒气土器)
SESL-EN038 Block Dragon(积木龙)
SESL-EN039 Rose Lover(蔷薇恋人)
SESL-EN040 Lonefire Blossom(孤火花)
SESL-EN041 Tytannial, Princess of Camellias(椿姬 提泰妮娅)
SESL-EN042 Uni-Zombie(齐唱僵尸)
SESL-EN043 Upstart Goblin(哥布林暴发户)
SESL-EN044 Galaxy Cyclone(银河旋风)
SESL-EN045 Solemn Judgment(神之宣告)
SESL-EN046 Il Blud(地狱的门番 伊尔·布拉德)
SESL-EN047 Nine-Tailed Fox(九尾狐)
SESL-EN048 Koa'ki Meiru Guardian(核成守护者)
SESL-EN049 Koa'ki Meiru Sandman(核成沙人)
SESL-EN050 Koa'ki Meiru Wall(核成墙人)
SESL-EN051 Koa'ki Meiru Overload(核成过量体)
SESL-EN052 Talaya, Princess of Cherry Blossoms(樱姬 塔利亚)
SESL-EN053 Mariña, Princess of Sunflowers(姬葵 玛丽娜)
SESL-EN054 Chirubimé, Princess of Autumn Leaves(红姬 知流姬)
SESL-EN055 D.D. Borderline(异次元的境界线)
SESL-EN056 Miracle Fertilizer(增草剂)
SESL-EN057 Pyramid of Wonders(奇迹之金字塔)
SESL-EN058 Rock Bombardment(投石攻击)
SESL-EN059 Pollinosis(花粉症)
SESL-EN060 Trap Trick(蛊惑谋陷)

mikesan 发表于 2020-3-31 01:59:23

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2020-3-31 06:02 编辑

As a special bonus, each Legendary Duelists: Season 1 box will also include a collectible double-sided art card that you can use as a Token. One side of the card will depict one of the 10 characters represented in Legendary Duelists: Season 1 while the reverse side is either one piece of a 9-piece puzzle or the key to show you how to put the puzzle together!
2020年7月3日 Legendary Duelists: Season 1(LDS1)

2包 Legendary Duelists: Season 1卡包(1包18张,1UR、2彩UR、15N)
1张 SCR卡(全7种随机1种)
1张 双面卡(全10种随机1种,正面:10名传说决斗者/背面:9片拼图+指南)

SCR    7种
彩UR 16种(每种卡都有蓝、绿、紫3种字色版本)
UR      4种(1101预览卡)
N      94种
- LEDU、LED2复刻包。

(SCR)Red-Eyes Slash Dragon(真红眼黑刃龙)
(SCR)Millennium-Eyes Restrict(千年眼纳祭神)
Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon(青眼卡通龙)
Toon Ancient Gear Golem(卡通古代的机械巨人)
Toon Cyber Dragon(卡通电子龙)
Red-Eyes Toon Dragon(真红眼卡通龙)
Toon Dark Magician(卡通黑魔术师)




mikesan 发表于 2020-3-31 23:31:51


Please note: following recent developments, relating to COVID-19, we have decided to delay the release of Secret Slayers, previously scheduled for release on April 2nd, until April 16th. Please note that this delay only affects retailers in the EMEA economic area. Secret Slayers is an all-foil collection of 60 cards: 40 Super Rares and 20 Secret Rares.
欧版Secret Slayers延迟到4月16日

On April 25 and/or 26, Duelists can get a preview of Eternity Code at KONAMI Official Tournament Stores. While the Premiere! events for Eternity Code have been cancelled due to the current situation regarding COVID-19, Eternity Code booster packs will still be available for purchase on this weekend only; Duelists should check with their local Official Tournament Store for availability.
4月25日~4月26日 1012 Premiere!取消,但1012卡包还是可以在OTS购买,特典卡和鼠标垫不知道有没有

mikesan 发表于 2020-4-3 07:24:05

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2020-4-3 08:03 编辑

Secret Slayers debuts the beautiful Rikka theme! To celebrate their release, check out some early concept artwork of Mudan the Rikka Fairy!

