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热搜: 资料集合
楼主: mikesan

[新闻资讯] 【TCG】TCG新闻帖

 楼主| 发表于 2017-10-10 20:11:55 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2017-10-10 22:44 编辑
CIBR-EN081( R )★Samurai Destroyer() 地 7星 机械/同调 2600 1400
1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters
★If this card battles an opponent monster, your opponent cannot activate cards or effects until the End of the Damage Step, also negate the effect of that opponent monster during the Battle Phase only. If this face-up card in its owner's control leaves the field because of an opponent's card effect: You can target 1 MACHINE monster in your GY; Special Summon it.



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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2017-10-10 22:57:02 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2017-10-11 05:16 编辑


Secret Rares(8/8)
CIBR-EN042 Borreload Dragon(装弹枪管龙)
CIBR-EN051 Akashic Magician(虚空俏丽魔术师)
CIBR-EN055 (爆竹弹抽卡)
CIBR-EN056 (速攻旋转)
CIBR-EN063 (过火的埋葬)
CIBR-EN077 Evenly Matched(颉颃胜负)
CIBR-EN078 Fuse Line(导爆线)
CIBR-EN082 Vendread Chimera

Ultra Rares(10/10)
CIBR-EN011 (马格努姆弹丸龙)
CIBR-EN012 (幻变骚灵·网络傀儡师)
CIBR-EN014 (幻变骚灵·寻道梅露辛)
CIBR-EN044 Trickstar Black Catbat(淘气仙星·斯威特戴薇儿)
CIBR-EN045 Gouki Thunder Ogre(刚鬼 雷霆食人魔)
CIBR-EN047 (幻变骚灵·隐私王班西)
CIBR-EN060 (非对称玄化)
CIBR-EN062 (对手见冤家)
CIBR-EN079 Broken Line(直通断线)
CIBR-EN099 SPYRAL Double Helix(秘旋谍-双螺旋特工)

Super Rares(14/14)
CIBR-EN007 (关口龙)
CIBR-EN010 (自动手木仓弹丸龙)
CIBR-EN013 (幻变骚灵·泛在羽衣精)
CIBR-EN023 (玄化神龙 末日龙)
CIBR-EN025 Metaphys Nephthys(玄化凤凰神)
CIBR-EN027 (玄化执行神)
CIBR-EN043 (连接缓冲人)
CIBR-EN050 (超机怪虫·方舟感质虫)
CIBR-EN071 (幻变骚灵协议)
CIBR-EN074 (蠢动于星遗物的陷阱)
CIBR-EN084 Vendread Nights
CIBR-EN096 (慢活族)
CIBR-EN097 Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir(No.41 泥睡魔兽 睡梦貘)
CIBR-EN098 Subterror Behemoth Fiendess(地中族邪界妖魔)

CIBR-EN000 Hallohallo
CIBR-EN004 (淘气仙星·那耳姬丝)
CIBR-EN022 (星遗物-『星铠』)
CIBR-EN024 Metaphys Daedalus(玄化海龙 泰达路斯)
CIBR-EN026 (玄化暴君龙)
CIBR-EN029 Fire King Avatar Arvata(炎王兽 甘尼许)
CIBR-EN037 (旋风机 风神电子人)
CIBR-EN038 Destrudo the Lost Dragon’s Frisson(亡龙之战栗-死欲龙)
CIBR-EN039 (精灵神后 树精)
CIBR-EN046 (双三角龙)
CIBR-EN053 (安全屏蔽)
CIBR-EN054 (机龙生成器)
CIBR-EN061 (动态密码)
CIBR-EN065 (补充部队)
CIBR-EN070 (幻变骚灵伪装)
CIBR-EN072 (个人欺骗攻击)
CIBR-EN075 (玄化次元)
CIBR-EN076 (虚拟世界)
CIBR-EN081 Samurai Destroyer
CIBR-EN085 Vendread Gathering

