与我无关一 发表于 2021-5-17 11:41:06


mikesan 发表于 2021-5-17 23:56:25


2021/5/18~2021/5/21 每天太平洋时间8AM在油管公布收录卡(北京时间11PM)

LIOV-EN100(PSER)Black Rose Dragon(黑蔷薇龙)

TMDSUB 发表于 2021-5-18 02:01:46


mikesan 发表于 2021-5-18 07:05:12

N 废铁盗龙

mikesan 发表于 2021-5-18 22:02:50

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2021-5-21 07:10 编辑

Yu-Gi-Oh! Day is coming this July 3rd & 4th, our biggest Remote Duel celebration of the Yu-Gi-Oh! brand, yet! You can participate and Duel for the exclusive Yu-Gi-Oh! Day Game Mat featuring new monsters from the upcoming set, King’s Court. More information to come soon.

2021年7月3日/7月4日 Yu-Gi-Oh! Day 游戏王日奖品

mikesan 发表于 2021-5-18 23:30:47

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2021-5-18 23:40 编辑


LIOV-EN001 ZW - Pegasus Twin Saber(异热同心武器-天马双翼剑)
LIOV-EN002 ZS - Armed Sage(异热同心从者-武装贤者)
LIOV-EN003(UR)ZS - Ascended Sage(异热同心从者-升华贤者)
LIOV-EN039(UR)Ultimate Dragonic Utopia Ray(龙装合体 龙王霍普雷)
LIOV-EN040 ZW - Dragonic Halberd(异热同心武器-重型兵装龙王戟)
LIOV-EN050 Rank-Up-Magic Zexal Force(升阶魔法-异热同心之力)
LIOV-EN051 Zexal Construction(异热同心构筑)
LIOV-EN052 Zexal Entrust(异热同心信托)
LIOV-EN067 Zexal Alliance(异热同心联盟)

mikesan 发表于 2021-5-19 23:16:58

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2021-5-19 23:27 编辑


LIOV-EN006(SCR)Amazement Administrator Arlekino(惊乐园的支配人 <∀丑角>)
LIOV-EN008(UR)Amazement Attendant Comica(惊乐园的案内人 <C丑角>)
LIOV-EN056(SCR)Amazing Time Ticket(惊奇时段通行证)
LIOV-EN058 Amazement Precious Park(惊乐珍宝园)
LIOV-EN070 Amazement Family Faces(惊乐家族脸)
LIOV-EN071(UR)Amaze Attraction Cyclo-Coaster(惊奇游乐设施·∀·旋风过山车)
LIOV-EN075(UR)Amaze Attraction Horror House(惊奇游乐设施·∀·恐怖鬼屋)

TMDSUB 发表于 2021-5-20 17:20:49


mikesan 发表于 2021-5-20 23:14:45

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2021-5-20 23:20 编辑


LIOV-EN009 Roxrose Dragon(十六夜蔷薇龙)
LIOV-EN010 Ruddy Rose Witch(红莲蔷薇之魔女)
LIOV-EN035(SCR)Ruddy Rose Dragon(红莲蔷薇龙)
LIOV-EN036 Garden Rose Flora(花园蔷薇花神)
LIOV-EN048(SCR)Benghalancer the Resurgent(回生之铁丹尼拘律树)
LIOV-EN059 Basal Rose Shoot(馨香蔷薇的发芽)

TMDSUB 发表于 2021-5-20 23:23:09


mikesan 发表于 2021-5-21 03:12:11

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2021-5-21 07:20 编辑

mikesan 发表于 2021-5-15 05:30


mikesan 发表于 2021-5-21 23:02:44

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2021-5-22 02:40 编辑

Starlight Rare
LIOV-EN049 Lyna the Light Charmer, Lustrous(照耀之光灵使 莱娜)

Secret Rares(10/10)
LIOV-EN000 Diviner of the Herald(宣告者的神巫)
LIOV-EN006 Amazement Administrator Arlekino(惊乐园的支配人 <∀丑角>)
LIOV-EN022 Dark Honest(暗黑欧尼斯特)
LIOV-EN023 Bahalutiya, the Grand Radiance(光之天穿 巴哈路蒂亚)
LIOV-EN035 Ruddy Rose Dragon(红莲蔷薇龙)
LIOV-EN043 Drytron Mu Beta Fafnir(龙辉巧-扶筐增二μβ')
LIOV-EN048 Benghalancer the Resurgent(回生之铁丹尼拘律树)
LIOV-EN056 Amazing Time Ticket(惊奇时段通行证)
LIOV-EN064 Book of Lunar Eclipse(月全食之书)
LIOV-EN088 War Rock Meteoragon

