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发表于 2005-9-12 17:24:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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Top Links: GS Realm | GS Adept's Refuge | Venus Lighthouse | Aerie of the Roc   


Cheats and Secrets

GS/Cheats Websites:
Gameshark codes
Code Breaker codes

Name additionnal characters:

Before finishing Isaac's nickname, press select 3 times. You should hear a ring if it worked. That will allow you to rename Ivan, Garet and Mia. Then, you can press Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, and Select to name Felix, Jenna and Sheba. Pretty cool, huh?

Go to Crossbone Isle early:

Yup it's possible! There isn't much of an advantage, since you won't be getting very far without the cloak ball, but it displays a nice cinematic that you can watch when bored. When you are on the Tolbi ship, and you need to ask peoples to row, make it so these people are in the rowing positions and you will reach Crossbone Isle.  

Automatically return to the latest Sanctum:

Before loading your game, hold L (left shoulder), Start and Select. While keeping them held, press A to enter the game with your other hand. Do not release them until the game is fully loaded.  

Get the Kikuichimonji:

Here is a full-proof way to get the Kikuichimonji, a very powerful sword. Before starting things off, do whatever you need to do so that Mia attacks 3rd (after Ivan and Isaac), and Garet last (after Ivan, Isaac and Mia), but he must still be faster than the Fenrir and Ice Gargoyle. Then, head for the top floors of the Venus Lighthouse. When you reach the first room exiting the Tunnel Ruins and entering the upper Venus Lighthouse (the room with the psycrystal), save and close your game. Then open it up again. Walk around without leaving the room until you enter a fight. It will be a Fenrir and a Ice Gargoyle. You should attack first, if not, restart your game and try again.

For the first round, you must use attacks that will weaken them, but not kill the Fenrir. At level 40, and I used Storm Ray, Earthquake, Glacier and Flare Wall. If the Ice Gargoyle dies, it doesn't matter, but if the Fenrir dies, reset your gameboy and try again.

For this second round, make Ivan and Isaac defend, make Mia use Wish (or Wish Well or Pure Wish) and make Garet unleash Torch on the Fenrir. If you weakened it enough, it will die. If it doesn't, again, reset your gameboy and try again. If the Ice Gargoyle is still alive, kill it off any way you want.

When the battle ends, you will receive the Kikuichimonji.  

Get the Blessed Mace (Mia's best weapon):
Submitted by cobrix2@netzero.com
Go to the room with the psy crystal (The one after the Tunnel Ruins) and go through the doorway on the left where the statue and the electricity is. Save and Shut off you Game Boy. Turn it on, continue on the file you saved on go back into the room with the psy crystal. Run around until you encounter an enemy. It should be a willowisp and a recluse. Flee from that battle. Then run around again untill you get into another battle. This should be a Thunder Lizard. This is the battle comands you should put in:

Isaac: Attack
Garet: Defend
Ivan: Attack
Mia: Defend
Your agility should be lined up so that the turns are like this:
Ivan Attacks
Isaac Attacks
Mia Defends
Garet Defends
Thunder Lizard Attacks Mia

Then on the second turn input these battle comands:
Isaac: Use Djinni Flint
Garet: Doesn't Matter
Ivan: Defend
Mia: Doesn't matter
Again your agility should be alighned so that the second round goes like this:
Ivan Defends
Isaac Unleashes Flint
Thunder Lizard Dies.

After this you should get the Blessed Mace.
Note: There should be no critical hits or weapon unleashes when Isaac or Ivan attack otherwise restart your game boy and try again.  

Get the Feathered Robe (Ivan and Mia's best armor):
Submitted by cobrix2@netzero.com
Everybody has Djinn alighned with their adept typer (Earth with Isaac, Fire with Garet, Wind with Ivan, Water with Mia). Go to the room before the room where you would slide down to get to the light house arie (Narrow walking area with two doorways). Save here and restart your gameboy. Continue on the file you saved and run around until you get into a battle. It should be 2 Wild Gryphons. Input these commands for the battle commands with the big arrow on Wild Gryphon 1.

Isaac: Cast Mother Gaia
Garet: Cast Eruption
Ivan: Cast Shine Plasma
Mia: Cast Wish.
The Agilities should be Ivan, Isaac, Mia, Garet. Wild Gryphon 1 should die.

On turn 2 have Ivan unleash smog and every one else defend. After The battle it should die and you get a feathered robe!

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发表于 2005-9-12 19:16:53 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2005-9-12 21:52:13 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2005-9-13 00:36:02 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 太平间王子 于 2005-9-12 17:24 发表
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