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[07/31] World of Mana(圣剑传说) 已确认PS2和DS版同时存在

发表于 2005-7-31 22:09:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
根据IGN的报道,SE在30-31日开展的自社展会中透露,World of Mana将会围绕世界树的剧情,推出多个平台,多个剧情的多个游戏标题。联系之前上半年中曾经放出的DS版消息,以及最近流传的革命版谜之图片,貌似会有 REV + DS 联动的圣剑传说的可能哦

Square Enix 2005: World of Mana Goes Multiplatform
Square Enix shows a gorgeous new trailer and shares some art.
by Anoop Gantayat
July 30, 2005 - World of Mana does exist! Following a tease early last year, all went quiet on Square Enix's secret Seiken Densetsu (the Japanese name for the Mana series) revival project. Until late last year, that is, when the company revealed that it was working on a new Mana game for the DS. All went quiet again until a few weeks back when it was revealed that a mysterious project called "World of Mana" would be appearing in trailer form at the Square Enix Party 2005, a Japanese event showcasing Square Enix's biggest titles in playable form.

That event kicked off today, and IGN got the chance to view the World of Mana trailer. The short, CG trailer starts off with a scene of birds seemingly flying through a forest. As the trailer progresses, a symphonic score slowly growing in the background, the forest turns out to be the top of a massive tree. Hundreds or maybe thousands of birds are swarming this tree, which shoots up from a surrounding forest like a skyscraper amongst single story houses.
The tree in the trailer is the Mana Tree, and it seems to serve as the center piece of World of Mana. The trailer ends with "A grand tale that begins with the Mana Tree will unravel before you."

Square Enix's press materials provides further hints on the nature of World of Mana:

"The Legend Lives On. Epic new tails in the Mana series are in the midst of being spun. From past to present, and on to the future, the Mana series continues to evolve. Glimpse the many facets of the World of Mana through a multitude of platforms -- glimpses that will soon unfold into an unforgettable fantasy experience. The day you can next step into the world of Mana is drawing near."

Elsewhere, IGN was able to learn that World of Mana will center on the Mana Tree and the Holy Sword (the "Seiken" of the Japanese title). The project hopes to feature fresh, soft backgrounds, personable characters and a new story surrounding the Mana Tree. Rather than just one title, we can look forward to multiple titles across multiple genres and on multiple platforms.

Sadly, we're still none-the-wiser to what form World of Mana will take. However, with the promise of new developments in the project happening soon, we shouldn't have to wait too long to hear more.

Check out the artwork Square Enix shared with us while you wait for further details on World of Mana.


[ 本帖最后由 myhyli 于 2005-8-1 08:45 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-7-31 22:27:59 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-8-1 08:21:37 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2005-8-1 08:25:58 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2005-8-1 08:43:32 | 显示全部楼层
http://www.n-next.com/index.php? ... om=&ucat=2&


World of Mana For DS - (July 31, 2005)
A few months ago, Square-Enix announced that it had a Mana game in production for the Nintendo DS. Recently, a trailer was shown in Japan for World of Mana for the PS2. So where did the DS version go? Square-Enix just answered that. It turns out that two versions of World of Mana are in developement. A PS2 exclusive version and a DS exclusive version.

It's safe to say that these two versions of World of Mana will be vastly different, but will the difference be for the better? Square-Enix has not released many details regarding the games, nor have they announced a release date.

Source: Square-Enix

使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-8-1 09:09:11 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-8-1 09:45:38 | 显示全部楼层
聖劍傳説的英文應該是sword of mana 吧

使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-8-1 11:16:01 | 显示全部楼层
貌似是 legend of  mana....

使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-8-1 21:00:00 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-8-1 22:57:43 | 显示全部楼层


方形的Enix 2005 年: Mana 世界去Multiplatform 方形的Enix 展示一辆华美的新拖车和分享一些艺术。由Anoop Gantayat 2005 年7月30 日- Mana 世界存在! 从事一戏弄早期的去年, 所有安静去在方形的Enix 的秘密Seiken Densetsu (日本名字对于Mana 系列) 复兴项目。直到上半年, 即, 当公司显露这在新Mana 赛有效为DS 。所有安静再去直到几个星期当它显露一个神奇项目叫做"Mana 世界" 会出现以拖车形式在方形的Enix 党2005 年, 日本事件陈列方形的Enix 的最大的标题以右演奏的形式。

事件今天开始, 和IGN 得到了机会观看Mana 拖车世界。短小, CG 拖车开始以鸟场面表面上飞行通过森林。当拖车进步, 一个交响乐团的比分缓慢生长在背景中, 森林结果是一棵巨型的树的上面。上百或数以万计鸟可能swarming 这棵树,
射击从一个周围的森林象一个摩天大楼在唯一故事房子之中。树在拖车是Mana 树, 并且它似乎担当Mana 世界中心部分。拖车以"从Mana 树开始将解开在您之前的一个盛大传说结束。"

方形的Enix 的新闻材料提供进一步提示在Mana 世界的本质:

"传奇生活在史诗新尾巴在Mana 系列是在转动中间。从过去到现在, 和对未来, Mana 系列继续演变。Glimpse Mana 世界的许多小平面通过一许多平台-- 很快将展开入令人难忘的幻想经验的瞥见。您能其次跨步入Mana 世界的天临近。"

在别处, IGN 能获悉, Mana 世界将围绕在Mana 树和圣洁剑("Seiken" 日本标题) 。项目希望以新, 软的背景、漂亮的字符和一个新故事为特色围拢Mana 树。而不是一个标题, 我们能盼望多个标题横跨多种风格和在多个平台。

哀伤地, 我们是无这明智的对Mana 什么形式世界将采取。但是, 以新发展诺言在项目很快发生, 我们不应该必须太长期等待听见更多。

检查艺术品正方形Enix 与我们被分享当您等进一步细节在Mana 世界。

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