bba33524 发表于 2020-11-10 23:32:40


mikesan 发表于 2020-11-12 02:58:02

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2020-11-12 21:55 编辑

Speed Duel: Battle City Box
200张 N卡
20张 技能卡
1张 SCR卡「奥西里斯之天空龙」
1张 SCR卡「欧贝利斯克之巨神兵」
1张 SCR卡「太阳神之翼神龙」
5张 SCR卡(21种随机5种)
4张 双人游戏垫/决斗指南(两面印刷)

Secret Rares(24/24)
SBCB-EN001 Dark Magician(黑魔术师)
SBCB-EN003 Buster Blader(破坏剑士)
SBCB-EN005 Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight(疾风之暗黑骑士 盖亚)
SBCB-EN008 Breaker the Magical Warrior(魔导战士 破坏者)
SBCB-EN020 Metaverse(虚拟世界)
SBCB-EN021 Dark Paladin(超魔导剑士-黑魔导剑士)
SBCB-EN022 Valkyrion the Magna Warrior(磁石战士 电磁武神)
SBCB-EN057 Fire Formation - Tenki(炎舞-「天玑」)
SBCB-EN077 Union Hangar(同盟格纳库)
SBCB-EN087 Blue-Eyes White Dragon(青眼白龙)
SBCB-EN107 Masked Beast Des Gardius(假面魔兽 死亡护法师)
SBCB-EN132 Airknight Parshath(天空骑士 珀耳修斯)
SBCB-EN138 Nobleman of Crossout(抹杀之使徒)
SBCB-EN139 Foolish Burial(愚蠢的埋葬)
SBCB-EN141 Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen(神之居城-瓦尔哈拉)
SBCB-EN142 Cosmic Cyclone(宇宙旋风)
SBCB-EN146 Lost Wind(迷途风)
SBCB-EN147 Jinzo(人造人-念力震慑者)
SBCB-EN160 Reinforcement of the Army(增援)
SBCB-EN167 Red-Eyes Black Dragon(真红眼黑龙)
SBCB-EN174 Spell Canceller(魔法抵消器)
SBCB-EN201 Slifer the Sky Dragon(奥西里斯之天空龙)
SBCB-EN202 Obelisk the Tormentor(欧贝利斯克之巨神兵)
SBCB-EN203 The Winged Dragon of Ra(太阳神之翼神龙)