For more information about the Rikka strategy, you can check out TeamAPS's video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJDpGpRzPus

Choose your favorite card from Secret Slayers and enter our sweepstakes to win a set of Super Rare YCS "Darklord" Prize Cards!

mikesan 发表于 2020-4-3 17:12:39

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2020-4-3 17:36 编辑


(UR)Machina Citadel(机甲上校)
Machina Air Raider(机甲空袭兵)
Machina Irradiator(机甲放射兵)
Machina Fortress(机甲要塞)
Machina Gearframe(机甲机械骨架)
Machina Peacekeeper(机甲和平卫士)
Machina Force(机甲部队·武装力量)
Machina Megaform(机甲部队·超大变形)
Machina Cannon(机甲大炮)
Machina Soldier(机甲士兵)
Machina Sniper(机甲狙击兵)
Machina Defender(机甲卫兵)
Commander Covington(督战官 科文顿)
Jizukiru, the Star Destroying Kaiju(坏星坏兽 席兹奇埃鲁)
Snow Plow Hustle Rustle(除雪机关车 急速除雪车)
Genex Ally Birdman(盟军·次世代鸟人兵)
Scrap Recycler(废铁回收员)
Torque Tune Gear(扭力调整齿轮)
Righty Driver(右起子)
Lefty Driver(左起子)
Deskbot 001(文具电子人001)
Deskbot 003(文具电子人003)
Machina Redeployment(机甲部队的再编制)
Machina Defense Perimeter(机甲部队的防卫圈)
Machina Armored Unit(机甲部队的最前线)
Iron Call(钢铁呼唤)
Iron Draw(钢铁抽卡)
Magnet Reverse(磁力再生)
Limiter Removal(限制解除)
Ties of the Brethren(同胞的牵绊)
Pot of Avarice(贪欲之壶)
Cosmic Cyclone(宇宙旋风)
Supply Squad(补给部队)
Machina Overdrive(机甲部队的超临界)
Cyber Summon Blaster(电子召唤爆破器)
Back to the Front(战线复归)
Trap Trick(蛊惑谋陷)
Begone, Knave!(逐客令)
Solemn Strike(神之通告)
(UR)Machina Possesstorage(机甲魔化仓库兵)
Unauthorized Reactivation(无许可的再奇动)

弹丸特急 子弹快车→除雪机关车 急速除雪车

mikesan 发表于 2020-4-4 07:25:11

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2020-4-4 08:03 编辑

To our Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME community:

First and foremost, we are wishing you the best during these challenging and uncertain times and hope you and your loved ones are staying healthy. In light of the constantly evolving situation surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, we wanted to provide an update on one of our upcoming product releases slated for May 2020.

Measures taken by the State of Texas to prevent the spread of infection have temporarily impacted the operations of one of our product manufacturers. As a result, the distribution, Premiere! event (originally set for April 25-26) and official release (originally slated for May 1) of Eternity Code have been delayed. Barring significant developments, we currently anticipate launching this product in early June. No other products are currently affected.

We will continue to communicate any further updates as they become available through both our official Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG website and official social media channels:

    Official Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG website (North America and LatAm): https://www.yugioh-card.com/en/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/YuGiOh_TCG
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OfficialYuGiOhTCG/

Additionally, those with non-press-related inquiries regarding this change to the product release schedule are encouraged to contact us-cardsupport@konami.com for more information.

We recognize the joy our products bring to our fans and the impact this may have on retailers and local businesses, including our Official Tournament Stores, and deeply regret that we will not be able to release Eternity Code as originally scheduled. We thank you for your patience and understanding as we prioritize the safety of our valued partners. We will work closely with them to bring this product to you as soon as possible.

mikesan 发表于 2020-4-8 02:15:04

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2020-4-8 03:30 编辑

To the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME community –

As we monitor developments related to this pandemic, we continue to take seriously the guidelines and recommendations put forth by government health authorities and experts. In keeping with those guidelines and in recognizing our own responsibility to prioritize the health and safety of our entire Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG community, it is with heavy hearts that we announce the following changes to our 2020 events schedule:

Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship (WCS)

    ● Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2020 (originally August 22-23) is canceled.
    ● All Duel Links players that have qualified for WCS 2020 will receive invitations to compete at WCS 2021.