Ultra Rares(14/14)
LIOV-EN003 ZS - Ascended Sage(异热同心从者-升华贤者)
LIOV-EN008 Amazement Attendant Comica(惊乐园的案内人 <C丑角>)
LIOV-EN016 Traptrix Vesiculo(吉娜之虫惑魔)
LIOV-EN017 Live☆Twin Ki-sikil Frost(直播☆双子 姬丝基勒·霜精)
LIOV-EN032 White Knight of Dogmatika(凶导的白骑士)
LIOV-EN033 Albion the Branded Dragon(烙印龙 白界龙)
LIOV-EN034 Mysterion the Dragon Crown(奥秘之龙冠)
LIOV-EN039 Ultimate Dragonic Utopia Ray(龙装合体 龙王霍普雷)
LIOV-EN042 Rilliona, the Wondrous Magistus Witch Wardrobe(结晶之魔女 桑德里永)
LIOV-EN046 Traptrix Cularia(库拉莉亚之虫惑魔)
LIOV-EN071 Amaze Attraction Cyclo-Coaster(惊奇游乐设施·∀·旋风过山车)
LIOV-EN075 Amaze Attraction Horror House(惊奇游乐设施·∀·恐怖鬼屋)
LIOV-EN077 S-Force Chase(治安战警队追缉)
LIOV-EN089 War Rock Dignity

Super Rares(26/26)
LIOV-EN004 Supreme Sovereign Serpent of Golgonda(霸蛇大公 戈尔工达)
LIOV-EN009 Roxrose Dragon(十六夜蔷薇龙)
LIOV-EN010 Ruddy Rose Witch(红莲蔷薇之魔女)
LIOV-EN013 Bujin Torifune(武神-鸟船)
LIOV-EN015 S-Force Edge Razor(治安战警队 拔刃者)
LIOV-EN036 Garden Rose Flora(花园蔷薇花神)
LIOV-EN037 Lavalval Exlord(熔岩谷爆烈王)
LIOV-EN040 ZW - Dragonic Halberd(异热同心武器-重型兵装龙王戟)
LIOV-EN041 Springans Merrymaker(护宝炮妖欢乐制造机)
LIOV-EN044 Tri-Brigade Bearbrumm the Rampant Rampager(铁兽战线 块击之贝尔布鲁厄姆)
LIOV-EN045 Dark Infant @Ignister(暗幼童@火灵天星)
LIOV-EN049 Lyna the Light Charmer, Lustrous(照耀之光灵使 莱娜)
LIOV-EN050 Rank-Up-Magic Zexal Force(升阶魔法-异热同心之力)
LIOV-EN051 Zexal Construction(异热同心构筑)
LIOV-EN055 Branded in White(白之烙印)
LIOV-EN058 Amazement Precious Park(惊乐珍宝园)
LIOV-EN070 Amazement Family Faces(惊乐家族脸)
LIOV-EN081 Proof of Pruflas
LIOV-EN082 Thron the Disciplined Angel
LIOV-EN083 Pendransaction
LIOV-EN084 Expendable Dai
LIOV-EN086 War Rock Wento
LIOV-EN090 War Rock Spirit
LIOV-EN093 Eda the Sun Magician(太阳之魔术师 埃达)
LIOV-EN094 Staysailor Romarin(支索帆水手·航海迷迭香)
LIOV-EN098 Sunavalon Melias(圣天树之灰树精)