SBCB-EN001 Dark Magician(黑魔术师)
SBCB-EN002 Aqua Madoor(水魔道士)
SBCB-EN003 Buster Blader(破坏剑士)
SBCB-EN004 Archfiend of Gilfer(暗黑魔族 基尔法恶魔)
SBCB-EN005 Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight(疾风之暗黑骑士 盖亚)
SBCB-EN006 Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer(灵灭术师 海空)
SBCB-EN007 Skilled White Magician(熟练的白魔导师)
SBCB-EN008 Breaker the Magical Warrior(魔导战士 破坏者)
SBCB-EN009 Skilled Red Magician(熟练的赤魔术士)
SBCB-EN010 Dark Magic Curtain(黑魔术的幕帘)
SBCB-EN011 Polymerization(融合)
SBCB-EN012 De-Fusion(融合解除)
SBCB-EN013 Book of Moon(月之书)
SBCB-EN014 Emblem of Dragon Destroyer(龙破坏之证)
SBCB-EN015 Destruction Swordsman Fusion(破坏剑士融合)
SBCB-EN016 Fusion Recycling Plant(融合再生机构)
SBCB-EN017 Magical Hats(魔术礼帽)
SBCB-EN018 Fairy Wind(妖精之风)
SBCB-EN019 Darklight(暗之闪光)
SBCB-EN020 Metaverse(虚拟世界)
SBCB-EN021 Dark Paladin(超魔导剑士-黑魔导剑士)
SBCB-EN022 Valkyrion the Magna Warrior(磁石战士 电磁武神)
SBCB-EN023 Alpha The Magnet Warrior(磁石战士α)
SBCB-EN024 Beta The Magnet Warrior(磁石战士β)
SBCB-EN025 Gamma The Magnet Warrior(磁石战士γ)
SBCB-EN026 Delta The Magnet Warrior(磁石战士δ)
SBCB-EN027 Giant Soldier of Stone(岩石巨兵)
SBCB-EN028 Destroyer Golem(破坏的石人)
SBCB-EN029 The Rock Spirit(岩之精灵 泰坦)
SBCB-EN030 Granmarg the Rock Monarch(地帝 格兰玛格)
SBCB-EN031 Absorbing Jar(吸收壶)
SBCB-EN032 Block Golem(积木巨人)
SBCB-EN033 Attack the Moon!(削月刀)
SBCB-EN034 Magnetic Field(超电磁场)
SBCB-EN035 Zero Gravity(重力解除)
SBCB-EN036 Mind Crush(心灵崩坏)
SBCB-EN037 Rock Bombardment(投石攻击)
SBCB-EN038 Sealing Ceremony of Mokuton(木遁封印式)
SBCB-EN039 Unbreakable Spirit(不屈的斗志)
SBCB-EN040 Magnet Force(磁力)
SBCB-EN041 Magnet Conversion(磁力变换)
SBCB-EN042 Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts(幻兽王 加泽尔)
SBCB-EN043 Berfomet(巴风特)
SBCB-EN044 Phantom Beast Cross-Wing(幻兽 十字翼鸟)
SBCB-EN045 Phantom Beast Wild-Horn(幻兽 野角驼鹿)
SBCB-EN046 Phantom Beast Thunder-Pegasus(幻兽 雷霆飞马)
SBCB-EN047 Giant Rat(巨大老鼠)
SBCB-EN048 Bazoo the Soul-Eater(食魂者 巴祖)
SBCB-EN049 Manticore of Darkness(暗黑之蝎尾狮)
SBCB-EN050 Enraged Battle Ox(激昂的牛头人)
SBCB-EN051 Ghost Knight of Jackal(胡狼灵骑士)
SBCB-EN052 Behemoth the King of All Animals(百兽王 贝希摩斯)
SBCB-EN053 Green Baboon, Defender of the Forest(森之番人 绿狒狒)
SBCB-EN054 Wild Nature's Release(野性解放)
SBCB-EN055 The Big March of Animals(百兽大行进)
SBCB-EN056 Spiritual Forest(神圣森林)
SBCB-EN057 Fire Formation - Tenki(炎舞-「天玑」)
SBCB-EN058 The Big Cattle Drive(乌合之行进)
SBCB-EN059 Riryoku Field(力场)
SBCB-EN060 Howl of the Wild(野生的咆哮)
SBCB-EN061 Horn of the Phantom Beast(幻兽之角)
SBCB-EN062 Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast(有翼幻兽 奇美拉)
SBCB-EN063 X-Head Cannon(X-首领加农)
SBCB-EN064 Y-Dragon Head(Y-龙头)
SBCB-EN065 Z-Metal Tank(Z-金属履带)
SBCB-EN066 Heavy Mech Support Platform(强化支援机械·重装武器)
SBCB-EN067 Victory Viper XX03(胜利蛇XX03)
SBCB-EN068 DUCKER Mobile Cannon(二足炮台)
SBCB-EN069 Jade Knight(翡翠骑士)
SBCB-EN070 Falchionβ(大刀β)
SBCB-EN071 Machina Gearframe(机甲机械骨架)
SBCB-EN072 Machina Peacekeeper(机甲和平卫士)
SBCB-EN073 Delta Tri(三角三)
SBCB-EN074 United We Stand(团结之力)
SBCB-EN075 Frontline Base(前线基地)
SBCB-EN076 Machine Assembly Line(机器开发工厂)
SBCB-EN077 Union Hangar(同盟格纳库)
SBCB-EN078 Solitary Sword of Poison(孤毒之剑)
SBCB-EN079 Formation Union(同盟编队)
SBCB-EN080 Rare Metalmorph(稀有金属化·魔法反射装甲)
SBCB-EN081 Roll Out!(骑乘!)
SBCB-EN082 Union Scramble(同盟紧急出动)
SBCB-EN083 XY-Dragon Cannon(XY-神龙炮)
SBCB-EN084 XYZ-Dragon Cannon(XYZ-神龙炮)
SBCB-EN085 XZ-Tank Cannon(XZ-战车炮)
SBCB-EN086 YZ-Tank Dragon(YZ-战车龙)
SBCB-EN087 Blue-Eyes White Dragon(青眼白龙)
SBCB-EN088 Saggi the Dark Clown(暗道化师 扎奇)
SBCB-EN089 Swordstalker(复仇的潜行剑士)
SBCB-EN090 La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp(灯之魔精)
SBCB-EN091 Vorse Raider(血腥魔兽人)
SBCB-EN092 Dark Blade(暗魔界的战士 暗黑之剑)
SBCB-EN093 Maha Vailo(摩诃毗卢)
SBCB-EN094 Zombyra the Dark(暗黑英雄 尸魔侠)
SBCB-EN095 Spear Dragon(长枪龙)
SBCB-EN096 Kaiser Glider(帝王翔风龙)