World Championship Qualifiers (WCQ)

    ● South America WCQ – Quito, Ecuador (originally June 5-7) is canceled.
    ● Central America WCQ – Guadalajara, México (originally June 12-14) is canceled.
    ● North America WCQ – Orlando, Florida (originally June 19-21) is canceled.
    ● European WCQ – Krakow, Poland (originally July 10-12) is cancelled.
    ● Oceanic WCQ – cancelled.
    ● Duelists who received invitations to 2020 WCQs will receive invitations to compete at the 2021 WCQs.

WCQ – National Championships

    ● All nationals are postponed.

WCQ – State Championships (Oceanic Region)

    ● All State events are postponed.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series (YCS)

    ● YCS Pasadena (originally May 23-24) is postponed.

We realize the WCQ – National Championships and WCQs are not just the qualifying events for the World Championships, but also an important chance to crown the best in Yu-Gi-Oh! in each country, as well as on each continent. To ensure this opportunity is still afforded to Duelists around the world, we're excited to continue to host National Championships in Latin America and Europe, State Championships in Oceania, as well as host Championships in Central, South and North America along with Europe and Oceania later this year. We will share further details regarding these tournaments in the future.

As circumstances evolve, we will continue to communicate with you often and will provide any new information, including updates on the status of postponed and future events, as it becomes available. Please continue to visit our official Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG website and official social media channels on Twitter and Facebook for the latest news and updates:

    Official Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG website (North America and LatAm): https://www.yugioh-card.com/en/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/YuGiOh_TCG
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OfficialYuGiOhTCG/

    Official Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG website: https://www.yugioh-card.com/uk/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/YuGiOhTCGEU
    Facebook: https://twitter.com/YuGiOhTCGEU

Additionally, those with non-press-related inquiries regarding event cancellations and updates on future events are encouraged to contact us-cardsupport@konami.com / eu-opsupport@konami.com for updates.

We understand the disappointment many of our fans and Duelists may feel as a result of these changes to our event schedule but look forward to sharing news of our upcoming events with you all soon. While we share in your disappointment, we are confident this decision is in the best interest of the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG community and will preserve the integrity of the events that allow us to come together in the spirit of friendship and friendly competition. Thank you for your continued support, patience and understanding as we work to keep our valued Duelists, partners and team members safe; we look forward to brighter days ahead for us all.

mikesan 发表于 2020-4-9 04:09:34

2020年8月28日 2020 Tin

3包 Mega Pack(每包18张卡,1SER、2UR、2SR、1R、12N)
- Mega Pack收录2019年发售的卡包(SAST、DANE、RIRA、CHIM)的人气复刻卡、新卡「Red-Eyes Dragoon(超魔导龙骑士-真红眼龙骑士)」以及3张TCG先行卡。

The 2020 Tin* shows the beginning of the ancient Duel between the Pharaoh and Priest Seto as depicted on the Tablet of Lost Memories – the very artifact that inspired Kaiba to create the Battle City Tournament!

Each Tin this year will contain 3 bigger-than-ever Mega-Packs, each with 2 more foils than in last year's Tin Mega-Packs! So every 2020 Mega-Pack will contain 1 Prismatic Secret Rare, 2 Ultra Rares, 2 Super Rares, 1 Rare, and 12 Commons.

Each Tin's total haul will be:
3 Prismatic Secret Rares
6 Ultra Rares
6 Super Rares
3 Rares
36 Commons

The 2020 Tin Mega-Pack mega-set is made up of the most popular cards released in 2019, including cards from Savage Strike, Dark Neostorm, Rising Rampage, Chaos Impact, and more!

