LiptonTea 发表于 2020-4-15 22:03:59

业火焱势 发表于 2020-4-15 19:57
这不会,顶多就是像女武神包啦,炎星包啦一样还是一年出一个T独卡组的SP包,这次1101没T独估计高概率是因 ...


业火焱势 发表于 2020-4-16 12:13:51

LiptonTea 发表于 2020-4-15 22:03


mikesan 发表于 2020-4-16 21:45:04

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2020-4-17 05:45 编辑


ETCO-ENSP1(UR)Malice, Lady of Lament(恶魔娘 玛莉丝)

Starlight Rares(3/5)
ETCO-EN026 Chamber Dragonmaid(半龙女仆·寝室龙女)
ETCO-EN036 Ghost Mourner & Moonlit Chill(朔夜时雨)
ETCO-EN055 Eria the Water Charmer, Gentle(清冽之水灵使 艾莉娅)

Secret Rares(10/10)
ETCO-EN024 Girsu, the Orcust Mekk-Knight(宵星之骑士 吉尔苏)
ETCO-EN026 Chamber Dragonmaid(半龙女仆·寝室龙女)
ETCO-EN031 Gizmek Uka, the Festive Fox of Fecundity(机巧狐-宇迦之御魂稻荷)
ETCO-EN036 Ghost Mourner & Moonlit Chill(朔夜时雨)
ETCO-EN037 Animadorned Archosaur(珠玉兽-运算主龙)
ETCO-EN046 Accesscode Talker(访问码语者)
ETCO-EN061 Deep Sea Aria(深海咏叹调)
ETCO-EN078 Gravedigger's Trap Hole(墓穴洞)
ETCO-EN079 Titanocider(巨神封印之矢)
ETCO-EN087 Plunder Patrollship Lys

Ultra Rares(14/14)
ETCO-EN008 Archnemeses Protos(大星义初始龙)
ETCO-EN009 Archnemeses Eschatos(大星义终极龙)
ETCO-EN028 Loptr, Shadow of the Generaider Bosses(王战之影 洛普特)
ETCO-EN034 Union Driver(同盟驾驶员)
ETCO-EN041 Dragonmaid Sheou(半龙女仆·耀光龙女)
ETCO-EN042 Deep Sea Prima Donna(深海姬 首席女歌手)
ETCO-EN043 Ravenous Crocodragon Archethys(饥鳄龙 古鱼龙)
ETCO-EN045 Traptrix Allomerus(阿洛美勒丝之虫惑魔)
ETCO-EN049 Linkross(连接十字)
ETCO-EN064 Madolche Salon(魔偶甜点沙龙教室)
ETCO-EN066 Heavy Forward(超重机回送)
ETCO-EN071 Fusion Deployment(融合派兵)
ETCO-EN089 Emblem of the Plunder Patroll
ETCO-EN098 Machina Metalcruncher(机甲金属抓手兵)

Super Rares(26/26)
ETCO-EN010 Nemeses Flag(星义旗舰兽)
ETCO-EN011 Nemeses Umbrella(星义伞护兽)
ETCO-EN012 Nemeses Corridor(星义绿廊兽)
ETCO-EN020 Ancient Warriors - Ambitious Cao De(战华之孟-曹德)
ETCO-EN023 Ancient Warriors - Ingenious Zhuge Kong(战华之智-诸葛孔)
ETCO-EN027 Harr, Generaider Boss of Storms(轰界王战 哈尔王)
ETCO-EN035 Malice, Lady of Lament(恶魔娘 玛莉丝)
ETCO-EN040 Invoked Augoeides(召唤兽 光体)
ETCO-EN044 Valiant Shark Lancer(义勇鲨枪兵)
ETCO-EN050 The Arrival Cyberse @Ignister(电子界到临者@火灵天星)
ETCO-EN054 Marincess Great Bubble Reef(海晶少女 大泡堡礁)
ETCO-EN055 Eria the Water Charmer, Gentle(清冽之水灵使 艾莉娅)
ETCO-EN056 A.I. Contact(眼神接触-关“艾”)
ETCO-EN057 Burning Draw(逆卷之炎的宝札)
ETCO-EN065 Void Apocalypse(炼狱的灾天)
ETCO-EN067 Witchcrafter Unveiling(魔女术的演示)
ETCO-EN074 Red Reign(真红莲星雨)
ETCO-EN076 Madolche Promenade(魔偶甜点散步)
ETCO-EN077 Witchcrafter Patronus(魔女术的守护灵)
ETCO-EN081 Rose Girl
ETCO-EN082 Scrypton
ETCO-EN088 Plunder Patroll Shipshape Ships Shipping
ETCO-EN091 Plunder Patroll Parrrty
ETCO-EN095 Armored Bitron(铠装比特机灵)
ETCO-EN096 Gussari @Ignister(刺刺妖@火灵天星)
ETCO-EN097 Gatchiri @Ignister(牢牢妖@火灵天星)

