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[SNES]Ogre Battle

发表于 2004-12-21 16:54:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
        Ogre Battle

      文章来源:本站原创      作者:FallenWings

7E1578FF:Unlimited/maximum money
7E1579E0:Unlimited/maximum money
7E157AF5:Unlimited/maximum money
7E157B05:Unlimited/maximum money

7E157EXX:Modify item slot 1
7E157F63:Max out item slot 1
replace XX with:
01=Sonic Blade[STR+13]
03=Bizen Sword[STR+11]
08=Black Katana[STR+3]
09=Sword of Slicing[STR+4]
0A=Mikado Sword[STR+8]
0B=Sword of Heroes[STR+11]
0C=Sword of Evil[STR+15]
0D=Ogre Blade[STR+20]
0E=Flame Sword[Str+6]
0F=Musashi B.Heroblade[STR+12]
10=Eskendale Blade[STR+15,INT+3]
11=Ice Scimitar[STR+3]
12=Ice Blade[Str+7]
13=Peridat Sword[Str+11]
15=Malachite Sword[STR+18,INT-4]
16=Dwarven Sword[STR+7]
19=Broken Sword[STR+4]
1A=Death Claws[STR+8]
1B=Evil Blade[STR+8,INT+3]
1C=Relic Sword[STR+24,INT-16]
1D=Dragon's Claw[STR+5]
1E=Pristine Sword[STR+8,INT+10]
1F=Kusanagi Blade[STR+15]
21=Dragon Spear[STR+7]
22=Benkay's Glaive[STR+12]
23=Ozrich's Spear[STR+14,INT+17]
26=Ice Axe[STR+11]
27=Black Axe[STR+16,INT-8]
28=Rune Axe[STR+15]
29=Battle Dagger[STR+3]
2A=Fire Staff[INT+3]
2B=Flame Flail[STR+4]
2C=Thunder Whip[STR+6]
2D=Demon Hammer[STR+12,INT-4]
2E=Kukai's Rod[STR+8]
2F=Mystic Mace[STR+2,INT+7]
30=Liebel's Rod[INT+14]
31=Lightning Bow[STR+7]
32=Black Bow[STR+3,INT+2]
33=Earth Charm[FIRE+3,ICE+3,ELEC+3]
34=Elder Sign[STR+11,INT+5,.BLACK+16,WHITE+14]
35=Flame Charm[FIRE+5]
36=Hydra's Fang[STR+4,PHYS+6,FIRE+8]
37=Ice Charm[ICE+5]
38=Byak's Fang[INT+7,ICE+12]
39=Snow Orb[INT+11,FIRE-8,ICE+14]
3A=Thunder Charm[ELEC+5]
3B=Lightning Orb[STR+6,ELEC+17]
3C=Black Charm[STR+8,INT-4,BLACK+13,.WHITE-16]
3D=White Charm[WHITE+5]
3E=Angel's Wing[INT+16,PHYS+7,WHITE+23]
3F=Ring of Power[STR+18,INT-7]
40=Ring of Magic[STR-12,INT-16]
41=Dragon Ring[STR+6,FIRE+14]
42=Thunder Ring[STR+3,ELEC+15,WHITE+6]
43=Engraved Ring[INT+11,BLACK+19,WHITE-11]
44=Demon Ring[STR+21,BLACK+17,WHITE-15]
45=Ring of Protection[INT+5,PHYS+12,WHITE+14]
46=Battle Bugle[STR+2,PHYS+2]
47=Ninja Garb[PHYS+3,BLACK+2]
48=Samurai Armour[PHYS+5]
49=Mail of Neil[PHYS+7]
4A=Golden Mail[PHYS+12]
4B=Mail of Earth[PHYS+16,WHITE+7]
4C=Houlou's Robe[PHYS+7,FIRE+11]
4D=Snow Cape[PHYS+11,COLD+16]
4E=Black Armour[PHYS+8,BLACK+4,WHITE-3]
4F=Death's Cape[PHYS+13,BLACK+17,WHITE-11]
50=White Garb.Light[PHYS+4,WHITE+3]
51=White Cape[PHYS+5,WHITE+13]
52=Pirate's Helm[PHYS+2]
53=Silver Helmet[PHYS+3,WHITE+1]
54=Silver Tiara[PHYS+3,+8]
55=Mystic Veil[FIRE+7,ICE+11,WHITE+5]
56=King's Crown[PHYS+17]
57=Burning Band[FIRE+6,ICE-4]
58=Ice Bandana[FIRE-9,ICE+7]
59=Thunder Helm[PHYS+5,ELEC+8]
5A=Demon Mask[PHYS+4,BLACK+8,WHITE-6]
5B=Royal Crown[PHYS+7,WHITE+13]
5C=Iron Gloves[PHYS+2]
5D=Thunder Club[PHYS+3,ELEC+4]
5E=Spiked Shield[PHYS+6]
5F=Power Shield[PHYS+19,FIRE-8,ICE-5]
60=Honour Shield[PHYS+14,WHITE+7]
61=Ogre Shield[PHYS+18,BLACK+21]
62=Fire Shield[PHYS+9,FIRE+12]
63=Cold Shield[PHYS+8,ICE+15]
64=Nue's Shield[PHYS+8,ELEC+15]
65=Ginger Cake[Baked by a bored but talented Monk]
66=Black Lotus[Very potent in the making of potions]
67=Olden Orb[One of the jewels of Fellana]
68=Book of Good[The rules of behaviour for true.warriors]
69=Flashy Cape[A cape made by the gentleman Lexar]
6A=Gnomish Nugget[A lump of gold containing the spirit of the Earth]
6B=Beautiful Statue[A statue of an unknown magician]
6C=Platinum Medal[A symbol of rank]
6D=Mulmy's Map[A tresure map made by the Pirate Mulmy]
6E=The Saga[A saga of ancient kings and kingdoms]
6F=Sentoul Demon[A statue of the demon Sentoul]
70=Battle Carving[An engraving of a battle of the gods]
71=Font of Desire[A magic bowl]
72=Wing of Victory[The seal the Kingdom of Zenobia]
73=Forest Pendant[Containins a forest spirit]
74=Mercury[An emblem of warriors who died for honour]
75=Lemming Herbs[A magic herb]
76=Zebra Fur[A very unique fur coat]
77=Moon Rose[A white gem]
78=Statue of Woe[A secret statue kept by a group of cultists]
79=Song of Sodoh[A forbidden poem dedicated to Diablo]
7A=Golden Goblet[An ornately designed goblet]
7B=Gold Medal[A medal worn by an ancient officer]