CIBR-EN001 (缺陷编译器)
CIBR-EN002 (电容跟踪杀人蝎)
CIBR-EN003 (连接设施飞行员)
CIBR-EN005 (暗黑安琪儿)
CIBR-EN006 (刚鬼 头锤蝙蝠)
CIBR-EN008 (嗅探龙)
CIBR-EN009 (麻醉弹丸龙)
CIBR-EN015 (幻变骚灵·查询昆提兰那克)
CIBR-EN016 (机怪虫·树突棘虫)
CIBR-EN017 (机怪虫·轴突虫)
CIBR-EN018 (机怪虫·神经胶质虫)
CIBR-EN019 (机怪虫·受体虫)
CIBR-EN020 (机怪虫·郎飞结虫)
CIBR-EN021 (机怪虫·树突虫)
CIBR-EN028 Mermail Abyssnerei(水精鳞-深渊海仙女)
CIBR-EN030 Mecha Phantom Beast Raiten(幻兽机 雷电貂)
CIBR-EN031 (累加器人)
CIBR-EN032 (兵队龙)
CIBR-EN033 (假威鸭)
CIBR-EN034 (比翼连鳞)
CIBR-EN035 (自爆蚁)
CIBR-EN036 (天岩户)
CIBR-EN040 (迅捷河狸)
CIBR-EN041 (卫生兵 肌肉大汉)
CIBR-EN048 (超机怪虫·对观突触虫)
CIBR-EN049 (超机怪虫·圣言神经元虫)
CIBR-EN052 Mistar Boy(孩星老爷)
CIBR-EN057 (投射于星遗物的暗影)
CIBR-EN058 (围绕着星遗物的战斗)
CIBR-EN059 (玄化因子)
CIBR-EN064 (心眼之祭殿)
CIBR-EN066 (燃烧的竹光)
CIBR-EN067 Cyberse Beacon(电子界信标)
CIBR-EN068 (连接重启)
CIBR-EN069 (远程苏生)
CIBR-EN073 (星遗物的傀儡)
CIBR-EN080 (扰乱二人组)
CIBR-EN083 Vendread Strix
CIBR-EN086 F.A. Whip Crosser
CIBR-EN087 F.A. Turbo Charger
CIBR-EN088 F.A. Off-Road Grand Prix
CIBR-EN089 F.A. Pit Stop
CIBR-EN090 (月光红狐)
CIBR-EN091 (月光彩雏)
CIBR-EN092 (抒情歌鸲-吟诵椋鸟)
CIBR-EN093 (亚马逊斥候)
CIBR-EN094 (亚马逊宠物虎狮子)
CIBR-EN095 (亚马逊女帝)


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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2017-10-19 06:08:03 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2017-10-23 23:10:11 | 显示全部楼层
2017/7/6~2017/?/?期间订阅 1年Shonen Jump订阅特典


[1] Linkuriboh(连接栗子球)(44%)
[2] Trickstar Red Mary(淘气仙星·布拉蒂玛丽)(27%)
[3] Divine Serpent Geh(蛇神 格)(22%)
[4] Interrupt Resistor(中断反抗军)(7%)


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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2017-10-24 00:05:25 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2017-10-24 06:45 编辑


2017年11月4日/5日 欧洲/大洋洲SD32发售纪念赛奖品



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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2017-10-26 23:06:14 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2017-10-29 00:10 编辑