ETCO-EN000 Piwraithe the Ghost Pirate
ETCO-EN001 Parallel eXceed(并行超越龙)
ETCO-EN002 Codebreaker Zero Day(代码破坏者·零日)
ETCO-EN003 Salamangreat Zebroid X(转生炎兽 杂交斑马X)
ETCO-EN004 Gouki Iron Claw(刚鬼 铁爪手)
ETCO-EN005 Gouki Guts(刚鬼 毅力鬼)
ETCO-EN006 Marincess Basilalima(海晶少女 角耳雪锉蛤)
ETCO-EN007 Noctovision Dragon(暗视龙)
ETCO-EN013 Deep Sea Artisan(深海工匠)
ETCO-EN014 Deep Sea Sentry(深海哨兵)
ETCO-EN015 Deep Sea Minstrel(深海吟游诗人)
ETCO-EN016 Red Familiar(真红莲使魔)
ETCO-EN017 Crimson Resonator(深红共鸣者)
ETCO-EN018 Lantern Shark(提灯鲨)
ETCO-EN019 Buzzsaw Shark(切割鲨)
ETCO-EN021 Ancient Warriors - Fearsome Zhang Yuan(战华之来-张远)
ETCO-EN022 Ancient Warriors - Deceptive Jia Wen(战华之诡-贾文)
ETCO-EN025 Thunder Dragonlord(天雷震龙-雷龙)
ETCO-EN029 Unchained Twins - Sarama(破械童子 娑罗摩)
ETCO-EN030 King Beast Barbaros(兽神王 巴巴罗斯)
ETCO-EN032 Trias Hierarchia(三位圣统者)
ETCO-EN033 Cataclysmic Circumpolar Chilblainia(冰天祸 奇尔布莱恩)
ETCO-EN038 Goldilocks the Battle Landscaper(百景战都 金发姑娘城)
ETCO-EN039 Magical Hound(魔力猎犬)
ETCO-EN047 Proxy F Magician(代理F魔术师)
ETCO-EN048 Splash Mage(飞溅闪屏法师)
ETCO-EN051 Codebreaker Virus Berserker(代码破坏者·病毒狂战士)
ETCO-EN052 Codebreaker Virus Swordsman(代码破坏者·病毒剑士)
ETCO-EN053 Gouki The Powerload Ogre(刚鬼 力道食人魔)
ETCO-EN058 Link Burst(连接爆发)
ETCO-EN059 Stairs of Mail(奇迹螺旋阶梯)
ETCO-EN060 Nemeses Adrastea(星义的执行者)
ETCO-EN062 Resonator Command(指挥共鸣者)
ETCO-EN063 Torpedo Takedown(空中鱼雷)
ETCO-EN068 Evil Eye Reemergence(眷现之咒眼)
ETCO-EN069 Ancient Warriors Saga - Borrowing of Arrows(战华史略-十万之矢)
ETCO-EN070 Megalith Unformed(巨石遗物无形态)
ETCO-EN072 Flourishing Frolic(繁华的花笑)
ETCO-EN073 A.I.Q(“艾”思考-I·Q)
ETCO-EN075 Xyz Revive Splash(XYZ复活飞溅)
ETCO-EN080 Pinpoint Dash(一点冲夺法)
ETCO-EN083 Taotie Dragon
ETCO-EN084 Necroquip Prism
ETCO-EN085 Bluebeard, the Plunder Patroll Shipwright
ETCO-EN086 Goldenhair, the Newest Plunder Patroll
ETCO-EN090 Pride of the Plunder Patroll
ETCO-EN092 Superheavy Samurai Wagon(超重武者 大八-8)
ETCO-EN093 Rain Bozu(雨天虹娃)
ETCO-EN094 Performapal Turn Trooper(娱乐伙伴 掉头跑骑兵)
ETCO-EN099 Superheavy Samurai Swordmaster Musashi(超重剑圣 武藏-C)