SBCB-EN097 Fiend's Sanctuary(恶魔的圣域)
SBCB-EN098 Soul Exchange(灵魂交错)
SBCB-EN099 Shrink(收缩)
SBCB-EN100 Mage Power(魔导师之力)
SBCB-EN101 Silent Doom(沉默的死者)
SBCB-EN102 Acid Trap Hole(蓄积硫酸的落穴)
SBCB-EN103 Negate Attack(攻击无力化)
SBCB-EN104 Magic Drain(魔力抽取)
SBCB-EN105 Final Attack Orders(最终突击命令)
SBCB-EN106 Inspiration(鼓舞)
SBCB-EN107 Masked Beast Des Gardius(假面魔兽 死亡护法师)
SBCB-EN108 Shining Abyss(光辉深渊)
SBCB-EN109 Grand Tiki Elder(假面咒术师 诅咒之喉)
SBCB-EN110 Melchid the Four-Face Beast(梅尔基多四面兽)
SBCB-EN111 Beast of Talwar(塔瓦弯刀恶魔)
SBCB-EN112 Opticlops(红色独眼巨人)
SBCB-EN113 Wall of Illusion(幻影壁)
SBCB-EN114 Night Assailant(深渊的暗杀者)
SBCB-EN115 Ritual Raven(仪式的供物)
SBCB-EN116 The Masked Beast(假面魔兽 鬼面修道士)
SBCB-EN117 Nobleman of Extermination(扑灭之使徒)
SBCB-EN118 Mask of Brutality(凶暴化之假面)
SBCB-EN119 The Mask of Remnants(遗言之假面)
SBCB-EN120 Curse of the Masked Beast(假面魔兽的仪式)
SBCB-EN121 Pre-Preparation of Rites(仪式的事前准备)
SBCB-EN122 Widespread Ruin(万能地雷 阔剑式)
SBCB-EN123 Mask of Weakness(弱体化之假面)
SBCB-EN124 Bark of Dark Ruler(冥王的咆哮)
SBCB-EN125 Soul Demolition(魂粉碎)
SBCB-EN126 Dark Smog(暗黑瘴气)
SBCB-EN127 Keldo(凯尔多)
SBCB-EN128 Mudora(姆多拉)
SBCB-EN129 Zolga(卓尔加)
SBCB-EN130 Kelbek(凯尔柏克)
SBCB-EN131 Skelengel(骸骨天使)
SBCB-EN132 Airknight Parshath(天空骑士 珀耳修斯)
SBCB-EN133 Moisture Creature(莫伊斯彻星人)
SBCB-EN134 Guardian Angel Joan(守护天使 贞德)
SBCB-EN135 Angel O7(天使O7)
SBCB-EN136 Dimensional Alchemist(次元合成师)
SBCB-EN137 Bonze Alone(独法师)
SBCB-EN138 Nobleman of Crossout(抹杀之使徒)
SBCB-EN139 Foolish Burial(愚蠢的埋葬)
SBCB-EN140 Cestus of Dagla(达古拉之剑)
SBCB-EN141 Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen(神之居城-瓦尔哈拉)
SBCB-EN142 Cosmic Cyclone(宇宙旋风)
SBCB-EN143 Waboku(和睦的使者)
SBCB-EN144 Rope of Life(命之纲)
SBCB-EN145 Drop Off(打落)
SBCB-EN146 Lost Wind(迷途风)
SBCB-EN147 Jinzo(人造人-念力震慑者)
SBCB-EN148 The Fiend Megacyber(魔导电子巨人)
SBCB-EN149 Freed the Matchless General(无败将军 弗里德)
SBCB-EN150 Mysterious Guard(神圣守卫者)
SBCB-EN151 Exiled Force(流氓佣兵部队)
SBCB-EN152 Swarm of Scarabs(圣甲虫群)
SBCB-EN153 Swarm of Locusts(蝗虫的军势)
SBCB-EN154 Des Lacooda(死亡骆驼)
SBCB-EN155 Dark Scorpion - Gorg the Strong(黑蝎-强力的高戈)
SBCB-EN156 Dark Scorpion - Meanae the Thorn(黑蝎-荆棘的美奈)
SBCB-EN157 Amplifier(电脑增幅器)
SBCB-EN158 Lightning Blade(闪电之剑)
SBCB-EN159 Creature Swap(强制转移)
SBCB-EN160 Reinforcement of the Army(增援)
SBCB-EN161 The Warrior Returning Alive(战士生还)
SBCB-EN162 Hammer Shot(槌击)
SBCB-EN163 Hidden Armory(武器洞)
SBCB-EN164 Draining Shield(吸收盾)
SBCB-EN165 Psychic Shockwave(念力震撼波)
SBCB-EN166 Battleguard Rage(野蛮人之怒)
SBCB-EN167 Red-Eyes Black Dragon(真红眼黑龙)
SBCB-EN168 Dunames Dark Witch(神力女武神)
SBCB-EN169 Ally of Justice Clausolas(正义盟军 辉剑鸟)
SBCB-EN170 Hannibal Necromancer(汉尼拔死灵师)
SBCB-EN171 Banisher of the Light(光之追放者)
SBCB-EN172 Rocket Warrior(火箭战士)
SBCB-EN173 Cyber Harpie Lady(鹰身女郎 电子紧身装束)
SBCB-EN174 Spell Canceller(魔法抵消器)
SBCB-EN175 Strike Ninja(速攻的黑衣忍者)
SBCB-EN176 Blowback Dragon(回膛手枪龙)
SBCB-EN177 Regenerating Mummy(再生木乃伊)
SBCB-EN178 Pitch-Black Warwolf(漆黑的战士 狼人)
SBCB-EN179 Banisher of the Radiance(闪光之追放者)
SBCB-EN180 Twin-Barrel Dragon(双管手枪龙)
SBCB-EN181 Skilled Blue Magician(熟练的青魔道士)
SBCB-EN182 Buster Blader, the Destruction Swordmaster(使破坏剑的高手-破坏剑士)
SBCB-EN183 Performance of Sword(舞蹈战士)
SBCB-EN184 Dokurorider(骷髅骑手)
SBCB-EN185 Paladin of White Dragon(白龙之圣骑士)
SBCB-EN186 Commencement Dance(诱发之舞)
SBCB-EN187 Revival of Dokurorider(骷髅骑手的复活)
SBCB-EN188 Magic Formula(魔术咒文书)
SBCB-EN189 White Dragon Ritual(白龙降临)
SBCB-EN190 Archfiend's Oath(恶魔的宣告)
SBCB-EN191 Storm(风暴)
SBCB-EN192 The Puppet Magic of Dark Ruler(冥界流傀儡术)
SBCB-EN193 Mirror Wall(银幕之镜壁)
SBCB-EN194 Judgment of Anubis(阿努比斯的裁决)
SBCB-EN195 Embodiment of Apophis(阿匹卜之化神)
SBCB-EN196 Spell Purification(魔力净化)
SBCB-EN197 Machine King - 3000 B.C.(机械王-B.C.3000)
SBCB-EN198 Copy Knight(复制骑士)
SBCB-EN199 Swamp Mirrorer(镜像沼泽人)
SBCB-EN200 Quantum Cat(量子猫)