2017年11月3日 Structure Deck: Cyberse Link

SDCL-EN001 Digitron(数字机灵)
SDCL-EN002 Dotscaper(点阵图跳离士)
SDCL-EN003 Cliant(克莱因客户端蚁)
SDCL-EN004 Backlinker(反向连接兽)
SDCL-EN005 Balancer Lord(均衡负载王)
SDCL-EN006 ROM Cloudia(ROM云雌羊)
SDCL-EN007 Boot Staggered(引导交错鹿)
SDCL-EN008(SR)Dual Assembwurm(双汇编亚龙)
SDCL-EN009 Cyberse Wizard(电子界男巫)
SDCL-EN010 Backup Secretary(备份秘书)
SDCL-EN011 Stack Reviver(堆栈修复员)
SDCL-EN012 Launcher Commander(启动炮司令官)
SDCL-EN013 Tragoedia(特拉戈迪亚)
SDCL-EN014 Summoner Monk(召唤僧)
SDCL-EN015 Card Trooper(卡片炮击士)
SDCL-EN016 Debris Dragon(星骸龙)
SDCL-EN017 Mathematician(数学家)
SDCL-EN018 Crane Crane(起重鹤)
SDCL-EN019 Magician of Faith(神圣魔术师)
SDCL-EN020 Jester Confit(糖果小丑)
SDCL-EN021 Glow-Up Bulb(成长的鳞茎)
SDCL-EN022 Kinka-byo(金华猫)
SDCL-EN023(SR)Cynet Backdoor(电脑网后门)
SDCL-EN024 Soul Charge(灵魂补充)
SDCL-EN025 Shuffle Reborn(洗牌苏生)
SDCL-EN026 D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation(异次元复活)
SDCL-EN027 Gold Sarcophagus(封印之黄金柜)
SDCL-EN028 Mind Control(精神操作)
SDCL-EN029 Cosmic Cyclone(宇宙旋风)
SDCL-EN030 Moon Mirror Shield(月镜盾)
SDCL-EN031 Where Arf Thou?(汪分之一机会!?)
SDCL-EN032 Recoded Alive(重编码存活)
SDCL-EN033 Miracle's Wake(奇迹之残照)
SDCL-EN034 Powerful Rebirth(强化苏生)
SDCL-EN035 Premature Return(过早的归还)
SDCL-EN036 Swamp Mirrorer(镜像沼泽人)
SDCL-EN037 Quantum Cat(量子猫)
SDCL-EN038 Storming Mirror Force(神风防护罩 -大气之力-)
SDCL-EN039 Dimensional Barrier(次元障壁)
SDCL-EN040 Ghosts From the Past(恐击)
SDCL-EN041(UR)Encode Talker(编码语者)
SDCL-EN042(UR)Tri-Gate Wizard(三栅极男巫)
SDCL-EN043(SR)Binary Sorceress(二进制女巫)

輝白竜 ワイバースター(辉白龙 暴源翼龙)
暗黒竜 コラプサーペント(暗黑龙 坍缩星蛇)

Cyberse Wizard(电子界男巫)
Backup Secretary(备份秘书)
Stack Reviver(堆栈修复员)
Launcher Commander(启动炮司令官)
Ghosts From the Past(恐击)

2017年12月8日 Circuit Break Special Edition

3包 1002
1 SR(复刻卡,全2种):The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode(太阳神之翼神龙-球体形) 或 Stardust Chronicle Spark Dragon(真闪珖龙 星尘·录)
1 SR(1003预览版卡,全2种):(封锁守卫者) 或 (并口护甲)

2018年1月19日 Structure Deck: Wave of Light (SR05)