mikesan 发表于 2020-4-17 00:20:48

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2020-4-17 00:21 编辑

ETCO-EN092 Superheavy Samurai Wagon(超重武者 大八-8)
ETCO-EN093 Rain Bozu(雨天虹娃)
ETCO-EN094 Performapal Turn Trooper(娱乐伙伴 掉头跑骑兵)
ETCO-EN095(SR)Armored Bitron(铠装比特机灵)
ETCO-EN097(SR)Gatchiri @Ignister(牢牢妖@火灵天星)
ETCO-EN098(UR)Machina Metalcruncher(机甲金属抓手兵)
ETCO-EN099 Superheavy Samurai Swordmaster Musashi(超重剑圣 武藏-C)

冰夜星辰 发表于 2020-4-17 02:33:18

scr 龙女仆和机巧狐。龙女仆同时也是pser

业火焱势 发表于 2020-4-17 16:15:22


冰夜星辰 发表于 2020-4-17 21:14:07

业火焱势 发表于 2020-4-17 16:15


mikesan 发表于 2020-4-18 02:53:12

Starlight Rares(5/5)
ETCO-EN026 Chamber Dragonmaid(半龙女仆·寝室龙女)
ETCO-EN036 Ghost Mourner & Moonlit Chill(朔夜时雨)
ETCO-EN045 Traptrix Allomerus(阿洛美勒丝之虫惑魔)
ETCO-EN055 Eria the Water Charmer, Gentle(清冽之水灵使 艾莉娅)
ETCO-EN100 Effect Veiler(效果遮蒙者)

业火焱势 发表于 2020-4-18 03:15:33

mikesan 发表于 2020-4-18 02:53
Starlight Rares(5/5)
ETCO-EN026 Chamber Dragonmaid(半龙女仆·寝室龙女)
ETCO-EN036 Ghost Mourner &...


mikesan 发表于 2020-4-19 02:15:52

Speed Duel Starter Decks SS04/SS05

(UR)Advanced Ritual Art(高等仪式术)

负责Speed Duel的K社员工

mikesan 发表于 2020-4-20 20:08:39
The Machina army returns in Structure Deck: Mechanized Madness! Check out some early concept artwork of Machina Air Raider!

mikesan 发表于 2020-4-22 08:12:45

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2020-4-23 09:00 编辑
2020年9月25日 The Dark Magicians 9-Pocket Duelist Portfolio 超魔导师-黑魔术师徒决斗者卡本

- 10张内页,每页9格
- 最多可以收纳180张卡

2020年9月25日 The Dark Magicians Card Case 超魔导师-黑魔术师徒卡盒

- 附送分隔片1张

2020年9月25日 The Dark Magicians Card Sleeves 超魔导师-黑魔术师徒卡套


The synergy between Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl taught us there is no bond stronger than teacher and student. Legendary Duelists: Magical Hero introduced the Fusion of Yugi's most trusted allies, and now you can harness the ultimate Fusion of design and functionality with The Dark Magicians 9-Pocket Duelist Portfolio!

Each Duelist Portfolio includes 10-pages with 9 pockets per page, allowing you to display up to a total of 180 cards! Built with a side loading design, you will also get an extra layer of protection for your cards. There's no better way to show off your collection!