SBCB-ENS01 Fury of Thunder
Activate the following Skill(s).
● During your Main Phase, while you control "Slifer the Sky Dragon", draw until you have 4 cards in your hand.
● If "Slifer the Sky Dragon" is sent to the GY, you can shuffle it back into your Deck.
Each of these Skills can only be used once per Duel.

SBCB-ENS02 It's No Monster, It's a God!
Activate this Skill during your Main Phase. Discard any number of cards (min. 1), then add 1 "Obelisk the Tormentor" from your Deck or GY to your hand. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.

SBCB-ENS03 Hieratic Chant
Activate this Skill during your Main Phase. Discard your entire hand (min. 1), add 1 "The Winged Dragon of Ra" from your Deck or GY to your hand, and if you do, you can Tribute Summon 1 monster during your Main Phase this turn, in addition to your Normal Summon/Set.

SBCB-ENS04 It's Jinzo!
"Jinzo" monsters you control are unaffected by your opponent's Skill Cards. Once per turn, during your Main Phase, if you control "Jinzo", you can look at 1 face-down card in your opponent's Spell & Trap Zones, and if it is a Trap, draw 1 card.

SBCB-ENS05 The Psychic Duelist
Activate 1 of the following Skills during your Main Phase, by paying half your LP.
● Target 1 Set card in your opponent's Spell & Trap Zone and declare 1 type (Monster, Spell or Trap), then reveal the face-down card, and if it is the declared card type, it cannot be activated this turn.
● Randomly select 1 card in your opponent's hand and declare 1 type (Monster, Spell or Trap), then reveal that card, and if it is the declared type, inflict 500 damage to your opponent.
Each of these Skills can only be used once per Duel.

SBCB-ENS06 Guardians of the Tomb
During your opponent's Main Phase, when a monster is Special Summoned from your Spell & Trap Zone to your field while you have no cards in your hand, you can draw 1 card, and if you do, you can Set 1 Spell or Trap from your hand. This Skill can only be used once per turn.

SBCB-ENS07 Union Combination
Activate this Skill during your Main Phase. Once per turn, you can Fusion Summon 1 LIGHT Machine Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters from your GY or field as Fusion Material. For the rest of this turn, your opponent takes no damage.

SBCB-ENS08 Spell of Mask
Activate the following Skill(s).
● If a Ritual Summoned "The Masked Beast" you control is destroyed by an opponent's card effect, you can Special Summon "Masked Beast Des Gardius" from your hand, Deck or GY, ignoring its Summoning conditions.
● You can Tribute 1 "Masked Beast Des Gardius", then add 1 "The Masked Beast" and 1 "Curse of the Masked Beast" from your Deck and/or GY to your hand.
Each of these Skills can only be used once per Duel.

SBCB-ENS09 Magician's Act
Activate 1 of the following Skills at the start of the Duel.
● Add 1 "Dark Magician" from your Deck to your hand, then shuffle 1 card from your hand into the Deck.
● Shuffle 1 "Dark Magician" from your hand into the Deck, then draw 1 card.
During your Main Phase, you can Tribute 1 monster whose original name is "Dark Magician" to draw 2 cards.
Each of these Skills can only be used once per Duel.

SBCB-ENS10 Endless Traps
If you have exactly 3 Traps in your GY, randomly add 1 Trap from your GY to your hand, randomly shuffle 1 Trap from your GY into your Deck, then randomly banish 1 Trap from your GY. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.

SBCB-ENS11 No More Mrs. Nice Mai!
Once per turn, when your monster inflicts battle damage to your opponent, destroy 1 Spell/Trap on the field.

SBCB-ENS12 I'm Just Gonna Attack!
Apply the following Skill(s):
● During your Main Phase, you can make 1 monster you control gain 100 ATK until the end of this turn.
● During your Battle Phase, when your opponent activates a Trap Card, you can negate its effect and Set that card.
Each of these Skills can only be used once per turn.

SBCB-ENS13 Rise of the Fallen
Activate this Skill during your Main Phase. Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Fairy monster from your GY in Defense Position, and gain LP equal to its original ATK. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.

SBCB-ENS14 Beasts of Phantom
During your Main Phase, discard 1 card, then Fusion Summon 1 "Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast" from your Extra Deck, using monsters from your hand or field as Fusion Material. During your End Phase, if "Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast" was Fusion Summoned this turn, you can add 1 "Phantom Beast" monster from your GY to your hand. Each of these Skills can only be used once per turn.

SBCB-ENS15 Magnetic Attraction
Apply the following Skill(s):
● When a Level 4 or lower "Magnet Warrior" monster is Normal Summoned, you can add 1 Level 4 or lower "Magnet Warrior" monster with a different name from your Deck to your hand.
● You can reveal 2 Level 4 or lower "Magnet Warrior" monsters with different names from your hand, and if you do, add 1 "Valkyrion the Magna Warrior" from your Deck to your hand.
Each of these Skills can only be used once per Duel.

SBCB-ENS16 Power of Friendship
You take no effect damage from your opponent's card effects during your turn.