SR05-EN000 Eva(地外生命)
SR05-EN001 Sacred Arch-Airknight Parshath(天空圣骑士 阿克珀耳修斯)
SR05-EN002 Minerva, Scholar of the Sky(天空贤者 密涅瓦)
SR05-EN003 Power Angel Valkyria(力天使 女武神)
SR05-EN004 Neo-Parshath, the Sky Paladin(天空勇士 尼奥珀耳修斯)
SR05-EN005 Airknight Parshath(天空骑士 珀耳修斯)
SR05-EN006 Meltiel, Sage of the Sky(天空圣者 莫提乌斯)
SR05-EN007 Harvest Angel of Wisdom(智天使 哈维斯特)
SR05-EN008 Bountiful Artemis(丰穰之阿耳特弥斯)
SR05-EN009 Layard the Liberator(救济之莱亚德)
SR05-EN010 Guiding Ariadne(解放之阿里阿德涅)
SR05-EN011 Archlord Kristya(大天使 克里斯提亚)
SR05-EN012 Splendid Venus(华丽金星)
SR05-EN013 Athena(雅典娜)
SR05-EN014 Tethys, Goddess of Light(光神 忒堤斯)
SR05-EN015 Hecatrice(赫卡忒利斯)
SR05-EN016 Gellenduo(双生天使)
SR05-EN017 Nova Summoner(神召新星)
SR05-EN018 Honest(欧尼斯特)
SR05-EN019 Herald of Orange Light(朱光之宣告者)
SR05-EN020 Herald of Green Light(绿光之宣告者)
SR05-EN021 Herald of Purple Light(紫光之宣告者)
SR05-EN022 Guiding Light(天轮之葬送士)
SR05-EN023 D.D. Sprite(异次元的精灵)
SR05-EN024 Hanewata(羽翼棉花)
SR05-EN025 The Sanctum of Parshath(珀耳修斯的神域)
SR05-EN026 The Sanctuary in the Sky(天空的圣域)
SR05-EN027 Cards from the Sky(天空的宝札)
SR05-EN028 Celestial Transformation(光神化)
SR05-EN029 Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen(神之居城-瓦尔哈拉)
SR05-EN030 Ties of the Brethren(同胞的牵绊)
SR05-EN031 Rebirth of Parshath(轮回之珀耳修斯)
SR05-EN032 Light of Judgment(裁决之光)
SR05-EN033 Miraculous Descent(奇迹之光临)
SR05-EN034 Synthetic Seraphim(人造天使)
SR05-EN035 Divine Punishment(神罚)
SR05-EN036 Dark Bribe(魔宫的贿赂)
SR05-EN037 Solemn Warning(神之警告)
SR05-EN038 Ultimate Providence(神之摄理)
SR05-EN039 Drastic Drop Off(强烈的打落)
SR05-EN040 Recall(无偿交换)
SR05-ENTKN Synthetic Seraphim Token(人造天使衍生物)


Dark Bribe(魔宫的贿赂)


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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2017-10-28 06:38:17 | 显示全部楼层

Duel Links战利品箱抽奖活动
奖品(1名):木箱、200块拼图、TCG Starter Deck Link Strike卡组、TCG Legendary Duelists卡包、卡套、卡盒、卡垫
活动结束时间 GMT 11月5日 23:59,仅限英国居民



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 楼主| 发表于 2017-10-31 00:59:51 | 显示全部楼层

Blackwing – Gofu the Vague Shadow
Set Rotation

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2017-11-1 01:08:54 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2017-11-4 11:35 编辑
2018年2月23日 Legendary Duelists: Ancient Millennium

UR 8种
SR 8种
R  10种
N  27种

Legendary Duelists was full of brand-new cards for heroic figures from Yu-Gi-Oh! This winter, take a walk on the dark side with Legendary Duelists: Ancient Millennium, featuring brand-new cards inspired by some of the most villainous Duelists to grace your TV screens!

The enigmatic creator of Duel Monsters, Maximillion Pegasus, lured Yugi to Duelist Kingdom in a bid to defeat him and complete a corporate takeover! In their climactic Duel, Pegasus dropped his cartoonish façade and unleashed the true power of his Deck: the monster devouring Thousand-Eyes Restrict! Legendary Duelists: Ancient Millennium offers upgrades to some of Pegasus’ most terrifying monsters like Thousand-Eyes Restrict and Illusionist Faceless Mage.

There’s no low the morally bankrupt Weevil Underwood wouldn’t stoop to if it would give him an edge over the competition! Whether he’s throwing Yugi’s Exodia cards into the ocean or sneaking copies of Parasite Paracide into Joey’s Deck, Duelists love to hate the master of insects. Now his strategies have evolved once again in Legendary Duelists: Ancient Millennium, featuring a new parasite card, a mutated version of the Insect Queen, and a heavily armored and upgraded Cocoon of Evolution!

