Nw BBS 壬天堂世界

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发表于 2005-7-13 19:44:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1) DS is confirmed to be the platform for D/P, and like before, both games will come out together

2) The games will be able to connect with both the GBA and GC, and the producer said they will be compatible with all the GBA games released so far (he didn't mention Colosseum and XD in particular, but it's granted that they might be too), and you can transfer all the pokemon you worked hard on in R/S/E/FR/LG to D/P (most likely there will be limitations like you can't trade before you beat something in D/P, although it isn't mentioned)

3) Neither of the three men specified the exact number of new pokemons, but they just say there will be a lot, including both pre-evo and new evo of existing pokemons

4) The new pokemons revealed so far like Munchlax and Rukario will be in the games, though they still haven't finalized how their roles will be. Corocoro's small bracket quote states that the same pokemon usually plays a different role in the movies and in the games

5) D/P takes place in a completely different new region compared with Kanto, Johto and Hoenn. However, this new region's inhabitants will certainly include existing pokemons. The Corocoro quote wonders if it will be a high-tech region like Orre in XD

6) How the opening sequence of D/P will be remains undecided. Up to R/S/E, players pick one out of three starters and add 5 more members to build their team. The three men didn't mention if this trend will change, but said everything is still under discussion

7) About the new features of DS, the producer mentioned that D/P will make use of DS's capability of linking 16 players together, and will most likely make use of the touch-screen function like Dash

8) The producer confirms that there will not be new types, but there will be new type combinations, like Rukario's steel/fighting combo type

9) Pokemon Ranger - The Path to Diamond and Pearl, will be a project released in 2006 that goes in conjunction with the new movie and anime (it doesn't mean they will come out together, just that all these new pokemon stuff will all enter the pokemon world in 2006, and complement each other). The Corocoro quote mentions that the preview of next year's movie (probably shown during movie 8) will feature this Pokemon Ranger title.

*Now, there is no real proof that this is a game, so I'll just call it a project from the literal Japanese translation, although this Japanese term is often used to describe games. Since Corocoro calls it the new project aside from D/P, chances are it is a game.

       《口袋妖怪 钻石.珍珠》将在DS这一平台发行,这已经得到确认,一如既往,游戏将分两个版本一同发行

       该游戏将能够与GBA和GC互联,制作人声称它将与GBA目前所发行的所有口袋妖怪游戏相兼容(没专门指明GC上的《口袋口袋竞技场》和《口袋妖怪XD》,不过理所当然它们应该兼容的),并且你能把自己精心培养的口袋妖怪从《红/蓝/绿宝石》和《火红.叶绿》传送到 《钻石. 珍珠》。(虽未提及,跟之前相似,可能在新作中中未击败任何怪兽前,将存在不能交易之类的限制等)





       关于DS的新的特色,制造商提到该作将充分利用DS的性能,使16人联机成为可能,并且极有可能像DS的《口袋妖怪 Dash》那样采用触摸屏的设计


      而《口袋妖怪 Ranger --通往钻石.珍珠之路》将会是2006发布的一部与电影和动画相关联的新作。(并不是会与电影同时发布,只是来年一同出现在新规划的口袋妖怪世界中,并互相补充)。来年电影的预告片(有可能在口袋妖怪剧场版第8弓单上映时)将会展示这部作品。


                                                                       翻译 北国之春  校对整理:  NINTENDODX

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