SBCB-ENS17 Fusion Party!(融合派对!) 克莉丝汀/技能

SBCB-ENS18 Ritual Ceremony(仪式典礼) 艾玛/技能

SBCB-ENS19 Low Blow(卑鄙一击) 安德鲁/技能

SBCB-ENS20 Digging for Gold(挖金) 大卫/技能

aaaljc 发表于 2020-11-12 11:07:17


mikesan 发表于 2020-11-14 10:10:42
Thank you to all Duelists for your participation! The Create-A-Card project has concluded and the Inzektor Spell Card will be released in an upcoming 60 Card Set! #YuGiOh #YuGiOhTCG

Lost Art

mikesan 发表于 2020-11-20 05:54:36
2020年11月21日~11月22日 Remote Duel Extravaganza 北美/拉丁美洲

11月21日有阿波罗萨巨大卡赛、Structure Deck赛、Win-A-Mat等

11月22日 Remote Duel Extravaganza Main Event

Amazoness Chain Master(亚马逊锁链使)
Lullaby of Obedience(天声的服从)
Gift Exchange(礼物交换)
Yu-Jo Friendship(友情 YU-JYO)
Parasite Paracide(寄生虫 帕拉赛德)
Transmission Gear(变则齿轮)
2021年1月30日~1月31日 Blazing Vortex Premiere!
2020年12月4日→2020年12月18日 Genesis Impact(GEIM)
2021年3月26日 Ghosts From the Past(GFTP)

GHR 5种
UR 127种
3包 Ghosts From the Past(1包5张)

Since Tournament Policy documents require ongoing updates and amendments to keep pace with Organized Play, we are pleased to present you with Version 2.1 of the Official KDE-US Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME Tournament Policy!

We have made several changes in this latest version – you will find clarification of existing policy, re-structuring of previous information to make it easier to understand, some completely new sections and also some changes from previous policy.

You will need to know all of this information to properly prepare for tournament play, but don’t worry! We have prepared an article about the major changes and what they mean for you.This is not a list of each and every change, but it will explain the more significant ones.As you read through this article, have a copy of the policy document open too, and refer to it as you go –reading this article by itself instead of reading the policy document won’t provide you with all of the information you need to be ready for tournament play. Most of the sections in the policy document itself will have example charts to will help you understand how the policy works

Subsection G.Sleeves
What changed?
The change many have been asking for – double sleeving is now allowed!
What does this mean?
Duelists may use one additional clear sleeve, when sleeving their Decks. There are some specific requirements for doing this, so read through the section carefully before you start re-sleeving everything.

mikesan 发表于 2020-11-24 10:57:38

2020年12月5日/12月6日 Yu-Gi-Oh! Day 游戏王日 (今年是远程决斗)


mikesan 发表于 2020-11-25 04:17:24

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2020-11-25 06:20 编辑

Collector's Rares(13/15)
GEIM-EN007 Ninaruru, the Magistus Glass Goddess(结晶之女神 宁阿鲁鲁)
GEIM-EN008 Artemis, the Magistus Moon Maiden(圣魔之少女 阿耳特弥斯)
GEIM-EN013 Live☆Twin Ki-sikil(直播☆双子 姬丝基勒)
GEIM-EN014 Live☆Twin Lil-la(直播☆双子 璃拉)
GEIM-EN015 Evil★Twin Ki-sikil(邪恶★双子 姬丝基勒)
GEIM-EN017 Evil★Twins Ki-sikil & Lil-la(邪恶★双子星 姬丝基勒·璃拉)
GEIM-EN029 Drytron Meteonis Draconids(龙仪巧-天龙流星=DRA)
GEIM-EN030 Drytron Meteonis Quadrantids(龙仪巧-天龙流星=QUA)
GEIM-EN032 Meteonis Drytron(流星辉巧群)
GEIM-EN048 Beat Cop from the Underworld(魔界的警逻课 死亡警察)
GEIM-EN050 Knightmare Unicorn(梦幻崩影·独角兽)
GEIM-EN051 Knightmare Phoenix(梦幻崩影·凤凰)
GEIM-EN053 Aleister the Invoker of Madness(暴走召唤师 阿莱斯特)

mikesan 发表于 2020-11-25 04:40:22

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2020-11-25 06:15 编辑
As we head into the holiday season, we're hosting a sweepstakes to win an exclusive Secret Rare version of Guardian Angel Joan with blue foil lettering! Use #sweepstakes & #YGOatHome with a photo of how you are enjoying #YuGiOh at home to enter.
Share photos of live Remote Duels, enjoying the animated series, or using officially licensed Yu-Gi-Oh! merchandise!

We are accepting entries until 12/7/2020. 300 entries will be randomly selected as winners to receive one (1) Guardian Angel Joan card. The potential winners will be notified via direct message to their valid Twitter or Instagram account that was used to participate. Open to Duelists in the United States and Canada.

mikesan 发表于 2020-11-25 14:35:34

Ultra Rares(9/10)
GEIM-EN002 Zoroa, the Magistus of Flame(绝火之大贤者 琐罗亚)
GEIM-EN003 Rilliona, the Magistus of Verre(结晶之大贤者 桑德里永)
GEIM-EN008 Artemis, the Magistus Moon Maiden(圣魔之少女 阿耳特弥斯)
GEIM-EN015 Evil★Twin Ki-sikil(邪恶★双子 姬丝基勒)
GEIM-EN016 Evil★Twin Lil-la(邪恶★双子 璃拉)
GEIM-EN017 Evil★Twins Ki-sikil & Lil-la(邪恶★双子星 姬丝基勒·璃拉)
GEIM-EN029 Drytron Meteonis Draconids(龙仪巧-天龙流星=DRA)
GEIM-EN032 Meteonis Drytron(流星辉巧群)
GEIM-EN033 Drytron Nova(极超之龙辉巧)