Bandit Keith believed in creating his own luck, largely by lying, cheating, and stealing his way to the top of the Duelist Kingdom rankings. His powerful Barrel Dragon nearly knocked Joey out of the tournament, and in Legendary Duelists: Ancient Millennium, there’s a new model that can eliminate up to 3 cards per turn if luck is on your side! You can also make a little luck of your own with a card that can change all your coin toss results to “heads” when you use an effect that requires 2 or more coin tosses. Legendary Duelists: Ancient Millennium also gives love to the rivals and villains of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, featuring new cards for Professor Crowler’s Ancient Gear Deck and Jesse Anderson’s Crystal Beasts, as well as new cards to help unify Chazz Princeton’s many strategies!

The complete set of Legendary Duelists: Ancient Millennium is 53 cards:
• 27 Commons
• 10 Rares
• 8 Super Rares
• 8 Ultra Rares


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2017-11-1 11:20:39 | 显示全部楼层
上周末 UDS Invitational Central America 2017 Top 8垫

上次9月 UDS Invitational Summer 2017 Top 8垫


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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2017-11-9 06:24:32 | 显示全部楼层
2018年3月9日 Legendary Collection Kaiba

3包 Mega Pack(每包10张卡,4SCR、6UR,共计收录100张卡)
5张 新卡
1张 游戏垫(硬纸/两面印刷)
- 收录新卡,克里底亚之牙的新融合怪兽卡、龙之支配者和呼龙笛相关新卡。

Total Dueling domination never goes out of style for Seto Kaiba! Legendary Collection Kaiba* brings together many of Kaiba’s most famous cards along with other powerful cards often used alongside them in a 100-card all-foil mega-set. Joining them are 5 brand new cards inspired by classic cards like Lord of D. and The Flute of Summoning Dragon! Topping it off in the Legendary Collection tradition is a hard-back, fold-up Game Board with a complete 1-player Duel Field on one side and an unbordered Kaiba art version on the other.

This Spring, Legendary Collection Kaiba, available starting March 9, brings together many of Kaiba’s most famous cards along with other powerful cards often used alongside them in a 100-card all-foil mega-set. The set will also feature 5 brand new cards inspired by classic cards like Lord of D. and The Flute of Summoning Dragon!

Each Legendary Collection Kaiba box set will contain:

3 Legendary Collection Kaiba Mega Packs
Each Mega Pack contains:
4 Secret Rare Cards
6 Ultra Rare Cards
5 new cards based on some of Kaiba’s famous cards like Lord of D., including a new Fusion Monster to Summon with The Fang of Critias!
1 Game Board

*name and content subject to change


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2017-11-9 06:47:00 | 显示全部楼层



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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2017-11-11 14:23:36 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2017-11-12 07:04 编辑

Secret Rares(20/20)
SPWA-EN001 Secret Six Samurai - Fuma(影六武众-风魔)
SPWA-EN003 Secret Six Samurai - Hatsume(影六武众-初芽)
SPWA-EN004 Secret Six Samurai - Doji(影六武众-道治)
SPWA-EN005 Secret Six Samurai - Kizaru(影六武众-木猿)
SPWA-EN006 Secret Six Samurai - Rihan(影六武众-理伴)
SPWA-EN007 Secret Skills of the Six Samurai(六武众的影忍术)
SPWA-EN011 Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En(真六武众-紫炎)
SPWA-EN016 (魔弹射手 卡斯帕)
SPWA-EN019 Magical Musketeer Starfire(魔弹射手 斯塔尔)
SPWA-EN022 Magical Musket Mastermind Zakiel(魔弹恶魔 萨米尔)
SPWA-EN024 Magical Musket - Cross-Domination(魔弹-交叉统治者)
SPWA-EN026 Magical Musket - Dancing Needle(魔弹-舞动之针)
SPWA-EN028 Magical Musket - Last Stand(魔弹-死者连发)
SPWA-EN029 The Weather Painter Snow(雪天气 天蓝)
SPWA-EN031 (昙天气 糸紫)
SPWA-EN032 The Weather Painter Sun(晴天气 锈红)
SPWA-EN033 The Weather Painter Thunder(雷天气 姜黄)
SPWA-EN034 The Weather Painter Aurora(极天气 川绿)
SPWA-EN035 (虹天气 彩虹)
SPWA-EN040 The Weather Thundery Canvas(雷之天气模样)