The synergy between Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl taught us there is no bond stronger than teacher and student. Legendary Duelists: Magical Hero introduced the Fusion of Yugi's most trusted allies, and now you can harness the ultimate Fusion of design and functionality with The Dark Magicians Card Case!

Each Card Case can fit a full Main, Side, and Extra Deck for a total of 70 sleeved cards. It also includes a special divider featuring the outside design. There's no better way to protect your Deck while you're on the go!

The synergy between Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl taught us there is no bond stronger than teacher and student. Legendary Duelists: Magical Hero introduced the Fusion of Yugi's most trusted allies, and now you can harness the ultimate Fusion of design and functionality with The Dark Magicians Card Sleeves!

Each pack contains 50 sleeves designed to meet tournament regulation standards. There's no better way to protect your cards during a Duel!

mikesan 发表于 2020-4-30 00:32:54

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2020-4-30 02:20 编辑

2020年~ The Lost Art Promotion 失落的插图促销活动

LART-EN016(UR)Foolish Burial(愚蠢的埋葬) ※OCG版插图
LART-EN0XX(UR)Offerings to the Doomed(给死者的供物) ※OCG版插图
LART-EN0XX(UR)Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max(超重型炮塔列车 古斯塔夫最大炮) ※OCG版插图

LART-EN0XX(UR)Dark Magician Girl(黑魔术少女) ※YAP1版插图
LART-EN0XX(UR)Harpie Queen(鹰身女王) ※OCG版插图
LART-EN0XX(UR)Harpie Channeler(鹰身通灵师) ※OCG版插图
LART-EN0XX(UR)Ghost Sister & Spooky Dogwood(儚无水木) ※OCG版插图
LART-EN0XX(UR)Frightfur Leo(魔玩具·轮锯狮) ※OCG版插图
LART-EN0XX(UR)Alluring Mirror Split(魅惑的两镜相照) ※OCG版插图
LART-EN0XX(UR)Tragedy(断头台的惨剧) ※OCG版插图

"This stinks!"

That's what Joey Wheeler would say about his local tournament shop being closed. And just like Joey, you probably miss your friends from your local shop, and miss Dueling in person in tournaments.

The good news is that Official Tournament Stores (OTS) WILL re-open. And when they do, we're going to celebrate by kicking the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME (TCG) Lost Art Promotion into overdrive!

First, we're accelerating the release of new cards from once a month, to once every two weeks! That means you'll get Foolish Burial, Offerings to the Doomed, and Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max (all previously announced) faster than ever, and the cards that come after that, too! We will also be eliminating the break between each batch, so there will be a new card, every 2 weeks, for several months at least.
That's because the next batch of Lost Art cards is the biggest ever! With a whopping 12 cards featured, get ready to blow the doors down! Each card features artwork that has never been available before outside of Asia. While supplies last, you can receive a free Lost Art Promotion card when you spend at least $30 (excluding sales tax) on sealed Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG products at participating OTS locations.

Everyone's favorite Dark Magician Girl will headline the new pool, with special variant artwork drawn by the creator of Yu-Gi-Oh!, Kazuki Takahashi! Just like every Lost Art card, this special Dark Magician Girl will only be available for two weeks, but don't worry about any participating OTS missing out! In order to make sure all areas can get these cards, the release order will be more flexible than what has been done in the past. This might mean you'll see card 20 before card 19 in your store, or card 23 before card 17, but we're going to do everything we can to make sure that every participating OTS has a chance!

More details regarding the specific timing for this Lost Art Promotion will be announced at a later date, so make sure to stay tuned!

mikesan 发表于 2020-5-1 01:56:59
Dear Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Generation fans, we are so grateful for all of your support over the years.
It is with much regret that we announce the decision to retire Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Generation. It has been an incredible journey with you (iOS launch was 10/23/2014, Android was 12/5/2014), and we could not have come this far without your support.
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Generation will be retired on Wednesday, September 30, 2020. The game will remain playable until then, but all in-app purchases will be disabled on April 30, 2020.
Thank you again to all the fans who played and enjoyed Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Generation.