The mega-set also includes 3 brand-new World Premiere cards, as well as the new Red-Eyes Dragoon, a nearly unstoppable Fusion of Yugi's Dark Magician and Joey's Red-Eyes Black Dragon!

Once you've emptied out all the goodness from within, you can display the Tin and make an important scene from Yu-Gi-Oh! history a part of your Dueling space!

mikesan 发表于 2020-4-10 08:26:02

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2020-4-10 08:27 编辑


SR10-EN001(UR)Machina Citadel(机甲上校)
SR10-EN002(SR)Machina Air Raider(机甲空袭兵)
SR10-EN023(SR)Machina Redeployment(机甲部队的再编制)
SR10-EN040(UR)Machina Possesstorage(机甲魔化仓库兵)
SR10-EN041(SR)Unauthorized Reactivation(无许可的再奇动)

SR10-EN036(×2)Back to the Front(战线复归)

mikesan 发表于 2020-4-10 23:28:43

2020 Tin 盒子图


泛景 发表于 2020-4-13 22:19:15


mikesan 发表于 2020-4-14 10:48:38

泛景 发表于 2020-4-13 22:19


mikesan 发表于 2020-4-14 10:50:55

(UR)Union Driver(同盟驾驶员)
(SCR)Ghost Mourner & Moonlit Chill(朔夜时雨)

mikesan 发表于 2020-4-15 04:45:16

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2020-4-17 05:48 编辑

2020年8月7日 Rise of the Duelist(1101)

SCR 10种
N    50种
1st Edition限定:其中5种有SLR版本
- 收录20张OCG先行卡。

Arriving August 7, 2020, Rise of the Duelist (MSRP: $3.99) remasters classic cards and strategies for the modern age!

Rise of the Duelist is set to dispel the dog days of Summer on August 7th, 2020!

Yugi's Gaia the Dragon Champion strategy has been remastered for the modern age! Classic cards like Gaia the Fierce Knight, Catapult Turtle, and more take on new forms in service of a new form of Gaia the Dragon Champion that stacks an extra 2600 ATK on to itself every time it wins a battle and can expend exactly that much ATK to destroy any card on the field without a fight!

New Noble Knights rise from the pages of history! The "Infernoble Knights" are a fast Synchro Summoning strategy that burns through their Equip Spells for immediate benefits, then brings them back to the field and dares the opponent to destroy the monster they're equipped to. "Infernoble Knight" monsters are also "Noble Knight" monsters, so you can use existing cards like Heritage of the Chalice to make your Deck even stronger! Don't forget Infernoble Knight - Renaud and Infernoble Knight - Roland from Toon Chaos – you'll need them if you want to maximize your firepower.

Many powerful Spell and Trap Cards! Unleash a new "Forbidden" Quick-Play Spell that can negate the effects of and halve the ATK of an entire field's worth of monsters or a Normal Spell that lets you retaliate against your opponent's disruptive monster effects by choosing from the effects of Pot of Greed, Change of Heart, or The Forceful Sentry.

On top of all that, you can even find:
● A powerful new "Chaos" Synchro Monster
● A brand-new anti-Extra Deck Spellcaster theme
● New cards for the "Rikka" and "Adamancipator" themes from Secret Slayers
● New cards for the "Mathmech" and "Dragonmaid" themes from Mystic Fighters
● 20 previously unavailable cards from overseas promotions, pack-ins, and more!

The Rise of the Duelist booster set contains 100 new cards:

50 Commons
26 Super Rares
14 Ultra Rares
10 Secret Rares

yangbo_jerry 发表于 2020-4-15 09:45:48

本帖最后由 yangbo_jerry 于 2020-4-15 09:47 编辑



PTDNUTR 发表于 2020-4-15 09:47:16


神之虚无 发表于 2020-4-15 11:33:36


找女神中~ 发表于 2020-4-15 11:56:49


业火焱势 发表于 2020-4-15 19:57:19

找女神中~ 发表于 2020-4-15 11:56

页: 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 [455] 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464
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