Super Rares(40/40)
SPWA-EN002 Secret Six Samurai - Genba(影六武众-玄蕃)
SPWA-EN008 The Six Shinobi(忍之六武)
SPWA-EN009 Grandmaster of the Six Samurai(六武众的师范)
SPWA-EN010 Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan(真六武众-辉斩)
SPWA-EN012 Shadow of the Six Samurai - Shien(六武众之影-紫炎)
SPWA-EN013 Six Samurai United(六武众的团结)
SPWA-EN014 Gateway of the Six(六武之门)
SPWA-EN015 Shien's Smoke Signal(紫炎的狼烟)
SPWA-EN017 Magical Musketeer Doc(魔弹射手 医生)
SPWA-EN018 Magical Musketeer Kidbrave(魔弹射手 小子)
SPWA-EN020 Magical Musketeer Calamity(魔弹射手 灾星)
SPWA-EN021 Magical Musketeer Wild(魔弹射手 狂野)
SPWA-EN023 Magical Musket - Steady Hands(魔弹-无尽内啡肽)
SPWA-EN025 Magical Musket - Desperado(魔弹-亡命之徒)
SPWA-EN027 Magical Musket - Fiendish Deal(魔弹-恶魔交易)
SPWA-EN030 The Weather Painter Rain(雨天气 湛蓝)
SPWA-EN036 The Weather Snowy Canvas(雪之天气模样)
SPWA-EN037 The Weather Rainy Canvas(雨之天气模样)
SPWA-EN038 The Weather Cloudy Canvas(阴之天气模样)
SPWA-EN039 The Weather Sunny Canvas(晴之天气模样)
SPWA-EN041 The Weather Auroral Canvas(极光之天气模样)
SPWA-EN042 Hand of the Six Samurai(六武众的先导)
SPWA-EN043 Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki(真六武众-阴鬼)
SPWA-EN044 Legendary Six Samurai - Shinai(真六武众-竹刀)
SPWA-EN045 Legendary Six Samurai - Mizuho(真六武众-瑞穂)
SPWA-EN046 Shien's Advisor(紫炎的参谋)
SPWA-EN047 Honest(欧尼斯特)
SPWA-EN048 Asceticism of the Six Samurai(六武众的荒行)
SPWA-EN049 Shien's Dojo(紫炎的道场)
SPWA-EN050 Photon Veil(光子帷幕)
SPWA-EN051 Constellar Belt(神星领域)
SPWA-EN052 Return of the Six Samurai(六武众推参!)
SPWA-EN053 Backs to the Wall(究极·背水之阵)
SPWA-EN054 Double-Edged Sword Technique(诸刃的活人剑术)
SPWA-EN055 Musakani Magatama(六尺琼勾玉)
SPWA-EN056 Battleguard Howling(野蛮人之吼)
SPWA-EN057 Beckoning Light(光之召集)
SPWA-EN058 Scrap-Iron Scarecrow(废铁稻草人)
SPWA-EN059 Scrap-Iron Statue(废铁像)
SPWA-EN060 Miraculous Descent(奇迹之光临)


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 楼主| 发表于 2017-11-22 06:10:20 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2017-11-23 07:40 编辑
2018年3月23日 Kaiba's 9-Pocket Duelist Portfolio