Please visit for any inquiries or information about this announcement.
Duel Generation停运

mikesan 发表于 2020-5-1 03:03:08

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2020-5-1 07:13 编辑
Apr. 30, 2020

To the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME community –

We hope you and your loved ones are staying healthy and safe. As we monitor developments related to the COVID-19 pandemic, we continue to take seriously our role in contributing to the overall health and safety of our fan base, Tournament Store owners and staff, and all business partners. In keeping with the guidelines and recommendations put forth by government health authorities, we believe it is in the best interest of our community to extend the postponement of our Organized Play and promotional events through Sunday, May 31, 2020. Jointly, we share a responsibility to prevent community spread of this virus by practicing social distancing and we appreciate everyone's cooperation during this time of uncertainty.

Further information about these guidelines, as well as prevention tips from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention may be referenced here:

We are equally aware of the steps that communities across the nation have taken to gradually reopen. We share our community's enthusiasm to resume Organized Play and promotional events and, in this vein, we are working closely with our Tournament Store contacts and business partners, while heeding public health guidance, to determine how and when we can do this safely. At the end of May, we will review government health authority guidelines and provide another update relating to the status of local Organized Play and promotional events. To continue supporting Official Tournament Stores during this challenging time, we are introducing Remote Duel, a new Organized Play initiative to run sanctioned tournaments using Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links, Legacy of the Duelist, Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution, and a Duelist's own card collection. More information about this program will be shared directly with Tournament Stores and on the Official Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG website, as well as via our official social media channels soon.

Please continue to visit our official Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG website and official social media channels on Twitter and Facebook for the latest news and updates:

Official Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG website:

Additionally, those with non-press-related inquiries regarding event cancellations and updates on future events and Organized Play initiatives are encouraged to contact for more information.

Our thoughts remain with those affected by this pandemic and we are grateful for everyone's commitment to the safety of our community. We thank the Yu-Gi-Oh! community for their patience and understanding during this time and look forward to sharing new ways to connect and enjoy the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG.
2020 Events affected by COVID-19 (Updated on 30-04-2020)
Dear Duelists,

In light of the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, all in-store Organised Play events and Promotional events have been postponed until further notice.

Regions affected:
Middle East
With lockdowns and social distancing measures in place, it is hard for Duelists to regularly meet up for Duels, whether it be with friends or at their local store.

To assist players in following these guidelines, while helping them to get in their Yu-Gi-Oh! Duels time, we’re introducing a brand new online OTS program, Remote Duel.

How does it work?

Starting immediately, tournaments can be arranged by OTSs. They will be using the Official Yu-Gi-Oh! Remote Duel Discord Server, as the main tool to run tournaments. These will be sanctioned on KCGN. Prizing support will be awarded, including OTS packs.

Setting up for Remote Duel

Players taking part will need a webcam and either a PC or smart device to connect to Discord, in a setup similar to the one shown below. Remember, the camera needs to be flipped/upside-down, so it displays correctly, for the opponent. Players will also need a Discord account in order to join servers.

Joining the Discord Server and taking part

First you’ll need to join the Official Yu-Gi-Oh! Remote Duel Discord Server. The only channels initially is the language select channel. You will then need to click the relevant flag for the location/language to view other channels. Please make sure to read and follow the #Welcome channel carefully as well as the #how-to-remote-duel.

As there are prizes including OTS Packs for participation, it would be best to take part in Remote Duel events by OTS you would are able to visit in person to see in order to collect prizes from the store when they open or from another arrangement.