7C=Amatsu Statue[A mystic statue]
7D=Dragon's Bones[Used to make magic items]
7E=Golden Bough[Grows only on an island in the Eastern Sea]
7F=Evil Censer[A beautiful censer used in evil ceremonies]
80=Rainbow Shell[A peice of the shell from the.Rainbow Turtle]
81=Star Fragment[A peice of a shooting star]
82=Black Orc's Fur[A fur of an animal which lives in the Underworld]
83=Beast Coin[The oldest known coin]
84=Empress Cameo[A fashion accessory popular among nobles]
85=FireSeal['What's this name written here? FIRESEAL?']
86=Key of Destiny[A symbol of the successor to the King of Zenobia]
87=Gem of the Moors[A rare gem]
88=Black Pearl[A rare gem accessory]
89=Golden Beehive[A beehive. Said to cure any illness]
8A=Big Trophy[A stuffed behemoth]
8B=Tome of Myths[A record of the myths of the gods]
8C=Dragon's Jewel[A rare gem found only in the nests of dragons]
8D=Gem of Doun[A small ruby. One of the jewels of Fellana]
8E=Tablet of Yaru[A tablet with the teachings of the Monk Yaru]
8F=Book of the Dead[A Book with secrets of immortality]
90=Gem of Truth[One of the jewels of Fellana]
91=Sable Fur[A sable fur known as the 'Living Night']
92=Relief Medallion[Medal of the general from.the Ancient Kingdoms]
93=Ivory Goddess[Masterpiece of the master carver Balkas]
94=Box of Salvation[A box which can never be opened or broken]
95=Solom's Chest[A jewel-box made by the Wizard Solom]
96=Necronomicon[The greatest tome of evil]
97=Stone of Dragos[Using this stone on a stone BeastMaster he
can understand dragons]
98=Undead Staff[By using this on a Mage he can speak to the dead]
99=Undead Ring[Using this on a Necro he joins the undead]
9A=Blood Kiss[A symbol of the undead. If you use it on a Knight...?]
9B=Royal Crown[Crown of royalty used on an Amazonian...?]
9C=Rotten Pumpkin[A rotten pumpkin? Try it on a Pumpkin Head...?]
9D=Promotion[Raises a character one level]
9E=Vitality Potion[Raises a character's max HP]
9F=Strength Potion[A Raises a character's STR]
A0=Speed Potion[A Raises a character's AGI]
A1=Tome of Learning[A Raises a character's INT]
A2=Heart of Leo[Raises a character's CHA]
A3=Soul Mirror[Raises a character's ALI]
A4=Lucky Charm[Raises a characters LUK]
A5=Cure Potion[Heals one character 50 HP]
A6=Cure Stone[Heals one character 100 HP]
A7=Ethereal Flute[Restores a dead character]
A8=Summoning Chime[Calls forth a Neutral Unit]
A9=Cure Ankh[Cures 100 HPs for each character in a Unit]
AA=Egg of Wonder[Find out what grows inside by cracking it open]
AB=Full Moon Stone[Summons forth a weretiger]
AC=Joker Tarot[Will be randomly inscribed upon.use]
AD=Dinner Bell[Sends one unit back to the Rebel Base]
AE=Dowsing Rod[Shows the location of one buried.treasure]
AF=Trade Ticket[Summons a mysterious merchant]
B0=Mass Summons[Sends friendly units to place of Opinion Leader]
B1=Persuasion Spell[Wins one enemy unit to side of Rebels]
B2=7 League Boots[Will warp a Unit to any freed town or temple]
B3=Termites[A bag of hungry termites]
B4=Moonbeam[Changes day into night]
B5=Ray of Sunshine[Changes night into day]
B6=Crystal Ball[Shows the location of a hidden city or temple]
B7=Glass Pumpkin[Allows one to summon Pumpkin Heads]
B8=Star of Heroes[An emblem which may only be obtained by a Hero]
B9=Bell of Light[Will bring life to cold stone]
BA=Grail[One of the 3 Mystic Treasures]
BB=Mystic Armband[One of the 3 Mystic Treasures]
BC=Garnet[The 1st Stone of Zodiac.Signifies Rulership]
BD=Amethyst[The 2nd Stone of Zodiac.Signifies Reverance]
BE=Aquamarine[The 3rd Stone of Zodiac.Signifies Peace]
BF=Diamond[The 4th Stone of Zodiac.Signifies Wisdom]
C0=Emerald[The 5th Stone of Zodiac.Signifies Leadership]
C1=Pearl[The 6th Stone of Zodiac.Signifies Constancy]
C2=Ruby[The 7th Stone of Zodiac.Signifies Honour]
C3=Peridot[The 8th Stone of Zodiac.Signifies Knowlege]
C4=Sapphire[The 9th Stone of Zodiac.Signifies Victory]
C5=Opal[The 10th Stone of Zodiac.Signifies Compassion]
C6=Topaz[The 11th Stone of Zodiac.Signifies Prosperity]
C7=Turquoise[The 12th Stone of Zodiac.Signifies Royalty]
C8=Gem of All[A symbol of Betrayal. Has great destructive powers]

