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[4/16] 乘胜追击!PSP《Untold Legend 2》开发中!

发表于 2005-4-16 05:06:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  SONY 線上娛樂公司(S.O.E, Sony Online Entertainment)的品牌經理 Chris Sturr 在接受國外知名電玩網站 GameDAILY 產業新聞專欄專訪時透露道,S.O.E 第一款在北美地區與 PSP 同步上市的暢銷遊戲作品《無盡的傳說:刀鋒公會(Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade, UL: BotB)》,其遊戲續作正在開發中,而且未來也可能會有其他《無盡的傳說:刀鋒公會》系列作品在其他電玩主機平臺上出現;Chris Sturr 表示:「如同我講的,我們正致力於 PSP 版《無盡的傳說:刀鋒公會》續作開發之外,依照我們其他的遊戲產品策略,我們也將把《無盡的傳說:刀鋒公會》遊戲品牌(系列)帶到其他的電玩平臺上」。

  在 S.O.E 本屆 E3 展的三款遊戲出展名單當中,他們除了要展出本家所擅長的 MMORPG 遊戲作品 - 《EverQuest II, EQ2》最新遊戲資料片之外,剩下兩款還沒公佈遊戲標題名稱(Untitled)的展示作品,竟然都是 PSP 平臺上的遊戲,或許這其中一款就是 Chris Sturr 告訴 GameDAILY 的那款正在開發中的《無盡的傳說:刀鋒公會》續作。

  目前的情報僅知道這款《無盡的傳說:刀鋒公會》續作正在開發中,Chris Sturr 並沒有透露其上市日期資訊以及其他遊戲特色或網路連線模式,也許下個月中的 E3 展裡會有最新的《無盡的傳說:刀鋒公會》續作情報也說不定。
(巴哈姆特 LittleHsin 報導)



Second Legend To Be Told
SOE plans to make RPG fans very happy once again.
by Nix

April 14, 2005 - The biggest hit of the PlayStation Portable launch, according to some early retail reports, was surprisingly a newcomer. Sony Online Entertainment took a chance leaving behind the Champions of Everquest name for its PSP action-adventure game, but adventure gamers took arms for the PSP game Untold Legends, the only RPG-type game for the PSP in North America.

Rumors of a sequel were whispered about early on (when asked why PSP online play was not part of a Sony Online game, the team often said that it was something it was considering on a follow-up title when more development tools for the hardware are available and more time can be dedicated to the feature.) Stories of an eminent follow-up are now more than a murmur, as gaming business site GameDaily.biz confirmed with SOE that Untold Legends II is already in development. No further details are available on the sequel, but there are plans to also expand Untold Legends as a multi-console franchise.
"As I speak we are working on the development of UL II for the PSP in addition to other product strategies to bring the UL brand to other platforms," said SOE Brand Manager Chris Sturr in the interview with GameDaily.

SOE already has two untitled PSP project on the Big E3 List -- it'd be a quick swing for the team to already have a sequel ready to show for a game that launched just a few weeks ago, but with the enthusiasm behind the game going for both the RPG crowd and the developers working on the franchise, it would make sense for SOE to throw its weight behind a follow-up.

Feedback on the first PSP Untold Legends was overwhelmingly positive from Reader Reviews of the game. Critical opinion was also strong, with only some hesitation on its rougher edges and launch-quality sacrifices (for a full slate of opinions on the game, browse the GameStats' Untold Legends listing.) Sony Online has plenty to work with on a sequel, and the fanbase is already waiting for its arrival. Look for more on the follow-up Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade in the near future.

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 楼主| 发表于 2005-4-16 05:13:15 | 显示全部楼层
●海外で評価の高い 『Untold Legends 』の続編を開発中!?

PSP『Untold Legends 』は、エバークエストで有名なソニーオンラインテンエンタテイメントの作品です。
北米でPSPの発売前から評価の高かった『Untold Legends 』。発売後も、ネットショッピングサイトで高い売上を確保できたと報じられています。

さて、この『Untold Legends 』ですが、日本版の発売すら決定していない段階で、海外向けに『Untold Legends 』の続編が開発されているとの事です。

海外サイトGameDaily.bizのインタビューで、『「Untold Legends」 ブランドを(PS2やPS3などのプラットフォームへ持って来るために、私たちは、架け橋となるPSPの『Untold Legends 2』 の開発に取り組んでいます』『RPGというジャンルにおいて、PSPとGBAとのソフトラインアップを比較して開発を決定した』と、SOEブランドマネージャー:クリス・スチュアーが語りました



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