Super Rares(12/15)
GEIM-EN001 Crowley, the Magistus of Grimoires(法典之大贤者 克劳利)
GEIM-EN005 Aiwass, the Magistus Spell Spirit(法典之守护者 艾华斯)
GEIM-EN006 Vahram, the Magistus Divinity Dragon(绝火之龙神 巴赫拉姆)
GEIM-EN007 Ninaruru, the Magistus Glass Goddess(结晶之女神 宁阿鲁鲁)
GEIM-EN009 Trismagistus(三贤者之书)
GEIM-EN013 Live☆Twin Ki-sikil(直播☆双子 姬丝基勒)
GEIM-EN014 Live☆Twin Lil-la(直播☆双子 璃拉)
GEIM-EN018 Live☆Twin Home(直播☆双子入口页)
GEIM-EN020 Secret Password(秘密口令句)
GEIM-EN024 Drytron Alpha Thuban(龙辉巧-右枢α)
GEIM-EN030 Drytron Meteonis Quadrantids(龙仪巧-天龙流星=QUA)
GEIM-EN031 Drytron Fafnir(龙辉巧-扶筐增二)

GEIM-EN004 Endymion, the Magistus of Mastery(圣魔之大贤者 恩底弥翁)
GEIM-EN010 Magistus Theurgy(大魔导)
GEIM-EN011 Magistus Invocation(神圣法典)
GEIM-EN012 Magistus Vritra(绝火的祆现)
GEIM-EN019 Live☆Twin Channel(直播☆双子频道)
GEIM-EN021 Evil★Twin Challenge(邪恶★双子挑战)
GEIM-EN022 Evil★Twin GG EZ(邪恶★双子低难度盗宝游戏)
GEIM-EN023 Evil★Twin Present(邪恶★双子礼物)
GEIM-EN025 Drytron Beta Rastaban(龙辉巧-天棓三β)
GEIM-EN026 Drytron Gamma Eltanin(龙辉巧-天棓四γ)
GEIM-EN027 Drytron Delta Altais(龙辉巧-天厨一δ)
GEIM-EN028 Drytron Zeta Aldhibah(龙辉巧-上弼ζ)
GEIM-EN034 Drytron Eclipse(食光之龙辉巧)
GEIM-EN035 Drytron Asterism(星彩之龙辉巧)
GEIM-EN036 Drytron Meteor Shower(龙辉巧流星群)

GEIM-EN037 Cyberse Gadget(电子界工具)
GEIM-EN038 Performage Hat Tricker(娱乐法师 帽子戏法师)
GEIM-EN039 Star Drawing(画星宝宝)
GEIM-EN040 Cyber Angel Benten(电子化天使-弁天-)
GEIM-EN041 Knightmare Gryphon(梦幻崩影·狮鹫)
GEIM-EN042 Cyber Emergency(电子紧急呼救)
GEIM-EN043 Extra-Foolish Burial(愚蠢的重葬)
GEIM-EN044 Born from Draconis(来自天龙座的降诞)
GEIM-EN045 Bottomless Trap Hole(奈落的落穴)
GEIM-EN046 Herald of Ultimateness(崇光之宣告者)
GEIM-EN047 Impcantation Chalislime(魔神仪-史莱姆圣杯)
GEIM-EN048 Beat Cop from the Underworld(魔界的警逻课 死亡警察)
GEIM-EN049 Backup Secretary(备份秘书)
GEIM-EN050 Knightmare Unicorn(梦幻崩影·独角兽)
GEIM-EN051 Knightmare Phoenix(梦幻崩影·凤凰)
GEIM-EN052 Number 96: Dark Mist(No.96 黑雾)
GEIM-EN053 Aleister the Invoker of Madness(暴走召唤师 阿莱斯特)
GEIM-EN054 The Book of the Law(法之圣典)
GEIM-EN055 Invoked Cocytus(召唤兽 科库托斯)
GEIM-EN056 Invoked Magellanica(召唤兽 墨瓦腊泥加)
GEIM-EN057 Cynet Regression(电脑网回归)
GEIM-EN058 World Legacy - "World Lance"(星遗物-『星枪』)
GEIM-EN059 Engraver of the Mark(刻印之调停者)
GEIM-EN060 Performage Damage Juggler(娱乐法师 伤害杂耍人)

TMDSUB 发表于 2020-11-25 16:10:38


mikesan 发表于 2020-12-1 22:00:15

Collector's Rares(15/15)
GEIM-EN003 Rilliona, the Magistus of Verre(结晶之大贤者 桑德里永)
GEIM-EN007 Ninaruru, the Magistus Glass Goddess(结晶之女神 宁阿鲁鲁)
GEIM-EN008 Artemis, the Magistus Moon Maiden(圣魔之少女 阿耳特弥斯)
GEIM-EN013 Live☆Twin Ki-sikil(直播☆双子 姬丝基勒)
GEIM-EN014 Live☆Twin Lil-la(直播☆双子 璃拉)
GEIM-EN015 Evil★Twin Ki-sikil(邪恶★双子 姬丝基勒)
GEIM-EN016 Evil★Twin Lil-la(邪恶★双子 璃拉)
GEIM-EN017 Evil★Twins Ki-sikil & Lil-la(邪恶★双子星 姬丝基勒·璃拉)
GEIM-EN029 Drytron Meteonis Draconids(龙仪巧-天龙流星=DRA)
GEIM-EN030 Drytron Meteonis Quadrantids(龙仪巧-天龙流星=QUA)
GEIM-EN032 Meteonis Drytron(流星辉巧群)
GEIM-EN048 Beat Cop from the Underworld(魔界的警逻课 死亡警察)
GEIM-EN050 Knightmare Unicorn(梦幻崩影·独角兽)
GEIM-EN051 Knightmare Phoenix(梦幻崩影·凤凰)
GEIM-EN053 Aleister the Invoker of Madness(暴走召唤师 阿莱斯特)