LIOV-EN001 ZW - Pegasus Twin Saber(异热同心武器-天马双翼剑)
LIOV-EN002 ZS - Armed Sage(异热同心从者-武装贤者)
LIOV-EN005 Springans Brothers(护宝炮妖兄弟)
LIOV-EN007 Amazement Ambassador Bufo(惊乐园的大使 <B丑角>)
LIOV-EN011 Danmari @Ignister(默默妖@火灵天星)
LIOV-EN012 Bujin Mahitotsu(武神-目一箇)
LIOV-EN014 S-Force Dog Tag(治安战警队 组队双犬)
LIOV-EN018 Blackeyes, the Plunder Patroll Seaguide(海造贼-黑翼水先人)
LIOV-EN019 Starry Knight Ciel(圣夜骑士团·西耶勒)
LIOV-EN020 Judge of the Ice Barrier(冰结界的净玻璃)
LIOV-EN021 Scrap Raptor(废铁盗龙)
LIOV-EN024 Pharaonic Guardian Sphinx(王家的守护者 斯芬克斯)
LIOV-EN025 Sky Scourge Cidhels(天魔神 希德赫尔斯)
LIOV-EN026 Anchamoufrite(迷彩光书签)
LIOV-EN027 Dark Eye Nightmare(暗眼梦魇骑士)
LIOV-EN028 World Soul - Carbon(地久神-碳素灵)
LIOV-EN029 Yamorimori(壁虎蝾螈)
LIOV-EN030 Clock Arc(变导机咎 弧线钟摆机)
LIOV-EN031 Otoshidamashi(落魂)
LIOV-EN038 Star Mine(速射连发烟花)
LIOV-EN047 Paleozoic Cambroraster(伯吉斯异兽·寒武耙虾)
LIOV-EN052 Zexal Entrust(异热同心信托)
LIOV-EN053 Dogmatikalamity(凶导的福音)
LIOV-EN054 Springans Booty(护宝炮妖战利品)
LIOV-EN057 Amazement Special Show(惊乐特别秀)
LIOV-EN059 Basal Rose Shoot(馨香蔷薇的发芽)
LIOV-EN060 A.I. Meet You(不期而遇-妨“艾”-)
LIOV-EN061 You and A.I.(友情-真“艾”-)
LIOV-EN062 Bujincandescence(武神篱)
LIOV-EN063 Birth of the Prominence Flame(炎雄爆诞)
LIOV-EN065 One-Kuri-Way(一键式通路)
LIOV-EN066 Hidden Springs of the Far East(极东秘泉乡)
LIOV-EN067 Zexal Alliance(异热同心联盟)
LIOV-EN068 Screams of the Branded(烙印凶鸣)
LIOV-EN069 Judgment of the Branded(烙印的裁决)
LIOV-EN072 Amaze Attraction Wonder Wheel(惊奇游乐设施·∀·神奇摩天轮)
LIOV-EN073 Amaze Attraction Majestic Merry-Go-Round(惊奇游乐设施·∀·威风旋转木马)
LIOV-EN074 Amaze Attraction Rapid Racing(惊奇游乐设施·∀·疾速赛车)
LIOV-EN076 A.I. Challenge You(生死决斗-节“艾”-)
LIOV-EN078 One by One(一接一)
LIOV-EN079 Boo-Boo Game(垫底者盗宝游戏)
LIOV-EN080 Fukubiki(福悲喜)
LIOV-EN085 Terrors of the Underroot
LIOV-EN087 War Rock Mammud
LIOV-EN091 War Rock Generations
LIOV-EN092 War Rock Big Blow
LIOV-EN095 D/D/D Supersight King Zero Maxwell(DDD 超视王 零·麦克斯韦)
LIOV-EN096 Binary Blader(二进制剑士)
LIOV-EN097 Sunavalon Daphne(圣天树之月桂精)
LIOV-EN099 Sunvine Cross Breed(圣蔓的交配)

mikesan 发表于 2021-5-22 00:50:09

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2021-6-6 12:00 编辑

LIOV-EN081 Proof of Pruflas 暗 3星 恶魔 100 100
If you control no Special Summoned monsters: You can Special Summon this card from your hand, also you cannot Special Summon other monsters for the rest of this turn. You can only use this effect of "Proof of Pruflas" once per turn. If this card is Normal or Special Summoned, you can: Immediately after this effect resolves, Tribute Summon 1 monster.
自己场上没有特殊召唤的怪兽存在的场合:可以从手卡把这张卡特殊召唤,这个效果的发动后,直到回合结束时自己不能把怪兽特殊召唤。“Proof of Pruflas”的这个效果1回合只能使用1次。这张卡召唤·特殊召唤成功的场合,可以:把1只怪兽上级召唤。

