Microsoft's on track to portable gaming and media hardware?

Just about everyone and their mother (including Jobs) has called it or called for it by now: Microsoft. MP3 player. Portable gaming device. When's it gonna happen? Well, BusinessWeek apparently has it on authority that Microsoft's sick of all the supposed "iPod killers" that are failing in their assassination attempts, and that they're matters into their own hands. So how would their device theoretically differentiate itself from the rest of the pack? Says Peter Moore, "It can't just be our version of the iPod," and BizWeek states that "in addition to playing music and videos, a Microsoft device would include games." We'll cede the possibility that Microsoft may be working on a Gizmondo-like portable gaming and media device -- vague though it may be -- but honestly, what would a story like this be without the grandiloquent Sim Wong Hoo, CEO of Creative, making his standard-issue self-aggrandizing statement? Says Hoo, were Microsoft to build their own hardware in addition to their own portable software platform, their hardware partners would branch off and "what [they were] trying to build will collapse." Uh, yeah.
究極のiPodキラーとなるべく運命付けられているMSのポータブルデバイスについては、Xboxの大ボスPeter Moore氏がEngadgetとのインタビューで「単なるMS版iPodというわけにはいかない」「われわれがやるなら、音楽やビデオのほかにゲームもできるデバイスになるだろう」と語っている通り携帯ゲーム機にもなるというのが大方の予想ですが、ゲームも音楽も動画もできるiPodキラーを名乗りつつどの機能でもライバルに勝てない物悲しいマシンの二の舞にならず、音楽でiPodに勝ちゲームでも勝つのはいかにMSでも困難な課題。
とりあえずはXbox 360とのシナジーを足枷にしない(あまり重視すると日本で困る)、ごく最近まで陰惨なほど鳴かず飛ばずだったポータブルメディアセンターの教訓を活かす(圧勝できる自信がない限り独自フォーマットにこだわるのはやめましょう)あたりに気をつければ、三代目か五代目あたりにはiPodに勝てるんじゃないでしょうか。
(追記: すいません、「どの機能でもライバルに勝てない」は言い過ぎでした。携帯エミュレータマシンとしては一流です。)
[ 本帖最后由 司馬姨 于 2006-1-30 00:54 编辑 ] |