May 17, 2005 - In between furiously posting the latest game information, we had the time to shoot the breeze with a PR representative from a third-party company. The conversation drifted towards the frame rate issues that we've seen while previewing a few Xbox 360 titles. There is no doubt that the level of detail in the trailers is up to next-gen standards, but almost anything in-engine has chugged a bit at one point or another.
When asked about this issue our source replied that the current playable 360 games would all have frame rate issues due to the fact that they are running on alpha units. A rough estimate placed these machines at about one-third as powerful as the 360. We went head-to-head in Top Spin 2 and noticed that there were visible jaggies and a few frame drops. This is because the Alpha units do not run anti-aliasing and simply don't have the power to run a high-res game at full quality. The developers had tuned Top Spin 2 to run at a smooth 60 frames per second but this was simply not possible on the Alpha hardware. We have heard that the final development kits will arrive in July and they promise to look much better.
It is not surprising that many games in early stages would suffer from the types of issues we've seen so far. If the alpha units are underpowered, it is surprising that we haven't heard about this earlier. Knowing that the final products will most definitely run smoother certainly got us more excited about the 360 line-up
根据报道,提供给IGN编辑的那些视频虽然细致程度毫无疑问是下一代主机的标准,但是都存在着帧数问题,他们询问了提供视频的消息来源,得到的回答是这些存在问题的视频都是在 Xbox 360 Alpah 开发机上做出来的,只用到了 Xbox 360 1/3 的性能指标,因此可以想象微软目前向大家展示的其实是 Xbox 120。例如提供的 Topspin 2 的视频和截图中,感觉到了帧数不足和看到很多锯齿,这是因为 Alpha 开发机上并没有全屏抗锯齿的功能、也没有运行高清晰720p、1080i游戏的全部能力。最终的开发机版本将在6、7月到达厂商手上,开发小组承诺到时候的游戏质素可以毫无问题。
根据MS的说法E3放出来的游戏图片大部分只动用了XB360的 1/3的机能
When you put it into perspective and you realize that these games that we're seing are only at 1/3 of the potential that they can be, it actually puts the excitement back into everything
The IGN PS2 editors confirmed on the IGN boards that the video was not real time. The only real time part of Sony's presentation was the UE3 demo.
根据国外论坛消息,是Kill Zone 系列的开发组在美国 G4TV 上接受采访的时候承认整段视频是请另外一家公司做的CG,开发组的目的是想向大家演示游戏的玩法和希望达到的效果。但是索尼肯定故意不说明情况的,看Gamespot消息,编辑和记者问到是不是CG的时候,索尼方面人员只是笑笑,没有回应。这就可以说明问题了。
请让我这个任饭闪过~呵呵~ |