Ultra Rares(10/10)
GEIM-EN002 Zoroa, the Magistus of Flame(绝火之大贤者 琐罗亚)
GEIM-EN003 Rilliona, the Magistus of Verre(结晶之大贤者 桑德里永)
GEIM-EN008 Artemis, the Magistus Moon Maiden(圣魔之少女 阿耳特弥斯)
GEIM-EN015 Evil★Twin Ki-sikil(邪恶★双子 姬丝基勒)
GEIM-EN016 Evil★Twin Lil-la(邪恶★双子 璃拉)
GEIM-EN017 Evil★Twins Ki-sikil & Lil-la(邪恶★双子星 姬丝基勒·璃拉)
GEIM-EN029 Drytron Meteonis Draconids(龙仪巧-天龙流星=DRA)
GEIM-EN032 Meteonis Drytron(流星辉巧群)
GEIM-EN033 Drytron Nova(极超之龙辉巧)
GEIM-EN053 Aleister the Invoker of Madness(暴走召唤师 阿莱斯特)

Super Rares(15/15)
GEIM-EN001 Crowley, the Magistus of Grimoires(法典之大贤者 克劳利)
GEIM-EN005 Aiwass, the Magistus Spell Spirit(法典之守护者 艾华斯)
GEIM-EN006 Vahram, the Magistus Divinity Dragon(绝火之龙神 巴赫拉姆)
GEIM-EN007 Ninaruru, the Magistus Glass Goddess(结晶之女神 宁阿鲁鲁)
GEIM-EN009 Trismagistus(三贤者之书)
GEIM-EN013 Live☆Twin Ki-sikil(直播☆双子 姬丝基勒)
GEIM-EN014 Live☆Twin Lil-la(直播☆双子 璃拉)
GEIM-EN018 Live☆Twin Home(直播☆双子入口页)
GEIM-EN020 Secret Password(秘密口令句)
GEIM-EN024 Drytron Alpha Thuban(龙辉巧-右枢α)
GEIM-EN030 Drytron Meteonis Quadrantids(龙仪巧-天龙流星=QUA)
GEIM-EN031 Drytron Fafnir(龙辉巧-扶筐增二)
GEIM-EN042 Cyber Emergency(电子紧急呼救)
GEIM-EN047 Impcantation Chalislime(魔神仪-史莱姆圣杯)
GEIM-EN048 Beat Cop from the Underworld(魔界的警逻课 死亡警察)

mikesan 发表于 2020-12-2 04:15:40

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2020-12-9 06:30 编辑

2020年12月19日~12月20日 Remote Duel Extravaganza 北美/拉丁美洲

有邪恶★双子星巨大卡赛、Structure Deck赛、Win-A-Mat等

SD39 Structure Deck赛

12月20日 Remote Duel Extravaganza Main Event

mikesan 发表于 2020-12-3 00:41:08

2021年3月26日→2021年4月16日 Ghosts From the Past(GFTP)
From there it’s time to reopen the vault: Legendary Duelists are back again! Legendary Duelists: White Dragon Abyss and Legendary Duelists: Sisters of the Rose celebrated Duelists like Seto Kaiba, Mai Valentine, Alexis Rhodes and Akiza Izinski, breathing new life into strategies like Rose Dragons, Harpies, and Blue-Eyes White Dragon! Legendary Duelists: Season 2 will be Duelist’s first chance for a second shot at hard-to-find cards like Kaiba’s Bingo Machine, Go!!!, Zane’s Cyberload Fusion, Mai’s Harpie Perfumer and Anna Kaboom’s Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Juggernaut Liebe. With 10 more cards than Legendary Duelists: Season 1, this sequel follow-up is bigger and better than the original.

Each box of Legendary Duelists: Season 2 comes with 1 of 10 Secret Rares, including 2 new cards never available before: 1 card for Kite’s “Galaxy-Eyes” strategy, and 1 card for Kaiba’s “Blue-Eyes” Deck. Every box will also have 2 Legendary Duelists: Season 2 packs, each with 18 cards: 15 Commons and 3 Ultra Rares. While Legendary Duelists: Season 1 introduced colourful Ultra Rares – appearing in blue, green or purple foil lettering – every Ultra Rare in Season 2 can appear in those 3 colours as well as the standard gold! That means more chances for players to find the Ultra Rare they want, and more opportunities to customize Decks with their favourite colours.

Legendary Duelists: Season 2 is available January 21st. Each box comes with 1 of several collectible dice, 30 Commons, 2 standard Ultra Rares, 4 colourful Ultra Rares and 1 Secret Rare. The complete Legendary Duelists: Season 2 set contains 131 cards: 91 Commons; 30 Ultra Rares available in standard, blue, green or purple; and 10 Secret Rares.
2021年1月22日 Legendary Duelists: Season 2(LDS2)

Bingo Machine, Go!!!(摇号机GO!GO!)
Cyberload Fusion(电子负载融合)
Harpie Perfumer(鹰身调香师)
Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Juggernaut Liebe(超重型炮塔列车 破天巨爱)


mikesan 发表于 2020-12-9 06:30:27

mikesan 发表于 2020-12-2 04:15

2020年12月19日~12月20日 ...