- 10张内页,每页9格
- 最多可以收纳180张卡

2018年3月23日 Kaiba's Card Case

- 附送分隔片1张

2018年3月23日 Kaiba's Card Sleeves


2018年3月22日 Kaiba's Game Mat(EU


Show off your collection just like Seto Kaiba with the Yu-Gi-Oh! Kaiba’s 9-Pocket Duelist Portfolio! Whether you’re trying to impress your friends or just flaunt your rarest cards, this 9-Pocket Duelist Portfolio’s design features Seto Kaiba as well as artwork from two of his signature Blue-Eyes White Dragon Spell Cards: Burst Stream of Destruction and Majesty with Eyes of Blue! Each Duelist Portfolio includes 10-pages with 9 pockets per page, allowing you to display up to 180 total cards! Built with a side loading design, you will also get an extra layer of protection for your cards. The only way you could beat that level of security is with Kaiba’s own briefcase!

Now you can carry your Deck like a CEO with the Yu-Gi-Oh! Kaiba’s Card Case! Featuring Seto Kaiba along with artwork from Burst Stream of Destruction and Majesty with Eyes of Blue, this Card Case is bound to strike envy in your rivals as you set it down on the table. With enough space to fit a Main Deck, Extra Deck, and Side Deck, the Yu-Gi-Oh! Kaiba’s Card Case is sturdy enough to last you while you rise through the ranks! Each Card Case also includes a Deck Divider.

Strike fear in the heart of your opponents as soon as they cut your Deck with the Yu-Gi-Oh! Kaiba’s Card Sleeves! Featuring Seto Kaiba and artwork from Majesty with Eyes of Blue, your Deck will look as fly as Kaiba’s Blue-Eyes White Dragon jet! Each pack contains 50 tournament-legal sleeves specifically designed for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME.


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 楼主| 发表于 2017-11-29 07:08:22 | 显示全部楼层
2018年3月30日 Star Pack: VRAINS

SFR 50种
N     49种
- 收录淘气仙星,刚鬼 ,幻变骚灵。

Trickstar Lycoris(淘气仙星·曼珠诗华)
Gouki The Great Ogre(刚鬼 巨人食人魔)

Following the advent of the Link era, Star Pack: VRAINS is filled to the brim with popular themes from Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS. Cyberse Monsters, Link Monsters, and more can be found in Star Pack: VRAINS, with an SRP of only 99¢!

Each pack contains 3 randomly distributed cards with 1 guaranteed Starfoil Card. The cards are taken from a set of 50 cards, 49 of which are available as Commons and all 50 cards available as Starfoils. This means a whole bunch of cards never seen before as Starfoils, at a great value!

For fans of Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS, Star Pack: VRAINS includes cards from the "Gouki," "Trickstar," and "Altergeist" themes! Duelists can now have an easy way to get popular cards like Trickstar Lycoris, Gouki The Great Ogre, and more!

The Star Pack: VRAINS set contains 49 Common Cards and 1 Starfoil only card. (All 49 Common Cards are also available as Starfoil Cards.)


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 楼主| 发表于 2017-11-30 06:59:58 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2017-11-30 08:20 编辑


Ultimate Rares(3/3)
OP06-EN001 Decode Talker(解码语者)
OP06-EN002 Brilliant Fusion(明亮融合)
OP06-EN003 Invocation(召唤魔术)

Super Rares(10/10)
Revendread Slayer(归魂复仇死者·屠魔侠)
Fairy Tail - Rella(妖精传姬-辛德瑞拉)
Paleozoic Canadia(伯吉斯异兽·加拿大虫)
Paleozoic Eldonia(伯吉斯异兽·伊尔东钵)
Paleozoic Hallucigenia(伯吉斯异兽·怪诞虫)
Set Rotation(舞台旋转)
Black Metal Dragon(黑钢龙)
Windwitch - Winter Bell(风魔女-冬铃)
Trickstar Lilybell(淘气仙星·莉莉贝儿)
Overload Fusion(超载融合)