It’s Time to Remote Duel!
Official Yu-Gi-Oh! Remote Duel Discord Server:

冰夜星辰 发表于 2020-5-1 16:29:36

mikesan 发表于 2020-5-1 03:03 ...


mikesan 发表于 2020-5-1 16:41:51

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2020-5-1 19:45 编辑

(UR)Advanced Ritual Art(高等仪式术)
(UR)D.D. Crow(D.D.乌鸦)

Dark Magician(黑魔术师)
Gaia The Fierce Knight(暗黑骑士 盖亚)
Curse of Dragon(诅咒之龙)
Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1(守城的翼龙)
Beaver Warrior(路易斯)
Celtic Guardian(精灵剑士)
Silver Fang(银牙狼)
Giant Soldier of Stone(岩石巨兵)
Shadow Specter(地狱亡灵) ※初次TCG化
Charging Gaia the Fierce Knight(疾走的暗黑骑士 盖亚)
Senju of the Thousand Hands(千手神)
Old Vindictive Magician(执着的老魔术师)
Magician of Faith(神圣魔术师)
Sphere Kuriboh(球形栗子球)
Black Luster Soldier(混沌战士)
Black Luster Ritual(混沌的仪式)
Soul Release(魂之解放)
Spell Shattering Arrow(魔法效果之矢)
Spiral Spear Strike(螺旋枪杀)
Summoner's Art(召唤师的技艺)
Fighting Spirit(斗魂)
White Elephant's Gift(马骨的对价)
Goblin Circus(哥布林杂耍艺人)
Backup Squad(补充部队)
Spellbinding Circle(六芒星之咒缚)
Magic Jammer(魔法干扰阵)
Eliminating the League(家破人亡)
Gaia the Dragon Champion(龙骑士 盖亚)

Thousand-Eyes Idol(千眼邪教神)
Illusionist Faceless Mage(无脸幻想师)
Toon Alligator(卡通鳄鱼)
Red Archery Girl(拉弓的人鱼)
Manga Ryu-Ran(卡通蛋龙)
Toon Barrel Dragon(卡通左轮手枪龙)
Toon Buster Blader(卡通破坏剑士)
Toon Dark Magician(卡通黑魔术师)
Toon Summoned Skull(卡通恶魔)
Toon Mermaid(卡通人鱼)
Toon Masked Sorcerer(卡通假面魔道士)
Toon Gemini Elf(卡通双生精灵)
Illusionist Faceless Magician(无脸幻想魔术师)
Sonic Bird(音速鸟)
Djinn Prognosticator of Rituals(仪式魔人 预知者)
Djinn Disserere of Rituals(仪式魔人 布置者)
Black Illusion Ritual(幻想的仪式)
Toon World(卡通世界)
Toon Table of Contents(卡通目录)
Toon Rollback(卡通倒带)
Fulfillment of the Contract(契约履行)
Toon Mask(卡通面具)
Seven Tools of the Bandit(盗贼的七道具)
Dust Tornado(沙尘之大龙卷)
Shield Spear(盾矛)
Security Orb(保安球)
Skill Successor(技能继承)
Thousand-Eyes Restrict(千眼纳祭神)

Dark Necrofear(暗黑人偶 妮可罗菲娅)
Neck Hunter(猎头魔人) ※初次TCG化
The Earl of Demise(死灵伯爵)
That Which Feeds on Life(食命者) ※初次TCG化
Whiptail Crow(鞭尾石像怪)
The Gross Ghost of Fled Dreams(梦魔的亡灵)
Headless Knight(无头骑士)
Earthbound Spirit(地缚灵)
The Shadow Who Controls the Dark(司暗的影子) ※初次TCG化
Gaap the Divine Soldier(军神 概布)
Dark Ruler Ha Des(冥界的魔王 哈·迪斯)
Puppet Master(操纵死灵的傀儡师)
Lesser Fiend(下位恶魔)
Twin-Headed Wolf(双头地狱犬)
Prometheus, King of the Shadows(暗王 普罗米修斯)
Lancer Archfiend(枪兵恶魔)
Dark Mimic LV3(暗黑之宝箱怪 LV3)
Dark Mimic LV1(暗黑之宝箱怪 LV1)
Mask of Darkness(暗之假面)
Mad Reloader(装填狂魔)
Sword of Dark Destruction(暗之破神剑)
Offerings to the Doomed(给死者的供物)
Dark Eruption(暗黑爆发)
Veil of Darkness(漆黑之帐)
Allure of Darkness(暗之诱惑)
Creeping Darkness(偷偷靠近的黑暗)
Zoma the Spirit(死灵佐玛)
Common Charity(凡人的施舍)
The Forceful Checkpoint(检问)