2020年12月19日~12月20日 Remote Duel Extravaganza and Celebration 欧洲

SD39 Structure Deck赛奖品 (发售纪念赛那张卡垫,和北美不同)

12月20日 Remote Duel Extravaganza Main Event

12月20日 2020 National Championship Win-A-Mat赛

mikesan 发表于 2020-12-11 01:02:56

mikesan 发表于 2020-12-12 00:10:26

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2020-12-12 00:55 编辑

mikesan 发表于 2020-12-9 06:30

2020年12月19日~12月20日 Remote Duel Ext ...

欧洲 Remote Duel Extravaganza

mikesan 发表于 2020-12-12 00:32:34

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2020-12-12 01:50 编辑
Attention Judges!

Debuting the 2020/21 European / Oceanic Judge Game Mat!

As a special way of saying thank you to Judges, those that volunteer at our major events are rewarded with a special Game Mat for their efforts, a Game Mat that can only be obtained by Judges.

This limited edition Judge Game Mat will first be distributed for the Remote Duel Extravaganza and Remote Duel Extravaganza Celebration events being hosted on the 19th and 20th December 2020.
2020/2021 欧洲/大洋洲裁判卡垫「破械双王神 来迎&破械神 罗寂刹&破械神 阿罗魃」卡垫

mikesan 发表于 2020-12-15 00:14:36

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2020-12-15 12:15 编辑
2021年4月30日 Ancient Guardians(ANGU)

UR 10种
SR 15种
R   35种

Luster Pendulum, the Dracoslayer(龙剑士 光辉星·灵摆)
Ignister Prominence, the Blasting Dracoslayer(爆龙剑士 点火星·日珥)

Ancient Guardians unearths powerful new monsters in Spring 2021! This 60-card booster set introduces 3 brand-new strategies along with older cards that enhance them. As in Toon Chaos and Genesis Impact, 15 cards from the set will also be available as Collector’s Rares, and these will include a mix of new cards and older favorites.

A new Graveyard-based strategy rises to the occasion! Ancient Guardians will also include hard-to-find older cards to help make your Graveyard rain with monsters so you can pit them against your opponent.

Pendulum Summon and compose a brand-new harmony! Pay close attention to the Pendulum Scales of your monsters and maximize your Pendulum Summons. Ancient Guardians will also include classic cards for Pendulum strategies like Luster Pendulum, the Dracoslayer and Ignister Prominence, the Blasting Dracoslayer.

Finally, a new theme with a spin on Synchro Summoning so cool it’ll send a chill down your opponent’s spine! Look for more information on exactly how it’ll work in 2021.

The complete Ancient Guardians booster set contains 60-cards:

10 Ultra Rares
15 Super Rares
35 Rares
*15 cards in the set are also available as Collector's Rares

Each booster pack contains 7 cards:
1 Foil card per pack
6 Rare cards per pack

mikesan 发表于 2020-12-17 00:11:48

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2020-12-17 08:59 编辑
2021年1月30日~1月31日 Blazing Vortex Premiere!

BLVO-ENSP1(UR)Armed Dragon Flash(武装龙的霹雳)

「武装龙·雷电 LV10」鼠标垫、场地中心卡

Lost Art

mikesan 发表于 2020-12-18 08:11:08

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2021-2-1 22:00 编辑

2021年1月23日~1月24日 Remote Duel Extravaganza (北美/拉丁美洲)

有深渊青眼龙巨大卡赛、Structure Deck赛、Win-A-Mat等

2021年1月24日 Remote Duel Extravaganza Main Event

LDS2-EN015(SCR)Blue-Eyes Abyss Dragon(深渊青眼龙)
Master the power that was lost millennia ago with the legendary Egyptian Gods! Slifer the Sky Dragon, Obelisk the Tormentor, and The Winged Dragon of Ra return in unparalleled glory with their artwork united on the June 2021 Card Sleeves!

Each pack contains 50 sleeves designed to meet tournament regulation standards. There’s no better way to protect your cards during a Duel!

Master the power that was lost millennia ago with the legendary Egyptian Gods! Slifer the Sky Dragon, Obelisk the Tormentor, and The Winged Dragon of Ra return in unparalleled glory with their artwork united on the June 2021 Card Case!

Each Card Case can fit a full Main, Side, and Extra Deck for a total of 70 sleeved cards. It also includes a special divider featuring the outside design. There’s no better way to protect your Deck while you’re on the go!

Master the power that was lost millennia ago with the legendary Egyptian Gods! Slifer the Sky Dragon, Obelisk the Tormentor, and The Winged Dragon of Ra return in unparalleled glory with their artwork united on the June 2021 9-Pocket Duelist Portfolio!

Each Duelist Portfolio includes 10-pages with 9 pockets per page, allowing you to display up to a total of 180 cards! Built with a side loading design, you will also get an extra layer of protection for your cards. There’s no better way to show off your collection!

Master the power that was lost millennia ago with the legendary Egyptian Gods! Slifer the Sky Dragon, Obelisk the Tormentor, and The Winged Dragon of Ra return in unparalleled glory with their artwork united on the June 2021 Game Mat!

This full-sized, rubber Game Mat is the same size as Game Mats used as prizing in various Konami sanctioned events, so it is perfect to Duel your way to the top. Made with high-quality materials, your Dueling experience will be as smooth as possible!

2021年6月11日 Card Sleeves 三幻神卡套


2021年6月11日 Card Case 三幻神卡盒

- 附送分隔片1张

2021年6月11日 9-Pocket Duelist Portfolio 三幻神卡本

- 10张内页,每页9格
- 最多可以收纳180张卡

2021年6月11日 Game Mat 三幻神卡垫

- 橡胶制游戏垫

页: 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 [470] 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479
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