刚到gamespot.com看了一下,这个游戏的评价是6分,很低.缺点是难度简单,还有skate park
overturn between bleachers这个连老外都发贴问,
Here's what I have written down somewhere:
sf = grind sidewalk under bridge
downtown = grind 2 blue benches near vans entrance
vans = brown snake barrier near above
school = stair up-left of table [probably a rail]
All of the above are grinds, I believe (except that you can instead choose to manual the san francisco gap). As you can tell by the topic just below this one, I haven't found the one for Hollywood.
Post if you find it, please!
Thanks for the old school gaps. Hollywood was the only one I could find.
Hollywood Gap: Up by the hollywood near the letter H there are two quarter pipes with a land mass between them. I just went up the pipe on the right and landed on the other one to get the gap. |