Lava Golem(熔岩魔神)
Yaiba Robo(切割机器人) ※初次TCG化
Brave Scizzar(剪刀勇士) ※初次TCG化
Melchid the Four-Face Beast(梅尔基多四面兽)
Gil Garth(屠杀巨灵)
Dark Prisoner(暗黑囚犯) ※初次TCG化
Dark Lucius LV8(漆黑之魔王 LV8)
Dark Lucius LV6(漆黑之魔王 LV6)
Dark Lucius LV4(漆黑之魔王 LV4)
Legendary Fiend(传说的恶魔)
Byser Shock(电击拷问机)
Mefist the Infernal General(地狱将军·墨非斯特)
Lady Assailant of Flames(炎之女暗杀者)
Viser Des(万力魔神 死亡拷问机)
Dark Jeroid(暗黑胶体人)
Tribute to The Doomed(对死者的供奉)
Level Up!(等级上升!)
Creature Seizure(虏获装置)
Faustian Bargain(给恶魔的贡物)
Supply Squad(补给部队)
Rope of Life(命之纲)
Nightmare Wheel(拷问车轮)
Coffin Seller(卖棺者)
Metal Reflect Slime(金属反射史莱姆)
Prideful Roar(自尊的咆哮)

(UR)Santa Claws(撒旦老人)
(UR)Magical Stone Excavation(魔法石采掘)

mikesan 发表于 2020-5-2 04:15:37

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2020-5-7 00:58 编辑
2020年9月11日 Dragons of Legend: The Complete Series

?包 Dragons of Legend: The Complete Series卡包(1包?张彩UR)
1个 骰子(全3种随机1种:「传说之龙 蒂迈欧」、「传说之龙 克里底亚」、「传说之龙 赫谟」)
- DRLG、DRL2、DRL3复刻包。

Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight(龙骑士 黑魔术少女) ※新版插图

Arriving September 11, 2020, Dragons of Legend: The Complete Series (MSRP: $14.99) is another box-with-a-blast-from-the-past! Revisit the foundational Dragons of Legend, as well as Dragons of Legend 2, and Dragons of Legend – Unleashed – with Dragons of Legend: The Complete Series!

Following up on Legendary Duelists: Season 1, another box-with-a-blast-from-the-past is coming your way with Dragons of Legend: The Complete Series!

2014's Dragons of Legend was a landmark release that spawned two sequels, inspired the Battles of Legend series, and changed the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME forever! This September, revisit the foundational Dragons of Legend, as well as Dragons of Legend 2, and Dragons of Legend – Unleashed – with Dragons of Legend: The Complete Series!

Dragons of Legend was home to some of the most popular and most influential cards ever released, and Dragons of Legend: The Complete Series is poised to make them look better than ever with colorful Ultra Rare technology!But colorful Ultra Rares aren't the only way your favorite cards can look better than ever – Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight, Yugi's most famous Timaeus Fusion from the "Waking the Dragons" storyline, will appear with brand-new art!

As an extra special bonus, each Dragons of Legend: The Complete Series box will have 1 of 3 collectible dice featuring one of the Legendary Dragons: Timaeus, Critias, or Hermos.

mikesan 发表于 2020-5-5 01:28:23

Legendary Duelists: Season 1

Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon(真红眼暗钢龙) ※新版插图

mikesan 发表于 2020-5-5 08:20:39

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2020-5-5 08:57 编辑
We have a winner! After 31 hard-fought matches, Crystron Halqifibrax reigns supreme and its artwork will be made into a future #YUGIOH promotional item!

Thank you for voting!
Thank you all for participating in the poll! Want some more Duel Overload action? Then checkout this early concept artwork of Artifact Dagda! #YUGIOH
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