繼日前 SCEA 正式宣佈將在 3 月 24 日於北美地區推出 PSP 掌機時同梱附贈「蜘蛛人 2」UMD 光碟格式影片的消息之後,同屬於 SONY 集團的 Sony Pictures Entertainment(SPE)亦宣佈將在 4 月中旬推出 -「限制級戰警(xXx)」、「地獄男孩(Hellboy)」、「惡靈古堡II:啟示錄(Resident Evil: Apocalypse)」、「英雄不回頭(Once Upon a Time in Mexico)」等四部電影的 UMD 光碟影片。
巧的是上述這四部片也都是隸屬於 SPE 或是其旗下:哥倫比亞(Columbia Pictures)、三星(TriStar Pictures, 不是韓國的電子大廠 SAMSUNG)等電影公司的發行作品,顯見 SONY 積極推廣 UMD 影音光碟,以及打算讓 PSP 能為本世紀再創 SONY Walkman 隨身聽風潮的決心,這樣一來多少也能再刺激北美地區玩家的買氣 - 雖然現在這臺掌上型主機在日本地區還是供不應求中,但日後待產能趨於穩定之後,或許處處可見人手一機低頭看著 UMD 影片也說不定。
(LittleHsin 報導)
Sony expanded Friday on its bid to establish the new PlayStation Portable as a multimedia device by announcing plans to release more movies formatted to play on the handheld game machine.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment said action films XXX, Hellboy, Resident Evil: Apocalypse, and Once Upon a Time in Mexico will be available for the PSP in mid-April, a few weeks after the device launches in North America. Additional movie releases on the new Universal Media Disc (UMD) optical media format used by the PSP will be made monthly thereafter, according to the announcement.
Sony revealed plans for the PSP last year, positioning it as potential breakthrough machine that would do for digital media what the Walkman did for analog music. Besides the new UMD media format, the device includes built-in wireless networking and 3D graphics capabilities.
While Sony is primarily marketing the device as a game machine, the company has also been gradually emphasizing its capabilities as a music and video device. The company announced last week that the PSP would go on sale in North America on March 24 as part of a package that includes a UMD copy of the hit movie Spider-Man 2.
Sony electronics and entertainment divisions are notorious for not working well together. But Howard Stringer, chief executive of Sony Corporation of America, has vowed to change that with products such as the PSP. "We're working together in real harmony now," he said in a recent interview with CNET News.com. "We understand each other's problems, and we have a better chance of solving some of these issues."
・ ガンダムのUMD映像タイトルが発売へ
(2005年02月12日 11:39)
ソニーピクチャーズ・ホームエンターテインメントはCNETの記事で米国で11日、アクション映画の「XXX トリプルX」「ヘルボーイ」「バイハザード2 アポカリプス」「レジェンド・オブ・メキシコ デスペラード」を北米でのPSP発売数週間後の4月中に発売することを明かしました。
[ Last edited by 楚盈儿 on 2005-2-13 at 05:54 ] |