Normal(13/13) 无真相
Gem-Knight Garnet(宝石骑士·红榴)
Shiranui Spiritmaster(不知火的宫司)
Predaplant Ophrys Scorpio(捕食植物 蜂兰蝎)
Lightray Grepher(光芒使者 格雷法)
Recurring Nightmare(噩梦再临)
Dragon Shrine(龙之灵庙)
Phantom Skyblaster(幻铳士)
Ojama Blue(扰乱·蓝)
Disturbance Strategy(扰乱作战)
Enishi, Shien's Chancellor(紫炎的老中 缘)
Amazoness Queen(亚马逊女王)
Gem-Knight Seraphinite(宝石骑士·斜绿)


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 楼主| 发表于 2017-11-30 07:44:27 | 显示全部楼层
爱上未来的你 发表于 2017-11-30 07:36


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 楼主| 发表于 2017-12-1 07:23:24 | 显示全部楼层
2018年3月9日 Legendary Collection Kaiba

3包 Mega Pack(每包10张卡,4SCR、6UR,共计收录105张卡)
5张 新卡
1张 游戏垫(硬纸/两面印刷)
- 收录新卡:克里底亚之牙的新融合怪兽卡,龙之支配者、呼龙笛、破坏轮相关新卡。

Blue-Eyes White Dragon(青眼白龙) ×4 ※4种不同插图
Droll & Lock Bird(小丑与锁鸟)
Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit(幽鬼兔)
Card of Demise(削命的宝札)
Crush Card Virus(死之卡组破坏病毒)

Kaiba is all about showing up his opponents with rare and powerful cards, so this Legendary Collection’s 105-card all-foil Mega Pack set includes many sought-after tournament level cards to bolster your Deck! You can find game-changing spells like Card of Demise as well as a slew of infectious traps like Crush Card Virus; even popular “hand traps” like Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit, Droll & Lock Bird, and more! With four different artworks of Blue-Eyes White Dragon, you can hunt for the perfect set… and even tear up the fourth to make sure no one else can!

In addition, Legendary Collection Kaiba includes 5 brand-new cards inspired by famous entries in Kaiba's arsenal. Lord of D. has a new incarnation that paves the way for mighty Dragons by finding powerful spells to herald their arrival! Alongside it, a radical rhapsody in opposite tune of The Flute of Summoning Dragon can help resurrect your fallen Dragons to the field! Even Ring of Destruction gets a new twist that’s a little less explosive, but will surely detonate any chance your opponent has in the long game.

Topping it off in the Legendary Collection tradition is a hard-back, fold-up Game Board with a complete 1-player Duel Field on one side and an unbordered Kaiba art version on the other.

Each Legendary Collection Kaiba box set will contain:

3 Legendary Collection Kaiba Mega Packs. Of course, there’s no way that Kaiba would settle for normal Mega Packs, so each of these Mega Packs contains 4 Secret Rares and 6 Ultra Rares for a total of 10 foil cards per pack (that’s 30 cards per box)!
5 new cards based on some of Kaiba’s famous cards like Lord of D., including a new Fusion Monster to Summon with The Fang of Critias!
1 Game Board

新龙之支配者 - 从卡组把魔法卡加入手卡?
新呼龙笛 - 从墓地把最多2只龙族怪兽特殊召唤?

2018年3月22日 Yugi & Kaiba Collector's Box(EU

1盒 Starter Deck: Yugi Reloaded(YSYR)
1盒 Starter Deck: Kaiba Reloaded(YSKR)
1张 特典卡:(UR)Dark Magician(黑魔术师)
1张 特典卡:(UR)Blue-Eyes White Dragon(青眼白龙)
- 欧洲/大洋洲限定商品。


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 楼主| 发表于 2017-12-2 01:01:44 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mikesan 于 2017-12-2 06:11 编辑


EXFO-ENSP1(UR)World Legacy Scars(星遗物印刻的伤痕)


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 楼主| 发表于 2017-12-6 09:14:41 | 显示全部楼层
EXFO-EN098(SCR)Heavymetalfoes Electrumite(刚炼装勇士·银金公主)


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