LIOV-EN082 Thron the Disciplined Angel 地 4星 天使 1500 600
If a monster(s) that was originally an EARTH Fairy is sent from your hand or field to the GY (except during the Damage Step): You can Special Summon this card from your hand. You can only use this effect of "Thron the Disciplined Angel" once per turn.
从自己的手卡·场上有原本的种族·属性是地属性天使族的怪兽被送去墓地的场合(伤害步骤以外):可以从手卡把这张卡特殊召唤。“Thron the Disciplined Angel”的这个效果1回合只能使用1次。

LIOV-EN083 Pendransaction 水 4阶 电子界/Xyz 2000 1000
2 Level 4 monsters
You can detach 1 material from this card; if you have more cards in your Extra Deck than your opponent's, apply these effects in sequence, depending on the difference.
●1+: This card gains 1000 ATK until the end of your opponent's turn.
●5+: Neither player can target this card with card effects until the end of your opponent's turn.
●10+: Banish 1 card your opponent controls.
●15+: Make your opponent's LP 3000.
You can only use this effect of "Pendransaction" once per turn.

LIOV-EN084 Expendable Dai 通常陷阱
Tribute 1 Warrior monster, then target 1 card on the field; destroy it, and if you do, draw 1 card.

LIOV-EN085 Terrors of the Underroot 通常陷阱
Target up to 5 cards in your opponent's GY and the same number of your opponent's banished cards; banish those targets from their GY, and if you do, return those banished targets to the GY. You can only activate 1 "Terrors of the Underroot" per turn.
以对方墓地最多5张卡和相同数量的除外的对方的卡为对象;作为对象的墓地的卡除外,作为对象的除外的卡回到墓地。“Terrors of the Underroot”在1回合只能发动1张。

LIOV-EN086 War Rock Wento 地 4星 战士 1800 1800
If your EARTH Warrior monster battles an opponent's monster, during damage calculation (Quick Effect): You can pay 800 LP; your battling monster gains 800 ATK, until the end of this turn. If this card is sent from your Monster Zone to your GY by an opponent's card effect: You can Special Summon 1 Level 5 or higher "War Rock" monster from your hand or Deck. You can only use each effect of "War Rock Wento" once per turn.
自己的地属性战士族怪兽和对方怪兽进行战斗的伤害计算时(自己或者对方回合):可以支付800基本分;那只自己怪兽的攻击力直到回合结束时上升800。自己的怪兽区域的这张卡被对方的效果送去墓地的场合:可以从手卡·卡组把1只5星以上的“War Rock”怪兽特殊召唤。“War Rock Wento”的每个效果1回合各能使用1次。

LIOV-EN087 War Rock Mammud 地 5星 战士 2000 2000
If you control no monsters, or all monsters you control are Warrior monsters, you can Normal Summon this card without Tributing. If your EARTH Warrior monster battles, after damage calculation: You can target 1 Spell/Trap your opponent controls; destroy it, then all "War Rock" monsters you currently control gain 200 ATK until the end of your opponent's turn. You can only use this effect of "War Rock Mammud" once per turn.
自己场上没有怪兽存在的场合或者自己场上的怪兽只有战士族怪兽的场合,这张卡可以不用解放作召唤。自己的地属性战士族怪兽进行战斗的伤害计算后:可以以对方场上1张魔法/陷阱卡为对象;那张卡破坏,那之后,自己场上的全部“War Rock”怪兽的攻击力直到对方回合结束时上升200。“War Rock Mammud”的这个效果1回合只能使用1次。

LIOV-EN088 War Rock Meteoragon 地 7星 战士 2600 2600
Cannot be destroyed by an opponent's card effects. When an attack is declared involving this card and an opponent's monster: You can negate that opponent's monster's effects this turn, as well as the activated effects and effects on the field of monsters with its same original name. Once per turn, during a Battle Phase in which your EARTH Warrior monster battles (Quick Effect): You can make all "War Rock" monsters you currently control gain 200 ATK until the end of your opponent's turn, also this card can make up to 2 attacks on monsters during each Battle Phase this turn.
这张卡不会被对方的效果破坏。这张卡和对方怪兽进行战斗的攻击宣言时:这个回合,可以把那只对方怪兽以及原本卡名和那只怪兽相同的怪兽的效果无效化。自己的地属性战士族怪兽进行战斗的战斗阶段1次(自己或者对方回合):可以把自己场上的全部“War Rock”怪兽的攻击力直到对方回合结束时上升200,这个回合,这张卡在同1次的战斗阶段中最多2次可以向怪兽攻击。