7E099AE7=Max out current HP
7E099B03=Max out current HP
7E0ADB03=Max HP
7E1F06FF=Max STR
7EF42C64=Max CHA
7E0C1A64=Max ALI
7EF14863=Max LEVEL
7EF49063=Max LUCK

7E099CE7=Max out current HP
7E099D03=Max out current HP
7E0ADD03=Max HP
7E1F07FF=Max STR
7EF42D64=Max CHA
7E0C1B64=Max ALI
7EF14963=Max LEVEL
7EF49163=Max LUCK

00- Buildings
01- Fighter
02- Knight
03- Paladin
04- Wild Man
05- Evil One
06- Samurai
07- Samurai Master
08- Ninja
09- Ninja Master
0A- Amazon
0B- Valkyrie
0C- Muse
0D- Beast Man
0E- Beast Master
0F- Dragoner
10- Dragon Master
11- Doll Mage
12- Doll Master
13- Wizard
14- Mage
15- Sorcerer
16- Lich
17- Witch
18- Cleric
19- Shaman
1A- Monk
1B- Mermaid
1C- Nixie
1D- WereWolf
1E- Tigerman
1F- Beast Man (Tigerman/Werewolf day form)
20- Vampire Awake
21- Vampire Asleep
22- Princess
23- Pumpkin
24- Holloween
25- Golem
26- Rock Golem
27- Iron Golem
28- Giant
29- Ice Giant
2A- Titan
2B- Fire Giant
2C- Hell Hound
2D- Cereberus
2E- Octopus
2F- Kraken
30- Dragon
31- Red Dragon
32- Silver Dragon
33- Black Dragon
34- Red Dragon II
35- Salamander
36- Gold Dragon
37- Platinum
38- Tiamat
39- Zombie Dragon
3A- Skeleton
3B- Wraith
3C- Ghost
3D- Phantom
3E- Hawk Man
3F- Eagle Man
40- Raven Man
41- Angel
42- Cherubim
43- Seraphim
44- Imp
45- Demon
46- Devil
47- Faerie
48- Pixie
49- Sylph
4A- Gryphon
4B- Cockatrice
4C- Wyrm
4D- Wyvern
4E- Male or Female Lord (Slice/Iainuki)
4F- Male or Female Lord (Poison/Phantom)
50- Male or Female Lord (Banish/Ice Cloud)
51- Male or Female Lord (Slice/Thunder)
52- Wise Man (Random Magic attack X 6) - game freezes in front
53- Diablo Head 1 (crash/Fire attacks X 2) - game freezes
54- Diablo Head 2 (crash/Ice attacks X 2) - game freezes
55- Diablo Head 3 (crash/fire attacks X 2) - game freezes
56- Black Queen (Ice/Multiple Strong Magic X 5) - game freezes in front
57- Highlander (Multiple 'magic' X 5) - game freezes totally
58- Prince (Uses Enhanced Chop Techniques X 3 ) - game freezes in front
59- Prince (purple cloak - see 58) - game freezes in front
5A- Prince (Chop X 3) - okay to use front
5B- Gemini (Nova/Kick Moves X3)
5D- Dandy - (Multiple Magic X 3) - freezes game at back
5E- Dandy - (Multiple Magic X 3) - freezes game at back
5F- General (enemy)
60- Jumping General (enemy) - freeze game at back
61- Running Jumping General (enemy) - freeze game at back
62- Red Running Jumping General (enemy) - freeze game at back
63- General (Slice/Iainaku)
64- General (Slice/Blade)
65- Dragoon (Green)

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