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[转帖] 破解UMD的WAB开发小组访谈(简译版)

发表于 2005-7-6 05:47:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<djp-> So, how do you feel about the PSP being hacked so quickly after the USA release date?
<AloneTrio> to be exact, it is my first code/project in the console scene, before i just coded some intro on psx and xbox, so i dunno nothing about rules and history of other console
(确切的说,这是我第一次在console scene?上做编码,之前我曾在PSX XBOX上也弄过一些,所以我一点都不知道这一行的规矩和历史)
<AloneTrio> but(但是)

<djp-> I see, so this is pretty much a whole new experience for you.

<AloneTrio> it seem that all skilled ppl got effort to make this console hacked quicly and grow the homebrew scene ( loser_, oopo, mrbrown,etc..) with their legal toolchain and pspsdk

<djp-> Yes, the PSP Dev scene has grown rapidly(是的,PSPDEV小组是迅速成长出名的)

<djp-> You guys are making big moves in the PSP scene with your loaders, Can you tell us anything about V3?
<AloneTrio> so, at first i WAB is a oldskool demo lover team, i had a big demo for psp, with main menu ( already coded ) and i planed to invite all coder to take part to this project coding a little screen for the demo. so i needed to code a little routs that could be able to run other elf from the main menu. here why wab launcher v1 is born.
(恩 首先,WAB是一个比较怀旧?的组织,我现在有一个PSP的已经破译的部分并且我准备邀请一切能做到的人来加入破译的行列,所以我需要先写一些能直接从菜单运行的东西,这就是WAB LAUNCHER V1的来历)
<AloneTrio> now it seem that ppl want play gamez ( they legaly have) to play from their memory stick
<AloneTrio> so i delayed the demo release to give more effort on V3 decdied to game launcher(所以我推迟了这个的放出来完善V3)

<AloneTrio> but
<AloneTrio> i delayed the V3 release date coz, rumors said that ps2nfo guys got hands on my "v3 internal", and rumor was confirmed by the announcement of their own launcher(我之所以推迟V3的发布,是有谣言说PS2NFO的那群人将解手我的V3,并且谣言还被宣告承认?了)

<AloneTrio>so i will wait until ps2nfo release, i will disassemble it, then release V3 WITH source code, and show ppl, who are the BIG mouth (所以我要等PS2NFO先放出来 然后我解开研究,看看核心到底是什么 再给公众看看 谁在说大话)

<djp-> so with the release being delayed, why dont you guys just implement something else to prove to the world that it is actualy yours in a hidden fashion
<djp-> yea, that will shut them up(是啊,这样会让他们闭嘴的)

<djp-> Do you guys feel a media center will come into play? Like XBMC did for the XBOX?
(恩 你们有没有考虑过一个媒体中心?就想XBMC在XBOX上的作用一样)
<AloneTrio> i think if it goes, it wont be from our team, we have already start a new project, "wab psp linux" directed by gimli, the mr of debian portage on xbox.
(恩我想如果真有的话,不会由我们来完成,我们已经开始了一项新的计划 “WAB PSP LINUX” 直接来自于XBOX上的)
<djp-> ok thanks (谢谢)

<djp-> Do you think streaming .iso from our computer's or another media device will be capable in the future?
<AloneTrio> if you want a real scoop, a tool will come soon too, that rip umd, not on your ms, but directly to your pc, throught USB so i think stream will be possible by the same way
(如果真想挖掘下去,工具很快就会有的,就象RIP UMD ,不在你的PSP上而是直接在电脑上RIP,通过USB,所以我认为直接流媒体方式也一样可行)
<djp-> sounds sweet
<djp-> last question
<djp-> How do you guys feel about the stuff that PS2NFO is pulling on the scene right now renaming and retagging other peoples hard work?
<AloneTrio> like i said i am in console scene since some days, i didn't even heard about ps2nfo before but when i see what they do with false info etc.. i really think they are like pspupdate, i mean ONLY WEBSITE HITS MAKER
(就如我说 我以前并不知道PS2NFO,但当我知道他们的所作所为后,我更加认为他们简直就象PSPUPDATE一样,完全以吸引眼球以达到高点击率)


<djp-> thanks man i really appreciate the interview
<djp-> is there anything that i missed that you would like to cover?
<AloneTrio> just to say, that even if i am new in console scene
<AloneTrio> i am 31 yo and involved in demo scene while good old amiga/atari war
<AloneTrio> i am not really new, that what i wanna mean
(我并不是新手 就这意思)

<djp-> thanks, we really are looking foward to your v3 released(多谢,我们期待V3的降临)

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发表于 2005-7-6 06:55:40 | 显示全部楼层
晚上等了 一个晚上很多人(我刚起来不久)还没出啊!

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