LIOV-EN089 War Rock Dignity 速攻魔法
You must control a "War Rock" monster to activate either of these effects.
●When a monster your opponent controls activates its effect: Negate that effect.
●During the Battle Phase, when your opponent activates a Spell/Trap Card, or monster effect: Negate that effect.
You can only activate 1 "War Rock Dignity" per turn.
自己场上有“War Rock”怪兽存在的场合才能从以下效果选择1个发动。
“War Rock Dignity”在1回合只能发动1张。

LIOV-EN090 War Rock Spirit 速攻魔法
During the Battle Phase: Target 1 "War Rock" monster in your GY, then activate 1 of these effects;
●Special Summon that target in Attack Position, but for the rest of this turn, its effects are negated, also it cannot attack directly.
●Special Summon that target in Defense Position, also the first time each "War Rock" monster you control would be destroyed by battle this turn, it is not destroyed.
You can only activate 1 "War Rock Spirit" per turn.
自己·对方的战斗阶段:以自己墓地1只“War Rock”怪兽为对象,从以下效果选择1个发动;
●那只怪兽守备表示特殊召唤,自己的“War Rock”怪兽在这个回合各有1次不会被战斗破坏。
“War Rock Spirit”在1回合只能发动1张。

LIOV-EN091 War Rock Generations 通常陷阱
During the Battle Phase, if your opponent controls more monsters than you do: Special Summon 1 "War Rock" monster from your Deck, and if you activated this card during your opponent's turn, for the rest of this turn while you control the face-up Special Summoned monster, your opponent's monsters cannot attack, except to attack that monster. You can only activate 1 "War Rock Generations" per turn.
自己·对方的战斗阶段,对方场上的怪兽数量比自己场上的怪兽多的场合:从卡组把1只“War Rock”怪兽特殊召唤,这张卡在对方回合发动的场合,这个回合,只要这个效果特殊召唤的怪兽在自己场上表侧表示存在,对方怪兽只能向那只怪兽攻击。“War Rock Generations”在1回合只能发动1张。

LIOV-EN092 War Rock Big Blow 通常陷阱
During the Main Phase, if a face-up "War Rock" monster(s) you control leaves the field by an opponent's card effect: Destroy up to 2 cards your opponent controls. You can only activate 1 "War Rock Big Blow" per turn.
自己·对方的主要阶段,自己场上的表侧表示的“War Rock”怪兽因对方的效果从场上离开的场合:选对方场上最多2张卡破坏。“War Rock Big Blow”在1回合只能发动1张。

mikesan 发表于 2021-5-22 05:03:42

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2021-6-11 06:00 编辑

2021年11月19日→12月3日 Hidden Arsenal: Chapter 1

SCR ?种
UR ?种(每种卡都有金、蓝、绿、紫4种字色版本)
N ?种
2包 Hidden Arsenal: Chapter 1卡包(1包18张,1金字版UR、2蓝/绿/紫字版UR、15N)
1张 SCR卡
1个 骰子
1张 DUEL TERMINAL故事插页/游戏垫
- 收录冰结界、魔轰神、龙骑兵团、异虫、正义盟军、自然、朱罗纪等主题复刻卡。
- HA01、HA02、HA03、HA04复刻包。

Learn the legends and experience the story from the beginning with Hidden Arsenal: Chapter 1! It’s been over a decade since the Hidden Arsenal era began, and now, Duelists can obtain historic cards from the first four Hidden Arsenal sets like they’ve never been seen before and learn the stories behind them in this epic collection! Featuring Worms, Dragunity, Ice Barriers, and so much more!

All of the cards in the original Hidden Arsenal series were either Super Rares or Secret Rares, but in Hidden Arsenal: Chapter 1 many of them can be obtained as Ultra Rares! Each box will have 2 standard Ultra Rares and 4 colorful Ultra Rares. The entire Ultra Rare pool is available in blue, green, purple, and the standard gold.

Each Hidden Arsenal: Chapter 1 box will contain one of several special collectible dice. As a special bonus, Duelists can also learn the legends of the Hidden Arsenal world! Each box will come with an insert detailing part of the Hidden Arsenal story, officially available in English for the first time!

Each Hidden Arsenal: Chapter 1 box contains a total of:
1 Secret Rare
6 Ultra Rares (2 standard Ultra Rares, 4 colorful Ultra Rares)
30 Commons
1 Hidden Arsenal Storyline Insert with Game Mat
1 Special Collectible Dice

*Set contents subject to change. Complete set contents available at a later date.

stanislav 发表于 2021-5-22 11:48:09


mikesan 发表于 2021-5-25 03:45:28

本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2021-6-11 06:00 编辑

2021年10月1日 Brothers of Legend

- 收录约60张新卡和30张以上复刻卡。

Five Star Twilight(闪烁五星)
Forbidden Droplet(禁忌的一滴)

Brothers of Legend enters the fray this Fall! Multiply your fun with this all-foil booster set that introduces never-before-released cards from the first 6 Yu-Gi-Oh! animated series into the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME. Brothers of Legend features cards from Yugi Muto, Zane Truesdale, Syrus Truesdale, Sherry Leblanc, Yuma Tsukumo, and more! Here is a quick look at what Duelists can expect:

• Yugi’s Kuriboh Brothers are finally here! Kuribabylon and Five Star Twilight allow you to fill your field with “Kuriboh” monsters. Need an easy-to-Summon Level 5 monster to Tribute for Five Star Twilight? Joker’s Knight from King’s Court is a great fit!
• Duelists who built or updated their Utopia Deck with the cards from Lightning Overdrive and King’s Court will be thrilled to find even more cards to power up their Deck, including a new form of Utopia Ray and new cards to equip it with!
• More of Sherry’s cards from Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s make the jump from the screen to your Deck! Combine them with the “Fleur” cards from Legendary Duelists: Synchro Storm to maximize their potential.
• Empower your @Ignister Deck with brand-new cards that Special Summon monsters and help you dominate the field. If you haven’t tried this strategy yet, many of its basic cards will be available in the 2021 Tin of Ancient Battles Mega-Packs!

Brothers of Legend has nearly 60 new cards in all as well as more than 30 returning cards, including another chance to obtain the tournament mainstay, Forbidden Droplet.

Each 5-card pack contains 4 Ultra Rares and 1 Secret Rare.

520wxx 发表于 2021-5-27 11:34:53


mikesan 发表于 2021-5-28 04:00:35

Starlight Rares
LIOV-EN017 Live☆Twin Ki-sikil Frost(直播☆双子 姬丝基勒·霜精)
LIOV-EN023 Bahalutiya, the Grand Radiance(光之天穿 巴哈路蒂亚)
LIOV-EN049 Lyna the Light Charmer, Lustrous(照耀之光灵使 莱娜)
LIOV-EN064 Book of Lunar Eclipse(月全食之书)
LIOV-EN100 Black Rose Dragon(黑蔷薇龙)

mikesan 发表于 2021-6-4 00:59:22

EGS1/EGO1 初次T化卡

Thunderforce Attack(超电导波 雷击炮)
Soul Crossing(交错之魂)
Ultimate Divine-Beast(绝对的幻神兽)
Millennium Seeker(千年的血族)
Tellus the Little Angel(小天使 忒勒斯)

Fist of Fate(神手粉碎拳)
Soul Crossing(交错之魂)
Angel O1(天使O1)
Divine Evolution(神之进化)
Level Resist Wall(等级阻壁)

mikesan 发表于 2021-6-4 14:00:37

Ultimate Rares(3/3)
OP16-EN001 Cyber Dragon(电子龙) ※黑影版插图
OP16-EN002 Firewall Dragon(防火龙) ※初版插图
OP16-EN003 Forbidden Droplet(禁忌的一滴)

Super Rares(10/10)
OP16-EN004 Cyber-Stein(恶魔科学怪人)
OP16-EN005 King of the Skull Servants(白骨王)
OP16-EN006 Mausoleum of the Emperor(死皇帝之陵墓)
OP16-EN007 Token Stampede(暴走斗君)
OP16-EN008 Phonon Pulse Dragon(波动龙 声子龙)
OP16-EN009 Tri-Brigade Nervall(铁兽战线 纳贝尔)
OP16-EN010 Geonator Transverser(转晶之矿物协调者)
OP16-EN011 Virtual World Gate - Qinglong(电脑堺门-青龙)
OP16-EN012 Drytron Zeta Aldhibah(龙辉巧-上弼ζ)
OP16-EN013 Drytron Delta Altais(龙辉巧-天厨一δ)
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